Contributions of the last 9000 days
1 day | 2 days | 3 days | 7 days | 14 days | 30 days | 1 day RSSContributions starting with June 10, 2023 16:21
June 10, 2023
- (diff) FrontPage 16:21 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
August 31, 2021
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 1:09 [*fixed typo: func_two to func_three in third example] . . . . . LoHo
October 9, 2020
- (diff) EditorSupport / JensFileEditor 3:34 [updated web address] . . . . . SpongeBob
September 1, 2019
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 11:02 [Fix spelling issue] . . . . . BaruchEven
January 6, 2019
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 4:12 [* reply to myself, 7½ years later] . . . . . ChrisChittleborough
- (diff) ChrisChittleborough 4:02 . . . . . ChrisChittleborough
July 12, 2017
- (diff) DsourceOrg 5:48 (2 changes) [removing reference to myself for anonyminity.] . . . . . PeterSanders
July 3, 2016
- (diff) NeighborHood 9:12 [revert to revision 1.39] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 2, 2016
- (diff) NeighborHood 23:15 . . . . . PeterSmith
May 7, 2016
- (diff) NeighborHood 3:32 [Remove link to google group which is all pornographic spam at this point.] . . . . . CarlVogel
April 22, 2016
- (diff) FrontPage 4:42 . . . . . PeterSmith
February 3, 2016
- (diff) BestPractices 0:35 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) FirstLanguage 0:32 . . . . . PeterSmith
January 28, 2016
- (diff) FrontPage 4:49 . . . . . PeterSmith
November 18, 2015
- (diff) FrontPage 0:49 . . . . . PeterSmith
November 8, 2015
- (diff) Chemodan 13:59 (2 changes) . . . . . KarlZhest
- (diff) FrontPage 12:09 [revert to revision 1.244] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:08 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Chemodan 12:06 [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
November 5, 2015
- (diff) EricPoggel 0:46 . . . . . PEterSmith2
September 27, 2015
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:06 . . . . . ZhoraMelezhko
September 7, 2015
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:27 . . . . . ZhoraMelezhko
September 2, 2015
- (diff) FrontPage 4:09 . . . . . PeterSmith
August 5, 2015
May 27, 2015
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 19:15 . . . . . NeoAnderson
May 13, 2015
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:21 [Updated VisualD entry with the new homepage and updated version and last known activity (Using last github beta version release day)] . . . . . TiernanMartin
May 10, 2015
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / dTemplate2 11:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . GagaDu
May 5, 2015
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:58 . . . . . AndreySikilyavyy
February 14, 2015
- (diff) MatthiasPleh 11:36 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . DjkfDSfs
January 15, 2015
- (diff) FrontPage 0:06 . . . . . PeterSmith
December 13, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 2:47 . . . . . PeterSmith
November 7, 2014
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 18:44 [correction: rows -> columns] . . . . . MauricevanderPot
October 21, 2014
- (diff) WxD 21:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TeSt
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / TestPage 21:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TeSt
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / Context 21:51 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TeSt
- (diff) MatthiasPleh 21:49 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TeSt
September 16, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 1:11 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
August 18, 2014
- (diff) NeighborHood 1:45 [fixed typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 30, 2014
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:06 . . . . . DmitryMry
April 24, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 7:39 . . . . . PeterSmith
April 19, 2014
- (diff) AllLibraries 12:00 . . . . . SohgoTakeuchi
April 15, 2014
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:32 [Update to latest Zeus release.] . . . . . JussiJumppane
April 6, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 1:18 . . . . . PeterSmith
February 26, 2014
February 25, 2014
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 10:40 . . . . . MikeF
- (diff) GdcHacking 10:38 . . . . . MikeF
February 17, 2014
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 10:46 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MikeF
February 13, 2014
- (diff) GdcHacking 8:46 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MikeF
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:55 . . . . . AlexBothe
February 10, 2014
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / GDC 10:38 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MikeF
January 27, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 11:46 . . . . . PeterSmith
January 25, 2014
- (diff) FrontPage 0:49 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
December 2, 2013
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 17:25 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 16, 2013
October 25, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:47 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
October 16, 2013
- (diff) FrontPage 11:26 . . . . . JamillaBiancea
October 15, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:25 [version updates] . . . . . PravicEhysta
September 24, 2013
- (diff) GuiLibraries 21:06 [Added link to D-TUI] . . . . . KevinLamonte
September 9, 2013
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:54 . . . . . DonClugston
August 26, 2013
- (diff) FrontPage 13:34 . . . . . PeterSmith
August 2, 2013
- (diff) GuiLibraries 16:34 [update on SDWF status] . . . . . StewartGordon
July 26, 2013
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 19:07 . . . . . AkhremtsevYaroslav
July 23, 2013
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:59 (3 changes) [Revert vandalism] . . . . . DonClugston
June 15, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 19:41 [*Fixed typo.] . . . . . StephenPipes
June 13, 2013
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdProcess 8:11 . . . . . TimotheeCour
- (diff) TimotheeCour 8:09 . . . . . TimotheeCour
- (diff) GuestBook 8:08 . . . . . TimotheeCour
May 11, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:39 [*Updated Visual D version] . . . . . DavidZaragoza
May 4, 2013
May 2, 2013
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:45 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
April 24, 2013
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:24 [revert to revision 1.118] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
April 12, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:10 (3 changes) [Change dates for using ISO format] . . . . . EmanuelSan
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:38 (2 changes) . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
April 10, 2013
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 19:54 (2 changes) [SQLite support added to HibernateD/DDBC] . . . . . VadimLopatin
April 4, 2013
February 10, 2013
- (diff) FrontPage 14:14 . . . . . PeterSmith
February 2, 2013
- (diff) Games 10:03 (3 changes) . . . . . KalmanKiss
February 1, 2013
- (diff) TestPage 16:09 [revert to revision 1.238] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
January 30, 2013
- (diff) TestPage 18:12 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
January 29, 2013
- (diff) OnlinePokies 12:07 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) OnlinePokies 10:34 . . . . . OnlinePokies
January 28, 2013
- (diff) OnlinePokies 19:15 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) OnlinePokies 16:20 (6 changes) . . . . . OnlinePokies
- (diff) OnlinePokies 8:37 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . OnlinePokiesRevert
January 20, 2013
- (diff) BotoxSydney 11:39 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
January 18, 2013
- (diff) BotoxSydney 21:37 . . . . . BotoxSydney
January 17, 2013
- (diff) BotoxSydney 14:32 (4 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . BotoxSydneyRevert
- (diff) BotoxSydney 11:45 (3 changes) . . . . . BotoxSydney
January 9, 2013
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:01 . . . . . OrfeoDaVia
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 7:33 [revert to revision 1.46] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 7:28 . . . . . LewisLee
January 7, 2013
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:44 [Mono-D updated] . . . . . LudovitLucenic
December 24, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 11:07 [revert to revision 1.236] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
December 23, 2012
- (diff) MartinRodriguez 21:18 . . . . . MartinRodriguez
- (diff) GuestBook 21:16 (3 changes) . . . . . MartinRodriguez
December 22, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 16:10 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 21, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 21:09 [revert to revision 1.234] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 16:08 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 20, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 18:09 [revert to revision 1.232] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 16:23 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 18, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 19:03 [revert to revision 1.230] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 17:19 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 16, 2012
- (diff) Games 7:42 [revert to revision 1.19] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) GuestBook 7:40 [revert to revision 1.57] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) ManfredNowak 7:39 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) FrontPage 7:39 [revert to revision 1.252] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:38 [revert to revision 1.107] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) TestPage 7:37 [revert to revision 1.228] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) FrontPage 0:09 . . . . . PeterSmith
December 15, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 23:53 (3 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:07 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) ManfredNowak 23:06 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) GuestBook 23:05 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 23:04 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) Games 23:02 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 13:50 [revert to revision 1.226] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
December 14, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 16:37 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 13, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 17:35 [revert to revision 1.224] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 16:13 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 11, 2012
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD / PageDiscussion 13:58 . . . . . SeySayux
December 8, 2012
- (diff) AllLibraries 11:09 . . . . . MasahiroNakagawa
December 2, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP21 22:30 (3 changes) . . . . . DeadalNix
- (diff) TestPage 14:11 [revert to revision 1.222] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 6:47 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
December 1, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 15:58 [revert to revision 1.220] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 9:25 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 30, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 15:52 [Small tweaks to keep links to present.] . . . . . JasonMills
- (diff) TestPage 14:10 [revert to revision 1.218] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 12:34 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 29, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 13:10 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.216] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 9:51 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 28, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 17:05 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.212] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 17:04 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 27, 2012
- (diff) ToolSIG 19:25 [*Added waf build system to the template list] . . . . . JakubSzewczyk
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 19:24 [*Added waf build system] . . . . . JakubSzewczyk
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:36 . . . . . IvanBelyayev
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 7:30 . . . . . IvanBelyayev
November 23, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 18:28 [revert to revision 1.208] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 5:51 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 20, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 15:25 [revert to revision 1.206] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP21 15:10 (3 changes) . . . . . AdamRuppe
- (diff) TestPage 8:26 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 19, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP21 18:57 (2 changes) . . . . . AdamRuppe
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 18:52 (4 changes) . . . . . AdamRuppe
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:09 [Link to newer phobos unittest page] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) LanguageDevel / UnitTestPhobos 10:08 [Move phobos unittest page] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
November 16, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 12:29 [revert to revision 1.204] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:36 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) TestPage 6:27 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 15, 2012
- (diff) PullRequest 9:10 (3 changes) [Global pull command] . . . . . AndrejM
- (diff) TestPage 8:32 [revert to revision 1.202] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 6:16 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 14, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 19:10 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 8:28 [revert to revision 1.200] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 6:12 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 13, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 21:28 (2 changes) [Query Usage] . . . . . AndrejM
- (diff) TestPage 12:34 [revert to revision 1.198] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
November 11, 2012
- (diff) Wiki4D 18:32 [revert to revision 1.6] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) FrontPage 18:32 [revert to revision 1.250] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) Wiki4D 9:58 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) FrontPage 9:58 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 6:08 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 9, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 11:00 [revert to revision 1.167] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) PullRequest 10:38 (2 changes) [dot] . . . . . BlahBlehBluh
- (diff) TestPage 6:45 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 8, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 11:01 [revert to revision 1.194] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
November 7, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 5:46 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 5, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 20:00 [revert to revision 1.192] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 9:46 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
November 3, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 6:25 [revert to revision 1.190] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
November 1, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 6:47 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 31, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 19:31 [revert to revision 1.188] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 11:36 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 30, 2012
- (diff) PortingFromC 4:13 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
October 29, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 13:18 [revert to revision 1.186] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 4:39 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 28, 2012
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 2:16 [update example] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 27, 2012
- (diff) PullRequest 18:19 (2 changes) [protip] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
October 26, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 9:04 [revert to revision 1.183] . . . . . PeterSmithRevert
- (diff) TestPage 7:19 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 7:18 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 25, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 9:06 [revert to revision 1.181] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) TestPage 8:47 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 24, 2012
- (diff) PullRequest 22:55 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . AndrejMitrovi
- (diff) TestPage 17:35 [revert to revision 1.179] . . . . . RecentChangesRevert
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 14:20 [add DustMite subsection for automatic minimization] . . . . . NickTreleaven
- (diff) TestPage 9:53 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 23, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:15 [Moved Descent to "Obvious Abandoned Projects". Various spelling corrections.] . . . . . RossAllan
October 22, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 15:24 [revert to revision 1.248] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 15:24 [revert to revision 1.12] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 9:50 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 9:50 (2 changes) . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
October 21, 2012
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 20:19 [Add link to pull request page] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:32 . . . . . AndrewEdwards
October 20, 2012
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 11:35 [revert to revision 1.44] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
October 19, 2012
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 10:39 . . . . . LewisLee
- (diff) TestPage 8:57 [revert to revision 1.177] . . . . . RecentChange
October 16, 2012
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 0:50 . . . . . RobT
October 15, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 7:51 [don't need] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:33 . . . . . MattNewby
October 14, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:36 . . . . . AndrewEdwards
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 20:05 (2 changes) . . . . . ElleryNewcomer
October 13, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 10:08 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 12, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 13:12 [revert to revision 1.175] . . . . . RecentChange
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP20 4:18 . . . . . AlexPetersen
October 11, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP20 16:35 (2 changes) . . . . . AlexPetersen
- (diff) TestPage 10:57 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 4:45 (2 changes) [Removed as docs are correct now] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Tuples 4:38 [Submitted bugs] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries 4:30 [*added MCI] . . . . . AlexHairyman
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 4:27 [*added a warning ] . . . . . AlexHairyman
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 3:54 [Answer question] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 10, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP20 18:42 . . . . . AlexPetersen
