DWiki /
Style Guide
Difference (last change) (Author, normal page display)
Deleted: 1,2d0
=Style Guide (DWiki)= |
Changed: 15c13
DanLiebgold |
DanLiebgold (from DWiki) |
Take a look at this wiki's formatting syntax on this

- All of these pages are open for editing. In fact, this site requires user participation to function. Edit away!
- The goal of this site is to evolve an enlightening discussion of language design. A noble side effect will be to also grow towards a combination of reference and user's manual for the D language.
- Always use descriptive links. Prefer writing "check out
this example link" over writing "click
- Try to keep comments and examples as concrete as possible.
- Structure your writing to maximize clarity and completeness.
- Above all, write in plain english. See
the government's plain english guidebook for some ideas.
- When responding to a section with counterpoint or correction, leaving your real name as a signature is certainly good form.
- When you are sure of your knowledge and stance, /Refactor away.