How To Gentoo
Difference (last change) (Author, normal page display)
Changed: 9c9,11
Download this file and rename it to gdc-0.23.ebuild. |
Download the file and rename it to gdc-0.23.ebuild. |
Added: 10a13
Changed: 12c15,16
Done! |
Done! |
Gentoo - Get started with D
This will help get you on your feet with D. A tip: you can copy the code and paste it in the terminal with Shift + Ctrl + V
Installing GDC
The ebuild you need to download is dev-lang/gdc-0.22.ebuild:
Download the file and rename it to gdc-0.23.ebuild.
This step is quite easy just check out
Do all the steps from the beginning to (and including) If you like living dangerously. Done!