Lru Cache
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==Warnings & Limitations:== nodeId is kept as a ushort. Even though it's periodically reduced when the cache is flushed, this doesn't reset it. A routine is needed to renumber the cache nodes, but I haven't thought of a quick way to do this. For many uses this would mean that a cache could only be used for a short period of time. (Perhaps after the cache is flushed I should just arbitrarily renumber the entries from 1-n? Or whenever the maxT value gets within maxSize+1 of ushort.max? At this point I haven't decided on what the best solution is. (The nodeId could also be made a ulong, which would postpone the problem for quite awhile, though it wouldn't solve it in principle.) This code is released under the MIT license. If you want something else, ask. [[code][linenumber=1][linenumberformat=%03d ] // lrucache.d // to test for correctness, compile thus: // dmd -version="testLRUCache" lrucache.d // /** * Author: Charles Hixson, * Date: Nov. 8, 2007 * Version: 0.2.b * (Note: Version 0.1 was lacking a version number) * License: MIT license * (Note: Some future version will switch to GPL...but this stuff * *SHOULD* be public domain.) * Copyright: Charles Hixson, all rights reserved. (But see the license.) */ import std.conv; import std.stdio; /** * Key must implement opCmp and be hashable * Cache's should not be too large, so the size is a ushort. That's excessive. * If you want a cache nearly that large, use a database or something. */ class LRUCache(Key, Body) { private: typedef ushort NodeId?; Body[Key] bodies; NodeId?[Key] nodIds; Body _invalid; ushort _maxLength; NodeId? maxNode; public: this (ushort maxLength, Body invalid) { _invalid = invalid; _maxLength = maxLength; } const (Body) opIndex (Key k) { if (auto b = k in bodies) { nodIds[k] = ++maxNode; if (maxNode >= _maxLength - 2) renumber; return *b; } return _invalid; } const (Body) opIndexAssign (Body b, Key k) { //Node? n; if (b == _invalid) return _invalid; nodIds[k] = ++maxNode; bodies[k] = b; if (bodies.length > _maxLength) { // cache is too large, so remove approx. the 1/4 least recently used //// N.B.: Expiration is based on access time. Creation time is (so far) unused. ulong sum = 0; NodeId? maxT = 0; NodeId? minT = maxNode; NodeId? meanT; foreach (nId; nodIds) { sum += nId; if (nId < minT) minT = nId; if (nId > maxT) maxT = nId; } meanT = cast(NodeId?)(sum / nodIds.length); NodeId? limit = cast(NodeId?)(minT + (meanT - minT) / 2); foreach (Key key, NodeId? nId; nodIds) { if (nId <= limit) { nodIds.remove(key); bodies.remove(key); } else nodIds[key] = cast(NodeId?)(nodIds[key] - limit + 1); } maxNode = cast(NodeId?)(maxNode - limit + 1); } if (maxNode >= _maxLength - 2) renumber; return b; } int length() { return bodies.length; } void remove (Key k) { if (k in bodies) { nodIds.remove(k); bodies.remove(k); } } bool contains (Key k) { if (k in nodIds) { nodIds[k] = ++maxNode; return true; } return false; } /// for diagnostic purposes only. Do NOT use this value. ulong nodeId(Key k) { if (auto nId = k in nodIds) return *nId; return 0; } /** * renumber the nodes. This is a separate routine to allow different * algorithms to be easily inserted. I've picked quick & easy. */ private void renumber() { NodeId? nId = 0; foreach (Key key, NodeId? node; nodIds) nodIds[key] = ++nId; maxNode = cast(NodeId?)((nId > 0) ? nId - 1 : 0); } version (testLRUCache) { void dump() { writef("there are %s entries in the cache\n", bodies.length); Key[] keys = bodies.keys; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { writef ("%2s", keys[i]); writef (": %10s", nodIds[keys[i]]); writef (": %s\n", bodies[keys[i]]); } } } } version (testLRUCache) { void main() { auto l = new LRUCache!(int, char)(10, cast(char)0); string s = "This is a rather long string of quasi-random text,"; int i = 0; foreach (char c; s) { writef ("adding %d\n", i); l[i++] = c; } l.dump; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (l.contains(i)) writef ("l[%2s] = '%s', id = %s\n", i, l[i], l.nodeId(i)); //else writef ("l[%2s] = **missing**\n", i); } auto l2 = new LRUCache!(char, int)(10, -17); //string s = "This is a rather long string of quasi-random text,"; //int i = 0; i = 0; foreach (char c; s) { writef ("adding %d\n", i); l2[c] = ++i; } l2.dump; // this next bit shows that accesses change the nodeId // remember that nodeId should not be used for any purpose outside of the class... // it's highly unstable. for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { if (l2.contains(s[i])) writef ("l2[%2s] = '%s', id = %s\n", s[i], l2[s[i]], l2.nodeId(s[i])); //else // writef ("l2[%2s] = **missing**\n", s[i]); } } } ] |
The code for this project is now located in the ![]() * ![]() * ![]() |
This is a "Least Recently Used Cache", that has a maximum size, and when the size is exceeded, it deletes the least recently used entries.
The code for this project is now located in the scrapple project: