Last update February 1, 2013

Test Page

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Nothing done here needs HTML. A lot is interpreted by the Wiki software automatically (click on "Edit" to see whats written to create this page):

Table of contents of this page
A Heading   
Some D Example code   
Some Problematic code   
Internationalized text support   
Displaying images   
TOC and tables   
Escaping the Wiki syntax and links for mixed cases words   
Explicit links to other pages   
Section Linking   
Monospaced font style (Courier / Teletype)   

XyzTest or if you don't like CamelCase Xyz Test

Simple formating is done use the typical wiki markups:

  • This asterisk causes a list to happen.
    • Multiple asterisks generate sublists...
    • ... like this one.
  • this is bold with triple quotes before and after (no html required)
  • italic results from using pair of quotes before and after (not double-quote but ' and then another ')
  • bold and italic with five quotes before and after
  • <i>bold and italic</i> can also be accomplished similarily to html b and i tags.
  • prevent wiki formatting with
    • <nowiki>LeaveAlone</nowiki>
    • shorter: <n>LeaveAlone</n>
    • even shorter: Leave¦Alone yields LeaveAlone (it's not actually "|", but it that's what it looks like)
  • while in Edit Mode, there are clues just below this box
Some other formating is done using CDML syntax (like this marker, the code windows and the table of contents below).


And how to indent? on wikipedia it's done with a leading ':' -

if this is indented, this alse works here ; else have to figure out ... -- MFH

Variable TemplateFile:

A Heading    

int main() {
    return 0;

Some D Example code    

int main (char[][] args) {
    for (int index = 0; index < args.length; ++index) {
        printf(" arg %d: %.*s\n", index, args[index]);
    return 0;

Some Problematic code    

Use nowiki tags inside code that causes trouble because of embedded ] characters.
   This has an unbalanced ] inside of it

Back to the FrontPage.

Internationalized text support    

big5 中文字測試 (if your browser is better than my Netscape 4.7x, it will show 5 asiatic characters) Hell, I even didn't know this worked - but you can use these characters in pages names! (Oh, now I know why a Netscape install fills my hard disk: it's full of bitmaps of things I don't use! -- anon) (The asiatic characters show in IE 6. - xinaBobina)

In fact these characters are entered in the editor using Unicode, and rendered with a Unicode encoding in the generated HTML page.
両 丮 丯 丰 丱 串

つ づ び

Rendering the following two paragraphs of texts written with right-to-left scripts should give identical results (days of week in Arabic, from Sunday, Monday... to Saturday):
الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة السبت

الأحد الاثنين الثلاثاء الأربعاء الخميس الجمعة السبت

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Displaying images    

Automatically showing an image (may I introduce you to Culio):

Back to the FrontPage.


Referencing pages in other wikis: WardsWiki:DeeLanguage

or typical D resources: Phobos:thread

or a typical C resource: ClcFAQ?:1.1

This is done using InterWebLinks.

Back to the FrontPage.

TOC and tables    

Sorry, I forgot the "table of contents":

Table of contents of this page
A Heading   
Some D Example code   
Some Problematic code   
Internationalized text support   
Displaying images   
TOC and tables   
Escaping the Wiki syntax and links for mixed cases words   
Explicit links to other pages   
Section Linking   
Monospaced font style (Courier / Teletype)   

Garbage CollectionYesNoNoYesYesgarbage

Back to the FrontPage.

Escaping the Wiki syntax and links for mixed cases words    

Prevent the wiki from trying to create a new page when using mixed case:

  • Use the bar to: TinyPTC
  • Also works by using nowiki tag: TinyPTC
  • ALT-0166-character: TinyPTC
These tags are not seen by Netscape 7.01 - I cannot even see them using the editor.

TinyPTC -- this works for me putting in 4 quote marks. JohnFletcher

May not be reliable if there are other markups on the same line (The classical form was WardsWiki:SixSingleQuotes to do this).

One can also configure a wiki that certain CamelCase? names never link automatically: Context: link.suppress.TinyTest=y.

TinyTest but TinyTest?. -- HelmutLeitner September 15, 2004 16:25 CET

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Explicit links to other pages    

Das ist TestPage/cool00? ?

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Section Linking    

Problematic example

Monospaced font style (Courier / Teletype)    

Use <tt>blah</tt> for monospaced 'teletype' font (usually courier).

Here is an example of that.

It doesn't work as a NoWiki? equivalent though, so for inline code snippets you may want to use both <tt> and <n>, like this, '<tt><n>MyFunction(Foo x)</tt></n>', which gives you MyFunction(Foo x).

(is there really no better way than that? Detailed documentation on formatting syntax for this wiki seems entirely missing...)

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Edit text of this page (date of last change: February 1, 2013 16:09 (diff))