Porting From Cxx
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D is a better C++. Or at least becoming a better C++ was one of Walter's primary motivations. So it makes sense that there would be significant interest in porting C++ code to D. This page discusses the various porting options available, issues that arise, and how to work around them.
To Port or To Wrap?
D cannot directly call C++ code, unlike the situation with C. Thus it is necessary to either wrap C++ code in a C API that D can call, or do a full source port translating every line of C++ code into native D.
- Porting
- pro - the result is 100% D, making building and using from D easy.
- pro - future developments are independent from C++
- con - much more work
- con - more difficult to keep up to date with changes to the orignal C++ library
- Wrapping
- pro - less work
- pro - easier to keep up-to-date with upstream changes to the C++
- con - the result is a hybrid that requires first building the C++ code before
- con - some functionality may be lost (templates are difficult to wrap in a C API)
Overview of the Issues
This section gives a brief introduction to the types of things you'll encounter in C++ code that may cause you trouble when porting to D. This section doesn't provide any solutions, it just introduces the issues.
- Constructors - They look and behave slightly differently in C++ than in D.
- Class vs Struct - In C++ they're really the same, so it's difficult to determine which one you should use when translating to D.
- Struct inheritance - In C++ structs can inherit from other structs. So C++ code that uses classes or structs as value types can be difficult to port.
- Multiple inheritance - Some C++ code uses multiple inheritance. D has interfaces instead.
- Macros - C++ has C's macros which can be used to do some pretty evil trickery.
- Reference return values - C++ functions can return references.
- Const - C++ has const.
- friend - C++'s 'friend' keyword can give private-level access to any class desired.
- Iterators - Iterators are very commonly used in C++ code, but the standard idioms rely on operator overloading tricks that D doesn't provide. Furthermore there's the issue of how these integrate with the canonical D approach of foreach/opApply.
- Smart pointers - With operator overloading, deterministic destruction, and copy constructors, C++ is able to implement smart pointers that do things like reference counted memory management. D can't do that.
- Template Specialization - C++ allows specializations of a template to appear in different source files. C++ also allows specializations to be selected via IFTI, which D has trouble with.
- Namespaces - In C++ you create namespaces as you like and where you like. They aren't intrinsically linked to header files in any way, though good C++ code will usually follow a single namespace per header file.
- IOStreams - Both phobos and Tango have stream based io that can stand in for C++'s iostreams in most cases. But one common idiom used for streaming objects is to put an overload of a particular function like 'write_object(ostream&,MyObject&)' into each class's header file. In porting to D you can run into issues with D's lack of
argument-dependent lookup (ADL).
- STL - C++ code often makes use of STL containers. Some of these containers have equivalents in D, some do not.
- Operator overloads - All operator overloads have to be translated from their C++ form, operator blah to the more D-ish form opBlah. But not all C++ operators have a D equivalent. C++ allows overloading of individual comparison operators, the dereference operator (operator*), the member access operator (operator->), and casting operators (operator float(), eg)
- Implicit casts - C++ allows classes to define implicit casts so that an instance of class 'C' can automatically be treated as, say, a 'float'.
- Non-member operator overloads - C++ allows you to define operator overloads outside of a class.
- String vs char - D has many string types, and C++ has several too.
General Porting Suggestions
Work from the bottom up
Find the parts of the code that have the fewest dependencies and start with porting those first.
Write unittests
For every module you port, write some basic unittests. Make sure you can at least instantiate the main objects of the module, etc. Test as much as you can. At the very least make sure every file compiles.
Detailed Porting Suggestions
Easy Mechanical Stuff
A lot of the work of porting can be done in a mostly mechanical way. A good first pass at translating involves
- Merge the source file foo.cpp into its corresponding header, foo.hpp.
- Translate all #includes to imports.
- Global replace '->' with '.'
- Global replace '::' with '.'
