Venus Library /
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# writing code using the programming language |
# writing code using the programming language and native libraries |
The Venus libary grows as I go and it tries to embody my 30 year experience of "programming for reuse". There is a good chance that you will find this strange. It means that
- OO thinking is considered more important that formal OO programming
- It tries to establish a global semantic programming language
The goal is that the programmer may work in a consistent development model that includes:
- the current project specific code
- project generated modules that have the potential for reuse
- libraries that contain modules otimized for reuse
- the code must be produced in form of modules
- it should be easy to move modules from one area to another (e. g. a library)
- a meta language should connect these different areas in a consistent way
- the modules (units of reuse) should be as small as possible
- should not need to know where a function or object is defined
- should program using the meta language without caring too much about whether a function is already defined or not
- Using and extending a meta language
- thinking about modules for use and reuse
- implementing consistent interfaces for the new modules
- writing code using existing modules
- writing code using the programming language and native libraries
