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Description: Dimple, or "D import-list explorer", extracts import declarations from D source files and builds a dependency graph for visualization (requiring AT&T's open-source ![]() |
Description: Dimple, or "D import-list explorer", extracts import declarations from D source files and builds a dependency graph for visualization (requiring AT&T's open-source ![]() ===import-path extension=== I hacked together a small extension to dimple which allows to specify in which paths to look for modules. The paths are scanned recursively and the module names are taken from the "module" statement (instead of from the pathname as in original dimple). ====Example==== Say we have a tree like this: [[code] base/ myprog/ src/ main.d foo/ foo1.d foo2.d mylib/ src/ bar/ bar1.d ] Where the sources look like this: main.d: [[code] module main; ] foo1.d: [[code] module foo.foo1; //... ] (other modules analogue, ie foo.foo2, bar.bar1) And you want to investigate how myprog is connected with mylib because you are developing both and are thinking about which code to put where, you would do (in base/): [[code] idimple -Imyprog/src -Imylib/src main ] Here is the full modified source, do with it whatever you want as long as the copyright owner of dimple is fine with it. For any questions you may contact my at: henning at hasemail dot de. [[code]import std.stream; import std.stdio; import std.path; import std.regexp; import std.file; import std.string; const char[] {DIMPLE VERSION}? = "0.13"; /* dimple, D import-list explorer * * Copyright (c) 2005 by Wang Zhen * All Rights Reserved * Webpage: ![]() * * See GNU General Public License for terms of use. */ class ProducerExhausted? : Exception{ this(){ super(""); } } interface IProducer(T){ T next(); } alias IProducer!(char) ICharProducer?; class FileCharStream? : ICharProducer?{ this(char[] filename){ _file = new BufferedFile?(filename); } char next(){ if(_file.eof()) throw new ProducerExhausted?; else return _file.getc(); } private: BufferedFile? _file; } class CommentFilter? : ICharProducer?{ //todo: /+ nested /+ comment +/ +/ //todo: r"wysiwyg string literal" this(ICharProducer? parent){ _parent = parent; _state = STATE.echo; _cached = false; } char next(){ static char c; if(_cached){ _cached = false; return c; } for(; ![]() c = _parent.next(); if(c=='\r') continue; switch(_state){ case STATE.echo: switch(c){ case '/': _state = STATE.slash; continue; case '"': _state = STATE.dquote; break; case '\'': _state = STATE.squote; break; case '`': _state = STATE.aquote; break; default: } break; case STATE.aquote: if(c=='`') _state = STATE.echo; break; case STATE.sqescape: _state = STATE.squote; break; case STATE.squote: switch(c){ case '\'': _state = STATE.echo; break; case '\\': _state = STATE.sqescape; break; default: } break; case STATE.dquote: switch(c){ case '"': _state = STATE.echo; break; case '\\': _state = STATE.dqescape; break; default: } break; case STATE.dqescape: _state = STATE.dquote; break; case STATE.slash: switch(c){ case '/': _state = STATE.linecomment; continue; case '*': _state = STATE.blockcomment; return ' '; default: _state = STATE.echo; _cached = true; return '/'; } case STATE.linecomment: if(c!='\n') continue; _state = STATE.echo; break; case STATE.blockcomment: switch(c){ case '\n': return c; case '*': _state = STATE.star; default: continue; } case STATE.star: switch(c){ case '\n': return c; case '/': _state = STATE.echo; default: continue; } } return c; } } private: ICharProducer? _parent; enum STATE { echo, slash, linecomment, blockcomment, star, dquote, dqescape, squote, sqescape, aquote,}; STATE _state; bit _cached; } //kludge: simplified lexer class Token{ this(char[] text){ _text = text; } char[] toString(){ return _text; } private: //int _type; char[] _text; } alias IProducer!