- Global replace 'typedef' with 'alias'
- Global replace 'const' with '/*const*/' (or just remove it, but leaving it there serves as a documentation of intent and may be helpful with porting to const-ful D2.0 someday)
- Delete all inline keywords (f.e. 'inline', '__inline', '__forceinline')
- Change all class constructors from ClassName() to this(), destructors to ~this()
- Replace all function parameters of the form "Foo& x" with "ref Foo x"
- Replace all occurrences of "template<typename T> symbol" and "template<class T> symbol" with "symbol(T)", where symbol represents a function name, "class classname", or "struct structname"
- Replace all template usages like templatename<T> with templatename!(T)
- Replace dynamic_cast<T> with cast(T)
- Replace reinterpret_cast<T> with 'cast(T)cast(void*)'
- Replace "var == NULL" and "var != NULL" with "var is null" and "var !is null" -- In D, equality (== and !=) and identity (is and !is) are two separate operations. Equality can be overloaded with the opEquals operator overload. If you try to do "var == null" and var really is null, you'll just get an access violation as it tries to look up the opEquals method in var. Identity cannot be overloaded. Identity can be used with class references, array references (in which case it checks that the two references have the same pointer and length), and pointers. It can actually be used with any type; for non-reference types, identity is the same as equality.
- Delete forward referenced function declarations.
Probably it's easiest to just give an example. It's generally pretty clear what to do if you know C++ and D reasonably well.
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As a D class:
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As a D struct (assuming the C++ had no base class):
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todo: more detail about where to put the call to super()
Class vs Struct
For every class or struct you run across in the C++ code you're going to have to decide whether it should be a class or struct in D.
The only difference between classes and structs in C++ is that structs' members are public by default. So it is possible that something called 'struct' in C++ is a better fit for D's 'class', and vice versa, something called 'class' in C++ may be better off as a D 'struct'.
That said, choosing class is pretty much always a 'safe' choice. Almost any C++ class or struct can be made to work as a D class. But there are a few situations where you're better off going for a struct, mostly for either performance or convenience.
Here are some signs to look for when deciding whether or not to use a D struct.
- Does it inherit? Then it probably has to be a D class.
- Does it have methods declared virtual? Then it probably has to be a D class.
- Is it used mostly as a value type? In other words, is it rare to see instances created with 'new'? Then may be good as a struct.
- Does it have little or no data? Then it might make a good struct.
- Are instances frequently copied? Then it might make a good struct.
Virtual methods, on the other hand, are pretty much a 100% tell-tale sign that you should use a D class.
C++ virtual method / D override
Struct inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Multiple inheritance (MI) will usually be replaced with interfaces in D. Many uses of MI can be emulated in D using interfaces in combination with template mixins. The interface provides the is-a relationship and the mixin provides the implementation of that interface.
Reference return values
Reference in general
// C++
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// D
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Please note : Alias parameters also work in functions wrapped inside templates. Contributed by Jari-Matti? Mäkelä
In D, friend access is implicit in being a member of the same module. So a simple solution is to place related classes into the same module.
Smart pointers
Smart pointers get used for many things in C++, but probably most often for reference-counted memory management, as with the boost::shared_ptr template. Another common one is
- Reference counted pointers - (e.g. 'boost::shared_ptr') Most of the time these are simply a work-around for lack of real garbage collection in the language. If this is the case then you can just eliminate the shared_ptr layer completely.
- RAII pointers - (e.g. 'std::auto_ptr') RAII pointers are intended to be initialized once, and after that their only job is to make sure the object created gets destroyed on scope exit, no matter how it happens. In D this can be accomplished using either a scope variable, or the statement 'scope(exit) delete foo;' See
Stack allocation of classes,
Scope guard statement, and
Scope attribute.
- Reference-counted RAII resource - this is pretty much the same thing as 'Reference counted pointers' above, but it's a usage case where the pointer is wrapping a shared resource that _must_ be destroyed deterministically and immediately once the refcount is zero. In this case your only recourse in D is the error-prone method of explicit reference counting. That is add 'acquire' and 'release' methods to the object and require users to call them explicitly.
Template Specialization
D puts every module into its own namespace. In C++ namespaces are more a voluntary thing and often will spread across many different modules.
Package namespaces For package namespaces, the proper approach is often to turn the C++ namespace into a package (directory) in D. For example if you were porting the C++ standard library to D you wouldn't try to put everything into one module called 'std'. Instead you'd make a package directory called 'std', and put all the modules underneath it. Any elements meant to be common to members of the package can go in their own module like std.common or std.base. To get the equivalent of having the entire namespace under one D namespace, you can write a "std.all" or "std.api" module that does nothing besides "public imports" of the external API portions of the package.
Grouping namespaces Not every namespace in C++ that spans modules maps cleanly to a package. Sometimes they're used to group a related subset of functionality. In D this can be accomplished by grouping those modules into a module that does only public imports, similar to the "all.d" or "api.d" idea, but for a subset of modules that you want to be able to group under one namespace.
