Editor Support /
Zeus For Windows
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Zeus is an IDE designed for software development on the Windows platform and includes support for the D programming language:
Here are some additional ways to configure Zeus for the D programming language:
Using the D compiler with Zeus
Intellisense and auto completion
Using the D debugger with Zeus
Intergrating the D help file
Intergrating the Tango help file
Writing Zeus macros using the D scripting module
Phobos Help File in CHM Format

Some of the Zeus features include:- Automatic code indentation
- Text block cut, copy, paste and indenting
- Regular expression and multi-line search and replace
- Project and workspace management
- Code Folding for the D language (supports /+ +/ style block comments)
- Syntax highlighting for the D language (supports /+ +/ style block comments)
- Class browsing,
intellisensing and auto completion for the D language
- Integrated support for the
ddbg debugger
- Integrated version control includes support for CVS and SVN
- Fully configurable compiler, linker and tool support
- Built-in macro scripting supports Lua, Python and Java Script languages
- Can be configured to use
DMDScript as a macro scripting option
- Emulates Brief, Epsilon and Emacs keyboard mappings
- Fully Configurable syntax highlighting
- Automatic CTAGS management includes support for the D language
- Seamless FTP/SFTP editing
New D Language Keywords
The default installation comes with most of the D language keywords pre-defined.But as new words are added to the language they can be easily add to IDE using the following steps:
- Select the Options/Document Types menu.
- Click on "D Document Type".
- Click on the "Edit..." button.
- Click on the "Keywords" tab.
- Enter the new keyword into one of the six keyword categories.
- Click on the "Add" button to add the keyword.
- Click "OK".