Last update February 22, 2007

Editor Support /

Difference (last change) (no other diffs, normal page display)

Changed: 3c3
It uses the GtkSourceView? widget which supports syntax highlighting for D.
It uses the <n>GtkSourceView?</n> widget which supports syntax highlighting for D.

Changed: 16c16
# Search and replace
# <n>Search</n> and replace

gedit is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment.

It uses the GtkSourceView widget which supports syntax highlighting for D.

You can use the External Tools plugin to make use of any D build tools you might need.


  1. Full support for internationalized text (UTF-8)
  2. Configurable syntax highlighting for various languages (C, C++, D, Java, HTML, XML, Python, Perl and many others)
  3. Undo/Redo
  4. Editing files from remote locations
  5. File reverting
  6. Print and print preview support
  7. Clipboard support (cut/copy/paste)
  8. Search and replace
  9. Go to specific line
  10. Auto indentation
  11. Text wrapping
  12. Line numbers
  13. Right margin
  14. Current line highlighting
  15. Bracket matching
  16. Backup files
  17. Configurable fonts and colors
  18. A complete online user manual
gedit features also a flexible plugin system which can be used to dynamically add new advanced features to gedit itself.


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Edit text of this page (date of last change: February 22, 2007 15:55 (diff))