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Scientific and Mathematical Libraries in D
This list only includes libraries which are in a usable state. All libraries use a liberal license (eg, BSD, Academic Free) unless otherwise stated.
 | Table of contents of this page | |
tango.math (D1.x)
 | Version | D1.x | D2.x |
Library | Tango | |
- Mathematical Special Functions (80-bit)
- Cumulative distribution functions (80-bit).
- Random number generation for several elementary probability distributions.
- BigInt.
- 1-D root finding and minimisation via bracketing.
- Wrappers: wrappers for various high-performance linear algebra libraries: BLAS, LAPACK, UMFPACK, SuperLU, TAUCS, and ARPACK.
- Murray: an N-dimensional array class that emulates a multidimensional-array. BLAS/LAPACK are used to implement maxtrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication, linear solver, and a least squares solver.
- DFlat: a Vector/Matrix library implementing various storage formats of dense and sparse matrices (dense: strided,banded,packed; sparse:compressed row, compressed column, triplet). This additionally includes a simple, unified interface to the linear solvers in the LAPACK, UMFPACK, SuperLU and TAUCS libraries.
dstats (D2.x)
 | Version | D1.x | D2.x |
Library | | Phobos |
 | License | Mostly Boost | a couple borrowed modules are under BSD |
- D2 port of parts of tango.math
- correlation: Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall correlation, and covariance.
- Entropy, mutual information, conditional mutual information.
- Random number generation for several elementary probability distributions.
- Sorting algorithms with some added features that are useful for non-parametric statistics calculations.
- Summary statistics such as: mean, median, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis.
- Hypothesis testing, such as T-tests, Wilcoxon tests, Chi-square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.
- Linear regression with statistical inference capabilities.
blip (D1.x)
 | Version | D1.x | D2.x |
Library | Tango | |
- SMP parallelization
- serialization
- random testing framework
- N dimensional arrays with a nice interface to several lapack functions.
- OpenMesh is a library for manipulating polygonal meshes.
- Hompage:
- Many ODE solvers
- Matrix (dense, sparse, band), lanczos, eigenvalue functions.
- Newton, Broyden solvers
- Wrappers for GMP
- Interval arithmetic
Template-class library for matrices and vectors, dense and sparse.
 | Version | D1.x | D2.x |
Library | | Phobos |
 | License | Boost Software License |
SciD is a collection of numerical routines and bindings written in and for the D programming language. Currently, the collection is rather small but expanding.
For the time being, SciD simply aims to be a freely usable repository of numerical algorithms. The long-term goal is to ultimately produce a full-fledged, general-purpose scientific library à la the GNU Scientific Library or SciPy?.
- scid.calculus: Numerical integration (quadrature) and differentiation.
- scid.constants: Fundamental constants of mathematics and Nature.
- scid.exception: Functions and classes used by SciD? for exception handling, also useful for client code. (Similar to std.exception.)
- scid.functions: Mathematical special functions.
- scid.linalg: Linear algebra functions, i.e. user-friendly interfaces to LAPACK.
- scid.matrix: Contains the MatrixView? type, which is a LAPACK-compatible matrix view of ordinary D arrays, as well as some utility functions.
- scid.nonlinear: Methods for nonlinear equation solving.
- scid.types: Various useful types.
- scid.util: Various odds and ends that don't fit anywhere else.
Plotting libraries
PLplot library
- PLplot is a library of functions that are useful for making scientific plots. The latest svn repository as of 28th of March 2008 has D bindings for this library and also some examples ported.
- PLplot homepage:
 | Version | D1.x | D2.x |
Library | | Phobos |
 | License | Boost Software License |
- A graphing package
- Basic 2-D x-y plots, linear/log/user-defined(eg, statistical distribution), support for infinity and nan. -> see PLplot library above.
Abandoned / Proof-of-Concept libraries
These libraries contain functionality which may be useful for further library development.