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 18:23 (4 changes) . . . . . AlexPetersen
- (diff) TestPage 15:22 [revert to revision 1.173] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 9, 2012
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 23:15 (2 changes) [more stuff] . . . . . DreyDreey
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 16:32 [*code sample] . . . . . RoyC
- (diff) TestPage 14:12 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 0:31 [add link name] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 8, 2012
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 12:21 [dpq2 added] . . . . . DenisD
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 2:05 [Tips and tricks] . . . . . CamelCase
October 7, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 18:59 [revert to revision 1.171] . . . . . CamelCase
- (diff) TestPage 7:08 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 6, 2012
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 23:38 [more tips for contributions] . . . . . DreyDreey
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:28 [Add link to contrib page.] . . . . . DreyDreey
October 4, 2012
- (diff) DocComments / Tuples 21:11 [Mention the expand property] . . . . . TommiT
- (diff) TestPage 17:55 [revert to revision 1.169] . . . . . RecentChanges
October 2, 2012
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 19:55 [Fix broken link.] . . . . . CamelCase
October 1, 2012
- (diff) AnnaKish 17:00 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AnnaKish 7:07 (3 changes) . . . . . AnnaKish
- (diff) AnnaKish 7:07 (3 changes) . . . . . AnnaKish
September 29, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 8:34 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . RecentChanges
September 28, 2012
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 2:43 [link to pull testing] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 27, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 10:57 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.167] . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 4:41 [correction for the code snippet: struct C { typeof(this) z; }] . . . . . TommiT
September 26, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 19:30 [deleted spam links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KenjiPrince 19:28 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:40 (2 changes) . . . . . AdilBaig
- (diff) KenjiPrince 12:49 (3 changes) . . . . . KenjiPrince
- (diff) KenjiPrince 12:49 (3 changes) . . . . . KenjiPrince
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 10:29 (2 changes) . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 0:55 (2 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
September 25, 2012
- (diff) Contributing To The D Compiler 23:45 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 22:31 [remove dead link] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) TestPage 14:22 . . . . . RecentChanges
September 23, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP19 22:35 (18 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) AndreiAlexandrescu 20:05 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:15 . . . . . AndrewEdwards
September 21, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 1:18 [Move reviewing item] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 19, 2012
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 15:50 [revert to revision 1.41] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) KenjiPrince 8:28 (6 changes) . . . . . KenjiPrince
- (diff) KenjiPrince 8:28 (6 changes) . . . . . KenjiPrince
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 3:28 . . . . . LewisLee
September 17, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 15:45 [std.digest review finished] . . . . . JohannesPfau
September 14, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 22:14 . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
September 13, 2012
- (diff) MerWan 2:23 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 12, 2012
September 11, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 6:40 . . . . . RecentChanges
September 10, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 11:23 [std.linalg link] . . . . . AnonNow
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 8:28 [Update links to LDC] . . . . . KaiNacke
September 9, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 23:19 [revert to revision 1.161] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TestPage 8:37 [revert to revision 1.159] . . . . . RecentChanges
September 8, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP13 2:28 [revert to revision 1.1] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TestPage 2:26 [revert to revision 1.74] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Wiki4D 2:25 [revert to revision 1.4] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 2:23 [x spam] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 7, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 3:11 . . . . . PeterSmith
September 5, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 11:33 . . . . . PeterSmith
September 1, 2012
- (diff) VenusLibrary 14:17 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) Wiki4D 14:16 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP13 14:16 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TestPage 14:15 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) FrontPage 14:08 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 2:37 . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP18 2:36 . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
August 29, 2012
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 8:20 [Added info about pointers ability to dereference implicitly when used with member access operator.] . . . . . TommiT
August 27, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 10:58 . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) TestPage 10:53 . . . . . RecentChange
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:48 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
August 24, 2012
- (diff) HistoryOfDevelopmentModelForDMD 10:06 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
August 20, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 14:37 . . . . . JohannesPfau
August 18, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 18:42 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . LeandroMottaBarros
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 18:39 . . . . . LeandroMottaBarros
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:17 . . . . . LeandroMottaBarros
August 15, 2012
- (diff) dTemplate 16:53 [made wiki URLs relative (rather than absolute)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 10, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:37 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
- (diff) LanguageDevel 2:34 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.111] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 9, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:25 . . . . . LindaL
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:37 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
August 8, 2012
- (diff) HelpCenter 23:17 [Template File help] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) dTemplate 23:05 [Add link to Compilers to the tables] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP17 20:51 . . . . . AlexRP
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 20:51 . . . . . AlexRP
- (diff) FrontPage 20:04 [removed spam links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhySwitch 20:03 [removed spam links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhySwitch 19:51 . . . . . KataMutiara
- (diff) FrontPage 19:49 . . . . . KataMutiara
August 6, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:02 [revert to revision 1.108] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) ReviewQueue 12:07 [Add std.hash to review queue] . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:25 . . . . . JaneParker
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:58 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
August 3, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 1:27 [DMD 1.075 / DMD 2.060 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 1:22 (2 changes) [removed 2 sets of spammy links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 2, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:01 . . . . . JaneParker
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:08 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
August 1, 2012
- (diff) CLibraryBindings 19:47 [use Deimos, Dsource, and GitHub shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 19:44 (2 changes) [added GitHub shortcut] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 31, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP17 22:47 (4 changes) . . . . . AlexRP
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 20:47 . . . . . AlexRP
- (diff) Games 19:34 . . . . . PonceT
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 14:49 [added heading] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceGuide 14:48 [renamed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:47 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 10:41 (3 changes) . . . . . JakobOvrum
- (diff) CLibraryBindings 10:31 (2 changes) [The Deimos Lua repository is empty - switched to LuaD] . . . . . JakobOvrum
July 30, 2012
- (diff) CLibraryBindings 21:29 (2 changes) . . . . . JacobCarlborg
- (diff) CLibraryBindings 16:46 (2 changes) [deleted database section; added more libraries] . . . . . MarcoLeise
July 27, 2012
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:30 [mention std.curl] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
July 25, 2012
- (diff) MarcWan 16:19 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MarcWan 10:57 . . . . . MarcWan
July 16, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 20:57 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
July 11, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 14:30 [MinGW 6a4bafe80b] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 10, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:14 [revert to revision 1.102] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:16 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 0:07 [Oracle OCILIB] . . . . . HotDog
July 9, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 11:56 [revert to revision 1.240] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 11:56 [revert to revision 1.38] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 11:56 [revert to revision 1.10] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
July 7, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 6:14 . . . . . JonasMiller
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 4:52 . . . . . LewisLee
July 6, 2012
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 17:30 . . . . . PeterJones
- (diff) TestPage 14:29 [removed Spam] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:28 [revert to revision 1.100] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
July 5, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:18 . . . . . AliciaTerrysson
July 2, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 13:34 . . . . . JohannesPfau
July 1, 2012
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:23 (2 changes) . . . . . MasahiroNakagawa
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 19:09 [Add ArangoDB Driver] . . . . . MasahiroNakagawa
June 28, 2012
- (diff) GuiLibraries 15:20 . . . . . SaiKumar
June 27, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 10:41 [std.uuid review finished] . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) ReviewQueue 2:47 . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
- (diff) CryptoDevel 2:39 . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
June 25, 2012
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:10 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) IsabellaCross 19:10 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Context 17:42 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 13:03 . . . . . MarcSchütz
June 23, 2012
- (diff) IsabellaCross 0:52 (3 changes) . . . . . IsabellaCross
June 19, 2012
- (diff) IsabellaCross 16:47 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 18, 2012
- (diff) IsabellaCross 20:27 (3 changes) . . . . . IsabellaCross
- (diff) IsabellaCross 20:27 (3 changes) . . . . . IsabellaCross
- (diff) IsabellaCross 0:18 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 17, 2012
- (diff) IsabellaCross 21:21 (3 changes) . . . . . IsabellaCross
- (diff) IsabellaCross 21:21 (3 changes) . . . . . IsabellaCross
- (diff) TestPage 17:51 (5 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
June 16, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 17:04 (3 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
June 15, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 18:21 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
June 14, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial 22:02 (2 changes) [Newbie oriented] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Complexities 21:58 [Purity in D] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:39 [Updated DDT informations] . . . . . SeriousEagle
June 13, 2012
- (diff) MatthiasPleh 14:49 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . RecentChange
June 10, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 14:02 [std.uuid review started] . . . . . JohannesPfau
June 8, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 9:47 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
- (diff) JamieCreevey 1:24 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CoverHealth 1:23 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 7, 2012
- (diff) JamieCreevey 8:38 (3 changes) . . . . . JamieCreevey
- (diff) CoverHealth 1:43 (4 changes) . . . . . CoverHealth
June 6, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 16:23 (24 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
May 30, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 17:58 (19 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
May 29, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 12:33 (3 changes) . . . . . RecentChange
May 28, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 23:12 [removed Spam] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LifeInsure 23:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LifeInsure 13:54 (4 changes) . . . . . LifeInsure
- (diff) LifeInsure 13:54 (4 changes) . . . . . LifeInsure
May 26, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 7:30 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.97] . . . . . RecentChange
May 25, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 8:24 (13 changes) . . . . . RecentChange
May 24, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 20:01 [revert to revision 1.85] . . . . . ResentChange
- (diff) TestPage 17:05 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.82] . . . . . RecentChange
- (diff) TestPage 17:03 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.83] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 23, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 10:17 (2 changes) . . . . . RecentChange
May 19, 2012
- (diff) TestPage 22:41 [revert to revision 1.79] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) TestPage 8:43 . . . . . RecentChange
- (diff) FrontPage 8:35 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.238] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 7:37 (2 changes) . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) IainS 2:16 . . . . . IainS
- (diff) GuestBook 2:14 (2 changes) . . . . . IainS
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdXml 2:12 (2 changes) [* added alternative xml modules] . . . . . IainS
May 18, 2012
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdXml 22:54 . . . . . IainS
May 16, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 17:00 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.234] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 15:37 (2 changes) . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) FrontPage 1:01 [revert to revision 1.230] . . . . . JessePhillips
May 15, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 16:57 (2 changes) . . . . . RecentChanges
- (diff) FrontPage 16:35 [revert to revision 1.228] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 12, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial 0:55 [Templates Primer] . . . . . SomeDure
May 3, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:14 . . . . . AlexBo
May 2, 2012
- (diff) FirstLanguage 2:30 . . . . . AliCehreli
May 1, 2012
- (diff) WhySwitch 17:44 [Sabalausky] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 17:41 (2 changes) [Fibers] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 11:49 (5 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
April 30, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 2:44 [Add node about using -L+ with -lib] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 29, 2012
- (diff) ComingFrom / Python 4:17 [* Updated link to D gotchas.] . . . . . SignedLongInt
April 27, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 10:24 . . . . . JensMueller
- (diff) HelpDProgress 3:51 [Mention smaller phobos additions] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 26, 2012
- (diff) GuiLibraries 21:08 . . . . . BlakeSteel
- (diff) HackingPhobos 5:59 [Reference dstyle page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpDProgress 5:52 (2 changes) [Creating proper link] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 25, 2012
- (diff) Article Contest 0:10 . . . . . AbscissaExcessCamelCasingToMakeProWikiHappy
April 24, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 5:45 [Add link to deprecations] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 20, 2012
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 22:39 (6 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 21:22 [* video] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) WhySwitch 20:46 [*Older videos] . . . . . SomeDude
April 19, 2012
- (diff) HackingPhobos 19:16 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 19:13 (3 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) FirstLanguage 13:21 (2 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) NewsDmD 1:32 (2 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) WhySwitch 0:47 (5 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 0:42 . . . . . SomeDude
April 18, 2012
- (diff) WhySwitch 23:45 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial 17:26 (5 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 17:11 (8 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) HackingPhobos 12:49 (13 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 12:49 (3 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) BestPractices 9:08 [*Obsolete] . . . . . SomeDude
April 17, 2012
- (diff) HowTo / UnitTests 14:48 (8 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 14:46 (12 changes) [*HowTo] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) HowTo 13:58 [*UnitTests ] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 13:56 (19 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 13:48 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) HowTo / OptLink 13:45 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) EasterEggs 10:32 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 9:55 (3 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 9:12 (4 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 9:08 (2 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) WhySwitch 8:52 (17 changes) [*available libraries] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) MoreLinks 8:30 (5 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial 1:07 (15 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) NeighborHood 0:59 (5 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Complexities 0:44 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:09 (4 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
