Helmut Leitner /
Delegate Hack
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This snippet came from trying to write a benchmark module (it's not yet ready to post it). There I had to write separate redundant code to test functions and delegates, because there is no way to convert them easily. Well, but then - what can one do? At least understand how delegates are handled and implemented internally. [[code] /* dghack.d (C) Helmut Leitner 2003, PD */ void delegate () dg; struct s_delegate { void *pthis; void (*method)(void *pthis); } s_delegate *sdg; void (*f)(void *pthis); class TestDelegate? { int id=1; this(int id) { this.id=id; } void print1() { printf("I'm the TestDelegate? method print1\n"); } void print2() { printf("I'm the TestDelegate? method print2\n"); } void print3() { printf("I'm a method called through an fp, my object.id=%d\n",id); } void print4() { printf("I'm a method that want's to be called through a delegate with this=%p\n",this); } } void print(out s_delegate *psd) { printf("pthis=%p method=%p\n",psd.pthis,(void *)psd.method); } void print_function(void *pthis) { printf("I'm a function called through a delegate\n"); } int main (char[][] args) { TestDelegate? td=new TestDelegate?(1); dg= &td.print1; sdg=(s_delegate *)&dg; dg(); print(sdg); dg= &td.print2; sdg=(s_delegate *)&dg; dg(); print(sdg); printf("\n"); // let's start hacking sdg.method=(void (*)(void *))print_function; dg(); // prints "I'm a function called ...." dg= &td.print3; sdg=(s_delegate *)&dg; f=sdg.method; f(td); // printf "I'm a method ... id=1 TestDelegate? td2=new TestDelegate?(42); f(td2); // printf "I'm a method ... id=42 printf("\n"); printf("This will only work if you compile using '-release'\n"); dg= &td.print4; dg(); sdg=(s_delegate *)&dg; sdg.pthis=null; dg(); // <=== this work's only with -release return 0; } ] FolderExamples |
This snippet came from trying to write a benchmark module (it's not yet ready to post it). There I had to write separate redundant code to test functions and delegates, because there is no way to convert them easily.
Well, but then - what can one do? At least understand how delegates are handled and implemented internally.
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