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Justin: I'm reverting and IP-blocking the spammers, when I see them. Should they become a real PITA, we should discuss/take other measures. -- HelmutLeitner December 22, 2011 12:01 CET |
Messages to Justin
Just like to say thanks for all the work you are doing to keep this wiki in shape. DerekParnell March 29, 2007 4:38 CET
Justin, the new style is extremely hard to read. I hate the everything is centered idea. Is just wrong. Please revert to normal, left-aligned pages, or let me know how I can do for my own viewing.
- I don't understand what you mean by "everything is centered". (Is there a particular page that looks bad?) I'm having trouble finding anything that's centered, but I reverted to the old style anyway. -- JustinCalvarese

- I guess that Opera is doing something totally different with the CSS than Firefox and IE are doing. Rather than make Opera users suffer, I'll install Opera on a computer, and wait until I come up with some CSS that makes everyone reasonably happy. (And I'm leaving this page with the new template for testing purposes.) -- JustinCalvarese
- Okay, I found the problem that showed up in Opera and fixed it. But I think I might tweak the styles some more before I change the whole site to use the new template. -- JustinCalvarese
Old Messages
Justin, I'm sorry about the spam problem that seems to have reached this wiki too. Some other wikis have already been hit very hard. We have a number of security measures that can be activated. I just want to assure you that I care about that problem and that it's not on your shoulders alone. I will also remove spam when I see it and I hope others will do so too. It's nice to have an open system but there may be a limit. Just tell me when your limit of tolerance is reached. -- HelmutLeitner
- Yeah, I was disappointed to see the spam, but it wasn't a big deal to fix a couple pages. I'm glad to hear that there are measures that can be taken, but I'd like to keep the system open for now. I'll let you know when I think it's become a problem. (And, of course, if you reach that limit before I do, by all means, close it off some.) -- JustinCalvarese
- Justin: I participate on another project that uses a variant of wiki called twiki ... that project required registration before you could author or revise pages. To me, it didn't seem onerous, but I would also acknowledge that their twiki is barely used. Sigh.
- Justin: I participate on another project that uses a variant of wiki called twiki ... that project required registration before you could author or revise pages. To me, it didn't seem onerous, but I would also acknowledge that their twiki is barely used. Sigh.
- That doesn't sound onerous at all to me. I think it's time for us to do something like that, too. The spammers seem to be gettng more obnoxious. -- JustinCalvarese
- Thanks for the heads up, John. I fixed it. -- JustinCalvarese
- Helmut, I hate to say it, but the spammers are out-of-control! -- JustinCalvarese
Justin, I emailed to Andy Friesen several days ago and have not heard from him. If you would get a copy of swig-with-dmd from his site, I would be happy to let you have a copy of the two files in it which I have edited, together with any advice you need to get running with wxWidgets. Although I mainly work on Linux, I have done some work with the Windows versions of DM and DMD. JohnFletcher
- I'd love to have those files. You can send me an e-mail (jcc7 at-sign cox dot net). I recently installed cygwin and I barely know what I doing ("make" is my friend), but I'll give it a shot. D could benefit from another cross-platform GUI library, and wxWidgets might fill that roll. -- JustinCalvarese
- When I mentioned cygwin, I meant that's how I planned to compile SWIG. If that doesn't work, I can still try dmc, MSVC++, Borland, etc. I plan to use the regular Windows version of dmd.exe to compile the resultant D (assuming I manage to compile SWIG). Sorry if wrote something confusing in the last message. In any case, now that I've found that files in my inbox, I'll try out SWIG. Thanks for your help. -- JustinCalvarese
Justin, Something of an oddity. When I revise a wiki4d page and include something in the Summary box, then the News list shows the origin of the change as a URL from (which is my cable modem ISP). If I neglect to put in a Summary, then the LynnAllan link shows up correctly. Am I doing something incorrectly? I'll see what happens if I leave the asterisk in the Summary box? -- LynnAllan
- Lynn, I'm not sure what you're seeing. Try clicking on "Preferences" and entering your username there.
Also maybe consider a layout with editable side bar, like (click "Edit SideBar?" on the lower left side).
another incarnation, just unfolding-- HelmutLeitner March 16, 2006 16:23 CET
- As you could guess, I don't quite know what I'm doing with the template, but I'm having fun. Thanks for the tips. One thing that I've seen in other pages (such as
this one) that I've had trouble trying to reproduce is headers with a long bottom border. One difference I've noticed is that Wiki4D's headers are embedded in tables, but other sites don't embed headers in tables. I don't know if my problem is related to the embedding in tables or just my inability to get the CSS right, but I guess I'm too picky. -- JustinCalvarese
- I don't know of a better way to describe the border, so I'll draw it out with ASCII art.
_Page_Section_________________________________________________________________________ This is where the body of the section goes.You mean the headers within the page, like the three above? In CSS probably, for in HTML I use tables and width=100%. I've my CCS books at my office. Can look into it tomorrow. If I'm wrong, tell me. -- HelmutLeitner March 16, 2006 21:46 CET
- Yes, I mean the headers within the page (e.g. "Webpages", "Wiki Subpages", "Messages" on this page). Could Wiki4D be running a different version of the wiki software than the main
Prowiki wiki is? I wonder because when I view the source and look at the headings, Wiki4D uses a <table> and a <font class="h?">, but ProWiki uses <h?> with no <table> and no <font>. Is this controlled by some sort of wiki setting that I need to add to the Context page? I could get the border to work the way I want if the software would just generate an <h?> like it does for ProWiki. I appreciate your help. -- JustinCalvarese
- Thank you very much. That's just what I was looking for. -- JustinCalvarese
Justin: I'm reverting and IP-blocking the spammers, when I see them. Should they become a real PITA, we should discuss/take other measures. -- HelmutLeitner December 22, 2011 12:01 CET
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