Last update January 22, 2007

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Difference (last change) (no other diffs, normal page display)

Changed: 3c3,11
== More Information =

== Messages =

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=== Correction ===

Added: 8a17,19

=== Correction: opAdd (not add) ===

Added: 12a24,26

=== Suggestion ===

Deleted: 17d30
== Messages =

Changed: 19c32
== Amendments =

Changed: 22c35
*See the corresponding page in the D Specification: DigitalMars:d/rationale.html
Corresponding page in the D Specification



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Why not name them operator+(), operator*(), etc.?

The example is wrong: the comment lines should say // overloads (a/i) and // overloads (i/a).

Correction: opAdd (not add)

Why not allow globally defined operator overload functions?

The example is wrong: the function should be opAdd instead of add.


Why not use operator names like __add__ and __div__ instead of add, div, etc.?

This question should be rephrased.


Corresponding page in the D Specification

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Edit text of this page (date of last change: January 22, 2007 22:43 (diff))