Last update November 8, 2007

Editor Support /
File And Archive Manager

Difference (last change) (no other diffs, normal page display)

Changed: 3c3
Here's the Colorer HRC (Highlighting Resource Codes) scheme:
More information can be found on the syntax file's homepage:

Changed: 5c5

Deleted: 10,21d9

To install:

First, unpack your HRC .jar file (colorer\hrc\common.jar).
Add the following to colorer.hrc:

<prototype name="d" group="main" description="D">
<location link="base/d.hrc"/>

Place d.hrc from above to your colorer\hrc\base\ folder.

FAR ( is a file manager with a built-in editor. A plugin, Colorer ( is used for syntactic highlighting. Colorer has a powerful syntax description language, based on XML and regular expressions, which define the language's syntax rather than coloring rules - thus, it can also create an outline (for quick navigation) of the edited document.

More information can be found on the syntax file's homepage:

Screenshot with outliner (full-size version):

Colorer is also available as an optional syntax highlighter for Eclipse; see Colorer's home page for more information.

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Edit text of this page (date of last change: November 8, 2007 14:16 (diff))