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There are projects that use D at

Also, the list below is probably incomplete, since projects seem to be inconsistent in their use of tags to identify which programming language is being used.
D-related Projects
Alive Projects
dil: A hand-crafted compiler implementation for the D programming language written in D 1.0
monsterbrowser: A simple and quick server browser for Quake 3 and its mods
odefu: A collection of code used for game and graphics programming, mostly written in the D programming language. (See also:
OdeFu blog)
dpspemu: A Psp Emulator written in D.
ycurses: set of modules that provide an extremely thin binding for the curses library in D
Projects on hiatus
bservice: bservice is a daemon for hosting many IRC bots ('service bots'), that people can request for their own channels. It's written in D from scratch, and was designed for use on ircu-based networks (QuakeNet, etc). (Not public, useless link).
chikoko: Easier way to compute on basic (and some advanced like quantum matrices over an arbitrary field) mathematical structures / Exam app of The Integral Quadratic Forms and Its Roots. (No source control changes since Jun 05, 2007).
d-dbapi: Simple database api for the D programming language. See also: Database Bindings. (No source control changes since Oct 09, 2007).
d-prg: collection of D examples. (No source control changes since Jun 17, 2008).
dayudict: A simple dictionary implemented in D lanaguage (No source control changes since May 03, 2007).
db4d: BerkeleyDB for D language (No source control changes since May 13, 2007).
dbnc: dbnc is going to be an IRC bouncer daemon that will be able to support playing back channel logs, etc. (Not public, useless link).
dfx: Fireball Framework for D. (No source control changes since Apr 09, 2007).
dlua: Lua 5.1 headers (modules) for the D programming language. Based on the Lua 5.1.1 headers. (See also
Lua bindings). (No source control changes since Oct 26, 2007).
DMuc: XMPP/Jabber MUC Component (No source control changes since Mar 18, 2007).
dotmars: A .Net-like class library for D Programming Language (No source control changes since Mar 23, 2008).
dserv: IRC service daemon. (Not public, useless link).
dxpcom: XPCOM on D. (No source control changes since May 05, 2007).
fiare: an rpg engine. (No source control changes since Mar 31, 2007).
genji: Light weight discussion bbs for VIPPER. (No source control changes since Aug 21, 2006).
gjkd: An implementation of the Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi? (GJK) algorithm in 2D. (No source control changes since Apr 08, 2008).
gruby: projects from ncu and other? (No source control changes since Nov 23, 2008).
hijam: Public and private transportation planning and traffic control. (Not public, useless link).
lget: A list-based downloader. (No source control changes since Jul 21, 2008).
lolly: a LOLCODE interpreter written in the D programming language which tries to parse scripts according to the 1.0 specifications. (Not public, useless link).
milith: a group of libraries for D which involve graphics, sound, script, special types and functions, gui, physics, network and many more of course time is needed. (Not public, useless link).
minid: A Lua/ECMAScript/Squirrel-like scripting language for D. (Not public, useless link).
moovingearth: Small 'webserver' that reads and logs GPS input, and serves various KML/KMZ 'files' to output current position, heading, track-log, various views to Google Earth. Project members: lionello. (No source control changes since Feb 06, 2007).
necrophilia: Skeletal Animation library written in D. (No source control changes since Apr 01, 2007).
openquran: Search and browse the Qur'an with this command line tool (a GUI will follow.) (No source control changes since Jun 13, 2007).
papayad: a general-purpose runtime library for the D programming language. It is highly inspired by the default D standard library (Phobos) and the Tango library. It is also influenced by libraries/features of dynamic languages like Python/Ruby. (No source control changes since Feb 11, 2007, one commit).
pencilcraft: Simple TPP space game written as an exam programme of Laboratory of Graphics and Multimedia (uses
Derelict and SDL). (No source control changes since Sep 24, 2009).
projectxana: A xanalogical experimental OS in D. (No source control changes since Sep 07, 2007).
rayd: A simple realtime ray tracer with some advanced features written for educational purposes. (uses
Derelict). (No source control changes since Apr 16, 2007).
rubyd: D wrapper for Ruby? (See also: Notes for programmers used to Ruby). (No source control changes since Aug 20, 2006).
sdldee: A oop wrapper for D around the SDL library. (No source control changes since Feb 10, 2007).
stwiki: Structure Wiki is the all-in-one web program which include wiki,uploader and bugtracking,etc. This wiki is simple, speedy, international and safety. (No source control changes since Apr 01, 2009).
tagfs: An AI that will take the tags associated with files to create a hierarchy of tags that would then be browsed. (No source control changes since Nov 08, 2006).
themexec: A Themed Execution Processor. (No source control changes since Feb 02, 2007).
twoapple: An Apple II emulator for Linux, written in D (
announcement). (No source control changes since Oct 29, 2007).
Helpful Searches
These searches were helpful in locating projects that use the D Programming Language