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Ubuntu - Get started with D
This will help get you on your feet with D. A tip: you can copy the code and paste it in the terminal with Shift + Ctrl + V
Alternative 1: Installing the DMD compiler (non-free license)
- Download and unzip dmd.zip to /tmp
 | cd /tmp
wget ftp://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd.zip
unzip dmd.zip |
- Open a terminal and get root access
- Install the linux executables to /usr/local/bin (and make them executable too)
 | install -p -m 0755 dmd/bin/dmd dmd/bin/obj2asm dmd/bin/dumpobj /usr/local/bin |
- Install the manpages to /usr/local/man (under the man1 subdirectory)
 | install -p -m 0644 dmd/man/man1/dmd.1 dmd/man/man1/obj2asm.1 dmd/man/man1/dumpobj.1 /usr/local/man/man1 |
- Install the library to /usr/local/lib:
 | install -p -m 0644 dmd/lib/libphobos.a /usr/local/lib |
- You can install all the Phobos import modules to a directory like /usr/local/lib/phobos
 | mkdir /usr/local/lib/phobos (cd dmd/src/phobos; find -name '*.d' | xargs tar c) | (cd /usr/local/lib/phobos; tar xv) |
- Create the file /etc/dmd.conf and write two lines
 | exit
gksudo gedit /etc/dmd.conf |
Let it contain these two lines:
 | [Environment]
DFLAGS=-I/usr/local/lib/phobos |
- You may need some additional libraries:
 | sudo aptitude install build-essential gdb libstdc++5 |
Witold Baryluk maintains prepackaged scripts which do all nacasary updates, downloads, extracting and configuration using standard APT mechanisms. Check
http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?D__Tutorial/InstallingDCompiler#MethodFour-Debian for instructions for Debian based systems
Alternative 2: Installing the GDC compiler (free license)
Packages can be found at
http://gdcgnu.sourceforge.net/ and development at
- Download the DEB packages for GDC compiler and (optionally) GDB debugger
Alternative 3: Installing the GDC compiler with Tango and DSSS
Ubuntu Feisty, June 2007.
Install the general compiller tools:
 | sudo aptitude install build-essential |
Go to the following webpage and download the installer that is bundled with both GDC and
or just download it directly with wget:
 | wget http://downloads.dsource.org/projects/tango/0.98/tango-0.98-forDSSS-gdc-i686-pc-linux-gnu-withDSSS-withGDC.sh |
Then we make the file executable
 | chmod +x tango-0.98-forDSSS-gdc-i686-pc-linux-gnu-withDSSS-withGDC.sh |
Execute the script:
 | sudo ./tango-0.98-forDSSS-gdc-i686-pc-linux-gnu-withDSSS-withGDC.sh |
You will be asked for an installation directory the recommended is: /usr/local
And finally we configure rebuild
Make it contain these two lines:
 | include=/usr/local/include/d |
 | flags=-fversion=Posix -fversion=Tango |
Now you can compile a file with:
Alternative 4: 1-click install for DMD
dmd_2.012-030608_i386.deb (DMD 2.012)
If you run into "missing ctr1.o" on linking, you need:
 | sudo apt-get install libc6-dev |
Installing the IDE
- Now we have installed a compiler, lets install CodeBlocks?
- First a library we need
 | sudo apt-get install libc6-dev |
- Go to the following webpage:
- Go to the newest thread and you will find a link to CB_date_rev_Ubuntu6.xx.deb download it
- When downloaded open the file using the file manager, and then click install
- Done!