April 16, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 23:53 . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) D Tutorial 23:52 (10 changes) [*Quickstart] . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 23:30 (7 changes) . . . . . SomeDude
- (diff) PersonalLoans 16:47 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) PersonalLoans 15:09 (4 changes) . . . . . PersonalLoans
April 13, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 15:16 [DMD 1.074/2.059 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 12, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 16:30 [Update details] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LifeCover 7:30 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LifeInsurance 7:30 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LifeCover 0:38 (4 changes) . . . . . LifeCover
- (diff) LifeInsurance 0:37 (7 changes) . . . . . LifeInsurance
- (diff) LifeInsurance 0:37 (7 changes) . . . . . LifeInsurance
April 11, 2012
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 16:37 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ReviewQueue 10:56 . . . . . JonasDrewsen
April 9, 2012
- (diff) Luis 21:00 . . . . . LuisCM
- (diff) LuisCM 20:59 . . . . . LuisCM
- (diff) GuestBook 20:58 . . . . . LuisCM
- (diff) Luis 20:54 . . . . . LuisCarlosMoreiradaCosta
April 8, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 5:16 (3 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
April 6, 2012
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 15:15 [*edited spiritd url due to move to GitHub] . . . . . SimonHammett
- (diff) GrammarParsers 15:13 [*editted spiritd url due to move to GitHub] . . . . . SimonHammett
- (diff) LanguageDevel 6:49 [Remove confusing, useless sentence] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 5, 2012
- (diff) JasonMarkson 18:54 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) JasonMarkson 15:33 (4 changes) . . . . . JasonMarkson
- (diff) JasonMarkson 15:33 (4 changes) . . . . . JasonMarkson
- (diff) JasonMarkson 15:33 (4 changes) . . . . . JasonMarkson
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:45 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
April 4, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 2:23 [Added DIP16] . . . . . JamesMiller
April 1, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:26 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
March 31, 2012
- (diff) PortingFromD1 22:33 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 30, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP16 16:22 (2 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 10:22 [Java to D] . . . . . DavidNguyen
- (diff) NewsDmD 6:38 (3 changes) [reorder, include dforum] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 6:06 (2 changes) [Link updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DConference 5:48 [Conf 2012] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 28, 2012
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 23:41 [revert to revision 1.4] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:40 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 8:02 (3 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
March 27, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:50 [revert to revision 1.95] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
March 26, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:57 . . . . . JoanDigweed
March 24, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 19:59 . . . . . JonasDrewsen
March 22, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 23:40 (2 changes) [* added alex as a mentor] . . . . . BryanCostanich
March 16, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 9:18 . . . . . JohannesPfau
March 14, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:32 [Updated activity dates] . . . . . AlexBo
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 4:23 . . . . . HotDog
- (diff) EditorSupport / PellesC 4:09 . . . . . HotDog
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:06 [Pelles C D Add-in] . . . . . HotDog
March 12, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 23:35 (4 changes) . . . . . DavidNadlinger
March 7, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 21:45 [Event library idea] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 17:04 . . . . . DavidSimcha
March 6, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 17:23 [Repo name update] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 11:28 . . . . . JacobCarlborg
March 5, 2012
- (diff) Context 15:50 (2 changes) [changed shortcut to use] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 11:26 (2 changes) . . . . . JacobCarlborg
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 7:31 [fixed nowiki words] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FastFlowers 7:16 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DarkSidex 7:14 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FastFlowers 5:43 (4 changes) . . . . . FastFlowers
March 4, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 23:12 . . . . . DavidSimcha
- (diff) DarkSidex 19:42 (4 changes) . . . . . DarkSidex
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:56 . . . . . AlexBo
March 3, 2012
- (diff) NeighborHood 2:35 [Direct to dlang] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 2, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 21:46 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidSimcha
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 17:58 (2 changes) . . . . . JonathanMercier
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 17:37 . . . . . AlexRoennePetersen
March 1, 2012
- (diff) HistoryOfDevelopmentModelForDMD 12:38 . . . . . DonClugston
February 29, 2012
- (diff) PullRequest 15:43 [remove stray nowiki] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) FreeSexcam 7:31 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FreeSexcam 0:00 . . . . . FreeSexcam
February 28, 2012
- (diff) MarkGammler 7:38 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
February 27, 2012
- (diff) MarkGammler 22:04 (4 changes) . . . . . MarkGammler
February 25, 2012
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 14:40 (3 changes) . . . . . RobertRouse
February 23, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:19 [revert to revision 1.91] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:15 . . . . . JohnDoe
- (diff) TestPage 8:15 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.74] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) TestPage 7:49 . . . . . PeterSmith
February 21, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 5:01 [revert to revision 1.89] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 20, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:24 . . . . . JohnDoe
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:05 [revert to revision 1.87] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:31 . . . . . JoanDigweed
February 18, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:42 [revert to revision 1.85] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:06 (2 changes) . . . . . PetereSmith
February 17, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 21:49 [DMD 1.073/2.058 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 16, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:57 (3 changes) [revert to revision 1.83] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:07 (4 changes) . . . . . JohnDoe
February 15, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 13:34 . . . . . MichaelRynn
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:53 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:30 [revert to revision 1.79] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:02 . . . . . JoanDigweed
February 14, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 19:40 (3 changes) . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:41 [revert to revision 1.77] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 16:08 [*Porting C++ Article from Claysaurus deleted. ] . . . . . BjoernLietz-Spendig
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:32 . . . . . JoanDigweed
February 13, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 8:38 [smartphone support!] . . . . . ChadJoan
February 12, 2012
- (diff) GSOC 2012 Ideas 19:30 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidSimcha
February 9, 2012
- (diff) FrontPage 11:48 [revert to revision 1.224] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 9:41 . . . . . KataMutiara
February 8, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 19:13 (4 changes) . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:08 [revert to revision 1.75] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 7:35 . . . . . CoryWoodson
February 6, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 23:10 [MinGW64 GCC 4.6.1 GDC 232cd89d90b4] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 2, 2012
- (diff) Context 21:27 (2 changes) [restored old template-file] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) dTemplate 21:26 (5 changes) [revert to revision 1.10] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / dTemplate2 20:13 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) KernelWithD 20:12 [removed old spam by edit] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) ReviewQueue 19:16 . . . . . JohannesPfau
February 1, 2012
- (diff) PullRequest 22:18 . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) FreeLivecamz 12:38 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LiveCams 12:38 [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 12:34 [revert to revision 1.24] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 9:27 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidHeld
- (diff) FreeLivecamz 2:52 (7 changes) . . . . . FreeLivecamz
January 31, 2012
January 30, 2012
- (diff) BestPractices 7:04 [Exceptions] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 27, 2012
- (diff) CryptoDevel 10:43 . . . . . JohannesPfau
January 24, 2012
- (diff) GuiLibraries 17:28 [SDWF is not abandoned] . . . . . StewartGordon
January 23, 2012
- (diff) PortingFromD1 18:42 [Properly close link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingFromD1 0:05 [sp] . . . . . StewartGordon
January 22, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 23:00 [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:51 (2 changes) [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 22:37 [New location for updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 22:32 [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood 22:10 [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 21:38 [Update for D1 cut off] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Context 21:30 (2 changes) [Spell homepage correctly] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MoreLinks 21:21 (2 changes) [Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 21:01 [Removing reference to D1] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 20, 2012
- (diff) GdcHacking 21:50 (5 changes) . . . . . IainBuclaw
January 19, 2012
- (diff) GdcHacking 23:37 [Add information about DMDFE] . . . . . IainBuclaw
- (diff) GdcHacking 21:57 (15 changes) [removed "out of date" warning] . . . . . AndrewWiley
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:00 (2 changes) [oops] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReviewQueue 13:18 . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:00 [revert to revision 1.216] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:00 [revert to revision 1.96] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
January 18, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 23:07 (2 changes) . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
- (diff) CryptoDevel 23:05 . . . . . PiotrSzturmaj
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:06 . . . . . QuinnAdams
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:06 . . . . . QuinnAdams
January 16, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 21:27 [revert to revision 1.73] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 21:26 [revert to revision 1.11] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 21:26 [revert to revision 1.33] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:26 [revert to revision 1.33] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 21:26 [revert to revision 1.9] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:26 [revert to revision 1.214] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:36 . . . . . JohnDoee
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 19:36 . . . . . JohnDoee
- (diff) GrammarParsers 19:35 . . . . . JohnDoee
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 19:35 . . . . . JohnDoee
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 19:34 . . . . . JohnDoee
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:33 . . . . . JohnDoee
January 15, 2012
- (diff) D Tutorial 23:31 . . . . . AliCehreli
- (diff) TestPage 17:02 [revert to revision 1.72] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 17:01 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.219] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) TestPage 5:57 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) FrontPage 5:54 . . . . . PeterSmith
January 12, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 21:38 . . . . . JonasDrewsen
January 10, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 14:42 [GCC 4.6.1 GDC r9841510e8ba6 64-bit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 9, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 22:58 [MinGW GCC-4.6.1 GDC r9841510e8ba6] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 1:02 [Removed a spam link] . . . . . FerdinandMajerech
January 8, 2012
- (diff) GuiLibraries 12:40 [Moved apparently dead projects to "Abandoned"] . . . . . FerdinandMajerech
January 7, 2012
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:21 . . . . . AlexBo
January 5, 2012
- (diff) ReviewQueue 4:11 . . . . . PaulAnderson
January 4, 2012
- (diff) History / Year2012 22:31 (2 changes) [minor tweak] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2011 22:22 (2 changes) [fixed link to 2010 page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 2, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:09 [removed old spam by edit] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
January 1, 2012
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:24 [revert to revision 1.71] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:12 [revert to revision 1.211] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 17:11 [revert to revision 1.7] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) GrammarParsers 17:11 [revert to revision 1.31] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 17:10 [revert to revision 1.31] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 17:08 [revert to revision 1.9] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) GuiLibraries 11:33 [DGui License Change] . . . . . AntonioDavide
December 29, 2011
- (diff) ReviewQueue 9:55 (2 changes) . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:53 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 2:50 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) GrammarParsers 2:49 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 2:49 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 2:48 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) LanguageDevel 2:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnWilliams
December 27, 2011
- (diff) ReviewQueue 13:44 . . . . . JonasDrewsen
December 26, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:41 [Alphabetize library category pages] . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
December 23, 2011
- (diff) ReviewQueue 17:00 (2 changes) . . . . . JohannesPfau
December 22, 2011
- (diff) ReviewQueue 23:55 . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 12:01 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
December 20, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 15:33 (2 changes) [MinGW64 GCC 4.6.1 GDC 1.070/2.055] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 15:17 [reverted to remove spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:16 [reverted to remove spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 15:15 [reverted to remove spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:15 [removed spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 15:13 [reverted to remove spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 15:12 [removed spam from JohnJohnes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReviewQueue 10:19 [added url] . . . . . AlexanderMalahov
December 19, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:49 [revert to revision 1.68] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries 17:36 (21 changes) [Add Phobos] . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
- (diff) GrammarParsers 16:46 (2 changes) [Add HaxeD] . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:14 . . . . . DarrenSy
December 18, 2011
- (diff) ReviewQueue 22:08 . . . . . JohannesPfau
- (diff) ReviewQueue 21:29 . . . . . DavidSimcha
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 20:35 . . . . . JohnJohnes
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:34 . . . . . JohnJohnes
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:33 . . . . . JohnJohnes
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 20:29 . . . . . JohnJohnes
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 20:29 . . . . . JohnJohnes
- (diff) LanguageDevel 20:27 . . . . . JohnWilliamss
December 16, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 5:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) PortingFromD1 4:32 [Create Page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview 3:14 [Adding link to feature D1 translation page] . . . . . JessePhillips
December 15, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 15:43 (3 changes) [MinGW GCC 4.6.1 GDC 1.070/2.055 (updated/repackaged)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 14, 2011
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:43 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) History / Year2011 15:50 [dmd 2.057 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 15:47 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReviewQueue 12:48 . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) FrontPage 2:14 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 1:16 [revert to revision 1.215] . . . . . JessePhillips
December 13, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 23:26 [Moved Rae to abandoned (sorry...)] . . . . . JonasKivi
- (diff) FrontPage 21:04 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) D Tutorial 18:49 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2011 18:44 [DMD 1.072 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 18:42 [use now] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:34 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 18:31 [remove spam by reverting and manual deleting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex2 8:24 [Updates] . . . . . CyberShadow
December 12, 2011
- (diff) WebsiteCleanup 21:50 [* No longer working on this] . . . . . BradAnderson
December 10, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:33 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterMüller
- (diff) D Tutorial 14:28 (3 changes) . . . . . PeterMüller
- (diff) FrontPage 14:23 . . . . . PeterMüller
- (diff) FrontPage 8:24 . . . . . DarrenSy
- (diff) WebsiteCleanup 0:13 [* Better skeleton] . . . . . BradAnderson
December 9, 2011
- (diff) WebsiteCleanup 23:20 [* Added skeleton] . . . . . BradAnderson
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:50 [* Spam removal] . . . . . BradAnderson
- (diff) ReviewQueue 15:32 [etc.curl is being reviewd] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
December 8, 2011
- (diff) HelpCenter 20:49 [Update revert instructions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 12:11 [removed spam by reverting] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 12:11 [removed spam by reverting] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Games 12:09 [removed spam by reverting] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Games 10:31 . . . . . IsmaelVento
