Daniel Keep /
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Added: 75a76
=Buffer= |
Added: 76a78,346
This is a very simple structure designed to allow you to explicitly control how much space is reserved for an array. To do this, it adds a "reserved" property. Unlike regular arrays, setting the length to zero doesn't deallocate the array; only setting reserved to zero does that. [[code]import std.string : format; struct buff(T : T[]) { private { alias buff!(T[]) thisT; T[] storage; size_t used; } static thisT opCall(size_t length) { return thisT(length, length); } static thisT opCall(size_t length, size_t reserved) { thisT result; result.storage = new T[reserved]; result.used = length; return result; } static thisT opCall(T[] arr) { return thisT(arr, arr.length); } static thisT opCall(T[] arr, size_t length) { thisT result; result.storage = arr; result.used = length; return result; } T[] arr() { return storage[0..used]; } thisT dup() { return thisT(storage.dup, used); } T* ptr() { return storage.ptr; } size_t length() { return used; } size_t length(size_t v) { if( reserved < v ) reserved = v; return (used = v); } size_t reserved() { return storage.length; } size_t reserved(size_t v) { if( v < length ) throw new Exception("attempt to reserve less space than used"); else if( v == 0 ) { delete storage; return 0; } else return (storage.length = v); } char[] toString() { return format("%s", arr); } thisT opCat(thisT rhs) { return thisT(this.arr ~ rhs.arr); } thisT opCat(T[] rhs) { return thisT(this.arr ~ rhs); } thisT opCat_r(T[] lhs) { return thisT(lhs ~ this.arr); } thisT opCatAssign(thisT rhs) { this.length = this.length + rhs.length; this.arr[$-rhs.length..$] = rhs[]; return rhs; } T opCatAssign(T rhs) { this.length = this.length + 1; this.arr[$-1] = rhs; return rhs; } T[] opCatAssign(T[] rhs) { this.length = this.length + rhs.length; this.arr[$-rhs.length..$] = rhs[]; return rhs; } T opIndex(size_t i) in { assert( i < length ); } body { return storage[i]; } T opIndexAssign(T v, size_t i) in { assert( i < length ); } body { return (storage[i] = v); } T[] opSlice() { return arr; } T[] opSlice(size_t a, size_t b) in { assert( a <= b ); assert( b <= length ); } body { return storage[a..b]; } T opSliceAssign(T v) { storage[0..used] = v; return v; } T[] opSliceAssign(T[] v) in { assert( v.length == length ); } body { return (storage[0..used] = v[]); } thisT opSliceAssign(thisT v) in { assert( v.length == length ); } body { storage[0..used] = v[]; return v; } T opSliceAssign(T v, size_t a, size_t b) in { assert( a <= b ); assert( b <= length ); } body { storage[a..b] = v; return v; } T[] opSliceAssign(T[] v, size_t a, size_t b) in { assert( a <= b ); assert( b <= length ); assert( v.length == (b-a) ); } body { return (storage[a..b] = v[]); } thisT opSliceAssign(thisT v, size_t a, size_t b) in { assert( a <= b ); assert( b <= length ); assert( v.length == (b-a) ); } body { storage[a..b] = v[]; return v; } }] And here's a little demo on how to use it. [[code]import std.stdio; void main() { auto a = buff!(int[])(0,10); void a_stats() { writefln("a.ptr = %08x, a.length = %2s, a.reserved = %2s; %s", a.ptr, a.length, a.reserved, a); } a_stats; a.length = 5; a[0..5] = [1,2,3,4,5]; a_stats; a ~= 6; a_stats; a ~= [7,8,9,10]; a_stats; a ~= 11; a_stats; a.length = 0; a_stats; a ~= [21,22,23,24,25]; a_stats; a.length = 0; a.reserved = 0; a_stats; a.length = 3; a_stats; }] |
Just some random bits of code. Everything in this page is public domain; if you do use something, a quick "thanks" in the ol' inbox would be appreciated.
CTFE string functions
Here are some functions designed to be used at compile-time.
Strips off the cruft from a single RCS keyword expansion. You know, things like "$Rev: 145 $" and "$Author: foo $" in source files. It strips out everything apart from the content in the middle, and even trims any superfluous whitespace out.
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This function just strips off whitespace; but at compile time! Basically, it just walks the string forward to the first non-whitespace character, and then walks it backwards, returning the slice in the middle.
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This is a very simple structure designed to allow you to explicitly control how much space is reserved for an array. To do this, it adds a "reserved" property. Unlike regular arrays, setting the length to zero doesn't deallocate the array; only setting reserved to zero does that.
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And here's a little demo on how to use it.
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