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Programmers Notepad
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:I don't see the D keywords in the latest version of PN2, so I put together a scheme to cover D. -- JustinCalvarese ==Programmers Notepad Scheme== This scheme probably isn't perfect (it uses the cpp lexer and doesn't understand nested comments at all), but it's better than nothing. Save it as "d.scheme" and put it in the schemes folder. You'll probably have to add this line to extman.dat for PN2 to automatically treat .d files as D source: [[code] .d=d ] Okay, here's d.scheme: [[code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Scheme> <keyword-classes> <keyword-class name="d"> abstract alias align asm assert auto bit body break byte case cast catch cdouble cent cfloat char class const continue creal dchar debug default delegate delete deprecated do double else enum export extern false final finally float for foreach function goto idouble if ifloat import in inout int interface invariant ireal is long mixin module new null out override package pragma private protected public real return short static struct super switch synchronized template this throw true try typedef typeid typeof ubyte ucent uint ulong union unittest ushort version void volatile wchar while with </keyword-class> <keyword-class name="d_inclass"> </keyword-class> <keyword-class name="d_foldwords"> </keyword-class> </keyword-classes> <language name="d" title="D" folding="true" foldcomments="true" foldcompact="false"> <lexer name="cpp" /> <use-keywords> <keyword key="0" name="Keywords" class="d"/> <keyword key="1" name="Property Keywords" class="d_inclass"/> <keyword key="2" name="Fold Start Words" class="d_foldwords"/> </use-keywords> <use-styles> <style name="Default" key="32" /> <style name="Whitespace" key="0" /> <style name="Comment" key="1" class="comment"/> <style name="Line Comment" key="2" class="commentline"/> <style name="Doc Comment" key="3" class="commentdoc"/> <style name="Number" key="4" fore="colour.number"/> <style name="Keyword" key="5" class="keyword"/> <style name="Double-Quoted? String" key="6" /><!-- fore="colour.string" --> <style name="Single-Quoted? String" key="7" fore="colour.string"/> <style name="Symbols" key="8" /> <style name="PreProcessor?" key="9" fore="colour.preproc"/> <style name="Operators" key="10" bold="true"/> <style name="Class Definition Words" key="16" class="keyword"/> </use-styles> </language> </Scheme> ] |

Already has set of D keywords in place. Could be configured to compile and show compiler output as in IDE. Double click on line with error there brings you to the source file/line.