- (diff) FrontPage 9:55 . . . . . IsmaelVento
- (diff) MessageBoard 7:11 . . . . . IsmaelVento
December 7, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:34 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
December 6, 2011
- (diff) FirstLanguage 7:31 [Added "Programming in D"] . . . . . AliCehreli
December 5, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:32 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ComingFrom / CPlusPlus 22:30 [added link to C++ Conversion Wizard] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 22:26 (2 changes) [removed more spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiWeb 21:46 [removed spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 5:01 . . . . . CakNun
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:48 . . . . . PeterMüller
- (diff) WikiWeb 3:48 . . . . . PeterMüller
- (diff) FrontPage 3:47 . . . . . PeterMüller
December 3, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:46 [typedef and opDollar are in 2.057] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ReviewQueue 1:40 . . . . . DamianZiemba
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 1:32 [*Removed some spam links.] . . . . . JuanCampanas
- (diff) ReviewQueue 1:31 (2 changes) [*Typoes] . . . . . JuanCampanas
December 2, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:19 . . . . . DrDavidPetcuMD
December 1, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 16:39 . . . . . PeterMuller
- (diff) FrontPage 16:37 . . . . . PeterMuller
November 28, 2011
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 20:59 . . . . . EmanuelSan
November 27, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:50 . . . . . AlexBo
November 26, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:39 [removed spam link] . . . . . RivenTheMage
November 24, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 22:48 (2 changes) . . . . . AliCehreli
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:03 (3 changes) . . . . . AlexBo
- (diff) LanguageDevel 6:38 . . . . . DonnaMopsers
November 23, 2011
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 22:57 (2 changes) . . . . . GregHarper
- (diff) KernelWithD 22:54 (2 changes) . . . . . ElizaHurley
- (diff) ReviewQueue 19:36 (10 changes) . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) ReviewQueue 16:03 . . . . . DamianZiemba
- (diff) ReviewQueue 12:36 . . . . . JacobCarlborg
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:09 [Add link to review queue] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
November 20, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / Class 22:18 [funky doc web-page for "class"] . . . . . RomanManevich
- (diff) DocComments / Mixins 16:51 [can you write some interesting examples?] . . . . . RomanManevich
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 14:59 . . . . . RomanManevich
November 19, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:53 . . . . . DarrenSy
November 16, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 20:04 [no longer waiting for reply here - instead I will post my question to ] . . . . . JoachimWuttke
November 15, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 8:57 [No details for v2.056 changes] . . . . . DerekParnell
November 13, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 20:42 (2 changes) . . . . . JoachimWuttke
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD / PageDiscussion 1:43 . . . . . AndersHallstrom
- (diff) MessageBoard 0:49 . . . . . AndersHallstrom
November 11, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:23 [CTFE now implemented] . . . . . DonClugston
November 7, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 3:20 [pure function implicit immutable] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) History / Year2011 0:14 [DMD 1.071/2.056 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 6, 2011
November 4, 2011
November 1, 2011
- (diff) GoogleCode 15:08 (2 changes) [*ycurses is no longer dead.] . . . . . JudeYoung
- (diff) KernelWithD 6:46 [revert to revision 1.20] . . . . . RemoveSpam
October 31, 2011
- (diff) KernelWithD 8:07 . . . . . MadeleineBoyle
October 28, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:52 [Somebody please implement captcha already..] . . . . . RevertSpam
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:22 . . . . . RondaSmith
October 26, 2011
- (diff) KernelWithD 20:19 [revert to revision 1.18] . . . . . RevertSpam
- (diff) KernelWithD 17:55 (2 changes) . . . . . LukeGardiner
October 21, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:05 . . . . . AlexBo
- (diff) PullRequest 20:30 [GitHub UI updates] . . . . . CyberShadow
October 18, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 14:39 . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP12 14:37 (7 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 14:37 (6 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP11 11:05 (4 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP15 11:02 (3 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP14 9:40 (5 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
- (diff) GoogleCode 9:04 [*I resurrected a project rom the dead, thought I might poing people to the link] . . . . . TenequalsTwo
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP13 5:56 (2 changes) . . . . . MartinNowak
October 17, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 6:29 [revert to revision 1.52] . . . . . RevertSpam
October 13, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:54 . . . . . AnnWilson
October 7, 2011
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 16:06 [revert to revision 1.22] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 16:06 [revert to revision 1.4] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 11:13 . . . . . ParrishCartwright
- (diff) ComingFrom 11:13 . . . . . ParrishCartwright
October 2, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 20:00 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.50] . . . . . AndrejM
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:00 . . . . . JackUack
- (diff) LanguageDevel / UnitTesting 4:25 . . . . . AndrejM
October 1, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:11 . . . . . JackUack
September 28, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 22:44 (2 changes) . . . . . SaiKumar
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 5:45 [Add link to compilers] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 27, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:42 [removed spam] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 20:33 [* Remove spam] . . . . . BradAnderson
September 26, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:00 . . . . . PeterSmith2
- (diff) FrontPage 21:53 (6 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith2
September 20, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 16:55 [xmlp only supports D2 now.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:43 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
September 18, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:56 . . . . . AlexBo
September 17, 2011
- (diff) KernelWithD 16:18 [revert to revision 1.16] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
September 14, 2011
- (diff) KernelWithD 3:53 [*Minor Edit] . . . . . JamesCarlson
September 13, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 15:16 [added DMD 1.069 / DMD 2.054 from months ago] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 15:04 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 9, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 16:44 . . . . . KyleMartin
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 16:06 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:06 [remove spam by reverting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:50 . . . . . KyleMartin
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 15:49 . . . . . KyleMartin
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:48 . . . . . AlexBo
- (diff) FrontPage 14:55 [revert to revision 1.200] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) FrontPage 6:30 . . . . . PeterSmith
September 8, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 14:48 [DMD 1.070 / 2.055 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 14:42 [removed spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 10:02 . . . . . LindaSimens
September 5, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 23:46 (2 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
September 4, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 1:25 [revert to revision 1.198] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
September 1, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 20:11 . . . . . PeterSmith
August 31, 2011
- (diff) SideBar 23:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 23:15 [revert to revision 1.196] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 10:57 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) SideBar 10:55 . . . . . PeterSmith
August 26, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 12:13 [Fix minor typo.] . . . . . DanMuller
August 25, 2011
- (diff) Videos 4:16 [It is worth putting D in the title methinks] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
August 24, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:10 [remove weight loss spam] . . . . . NickTreleaven
August 23, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 16:32 [revert to revision 1.194] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 11:16 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:02 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
August 21, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 9:32 [Erased more spam] . . . . . EddyMartin
- (diff) EddyMartin 9:24 (2 changes) . . . . . EddyMartin
- (diff) FrontPage 9:15 [Erased some spam] . . . . . EddyMartin
- (diff) GuestBook 9:12 . . . . . EddyMartin
- (diff) GuiLibraries 4:26 (2 changes) . . . . . BelindaBride
August 20, 2011
August 19, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 19:05 [revert to revision 1.5] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:05 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.35] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 19:04 [revert to revision 1.28] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:03 [revert to revision 1.93] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) FrontPage 16:10 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.190] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 13:21 . . . . . JohnDoe
August 18, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 20:51 (3 changes) . . . . . JohnDoe
- (diff) LanguageDevel 3:05 [For AA use opEquals instead of opCmp] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 17, 2011
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:12 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:11 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) KernelWithD 23:10 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) GuiLibraries 23:09 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 23:08 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:08 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 23:07 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:06 . . . . . HenryHeeton
- (diff) FrontPage 23:05 . . . . . HenryHeeton
August 16, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:40 . . . . . FerdinandMajerech
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:33 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) LanguageDevel / UnitTesting 17:32 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
August 13, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:26 [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 9, 2011
- (diff) GoogleCode 0:09 (2 changes) . . . . . SoyWiz
August 7, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:44 . . . . . PeterSmith
August 6, 2011
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:51 [revert to revision 1.120] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:53 . . . . . JennyMay
August 5, 2011
- (diff) HelpCenter 0:49 [Added revert instructions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 0:36 [revert to revision 1.185] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 4, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 21:56 . . . . . PaulSmithz
July 31, 2011
- (diff) FrontPage 17:50 [Removed spam.. Wheres the revert button anyway?] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) FrontPage 8:58 (2 changes) . . . . . MeqiTeba
July 27, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 3:37 . . . . . PeterSmith
July 10, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 21:00 . . . . . JacobCarlborg
July 5, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 1:27 (2 changes) . . . . . AliCehreli
June 29, 2011
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 13:34 [List undocumented DMD command line options] . . . . . DonClugston
June 27, 2011
- (diff) DocComments / Downloads 19:33 (2 changes) [Changed from "CurrentControlSet" to "ControlSet002"] . . . . . ErikAnderson
June 26, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:44 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 25, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:19 . . . . . MaxKlyga
June 21, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial 6:19 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) D Tutorial / ProgrammingWindows 6:19 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
June 15, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 23:22 . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP11 23:19 (3 changes) . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 17:14 [* Bare escape sequences not in formal grammar] . . . . . ChrisChittleborough
- (diff) ChrisChittleborough 17:13 [Why I just registered] . . . . . ChrisChittleborough
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP11 16:16 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
June 14, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP11 23:11 (3 changes) . . . . . DanielG
- (diff) HistoryOfDevelopmentModelForDMD 21:16 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) LanguageDevel 20:27 (2 changes) [Future language changes] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP11 19:02 (4 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP10 15:24 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
June 10, 2011
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 14:57 [All of the front-end.] . . . . . KennyTM
June 9, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / WindowsResources 4:12 [added another missing include] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
June 8, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 23:39 [Marking Winners] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 7, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 23:31 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
June 3, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:32 (2 changes) [Updated D for Xcode latest release date] . . . . . BlazingWhitester
June 2, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:55 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 1, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 16:21 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
- (diff) Article Contest 2:06 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
May 31, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 8:37 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
May 28, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:08 [*add scientific lib link] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 19:05 (2 changes) [group plotting libraries, add Plot2Kill] . . . . . CyberShadow
May 25, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 19:11 [Removed parentheses from Rae Windows.] . . . . . JonasKivi
May 24, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 16:19 [*DIP was not linked to.] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) HelpDProgress 16:09 [*added GDC link] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
May 23, 2011
- (diff) PullRequest 1:12 [added link to related page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 22, 2011
- (diff) Cookbook / BatchFileSelfDestructing 5:47 . . . . . JimmyCao
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 3:16 . . . . . CyberShadow
May 21, 2011
- (diff) PullRequest 17:43 (3 changes) [italicize placeholders in examples] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 16:19 (2 changes) [cleanup] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:46 [Moved SubmittingPatches to "Contributing" as it is no longer specific to DMD, add link to PullRequest] . . . . . CyberShadow
May 20, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 0:41 . . . . . RobertClipsham
May 19, 2011
- (diff) Article Contest 23:15 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
May 18, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 2:00 [DMD 1.068/2.053 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 12, 2011
- (diff) RecentChanges 21:07 [Removed Spam] . . . . . AntonioDavide
- (diff) RecentChanges 15:57 . . . . . WilliamWilliam
May 9, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 19:46 [* can someone please ban this spammer?] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 11:55 (2 changes) . . . . . JamLibatog
May 6, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 17:08 [* Remove spam] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) TestPage 17:07 [*Remove spam] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) FrontPage 17:07 [* Remove blatant spam attempt.] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) TestPage 15:57 . . . . . DwayneGray
- (diff) FrontPage 12:03 . . . . . JamLibatog
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 12:01 (2 changes) . . . . . JamLibatog
May 5, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / WindowsResources 19:52 (2 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
May 2, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / WindowsResources 20:46 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 28, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 10:50 [Changed description of DWT to say that it also works with D2] . . . . . JacobCarlborg
April 23, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP10 17:35 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
April 21, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP10 7:53 (4 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
April 20, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:52 [Link Auto-tester] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 19, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / WindowsResources 1:02 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 18, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / WindowsResources 23:57 (5 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) D Tutorial 20:52 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) NeighborHood 19:44 (2 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 13, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:26 . . . . . SohgoTakeuchi
April 12, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:57 [Mark dead link for "Matrix" library.] . . . . . DanEverhart
April 9, 2011
- (diff) Videos 18:29 [add Andrei's other interview with Intel] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) Videos 17:02 [* Added interviews section] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 16:56 . . . . . BorislavAsdf
April 8, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:22 [Added information about Komodo Edit/IDE and dkomodo] . . . . . AleksandarRuzicic
April 7, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 2:10 . . . . . DavidWang
April 6, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 16:54 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:19 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 1:41 (5 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) Videos 1:36 (3 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 5, 2011
