Wild Card
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Changed: 19c19,25
Thus a full-debug compile of wc would be: |
Thus to run a test of wildmatch.d, dmd wildmatch -debug=Wildmatch -debug=wildmatch or dmd wildmatch -debug=Wildmatch ( main() only, no debug messages ) And a full-debug compile of wc would be: |
Changed: 23c29
More info later when I figure out how to get the modules to you. |
Click to DOWNLOAD: [[Link][Url=![]() |
Changed: 25c31
Apparently this did it - click to DOWNLOAD: [[Link][Url=![]() |
(The zipfile includes win32 executables for the 2 programs.) |
This project has 5 files:
- wc.d (requires the following 3 modules in the compile)
- expandw.d (requires the following 2 modules in rhe compile)
- parsestring.d (independent)
- wildmatch.d (independent)
- hilevel.d (requires the above 3 modules and the stream.d or streams.d written by Andy Friesen - included in downloadable zipfile)
dmd wc expandw parsestring wildmatch (making wc.exe)
Thus to run a test of wildmatch.d,
dmd wildmatch -debug=Wildmatch -debug=wildmatch or dmd wildmatch -debug=Wildmatch ( main() only, no debug messages )And a full-debug compile of wc would be:
dmd wc expandw parsestring wildmatch -debug=wc -debug=expandw -debug=parsestring -debug=wildmatchClick to DOWNLOAD: wildcard.zip
(The zipfile includes win32 executables for the 2 programs.)