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* DIG Library, which is a GUI wrapper for Win32. Find information at the ![]() |
* DIG Library, which is a GUI wrapper for Win32. Find information at the ![]() |
D Language Design Wiki (DWiki)
D was conceived starting in December 1999 by Walter Bright of Digital Mars ( website) as a successor to C and C++, and has grown and evolved with helpful suggestions and critiques by friends and colleagues. Take a look at the
D language spec.
This set of Wiki pages was started by DanLiebgold in the hope that language design discussion could take place in a structured environment, with richly interlinked descriptions of the proposals and ideas generated by the D community.
Please read our /StyleGuide.
To see a description of what exactly a wiki is, try the WikiWiki entry on the Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is both an on-line encyclopedia and a wiki itself.
For example of another language design Wiki, check out the Nice dev wiki, or the Haskell wiki.
The bottom line is, if you see any concepts that are incomplete, go ahead and flesh them out for everyone's benefit.
D Design
- A list of /LanguageReferences has been graciously provided by Mark Evans.
- You may add any /FeatureProposals.
- D features /GarbageCollection.
- Release 0.58 has implemented /CovariantReturnTypes.
- Release 0.57 has implemented /NestedFunctions, /DynamicClosures, /FunctionLiterals.
- What about /FirstClassFunctions, or /HigherOrderFunction?
- D is going to need a Standard Library.
- D still uses /printf.
D Code
- DIG Library, which is a GUI wrapper for Win32. Find information at the
DIG website. A high-level OpenGL wrapper is also part of the DIG Library.
- /BurtonRadons has implemented a Linux back-end/port of the D compiler. Find information at the
DLI website.
- A Win32 GUI library is under development at
The Code Moon.
- /DanielYokomiso has begun development of a template library for D, called /DeimosTemplateLibrary. For information and downloading, proceed to
minddrome networks.
- If you want /EditorSupport, go here.
- Add your D code link here...
Some D Links
- D has appeared on the cover of Dr. Dobb's Magazine. View the
- D is described on another
- The Open Directory has a
section for D.
- D is discussed in its own
- The Digital Mars website has many more D related