- (diff) dTemplate 23:38 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 23:06 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 4, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 22:02 (2 changes) [added some license notes] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 20:03 (2 changes) . . . . . YannDisser
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 18:01 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
April 3, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:46 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
April 2, 2011
- (diff) GuiLibraries 9:21 . . . . . AntonioDavide
March 29, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 17:29 [Added D wordfile URL] . . . . . StS
March 27, 2011
- (diff) GrammarParsers 10:41 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 4:25 . . . . . WinDoze
March 25, 2011
- (diff) ErrorMessages / RuntimeErrors 20:10 [new error] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 13:32 [Add image processing] . . . . . DonClugston
March 24, 2011
- (diff) ToolSIG 9:50 . . . . . JacobCarlborg
March 23, 2011
- (diff) ToolSIG 0:19 (2 changes) [More fleshing out] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
March 22, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 23:29 [Link to D Tools SIG from tools page] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
- (diff) ToolSIG 23:27 [Create tools SIG] . . . . . JonasDrewsen
March 21, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:33 [added dmd internals mailing list link] . . . . . SimonHammett
March 19, 2011
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:51 . . . . . AbscissaCamelCaseName
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 20:01 [Linked ini D2 update] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Bindings 19:56 [Removed wxD] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 19:52 [Cleanup list of outdated libraries] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 18, 2011
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 23:58 [added Database API idea] . . . . . BlazingWhitester
March 16, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 7:37 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 7:17 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) DsourceOrg 1:14 [added list of Git repositories] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 13, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:22 (3 changes) [* DDT Eclipse plug-in info update] . . . . . SimonSays
March 12, 2011
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:21 [added see SubmittingPatches note to help navigation.] . . . . . SimonHammett
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 14:18 (2 changes) [added more git info] . . . . . SimonHammett
March 10, 2011
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:28 [added list of Mercurial repositories] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 9, 2011
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 13:06 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 10:41 [Google of Summer -> Google Summer of Code] . . . . . LarsTKyllingstad
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 10:24 (4 changes) [*Fix a typo] . . . . . JensMueller
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 1:16 . . . . . DeniSpir
March 8, 2011
- (diff) GSOC 2011 Ideas 20:14 (13 changes) . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
March 4, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / UNAEditor 4:21 . . . . . MayankJohri
March 1, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 14:09 [* Wrap code with <nowiki></nowiki> to remove link generation] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
February 23, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:33 [* no apostrophe in "IDE's"] . . . . . CyberShadow
February 18, 2011
- (diff) History / Year2011 14:44 [DMD 1.067/2.052 release] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 13, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 10:56 (3 changes) [nowiki ReBuild] . . . . . CyberShadow
February 9, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:40 [Updated Zeus entry to reflect latest release] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 0:37 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
February 5, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 20:01 (2 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
February 2, 2011
- (diff) BerkeleyDB 10:20 [typo] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:01 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
February 1, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial 23:38 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) D Tutorial / CompilingLinkingD 23:37 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
January 31, 2011
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Templates 1:16 (10 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
January 30, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 17:35 [add DSFML, reorder S alphabetically] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Templates 0:59 (4 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) D Tutorial 0:38 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
January 19, 2011
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:15 [* Added DHTTPClient] . . . . . LishaakBystroushaak
January 18, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 0:21 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
January 13, 2011
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:06 (2 changes) [removed VS 6.0] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 21:59 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
January 11, 2011
- (diff) AndrejMitrovic 0:15 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / Cscope 0:05 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
January 10, 2011
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / Cscope 23:54 (6 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools 23:49 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:16 [Zeus version number change to reflect latest release] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
January 3, 2011
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 3:53 . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
January 2, 2011
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 4:37 (2 changes) . . . . . JoeCoder
December 31, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 12:46 (2 changes) . . . . . MikeParr
December 24, 2010
December 23, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 23:58 (3 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 4:13 (2 changes) . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
December 22, 2010
- (diff) GdcHacking 18:32 [added warning about possible stale content] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 21, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 14:43 [DMD 1.066/2.051 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 20, 2010
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 16:49 [how to get optimisation reports] . . . . . DonClugston
December 18, 2010
- (diff) GuiLibraries 11:57 [QtD note -- doesn't work with GDC] . . . . . PaulOg
December 16, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / GDC 20:27 [fixed typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 20:25 [added TOC and links sections] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 14, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 5:31 . . . . . DonClugston
December 12, 2010
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 21:51 (4 changes) . . . . . BjoernLietz
December 10, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:26 [Fixed the numbered list(thank's Don)] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel 8:58 [Priority list for bugfixes. I can't get numbered lists to work. Is this is a wiki bug?] . . . . . DonClugston
December 8, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:02 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 15:35 [added link to new page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryOfDevelopmentModelForDMD 15:35 [created new page from e-mail in Phobos list] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 5, 2010
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 3:48 [Added link to a CSV parser] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 29, 2010
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 16:57 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 26, 2010
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 14:39 (12 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 25, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 4:21 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
November 23, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / GDC 6:47 [Removed old details, leaving explaination to website] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 6:44 [Removed stale remark about GDC] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 22, 2010
- (diff) DwithSwig 22:25 [* Added note that D support has been included with mainline SWIG.] . . . . . KlickVerbot
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:19 . . . . . KlickVerbot
- (diff) PortingOverview 21:59 [* SWIG now officially has a D module] . . . . . KlickVerbot
- (diff) WxD 21:59 [* SWIG now officially has a D module] . . . . . KlickVerbot
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:25 . . . . . JessePhillips
November 21, 2010
- (diff) DenisDerman 9:34 (2 changes) . . . . . DenisDerman
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 9:33 . . . . . DenisDerman
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:50 [Upated Textadept information.] . . . . . SirAlaran
November 19, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP9 19:26 (8 changes) . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP9 16:06 [Increased version number as the DIP it has been modified] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 3:03 [Referenced GitHub] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 18, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 23:21 . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP9 23:05 (2 changes) . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 17:40 (10 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:22 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 17:05 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 17, 2010
- (diff) Games 20:14 . . . . . MattRushie
November 13, 2010
- (diff) dTemplate 15:24 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
November 12, 2010
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 14:53 (3 changes) [* modifed Dsymbol description] . . . . . SimonHammett
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:40 [* add link to dmd source code guide page] . . . . . SimonHammett
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:21 [removed dublicated entry] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
November 5, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:45 [removed spam ] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
November 3, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:27 . . . . . ValeraValera
November 1, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 19:08 [Updating] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 31, 2010
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:18 [Filled in Ada] . . . . . KendallBell
October 29, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 20:10 [DMD 1.065/2.050 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdAlgorithm 3:15 . . . . . AndreiAlexandrescu
October 27, 2010
- (diff) ComingFrom / Python 1:22 [added link to "Some D gotchas for Python programmers"] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 19, 2010
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:05 . . . . . FawziMohamed
October 10, 2010
- (diff) Cookbook 5:51 [added link to related page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 9, 2010
- (diff) Cookbook / BatchFileSelfDestructing 6:18 (3 changes) . . . . . JimmyCao
- (diff) Cookbook 5:40 (3 changes) [* add a new entry] . . . . . JimmyCao
- (diff) Cookbook / HelloWorld 2:01 [example page] . . . . . JimmyCao
October 8, 2010
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 14:48 (4 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) GuiLibraries 9:28 [Added Rae to alpha status libs] . . . . . JonasKivi
October 6, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:41 [updated visuald infos] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 13:38 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
September 30, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 7:49 [updated install instructions] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
September 29, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 7:15 . . . . . PeterSmith
September 28, 2010
September 25, 2010
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 13:29 [Attempted to classify abandoned SF projects. Removed dead link at the top of the page.] . . . . . ChristopherBergqvist
- (diff) GoogleCode 12:56 [Attempted to classify abandoned projects.] . . . . . ChristopherBergqvist
September 24, 2010
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 14:45 (2 changes) [added link to DMD 0.148] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 23, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 3:36 . . . . . PeterSmith
September 17, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 22:19 [DMD 1.064/2.049] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 7:51 (3 changes) . . . . . SaiKumar
September 15, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 18:43 . . . . . FranciszekCzekala
- (diff) GrammarParsers 5:01 [Updated DMDFE link] . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
September 14, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 8:13 [*Posted a comment regarding the properties example being out of date.] . . . . . MilesStoudenmire
- (diff) GrammarParsers 4:50 [Added Goldie] . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
September 12, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFile 12:48 . . . . . OoS
September 11, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:15 [First draft at a roadmap] . . . . . DonClugston
September 10, 2010
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:09 [*Added PCREcppD's info] . . . . . SohgoTakeuchi
September 9, 2010
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:27 [Library Reference link broken] . . . . . VladimirIvanovic
September 7, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:48 . . . . . PetruAvram
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdNumeric 11:15 (2 changes) . . . . . JayByrd
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMd5 10:44 . . . . . JayByrd
September 6, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / Geany 2:51 [old link yielded a 404 error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 1, 2010
- (diff) NeighborHood 22:48 (2 changes) [*Removed google group link. It's dead, and there doesn't seem to be any active D Language groups on Google (as far as I can tell..)] . . . . . AndrejMitrovic
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 16:12 [revert to revision 1.20] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 10:16 . . . . . WikiS
August 31, 2010
- (diff) NewsDmD 15:15 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 24, 2010
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 15:36 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
August 23, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditorWishlist 4:35 [I would like even more refactoring, (simple) building support, Linux support, revision control support and support for Doc comments. And a pony. ;)] . . . . . DanielG
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:17 [Put Geany to editors with good support] . . . . . DanielG
August 19, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 14:57 . . . . . HeikoStelling
August 18, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:36 (2 changes) [Added Textadept to the "good support" list as my lexer patches are now included by default.] . . . . . SirAlaran
August 16, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:20 . . . . . DenisShel
August 12, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 21:34 [DMD 1.063 / 2.048] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 11, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 3:19 [revert to revision 1.179] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 10, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 19:31 . . . . . FridaMontero
August 5, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:32 . . . . . DonClugston
August 2, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:23 [Removal of 'delete' is still likely] . . . . . DonClugston
July 25, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial 2:06 [revert to revision 1.25] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:14 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
July 24, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial 9:29 . . . . . AlysiaDouglas
July 9, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 14:41 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
July 8, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 22:00 [revert to revision 1.176] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 16:02 . . . . . DeniseMorse
- (diff) FrontPage 15:58 . . . . . JulieAllen
July 6, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / GDC 17:04 [Changed GDC homepage link to bitbucket website] . . . . . MichaelP
July 4, 2010
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:44 . . . . . AbscissaMixedCase
- (diff) GitHubProjects 13:30 (2 changes) [FolderProjects] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) CurrentDUse 13:28 [+=github] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 13:24 [mention asserts / uncaught exceptions] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) DocComments / Future 13:20 [Link to LanguageDevel#FutureDirections] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 13:09 [Updated version codeblocks] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
July 2, 2010
- (diff) GuiLibraries 21:03 (5 changes) . . . . . SaiKumar
June 30, 2010
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 16:11 [revert to revision 1.6] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 11:59 . . . . . WikiS
June 28, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 17:39 [revert to revision 1.174] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 27, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 17:40 . . . . . WikiS
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:46 [updated information on activity of D-IDE] . . . . . JimmyCao
June 24, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 4:59 [Updated information] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 23, 2010
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:39 . . . . . ElleryNewcomer
June 21, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:04 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 18, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:06 [* Activity in D for Xcode, 1.2 released 2010/03] . . . . . HeywoodFloyd
June 16, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 4:43 (2 changes) . . . . . MikeGradman
June 15, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 4:32 [DMD 1.062/2.047] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 14, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 16:56 [DMD 1.062/2.047] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 12, 2010
- (diff) dTemplate 13:46 [changed link for Index] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 3:21 [Approved and noted] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 / Archive / Version1 3:18 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 / Archive 3:16 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 3:13 [Approved DIP2] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 9, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:01 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 8, 2010
