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Std Date
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=== Date formating = Since date/time formating appears to be missing from Date, - this code does most of that for you [[code] import; /** * examples: * (new Fdate()).format("%D, %d %M %Y %H:%i:%s %O") * Fri, 04 Jul 2008 14:26:09 +0800 * * */ class Fdate { d_time t; this() { t = getUTCtime(); } this(d_time t) { this.t = t; } char[] format(char[] str) { char[] ret = ""; for(int i =0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] != '%') { ret ~= str[i]; continue; } // should assert() i++; char[] x; int y; char[] pad ="0000"; switch( str[i]) { case 'Y': // year 4 digits. x = std.string.toString(YearFromTime?(t)); ret ~= x.length < 4 ? (pad[0..(4-x.length)] ~ x) : x; continue; case 'F' : // month full throw new Exception("no yet"); case 'M' : // month[0..3] y = MonthFromTime?(t); ret ~= monstr[(y * 3) .. (y * 3)+3]; continue; case 'm' : // month number (2digit) x = std.string.toString(MonthFromTime?(t)+1); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x : x; continue; case 'n' : // month not padded. ret ~= std.string.toString(MonthFromTime?(t)+1); continue; case 'd': // 10 2 digit day of month x = std.string.toString(DateFromTime?(t)); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x : x; continue; case 'j': // day of month (number) ret ~= std.string.toString(DateFromTime?(t)); continue; case 'D' : // day of weeek[0..3] y = WeekDay?(t); ret ~= daystr[(y * 3) .. (y * 3)+3]; continue; case 'l' : // day name of week. throw new Exception("no yet"); case 'G': //24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros; ret ~= std.string.toString(HourFromTime?(t)); continue; case 'h': //03 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros throw new Exception("no yet"); case 'H': //15 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros x = std.string.toString(HourFromTime?(t)); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x : x; continue; case 'i': //05 Minutes with leading zeros x = std.string.toString(MinFromTime?(t)); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x : x; continue; case 's': //01 Seconds, with leading zeros x ~= std.string.toString(SecFromTime?(t)); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x : x; continue; case 'O': //-0600 Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours char[] buffer = new char[17 + 1]; d_time dst = DaylightSavingTA?(t); d_time offset = LocalTZA? + dst; ret ~= (offset < 0) ? '-' : '+'; uint mn = cast(int)(offset / msPerMinute); uint hr = mn / 60; mn %= 60; x = std.string.toString(hr); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x: x; x = std.string.toString(mn); ret ~= x.length < 2 ? "0" ~ x: x; continue; case '%': ret ~= "%"; continue; default: throw new Exception("no yet"); } // edn case // next char.. } return ret; } char[] formatISO() { return format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s %O"); } } ] |
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toString(long time)
The current documentation omits some vital information.
The input d_time value is assumed by the function to be a UTC date-time. It is first converted to the local date-time by this function and then converted to a string.
The input to toTimeString() is assumed to be UTC, and it outputs a Local time string. ( NG:digitalmars.D.learn/3229).
Convert long to Date
I didn't see a built-in function to convert long to Date struct. Did I miss anything here?
C# style TimeSpan
It would be sweet to include a C# style TimeSpan class/struct in std library./************** C# Example **************/ DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now; DateTime date2 = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = date1 - date2; Console.WriteLine(span); /********** End of C# Example ***********/
Date formating
Since date/time formating appears to be missing from Date, - this code does most of that for you![]() |