Last update August 15, 2004

Dmoz Language Statistics /

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Added: 0a1,2
Programming languages ordered by their DMOZ link count. August 16, 2004.

Programming languages ordered by their DMOZ link count. August 16, 2004.

  1. Java (2,969)
  2. PHP (1,223)
  3. Perl (952)
  4. XML@ (814)
  5. C++ (806)
  6. Fortran (777)
  7. JavaScript? (540)
  8. Delphi (495)
  9. Visual Basic (468)
  10. Python (456)
  11. HTML@ (401)
  12. Ada (377)
  13. Lisp (359)
  14. TeX?@ (337)
  15. Smalltalk (315)
  16. Forth (264)
  17. C (255)
  18. BASIC (255)
  19. Erlang (250)
  20. Rexx (211)
  21. Assembly (188)
  22. UML@ (169)
  23. REBOL (153)
  24. Ruby (148)
  25. C-sharp (148)
  26. Cobol (142)
  27. Scheme@ (132)
  28. DOS Batch@ (120)
  29. Tcl-Tk? (103)
  30. PowerBuilder?@ (103)
  31. Squeak@ (100)
  32. APL (98)
  33. LabVIEW? (86)
  34. Pascal (83)
  35. Eiffel (70)
  36. Miva (69)
  37. HTMLScript@ (69)
  38. Prolog (65)
  39. Oberon (63)
  40. Frontier (56)
  41. Mathematica@ (55)
  42. Haskell (55)
  43. SAS (52)
  44. PL-SQL? (49)
  45. Curl (47)
  46. AppleScript?@ (47)
  47. D (46)
  48. Logo@ (45)
  49. Clarion (43)
  50. Algol 68 (41)
  51. Z (36)
  52. SQL (36)
  53. ML (36)
  54. VHDL@ (35)
  55. Postscript (33)
  56. Clipper (32)
  57. SGML@ (30)
  58. Visual FoxPro? (30)
  59. Modula-2 (30)
  60. Euphoria (25)
  61. Prograph (25)
  62. Lua (22)
  63. Verilog@ (22)
  64. Mumps (21)
  65. Dylan (20)
  66. Awk (20)
  67. Objective-C? (20)
  68. VBScript@ (19)
  69. Self@ (17)
  70. Intercal (17)
  71. HyperCard?@ (17)
  72. IDL (16)
  73. Algol 60 (16)
  74. MATLAB@ (16)
  75. Transcript (16)
  76. Brainfuck (15)
  77. RPG (14)
  78. Befunge (13)
  79. PL (13)
  80. Pliant (13)
  81. Sisal (12)
  82. Turing (12)
  83. Miranda (12)
  84. Objective Caml@ (12)
  85. Occam (12)
  86. Water (11)
  87. Sather (11)
  88. Component Pascal (10)
  89. Yorick (8)
  90. BETA (8)
  91. Icon (8)
  92. Modula-3 (8)
  93. Snobol (7)
  94. Simula (7)
  95. Io (7)
  96. POP-11 (7)
  97. Pike (7)
  98. Obliq (6)
  99. XOTcl@ (6)
  100. SETL (6)
  101. Clean (6)
  102. Jovial (6)
  103. Limbo (6)
  104. Cocoa (5)
  105. Oz (5)
  106. Leda (5)
  107. Bistro@ (5)
  108. Simkin (5)
  109. TRAC (5)
  110. CLU (4)
  111. Visual DialogScript? (4)
  112. Blue (4)
  113. ICI (4)
  114. TOM (4)
  115. CobolScript? (3)
  116. FP (3)
  117. Moto (3)
  118. Goedel (3)
  119. ABC (3)
  120. Cecil (3)
  121. CHILL (3)
  122. E (3)
  123. Lagoona (3)
  124. Rigal (3)
  125. Mercury (3)
  126. Proteus (2)
  127. m4 (2)
  128. ElastiC? (2)
  129. S-Lang? (2)
  130. Caml@ (2)
  131. ADL (2)
  132. T3X? (2)
  133. YAFL (2)
  134. Aleph (1)
  135. Bigwig (1)
  136. Tempo (0)

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