(Token) ITokenProducer?; class TokenStream? : ITokenProducer?{ //todo: r"wysiwyg string literal" this(ICharProducer? parent){ _parent = parent; } Token next(){ char[] t; static char c = ' '; bit isws(char c){ return c==' '||c=='\n'||c=='\t'; } while(isws(c)) c = _parent.next(); switch(c){ case ';': c=' '; return new Token(";"); case ',': c=' '; return new Token(","); case '"': t ~= c; L1: for(; ![]() t ~= c = _parent.next(); switch(c){ case '"': c = ' '; break L1; case '\\': t ~= c = _parent.next(); default: } } break; case '\'': t ~= c; L2: for(; ![]() t ~= c = _parent.next(); switch(c){ case '\'': c = ' '; break L2; case '\\': t ~= c= _parent.next(); default: } } break; case '`': t ~= c; for(; ![]() t ~= c = _parent.next(); if(c=='`'){ c = ' '; break; } } break; default: try{ L0: for(; ![]() t ~= c; c = _parent.next(); switch(c){ case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case ';': case ',': break L0; default: } } }catch(ProducerExhausted?){ c = ' '; } break; } return new Token(t); } private: ICharProducer? _parent; } alias IProducer!(char[]) IStringProducer?; class ImportList? : IStringProducer?{ this(ITokenProducer? parent){ _parent = parent; _state = STATE.imp; } char[] next(){ Token t; for(; ![]() switch(_state){ case STATE.imp: while((t=_parent.next()).toString()!="import"){} _state = STATE.mod; break; case STATE.mod: if((t=_parent.next()).toString()==";"){ _state = STATE.imp; continue; } } return _parent.next().toString(); } } private: ITokenProducer? _parent; enum STATE { imp, mod, } STATE _state; } class ModuleName? : IStringProducer?{ this(ITokenProducer? parent){ _parent = parent; _state = STATE.init; } char[] next(){ Token t; for(; ![]() switch(_state){ case STATE.mod: while((t=_parent.next()).toString()!="module"){} _state = STATE.name; break; case STATE.name: if((t=_parent.next()).toString()==";"){ _state = STATE.mod; continue; } } return _parent.next().toString(); } } private: ITokenProducer? _parent; enum STATE { mod, name, } STATE _state; } class Source{ this(char[] modulename){ _modulename = modulename; auto p = _modulename in moduleToPath; if(p is null) { writefln("// Warning: Module \"%s\" not found. (forgot -I?)", _modulename); writefln("// (also you might want to try giving the entry module *after*"); writefln("// the -I's)"); writefln("// Modules known:"); foreach(k,v; moduleToPath) { writefln("// %s -> %s", k, v); } } else { _pathname = *p; } _visible = false; } char[] modulename(){ return _modulename; } char[] pathname(){ return _pathname; /+char[] result; foreach(char c; _modulename) result ~= (c=='.'?'/':c); return result ~ ".d";+/ } char[] toString(){ return _modulename; } bit visible(){ return _visible; } void visible(bit v){ _visible = v; } void linked(Source by){ _linked ~= by; } Source[] linked(){ return _linked; } void link(Source to){ _link ~= to; } Source[] link(){ return _link; } int din, dout; private: char[] _modulename, _pathname; bit _visible; Source[] _linked, _link; } char[][char[]] moduleToPath; void searchPath(char[] path="", char[] mod=""){ foreach(item; listdir(path, "*")) { if(std.file.isfile(item) && std.path.getExt(item) == "d") { char[] modname; try { modname = (new ModuleName?( new TokenStream?( new CommentFilter?( new FileCharStream?(item))))).next(); } catch(ProducerExhausted?) { modname = mod ~ "." ~ getBaseName(item)[0..$-2]; if(modname[0] == '.') { modname = modname[1 .. $]; } writefln("// Warning: File \"%s\" doest provide a module name. Using \"%s\"", item, modname); } moduleToPath[modname] = item; } else if(std.file.isdir(item)) { searchPath(item, mod ~ "." ~ getBaseName(item)); } } } int usage(){ writef("dimple ", {DIMPLE VERSION}?,` D import-list explorer Copyright(c) 2005 by Wang Zhen Webpage: ![]() Usage: dimple entry.module { -switch } entry.module module identifier -x=regexp excluded module(s) -I=path search for modules in path Example: dimple dmdscript.program "-x=\.