- (diff) Context 23:58 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / Context 23:54 (11 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / TestPage 23:49 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 23:08 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / dTemplate2 20:52 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) dTemplate 20:42 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:13 [Updated Zeus entry to latest version] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
June 6, 2010
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / TestPage 18:52 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 4, 2010
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / dTemplate2 0:22 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 3, 2010
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / TestPage 23:15 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / Context 21:17 (8 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Games 21:13 (2 changes) . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 21:06 [added link to EmacsWiki FlyMakeD page.] . . . . . GrahamFawcett
- (diff) MatthiasPleh / dTemplate2 19:52 (12 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) dTemplate 13:18 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MatthiasPleh 12:58 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 2, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:35 (3 changes) . . . . . SirAlaran
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:17 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
June 1, 2010
- (diff) AllLibraries 2:29 . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) EricPoggel 2:27 (2 changes) . . . . . JoeCoder
May 31, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 15:24 [Japanese link changed to ] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) MessageBoard 1:07 [removed comment about starting page, as it has been fixed] . . . . . DanielG
May 30, 2010
- (diff) GuiLibraries 10:26 (2 changes) [unlink QtD] . . . . . MaxSamukha
May 29, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:50 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) MessageBoard 3:40 [please fix] . . . . . DanielG
- (diff) MessageBoard 0:49 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Context 0:15 (3 changes) [changed to new template] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) dTemplate 0:13 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 28, 2010
- (diff) dTemplate 14:32 [links from sidebar updated] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Context 14:25 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 27, 2010
- (diff) dTemplate 23:47 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:47 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 25, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial 18:25 [revert to revision 1.23] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial 8:55 . . . . . AliceDouglas
May 23, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial 12:19 . . . . . JamesEdwardLewisII
May 22, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 22:05 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:59 [*added visuald plugin] . . . . . NoName
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 2:58 [* Added Patch for Ctags 5.8] . . . . . DanielG
May 20, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial 7:27 . . . . . WilliamJean
May 19, 2010
- (diff) Context 11:12 (5 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FrontPage 11:07 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template / Context 9:43 [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate / Context 9:41 [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / Context 9:40 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) Context 9:25 (2 changes) . . . . . WilhelmstaetterSimon
May 18, 2010
- (diff) Context 23:41 (21 changes) . . . . . SimonWilhelmstaetter
- (diff) dTemplate 23:37 (8 changes) . . . . . SimonWilhelmstaetter
May 16, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:14 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinScott
May 15, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 14:58 [DMD 1.061/2.046] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 11, 2010
- (diff) Context 10:27 (2 changes) . . . . . WilhelmstaetterSimon
- (diff) dTemplate 10:24 (2 changes) . . . . . WilhelmstaetterSimon
May 7, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / TemplatesRevisited 13:01 . . . . . DavidRothlisberger
May 5, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 7:18 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
May 4, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Function 21:48 . . . . . RickTrelles
- (diff) History / Year2010 20:01 [dmd 1.060 and 2.045 release] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 3, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 14:55 [DMD 1.059/2.044 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 30, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:24 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) Context 0:02 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 29, 2010
- (diff) Context 23:59 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) FolderWiki / Template2 23:58 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 23:33 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 26, 2010
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 15:25 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
April 23, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 17:32 [added DMD 1.058/2.043] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 21, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:55 [two more features done] . . . . . DonClugston
April 19, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:13 . . . . . DonClugston
April 16, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:35 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 14, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:31 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport / SkyIDE 14:17 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 14:08 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 13, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 22:27 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 12, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:22 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
April 7, 2010
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 9:31 . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 8:55 (14 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) CodeBlocks 8:47 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MatthiasPleh
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:26 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasPleh
April 5, 2010
- (diff) Games 7:50 . . . . . ChrisJohnson
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 5:32 . . . . . JoeD
April 4, 2010
- (diff) MoreLinks 11:30 (2 changes) . . . . . GideonwaNwawudu
April 1, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / Function 3:50 . . . . . TrulyNobody
March 29, 2010
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 21:29 [Fixed wording for interfaces definition] . . . . . PhilDeMonaco
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 2:44 (2 changes) . . . . . RobertClipsham
March 26, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 23:39 [updated download link] . . . . . NoName
March 25, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 18:23 . . . . . VincentChineduOkonkwo
March 23, 2010
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 21:21 [Update to D SF category] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 20:53 [Direct readers to specification] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 22, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 14:29 [DMD 2.042 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 20, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:28 [Changed Zeus active date to reflect latest release date] . . . . . JussiJuppanen
March 17, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:27 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 2:35 . . . . . YannVernier
March 14, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:06 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
March 9, 2010
- (diff) PerfectD 1:51 [* typo] . . . . . KubaJ
- (diff) LanguageDevel 1:44 (2 changes) [Link to a TDPL search on Bugzilla] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 8, 2010
- (diff) GreatWriter 22:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2010 21:25 [DMD 1.057/2.041 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GreatWriter 20:17 . . . . . AlicaHeales
March 7, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:40 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
March 1, 2010
February 28, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 19:52 (2 changes) [Bolded 'does not'] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 / Archive / Version1 19:51 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 / Archive 19:49 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 5:54 [*adding my opinion about the unintentionally-scary copyright message :o] . . . . . AbolishCopyright
February 26, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:26 . . . . . DonClugston
February 21, 2010
- (diff) DProgrammingGuidelines 15:25 (2 changes) [Updated for @property, other clarifications] . . . . . MichelFortin
February 19, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 0:01 . . . . . RobertClipsham
February 12, 2010
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 11:21 . . . . . DonClugston
February 11, 2010
- (diff) History / Year2010 22:34 [DMD 1.056/2.040 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:19 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
February 10, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 15:33 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 7:03 [Update Book release date, June] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 8, 2010
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 7:14 . . . . . LennartBlanco
February 1, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 16:32 [AMD64 install] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:50 . . . . . MarianneGagnon
January 30, 2010
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 21:24 [replaced defective link for 5.7 patch] . . . . . DanielG
January 29, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:27 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:34 . . . . . JussiJuppanen
January 28, 2010
- (diff) SandboxMM 13:48 (4 changes) . . . . . MichalMinich
January 22, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:22 [Moved things arround] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 21, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:50 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
January 14, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:16 (3 changes) [Bugzilla links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:44 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 1:28 [revert to revision 1.168] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 13, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 19:22 . . . . . TajBejan
- (diff) FrontPage 2:15 [revert to revision 1.166] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 12, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 22:56 . . . . . MariellePerkins
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:33 [*correct a link and add a link to a new library] . . . . . KinseyMoore
January 11, 2010
- (diff) FrontPage 16:17 (2 changes) [revert to revision 1.164] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:16 [revert to revision 1.61] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TestPage 16:15 [revert to revision 1.68] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 11:17 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
- (diff) TestPage 11:16 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
- (diff) FrontPage 11:16 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
- (diff) LanguageDevel 2:27 [revert to revision 1.22] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 2:26 [revert to revision 1.9] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 10, 2010
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:40 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
- (diff) WhySwitch 23:39 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
- (diff) FrontPage 23:38 . . . . . SusanBrigmouth
January 9, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD / FAQ 19:12 [Shared Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ErrorMessages 19:12 (2 changes) [Shared Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview / FAQ 19:09 [Shared Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 19:09 [Shared Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ / Shared 19:03 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 7, 2010
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:46 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
January 6, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 0:04 [Reference new GDC repo] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 5, 2010
- (diff) NewsDmD 5:45 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 4, 2010
- (diff) MoreLinks 20:24 [C's Biggest Mistake] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 3, 2010
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 18:29 [moved link to] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2010 17:57 [DMD 1.055/2.039] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2009 17:45 [DMD 1.054/2.038] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 1, 2010
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 16:46 [Change "writting" to "writing" in link text for writing DLLs.] . . . . . WeekendCoder
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:17 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
December 20, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 22:09 . . . . . TimMatthews
December 17, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 1:32 [Bad links were resolved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 0:24 (3 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:19 [Update Zeus entry to latest version] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
December 16, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 21:14 [NG dicussion link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 20:48 [DIP2 being processed] . . . . . JessePhillips
December 15, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:19 (2 changes) [Operator overloading] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 8:01 . . . . . LennartBlanco
December 14, 2009
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 21:27 (2 changes) [*tweaks] . . . . . KinseyMoore
December 10, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 19:23 [fixed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 8, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:20 [added xmpplib, cl4d, Kotivox] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 0:17 [Fixed typo] . . . . . FredTsang
December 7, 2009
- (diff) History / Year2009 14:47 [DMD 1.052/1.053/2.037] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 1:32 [small typo fix] . . . . . GuidoW
December 6, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 21:48 [stale link under contract programming mentioned] . . . . . GuidoW
December 5, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 22:41 [Corrected link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 20:19 [Broken links reported] . . . . . JessePhillips
December 4, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 20:41 [update for 2.037] . . . . . DonClugston
December 1, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 7:41 [More D2.037 stuff now in svn] . . . . . DonClugston
November 30, 2009
- (diff) WhySwitch 15:45 [revert to remove link spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 27, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:43 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WhySwitch 3:11 (2 changes) . . . . . CallingCallie
November 25, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Ddoc 16:49 . . . . . MerlinMM
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 16:34 (5 changes) . . . . . MerlinMM
- (diff) LanguageDevel 9:30 [Progess in 2.037beta] . . . . . DonClugston
November 24, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 23:22 [Broken Link locations?] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 20:03 [* Suggest fix for broken links.] . . . . . MerlinMM
November 23, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 19:37 [reverted to remove ads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Tango 19:33 [more concise] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 17:29 . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BestPractices 10:39 . . . . . BlakeStiller
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 10:37 (5 changes) . . . . . BlakeStiller
- (diff) Tango 10:29 . . . . . BlakeStiller
- (diff) StandardLib 10:28 . . . . . BlakeStiller
November 21, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 21:16 [TDPL in May] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 20, 2009
- (diff) DerekParnell 22:54 [Abandoned DPL] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 17:31 [revert to revision 1.10] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 7:18 (2 changes) . . . . . MacyShaun
November 19, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 0:56 [NG Short List post] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 0:55 [Approved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 0:51 [DIP7 Approved] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 18, 2009
- (diff) DerekParnell 8:09 . . . . . DerekParnell
November 16, 2009
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 16:05 (2 changes) . . . . . AartiPl
- (diff) LanguageDevel 12:28 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
November 15, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:17 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 21:57 (2 changes) [Updated instructions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 21:55 [Updating Instructions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 20:09 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WhySwitch 7:29 (2 changes) . . . . . MikeParker
November 14, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP5 21:48 (2 changes) [Superseded] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 21:47 (2 changes) [Superseded] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 21:46 (2 changes) [Approved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 21:46 [Formatting Status] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 / Archive / Version1 21:24 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 / Archive 21:23 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 / Archive / Version1 21:13 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 / Archive 21:13 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 13, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 1:49 [Moved DMD bug list] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 1:48 [Moving reference compiler bugs here] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 12, 2009
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 19:29 (2 changes) [Added support tables] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GCW 7:02 [Updated note] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GarbageCollector 6:49 (2 changes) [Added links to GC docs] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 5:07 (2 changes) [Added DDMD] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 11, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 17:31 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
November 10, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 19:12 [Book Chapters] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 6, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:55 [added aa, XMLP, dranges, DDnD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Meyer-Mitchell 22:18 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MerlinMM 22:18 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) History / Year2009 22:17 [DMD 1.051/2.036] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 17:54 [Updated patch info] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PerfectD 17:30 (4 changes) . . . . . MerlinMM