Anonymous namespaces Anonymous namespaces are the C++ version of C's static declarations. It means "this stuff is only visible from within this file". The closest thing in D is probably to replace 'namespace {...}' with 'private{...}'.
A nice trick in D for creating local namespaces that combine items from several modules under one name is to use a mixin:
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For porting with Phobos, there's std.stream and std.cstream, with din, dout, and derr, that are roughly equivalent to the C++ cin,cout,cerr, e.g.
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or see HowTo/printf for printing non-utf8 (e.g. latin1) strings.
If you aren't using the dark dusty corners of iostreams, it's not hard to write a simple emulation library that will allow quite a bit of C++ iostream code to compile and run without any changes. This will save a fair bit of effort for the initial port.
For porting with Tango, ...
todo: more specifics
vector D built-in arrays contain a fair bit of the functions of STL vector. The biggest issue is that there is no distinction between logical and physical size (i.e., there is no "capacity"). If you are going to be doing a lot of adding to an array, it is better to create a struct wrapping the array. For example:
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Of course, the rest of the vector interface can be implemented without much trouble either to ease porting.
map and set
D has built-in associative arrays (read hash tables). These will often be suitable replacements plus using them is pretty easy. There are a couple of things to be aware of:
- Declaration:
- C++
- map<string,int> mymap;
- D
- int[string] mymap;
- There is currently no way to clear a map. Instead:
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- To emulate a set, use bool[key] and insert elements using myset[key1] = true. STL sets effectively do the same thing.
- If you need to walk a map's elements in sorted key order, try:
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- If you need the guaranteed O(log(n)) behavior of map access, you'll have to roll your own
Operator overloads
Most C++ operators have straightforward translations to D.
A few C++ operators have no D equivalent.
- Conversion operators - conversion operators like 'operator float()' have no D equivalent right now. Eventually an opImplicitCast is expected to be added, but for now you have to translate this to an explicit conversion function like '.to_float'.
- Dereference operator 'operator*()' - There's no equivalent to the unary 'operator*()' in D. Use of this is probably seen most often in C++ iterators where '*iter' returns a reference to the item the iterator points to. In D you have to use an explicit property like '.ptr' to return a pointer to the item, or '.val' to return a copy of the value.
- Arrow operator 'operator->()' - There's also no member access operator in D. Instead use a property like .ptr that returns a pointer. Fortunately in D members can be accessed via pointers in the same way as via a reference or value type, using '.', so you end up with D usage like 'x.ptr.member' vs. C++'s 'x->member'.
Implicit casts
Non-member operator overloads
String and Char
You can generally replace 'char*' and 'std::string' with D's 'char[]'.
Watch out for 'char*' being used as a generic container for binary data. In that case the proper translation is 'ubyte[]'.
In D 2.0, 'string' is separate from char[]. It is an immutable char[], so similar to Java Strings. You can generally use 'string' in place of 'std::string', and use char[] if you need to modify the string in place.
One nice advantage of the D string system is that substrings are just array slices, so they don't allocate new storage. In C++, this depends on the STL implementation.
If you work with std::wstring, you will have to be more careful. The size of wchar_t is not specified in the C++ standard. You'll have to use dchar or wchar accordingly.
For iterating over Unicode chars, it's easy to go between UTF-8 strings and UTF-16 or UTF-32:
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Windows-specifc Issues
Let's say we have the following piece of C++ code :
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Due to the fact that CALLBACK is defined as : #define CALLBACK __stdcall Our D translation becomes :
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TCHAR and _T()
BOOL vs. bool
BOOL is defined as : typedef int BOOL
It means you May NOT simply replace BOOL with bool.
NULL vs. null
NULL is defined as : #define NULL 0
In D we are used to evaluate null as :
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Due to the fact that NULL == 0 we have to leave the following code sequel as it is
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Posix-specifc Issues
The same tools exist for porting C++ as for porting C.
htod - Walter Bright's tool which can handle some C code -- not actually a C++ aware tool.
BCD - Gregor Richard's translation tool based on gcc-xml, which can handle a subset of C++.
SWIG - SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of programming languages. SWIG supports D1 and D2. ATM you have to build SWIG from SVN. SWIG 2.02 will have official D support.
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