Tasks Overall
Difference (last change) (no other diffs, normal page display)
Changed: 1c1
A page for overall tasks (look into /Templates) that havn't been yet delegated to team members. |
A page for overall tasks (look into /Templates) that haven't been yet delegated to team members. |
Changed: 16c16
** maybe not needed, there should be a PNG2TRK? provides somewhere |
** maybe not needed, there should be a <n>PNG2TRK?</n> provides somewhere |
A page for overall tasks (look into /Templates) that haven't been yet delegated to team members.
decide about /IRC it's active
decide about /CVS it' working
analyze the problem /ProblemAnalysis
design the solution /DesignOverview
code the solution /Implementation
document the solution /Documentation
test the solution /TestData /Testing
- ...
tool for track(+trace) => image format
tool image format => track (additional test tracks)
- maybe not needed, there should be a PNG2TRK provides somewhere