- (diff) Meyer-Mitchell 16:45 . . . . . MerlinMM
- (diff) MerlinMM 16:44 . . . . . MerlinMM
- (diff) GuestBook 16:44 . . . . . MerlinMM
November 4, 2009
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 0:55 (2 changes) [Updated patch info] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 0:36 [Typo] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 0:17 (2 changes) [Update stability] . . . . . JessePhillips
November 3, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 23:44 [Changed link order] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP8 1:56 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidSimcha
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 1:48 . . . . . DavidSimcha
November 2, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:22 [added antlrd, ddmd] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 17:41 . . . . . DavidSimcha
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:41 . . . . . DonClugston
November 1, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 21:40 [revert to revision 1.157] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 13:46 . . . . . BenHurt
October 27, 2009
- (diff) Bindings 17:13 [Fix header] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 17:12 . . . . . AliCehreli
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 3:24 [Updated link] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 26, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 1:54 . . . . . RaymondMartineau
October 25, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 17:06 [revert to revision 1.155] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 9:57 . . . . . BenHurt
October 23, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 23:38 (2 changes) [Remove spam] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 19:58 . . . . . AlexLobsters
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:19 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
October 20, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 0:21 [Updated date] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 19, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:07 [Link to discussion of killing T[new]] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 16, 2009
- (diff) NeighborHood 16:19 [Updated link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 14:36 . . . . . DonClugston
October 15, 2009
- (diff) History / Year2009 14:47 [DMD 1.048-1.050/2.033-2.035] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 14, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 11:47 . . . . . KagamiN
October 13, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 19:46 [Added an example to #7] . . . . . SandfordDene
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP7 17:44 (6 changes) [fixed formatting] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 16:59 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:56 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 12:37 . . . . . LeoLeopold
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 9:39 (3 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
October 8, 2009
- (diff) FirstLanguage 22:56 . . . . . AliCehreli
October 7, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:55 . . . . . LtpName
October 6, 2009
- (diff) GarbageCollector 23:38 [Spelling] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 23:11 [Added recommended starting point] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 5, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 16:42 (2 changes) . . . . . DupuyMathieu
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:56 [contract inheritance implemented] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) LanguageDevel 11:46 [Contract inheritance is done!] . . . . . DonClugston
September 30, 2009
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 9:29 . . . . . DonClugston
September 28, 2009
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 16:08 [revert to revision 1.17] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 11:01 . . . . . GoodStyle
September 25, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:49 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) GCW 0:39 [Added note] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GarbageCollector 0:31 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 24, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 7:09 [Added Garbage Collection] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 19, 2009
- (diff) GrammarParsers 2:08 [added spiritd entry] . . . . . SimonHammett
September 18, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 21:56 [revert to revision 1.149] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 17, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 22:17 . . . . . SandraRobinson
September 14, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Version 16:39 [add source files for versions] . . . . . MoritzWarning
September 10, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:31 [added HaxePreD, QuantLibD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 7, 2009
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 4:26 [fix typo and rephrase] . . . . . AliCehreli
September 4, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 21:04 [added link to boost inspired projects] . . . . . SimonHammett
September 3, 2009
- (diff) History / Year2009 14:34 [DMD 1.047/2.032 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 2, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 1:15 [added INI] . . . . . JessePhillips
September 1, 2009
- (diff) HelpDProgress 21:24 . . . . . MichaelP
- (diff) GdcHacking 21:17 [Added Tango link] . . . . . MichaelP
August 31, 2009
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 17:15 [added spiritd] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 26, 2009
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 13:57 (4 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
August 25, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 18:39 (3 changes) . . . . . AlvaroCastro
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:47 . . . . . DanRenfro
- (diff) DocComments / Property 0:34 [Added screenshot of IDE identifying properties.] . . . . . ChadJoan
August 21, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:02 [added Doodle] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhySwitch 0:16 [Numercial programmers] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 20, 2009
- (diff) WhySwitch 23:12 [Overview TOC] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 22:36 [Grammar] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 19, 2009
- (diff) FrontPage 22:29 [Removed Links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 22:26 [Added link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 20:27 (3 changes) [Link to rdmd] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 17, 2009
- (diff) GdcHacking 21:54 . . . . . MichaelP
- (diff) FrontPage 20:30 (3 changes) [Intro update] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GuiLibraries 10:51 [DWT is not ready for production on win32. ControlExample crashes regularly. Controls are not always reponsive.] . . . . . JosvanUden
- (diff) DocComments / Property 0:41 [Added more material on Nouns vs Verbs] . . . . . ChadJoan
August 16, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:56 . . . . . AlexanderBothe
August 15, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 4:40 . . . . . LeandroMottaBarros
August 13, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 0:48 . . . . . JessePhillips
August 12, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 18:45 [sort struct D2.x] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus / UserDefineLangXml 18:38 [fix a few errors] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Property 18:30 (4 changes) . . . . . RobertJacques
August 11, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Property 15:43 [about writefln] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / Property 8:54 [Responded to some suggested edits and made some of said edits.] . . . . . ChadJoan
August 10, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:04 [T[new] status] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 8, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Property 9:49 (2 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
August 7, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Property 23:20 (3 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) DocComments / Property 15:12 [added a TOC to this suddenly gigantic page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 9:06 [Added comments some breif comments generated from a quick skim of the proposal.] . . . . . RobertJacques
- (diff) ChadJoan 5:24 (2 changes) [Back to the beginning.] . . . . . ChadJoan
August 6, 2009
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 23:19 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 22:33 (3 changes) [Spacing] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 22:24 [Added section] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 21:42 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 5, 2009
- (diff) DProgrammingGuidelines 11:21 [added avg to abbreviations list] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ChadJoan 6:42 (3 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) lvalue 5:57 (2 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) rvalue 5:56 (3 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) LValue 3:56 (6 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) RValue 3:55 (4 changes) . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) GuestBook 3:02 [Added myself.] . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) TestPage 1:08 [Added "Section Linking" example.] . . . . . ChadJoan
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 1:01 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
August 3, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 17:47 . . . . . AryBorenszweig
August 2, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 5:31 (3 changes) . . . . . AryBorenszweig
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 1:52 [Add DIP6] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 1:26 [Add Recommendations subsection to Usage (bump version to 3)] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 0:54 [Add missing > to the author's e-mail] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
August 1, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP6 21:31 (2 changes) . . . . . AryBorenszweig
July 31, 2009
- (diff) NewsDmD 23:26 [Web NG tip] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:54 [removed PageDiscussion link.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 19:17 [FAQ link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview 18:59 [FAQ link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:58 (3 changes) [Moved questions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview / FAQ 18:57 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD / FAQ 18:57 (2 changes) [Removed self-link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 18:55 [FAQ link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 18:52 [FAQ link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 18:46 (3 changes) [Added questions] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BestPractices / DLL 1:13 [Referenced example] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 30, 2009
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / StructSort 22:51 [Updated source, should work in D1.x and D2.x] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ErrorMessages 20:45 [Heading] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / FAQ 20:37 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 20:25 [Links to what will be formal FAQs] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpCenter 2:59 [<nowiki> used with camel case words] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DProgrammingGuidelines 2:15 (3 changes) [Removed auto linking CamelCases] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) HelpCenter 1:05 [Tuturial an Links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 0:57 [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 0:56 [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BestPractices 0:47 [Added link] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 29, 2009
- (diff) DProgrammingGuidelines 21:56 (8 changes) . . . . . MichelFortin
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 21:34 [Intro update] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GuestBook 21:08 . . . . . MichelFortin
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 20:56 (2 changes) [DMD and Tango link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 20:54 [Run-time library info] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DProgrammingGuidelines 19:38 (2 changes) [Formatting, link to Style Guide, NoWiki] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MichelFortin 17:38 (3 changes) . . . . . MichelFortin
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 12:05 . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) HelpDProgress 1:00 [Forcing link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 0:59 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / GDC 0:58 [Page created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 0:28 [Added content] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 28, 2009
- (diff) WhySwitch 22:35 (2 changes) [Added Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MoreLinks 22:11 [Ordering] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 22:10 [DocWiki link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 21:47 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood 21:43 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 21:42 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 21:40 [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 21:35 (2 changes) [Link updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpec 21:27 [Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 21:26 [Page Replaced] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / PDFArchive 21:25 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial 20:48 [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP5 10:01 (3 changes) . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 9:16 . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) HelpDProgress 2:16 (2 changes) [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StalePages 1:46 [Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview 1:31 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Eiffel 1:30 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Delphi 1:29 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / BASICVariants 1:29 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Ruby 1:29 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Java 1:26 [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / CPlusPlus 1:24 (2 changes) [Modified Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / PlainC 1:24 (2 changes) [Modified Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / CSharp 1:23 [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 0:23 [Removing Comlpeted] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 0:19 [Further clarification of defintion.] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures / ArrayReserve 0:06 [Noted existence ] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 27, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 23:09 (2 changes) [Instructions for Alternatives] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 22:41 (2 changes) [Showing problems in terms of the definition.] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) StalePages 22:04 (2 changes) [Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TypeInfo 21:44 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) SuggestedProjects 21:41 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLibrary 21:35 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ImplementationDetail 21:11 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DSiteComment 20:46 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Books and Papers 19:37 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CurrentDUse 19:32 [Added papers section] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 19:17 [Added Link to specification page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EvaluationGuide / Preparations 18:30 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 18:26 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 16:06 . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP5 11:04 (2 changes) . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 10:52 . . . . . KagamiN
July 25, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 1:42 (3 changes) [Wiki auto links suck!] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BestPractices 1:34 (2 changes) [Ordering] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Bindings 1:23 (2 changes) [Removed comments added binding project link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 1:14 (2 changes) [removed xmld no working link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 1:11 (2 changes) [Lots] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 24, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 22:18 (4 changes) [Formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 16:25 [Moved Discussion link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 12:30 (4 changes) . . . . . NickSabalausky
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP4 8:41 [Adding a cons/counter section...] . . . . . RobertJacques
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 6:20 . . . . . NickSabalausky
- (diff) WhySwitch 5:30 [Added Languages] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler / DMD 4:58 (5 changes) [Linux Script] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:01 [Updated Descent last update date] . . . . . AryBorenszweig
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 0:57 (2 changes) . . . . . AryBorenszweig
- (diff) PhobosToDo 0:26 . . . . . ReimerBehrends
July 23, 2009
- (diff) PhobosToDo 6:38 [Newsgroup post info] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Benchmarks 5:13 [Added Linpack] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 4:56 (2 changes) [Changing a link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 1:33 [Properly formatted links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Games 0:40 [Corrected links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CurrentDUse 0:26 [Added more project liting pages.] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 22, 2009
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:39 [Moved discussion to own page. Added Related.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD / PageDiscussion 23:32 [Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpCenter 23:19 (2 changes) [Reordering] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpCenter / Organization 22:49 [Correction] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:01 [added DData] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel 14:17 [new info from Bartosz] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 1:29 (2 changes) [Link to official comments] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 1:25 (3 changes) [Moved Unofficial Faq Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / D2Features 1:14 . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 1:04 [Reordered] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:53 [Removed Discussion] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 0:46 (2 changes) [Reordered related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools 0:33 [Reorder] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 20, 2009
- (diff) History / Year2009 19:10 [DMD 1.046/2.031 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 19, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 22:57 . . . . . EldarInsafutdinov
