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SciTE4D text editor
People on the D newsgroup started looking at many editors to see which one was the most useful editor for D. We found SciTE!
The "Package" grew to what it is today with lots of integrated utilities written by D programming language community. Read on for all the details...
Quote Neil Hodgson:"SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for building and running programs."
SciTE4D contains SEATD for SciTE, D programming language help CHM and build tool ybud.
- Customized Syntax highlighting.
- AutoComplete D keywords, Phobos module name and Tango module name automatically (suggest the option in a dropdownbox while typing), just hit ENTER or TAB to Autocomplete.)
- Code folding for easy code viewing.
- Auto indentation while typing.
- F1 - open D programming language Helpfile on the keyword were the cursor is located.
- Ctrl+Alt+F1 - online MSDN search on the keyword were the cursor is located.
- F7 - Debug build.
- Ctrl+F7 - Release build.
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D - Build documentation.
- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T - Run unittest.
- Alt+D - pops up a list of the declarations in the current file.
- Alt+M - pops up a list of modules.
- Selecting a declaration or module in such a list jumps to the first line of the declaration or module.
- F12 - search for a declaration with an identifier equal to the one under the cursor and jump there if successful.
- If you move the cursor over the module name of an import declaration, it will jump to that module.
Include path
SEATD for SciTE has minimal configuration requirements. It only needs an include path to find D source files that correspond to the module names that appear in import statements. If no explicit include path is given, it tries to figure it out by itself.
In order to do so, the path of the current file and it's module name (if available) is used. For example, from a D file "/project/src/pak/bla.d" with a module declaration "module pak.bla;", SEATD for SciTE will extract "/project/src/pak/" and "/project/src/". To specify include paths that are outside of the project's source directory, you can set a global and a local include path.
SEATD for SciTE is configured through SciTE's properties files. To be able to have different settings on installation-, user-and project-level, SciTE allows global-, user- and directory option files. Usually, you only change the user- and directory options.
The global include path is supposed to be set in scite4d\SciTEGlobal.properties, the first line contain the include paths for libraries that all of your projects use (like Phobos or Tango). It is a list of paths separated by ';', for example:
seatd.global.include=c:\dmd\src\phobos;c:\tango\importTo change it, modify the line above accordingly and include it in your user options file.
More details of SEATD for SciTE, please visit: SEATD doc
How to build
SciTE4D use DSSS to build anything.
- 1 Download and install DSSS from:
- Be sure dsss.exe in your environment path variable.
- 2 Configurate dsss.conf for your project.
- e.g. to build ybud.exe, assume ybud.d at D:\d\scite4d\ybud.d
- D:\d\scite4d\dsss.conf :
[*] buildflags=-explicit -SD:\d\dmd\tango\lib -lltango-base-dmd postbuild=del *.obj *.map dsss.last[ybud.d] debugflags=-g -w -debug=UnitTest -unittest -version=ybudVerbose releaseflags=-O -release -inline target=ybud
- 3 Press F7 or Ctrl+F7 to build your project
- Click scite4d\Sc1.exe to run SciTE4d
- Open ybud.d in scite4d
- Press F7 to debug build.
- Press Ctrl+F7 to release build.
Getting started
SciTE4d is a stand alone application. you can figure this out in about 2 min.
- Download this:
- unzip to ..\scite4d # Click scite4d\Sc1.exe to start program.
- Open scite4d\SciTEGlobal.properties, modify seatd.global.include to fit your specific libraries path.
1. SEATD for SciTE 0.01.2
- By Jascha Wetzel [firstname]@mainia.de
- home
2. D Documentation in Compiled HTMLHelp Format for DMD 1.023
3. simple build tool ybud 0.11
- By yidabu
Make suggestions and ask questions in the :
- 08 Nov 2007 SciTE4D 0.10 released.
- 10 Feb 2008 SciTE4D 0.11 released.
- Up-to-date with DMD 1.024 and Tango 0.99.4 Frank.
- yidabu at g m a i l dot com