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An expression that cannot have a value assigned to it. The result of calling a function that does not return a reference. [...] Contrast with lvalue. ![]() As suggested by the definition, modifying operations such as ++, --, +=, *=, =, member function calls, and the like may not be applied to rvalues. The dereference operator *expr turns rvalues into lvalues. The reference or address-of operator &expr turns lvalues into rvalues. Examples: [[code] // D2 code. class C { int a; this() {} } struct S { int a; } int foo; int bar() { return foo; } int* baz() { return &foo; } ref int qux() { return foo; } C getC() { return new C(); } S s; S getS() { return s; } void main() { int* ptr = new int; foo++; // foo is an lvalue because it is a variable. bar()++; // Error: bar() is not an lvalue. (It is an rvalue.) bar() = 42; // Error: bar() is not an lvalue. bar() is an rvalue and must appear on the right-hand-side of the assignment. baz() = ptr; // Error: baz() is not an lvalue. A pointer is returned, but not dereferenced. *baz() = 42; // Fine. The dereference operator turns baz() into an lvalue. qux() = 42; // Fine. References are lvalues. getC().a = 42; // Fine, getC() is a class instance, and therefore also an lvalue. // Compiles, but does nothing. getS() is not an lvalue, but an rvalue. // getS() returns a struct whose a member is set to 42, but the struct is a copy that gets discarded. getS().a = 42; s.a = 42; // This really will set a to 42. s is an lvalue because it is a variable. } ] |
An expression that cannot have a value assigned to it. The result of calling a function that does not return a reference. [...] Contrast with lvalue.

As suggested by the definition, modifying operations such as ++, --, +=, *=, =, member function calls, and the like may not be applied to rvalues.
The dereference operator *expr turns rvalues into lvalues. The reference or address-of operator &expr turns lvalues into rvalues.
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