(script|dobject)" | dot -Tps -ofdep.ps `); return 1; } int main(char[][]args){ if(args.length==1) return usage(); RegExp? excluded; Source[] src; foreach(char[] a; args[1..args.length]) if(a.length>3 && a[0..3]=="-x=") excluded = new RegExp?(a[3..a.length], ""); else if(a.length>3 && a[0..3]=="-I=") searchPath(a[3..a.length]); else src ~= new Source(a); for(int i=0; i<src.length; ++i){ Source curr = src[i]; if(excluded && excluded.test(curr.modulename)) continue; try{ ImportList? imported; try{ imported = new ImportList?( new TokenStream?( new CommentFilter?( new FileCharStream?(curr.pathname)))); }catch(OpenException?){ //writefln(" //ignoring ", curr.pathname); continue; } curr.visible(true); for(; ![]() char[] mod = imported.next(); Source dep; foreach(Source s; src) if(s.modulename == mod){ dep = s; break; } if(!dep) src ~= dep = new Source(mod); dep.linked(curr); } }catch(ProducerExhausted?){ }catch(Exception e){ return writefln("error : ", e), 1; } } int l = 0; foreach(Source s; src) if(s.visible) src[l++] = s; src.length = l; foreach(Source s; src) foreach(Source r; s.linked) r.link(s); //memo: output in "graphviz dot" format writefln(`digraph d{ node [fontname=Helvetica,style=filled]; graph [fontname=Helvetica,label="generated by dimple `, {DIMPLE VERSION}?, `"];`); foreach(Source s; src) foreach(Source r; s.link) writefln(`"`, s, `" -> "`, r, `"`, //`[weight=`, cast(int)(100.0/r.linked.length),`]`, `;`); //memo: mark modules in a cycle of dependency //memo: step 1: reduce the set of candidate nodes int dsum = 0; foreach(Source s; src){ s.din = s.linked.length; s.dout = s.link.length; dsum += s.din - s.dout; // writefln(`//`, s, ` fan-in=`, s.din, ` fan-out=`, s.dout); } assert(dsum==0); bit rescan; do{ rescan = false; foreach(Source s; src) if(s.din==0 && s.dout==0) continue; else if(s.din==0){ foreach(Source r; s.link) if(r.din) r.din--; s.dout = 0; rescan = true; }else if(s.dout==0){ foreach(Source r; s.linked) if(r.dout) r.dout--; s.din = 0; rescan = true; } }while(rescan); //memo: step 2: calculate the transitive closure Source[] candidates; foreach(Source s; src) if(s.din) candidates ~= s; int n = candidates.length; bit[] mtx = new bit[n*n]; foreach(int i, Source a; candidates) foreach(int j, Source b; candidates) foreach(Source c; a.link) if(b==c){ mtx[i*n+j] = true; break; } for(int k=0; k<n; ++k) for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) for(int j=0; j<n; ++j) if(!mtx[i*n+j] && mtx[i*n+k] && mtx[k*n+j]) mtx[i*n+j] = true; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) if(mtx[i*n+i]) writefln(`"`, candidates[i], `" [fillcolor=salmon];`); writefln(`}`); return 0; } ] |
Project Page:

Description: Dimple, or "D import-list explorer", extracts import declarations from D source files and builds a dependency graph for visualization (requiring AT&T's open-source GraphViz package.)
import-path extension
I hacked together a small extension to dimple which allows to specify in which paths to look for modules. The paths are scanned recursively and the module names are taken from the "module" statement (instead of from the pathname as in original dimple).
Say we have a tree like this:
![]() |
Where the sources look like this: main.d:
![]() |
![]() |
And you want to investigate how myprog is connected with mylib because you are developing both and are thinking about which code to put where, you would do (in base/):
![]() |
Here is the full modified source, do with it whatever you want as long as the copyright owner of dimple is fine with it. For any questions you may contact my at: henning at hasemail dot de.
![]() |