- (diff) DsourceOrg / PageDiscussion 5:39 [Reply] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 4:33 (2 changes) [Added Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg / PageDiscussion 3:45 [in defense of the page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 18, 2009
- (diff) NeighborHood 16:42 (5 changes) [Added Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 7:52 (3 changes) [Added Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 7:46 [Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 7:31 . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MoreLinks 7:02 [Organize and add] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ChuckD 6:02 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DDotNet 6:00 [Marked as unrelated to D.Net compiler] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PortingOverview 5:24 [Added Wrapper Links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 5:10 (2 changes) [Added to information] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 5:09 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StringsInD 5:06 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LexicalClosures 4:16 [Added toc] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 3:41 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhatIsD 3:37 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) SearchingTips 3:26 (3 changes) [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg / PageDiscussion 1:45 [Suggest Removal] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg 1:37 [Discussion page added] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 1:31 . . . . . JessePhillips
July 17, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 23:54 [Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 22:35 [Added D.NET] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpec 22:26 (5 changes) [Added Language Links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood 20:07 (2 changes) [SO Link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:47 [Section for DMD bugs] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 16, 2009
- (diff) JessePhillips 23:45 (2 changes) [Updated] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:21 [added Blockd, CDC, DMD, dmd-installer, Goldie, hoofbaby, LuaD, QtD, SemiTwist] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhySwitch 22:20 [Reference DWT] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 21:38 (2 changes) [Reformat heading] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 21:32 (3 changes) [Folder not useable if nested.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TestPage 21:30 (2 changes) [Removing junk] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / Draft 21:07 [Folder Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / Approved 21:06 (2 changes) . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:31 [Updated description] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood 19:23 [add link to DsourceOrg wiki page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PerfectD 0:42 (3 changes) [cast away const] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 15, 2009
- (diff) JavaToD 23:32 [Updates] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PendingPeeves 22:30 [Remove some fixed bugs] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel 19:28 [Added HelpDProgress] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DConference 18:08 [No wiki] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 10:30 [With comments from Andrei] . . . . . DonClugston
July 14, 2009
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 23:56 (3 changes) [Added tutorials link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial 23:51 (4 changes) [Repositioned links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Complexities 23:38 [More exact link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 22:31 (4 changes) [Added Language] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 21:42 [Replacing link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood 21:36 [Linked to dsource hompage] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 21:33 [Deprecated statement] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 21:24 [Corrected links added FeatureList] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 18:59 [be specific] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 18:18 [Change link for LDC install instructions] . . . . . ChristianKamm
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 18:05 [Corrected Version] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:51 [Add references, arrays and associative arrays as library types] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 16:14 (3 changes) [Add Description section, bump version to 2] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 / Archive / Version1 16:01 [Add version 1 to the DIP1 archive] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 / Archive 16:00 [Add list of old versions] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel 13:11 [Added a major issues list] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) MoreLinks 6:49 (2 changes) [Removed old/dead links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DConference 6:22 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 5:14 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DConference 5:08 [adapted content from old FrontPage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpCenter / Organization 4:55 [fixed some typos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:19 [Updated Zeus entry to reflect latest version] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:15 [Updated eDitor and PN2 info] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) EditorSupport / ProgrammersNotepad 4:09 [A D scheme is included now] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD / Compiler 4:00 (6 changes) [* GDC isn't supporting D2] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CurrentDUse 2:12 [* spelling] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 1:53 [* Cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 1:13 [* Added to related] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 13, 2009
- (diff) PortingOverview 23:02 [* Updated link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Phobos 22:37 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 22:35 [Merged in Phobos page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpec 21:22 [* Standard Lib & doc comments] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Tango 21:06 [Small update] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 12, 2009
- (diff) NonUnicodeTextInD 22:06 [rewrote utf8_to_winansi (it can actually be a one-liner)] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP3 5:30 (2 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 5:27 . . . . . BradRoberts
July 10, 2009
- (diff) DiP2 17:39 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP2 17:38 (2 changes) [Correct page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DiP1 17:37 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs / DIP1 17:36 [Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DiPs 17:35 [Redirected] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel / DIPs 17:34 [Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DiP2 11:30 (4 changes) . . . . . KagamiN
July 9, 2009
- (diff) DiP2 19:34 . . . . . StevenSchveighoffer
- (diff) DiP2 16:45 [Typos, grammar] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DiPs 15:41 [DIP2] . . . . . KagamiN
- (diff) DiP2 15:39 . . . . . KagamiN
July 8, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:56 [update info for geany, active] . . . . . NickTreleaven
- (diff) DiPs 3:06 [Add DIP1] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) DiP1 3:05 [Initial template] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) LanguageDevel 2:03 (2 changes) [Use a shorter DIP links] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
July 7, 2009
- (diff) LanguageDevel 23:28 [Add D1XProposal link] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
July 2, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 8:55 (2 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) NeighborHood 1:48 (2 changes) [cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLib 0:09 (5 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JessePhillips
July 1, 2009
- (diff) StandardLib 23:43 [minor update] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NewsDmD 22:24 [Emphasized digitalmars.d.learn] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GuiLibraries 12:47 . . . . . DronTen
June 30, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 22:37 [Added Introduction] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 16:19 (5 changes) [Fixing link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 16:18 (3 changes) [Fixing that link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 6:24 (2 changes) [Added Language Development to Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpec 6:22 (4 changes) [Added D2.x feature changes] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 5:50 [Cleanup and ordering] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 27, 2009
- (diff) FirstLanguage 4:57 [Added some links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) Context 4:51 [Added WikiBook interweb] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 3:31 [Link to official site] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 26, 2009
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 6:31 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 6:15 [comment on new structure] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 6:04 [* Submittion of new structure] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 5:41 [language cleanup] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpCenter 4:45 [Link to organization page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) HelpCenter / Organization 4:24 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 24, 2009
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 21:21 [Note about dumpobj and obj2asm for non-Windows platforms] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 4:50 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 4:50 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 4:49 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / Eiffel 4:49 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / DelphiLanguage 4:48 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 4:48 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 4:48 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 4:46 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / BASICVariants 4:45 [Redirection] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Libraries 4:27 (2 changes) [Fixed url] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) CurrentDUse 4:03 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 23, 2009
- (diff) ComingFrom / Ruby 7:53 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Python 7:51 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Java 7:51 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Eiffel 7:50 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / Delphi 7:49 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / CSharp 7:49 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom 7:48 (3 changes) [Removed Language on links] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / CPlusPlus 7:46 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / PlainC 7:44 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ComingFrom / BASICVariants 7:42 [* Page Moved] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 7:37 (2 changes) [Using correct Tools/Build link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools 7:35 (2 changes) [Using correct Tools/Build link] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD / Tools / Build 7:35 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BuildTools 7:33 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:32 [Changed Related] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DevelopmentWithD 7:14 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MessageBoard 7:07 [Comment on coming changes] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageDevel 6:58 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) LanguageSpec 6:45 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FirstLanguage 6:39 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhySwitch 6:38 [* Page Created] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 22, 2009
- (diff) HelpCenter 22:48 [shortcut links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpCenter 5:19 (3 changes) [* article number] . . . . . JessePhillips
June 20, 2009
- (diff) MoreLinks 9:51 (2 changes) . . . . . AliCehreli
June 17, 2009
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 0:09 (2 changes) [More cv2pdb details] . . . . . TorHu
June 16, 2009
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 23:49 . . . . . TorHu
June 10, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 14:12 [Added a comment titled "RAII transactions"] . . . . . DraganMilenkovic
June 4, 2009
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:46 (17 changes) . . . . . MichaelTW
May 28, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 1:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
May 21, 2009
- (diff) AndyFriesen 20:52 . . . . . MarkWhitis
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:24 [added DWT2, Dynamin, Evanescent, AutoTool4D, QtD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 16, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:42 (3 changes) . . . . . MikeWh
May 15, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / COM 18:48 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 14, 2009
- (diff) History / Year2006 21:59 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2005 21:58 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2004 21:57 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 21:57 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 21:56 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2001 21:55 [simplified navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 21:51 [moved each year to its own subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2009 21:51 [moved content from History to create page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2008 21:48 [moved content from History to create page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2007 21:46 [moved content from History to create page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 13, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:54 [added cv2pdb] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 12, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Migrating 22:35 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SubmittingPatches 21:59 . . . . . DhasenAn
- (diff) FrontPage 21:32 . . . . . DhasenAn
- (diff) History 21:19 [DMD releases 1.042-1.045/2.027-2.030] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FloatingPointInD 17:24 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 0:59 [*Proposal: std.posix OS lib] . . . . . MjollnirPaul
May 11, 2009
- (diff) HelpDProgress 15:35 [how did WindowsAPI get left off for so long?] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 10, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 3:26 . . . . . DavidSimcha
May 2, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 10:00 [lyla now includes some code] . . . . . DonClugston
May 1, 2009
- (diff) D Tutorial / D2Complexities 7:51 [* Created page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial 6:45 [* added page for complexities] . . . . . JessePhillips
April 30, 2009
- (diff) NonUnicodeTextInD 22:43 (3 changes) . . . . . XuRux
April 29, 2009
- (diff) OwnershipTypesInD 17:22 (8 changes) [stack rule 4 code example was all wrong] . . . . . SandfordDene
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 4:41 [Added a link to my Concurrency Type System proposal] . . . . . SandfordDene
- (diff) NonUnicodeTextInD 3:28 (3 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 3:24 (5 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 2:18 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 2:17 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) PortingOverview 2:16 (2 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) PortingFromC 2:15 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 2:14 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 2:08 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 2:01 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) JavaToD 1:57 . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) HowTo / printf 1:19 (9 changes) . . . . . XuRux
April 28, 2009
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 23:30 (4 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 22:36 (3 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) HowTo / printf 22:24 (8 changes) . . . . . XuRux
April 27, 2009
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 13:44 (6 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
April 24, 2009
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:52 [*decrease indent level so as to conform to the rest of the page] . . . . . KinseyMoore
April 23, 2009
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 14:42 [backend abbreviations] . . . . . DonClugston
March 31, 2009
- (diff) AllLibraries 1:15 [update link to svn repo of kxml lib] . . . . . KinseyMoore
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 1:14 [update link to svn repo of kxml lib] . . . . . KinseyMoore
March 30, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:58 [added Stacy and LuaLib] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 17:33 [added onp] . . . . . DonClugston
March 26, 2009
- (diff) D1XProposal 22:40 [Initial revision] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
- (diff) FrontPage 21:43 [Add D1.x series proposal] . . . . . LeandroLucarella
March 23, 2009
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 1:18 (2 changes) [* Removed sections on national characters since they were wrong] . . . . . DanielKeep
March 20, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:20 [added OpenMelee] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 2:57 [Added new link] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
March 18, 2009
- (diff) History 21:39 [DMD 1.041/2.026 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:31 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
March 17, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:29 [added DDirectX9; renamed Pihlaja to Rae] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 15, 2009
- (diff) PhobosToDo 22:30 (2 changes) . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 18:17 (6 changes) . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
March 13, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 19:44 . . . . . MattQuigley
March 12, 2009
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 19:10 . . . . . JustinPenka
March 11, 2009
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 19:00 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 9, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 23:51 [Added link to PLplot library] . . . . . WernerSmekal
March 7, 2009
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 12:35 [*packages] . . . . . WitoldBaryluk
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 12:24 (3 changes) . . . . . WitoldBaryluk
March 6, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 22:19 (2 changes) . . . . . PrzemekKlosowski
February 26, 2009
- (diff) History 17:35 [DMD 1.040/2.025 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 25, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:09 [added Dedit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 23, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / Traits 3:47 (2 changes) . . . . . ChrisWright
February 22, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 0:17 . . . . . EldarInsafutdinov
February 19, 2009
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:59 [ruby has nested functions, python does not have interfaces. Python have dynamic class creation (with type() call). