Last update May 30, 2014

All Libraries

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* Element: A multimedia application toolkit that aims to provide a foundation for innovative user interfaces, powerful multi-media processing, and platform independent application development.
* Element: A multimedia application toolkit that aims to provide a foundation for innovative user interfaces, powerful multi-media processing, and platform independent application development. (Dead link)

Some specific library category pages:

All libraries in alphabetic order:

(This list also includes some projects that are more tools than libraries.)

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  • bind: template library similar to boost::bind ( NG:digitalmars.D.announce/4116)
  • Bud (formerly known as "Build"): A tool to compile and link D programs without needing a make file.
  • Blip: A D1/tango library that offers N-dimensional arrays, parallelization (smp,mpi,rpc), unittesting and more.


  • configSimple
    • configSimple is a component to handle config-file data, simple and pragmatic. Storing application options into config files gives you the ability to change the environment and behaviour of your application without recompiling it. The config file is a plain textfile, it can have certain sections for ordering the data as well as comments. Comment-signs as well as key to value operators are configurable.
    • Website:
  • csvSimple
    • Reading of csv files is not quite as easy as one may think, if you have the correct use of seperators, delimiters, escape-sign and even comment-lines in mind. With this class all the nasty tasks are reduced to a minimum of interaction if you use default options but with a maximum of control if you like to set all the parameters by yourself.
    • Website:
  • CURL, a multiprotocal transfer library: EasyCurl
  • CDC: A library and build script for compiling/linking D programs and libraries.


  • D.NET
  • DDL (by EricAnderton et al): D Dynamic Libraries: A project to facilitate easy and dynamic loading and usage of libraries, particularly D ones. It will be available as a multi-platform, multi-format SDK when it comes of age sometime in 2006.
  • Deimos: Official project for D bindings to C libraries. The Deimos Manifesto.
  • Derelict (by Michael Parker): a collection of packages which provide bindings to various multimedia-related libraries (such as OpenGL, SDL, GLU, OpenAL, and more). Unlike existing D bindings to the same libraries, the Derelict bindings link explicitly - that is, the shared library (DLL or SO as the case may be) is loaded manually at runtime. This gives the user the ability to gracefully handle the exceptional case of a missing or corrupt dll. DsourceProject:derelict
  • DFL: windowing library (currently Windows-only)
  • D Framework: a framework library for D language that is a collection of various libraries (gui, database, xml etc.) for windows.
  • DHTMLParser (by Bystroushaak): Simple HTML parser for D2/phobos.
  • DHTTPClient (by Bystroushaak): Simple HTTP client/downloader for D2/phobos.
  • Dig (by BurtonRadons): an abandoned GUI library for Windows. Includes a compiler driver, digc.
  • Dimple ("D import-list explorer"), extracts import declarations from D source files and builds a dependency graph for visualization
  • Dirk: IRC client library for D.
  • dool (by Ant): D Object Oriented Library (Announcement: NG:digitalmars.D/8071)
  • DParser (by WalterBright, J. Duncan, DavidLeon): DMD front End in D. Ported by J.Duncan, DavidLeon
  • dpq (by Ant): A wrapper for PostgreSQL libpq (7.3)
  • DSP (by EricAnderton): Dynamic Servlet Pages: A servlet programming language in the same vein as PHP or ColdFusion, only without the need for VM's or interpreted languages. It features a simple, yet powerful tag set and the ability to use embedded D code.
  • DSNTPClient (by Bystroushaak): Simple SNTP client for D2/phobos.
  • D:YAML: YAML parser for D.


  • EasyCurl: D wrapper for libCurl
  • Element: A multimedia application toolkit that aims to provide a foundation for innovative user interfaces, powerful multi-media processing, and platform independent application development. (Dead link)




  • hybrid: OpenGL backed gui library, cross between imgui and rmgui




  • kxml svn repo
    • This xml parser is a node/tree based string parser.
    • It has a similar API to the Yage parser and should be nearly a drop-in replacement.
    • It uses no regex, so some parts are ugly(working on this), but that gives it the potential to be faster than those that do.
    • It supports <![CDATA[...]]> tags and reading of XML processing tags.
    • Basic XPath is supported, but not nearly the entire spec. Multiple attribute matching is supported, but not subnode matching.
    • This module is undergoing active development and should continue improving.
    • It isn't as fast as it could be, but the slow areas have already been identified and are next in line for revamping.



  • The Mango Tree: A collection of packages targeted primarily at server-side development (but often handy for client-side too). Includes an HTTP server, HTTP client, a servlet engine, remote trace/logging, clustering, and an awesome IO package.
  • Matrix: by Geoffrey Vidal. (dead link as of 2011/04/11)
    • Initial Announcement: NG:digitalmars.D.announce/447
    • "This is a quite simple yet nice matrix/vector class. It should be used to make math computations" (from the project page).
  • MinTL: the Minimal Template Library. Implementations of linked lists, maps (sorted AAs), heaps, deques, etc. With concurrent containers, too.
  • MinWin: the Minimal Window Toolkit. A very small crossplatform base for GUI development. Works on Windows, GTK and Motif.
  • Mozplugged
  • MessagePack: The implementation of MessagePack. MessagePack? is a widely-used efficient binary serialization format.
  • Mustache: The implementation of Mustache. Mustache is a cross language logic-less template engine.
  • MCI: The Managed Compiler Infrastructure is a modern and intuitive compiler back end for managed languages.



  • Orange: A serialization library for D1 and D2, supporting both Tango and Phobos. It can serialize most of the available types in D, including third party types and can serialize through base class references. It supports fully automatic serialization of all supported types and also supports several ways to customize the serialization process. Orange has a separate front end (the serializer) and back end (the archive) making it possible for the user to create new archive types that can be used with the existing serializer.


  • PCRE D
  • PCREcpp D
    • PCREcppD? is a class library of PCRE for D1 and D2, and provides an almost same interface of pcrecpp.h (a C++ wrapper of PCRE).
    • PCREcppD homepage
  • Phobos: D's standard library.
  • PLplot library
    • PLplot is a library of functions that are useful for making scientific plots. The latest svn repository as of 28th of March 2008 has D bindings for this library and also some examples ported.
    • PLplot homepage






  • UrlLib (by BurtonRadons): http, file, ftp, nntp, and dict library, with stream and sockets support.



  • wxD: D bindings for wxWidgets



  • Yage


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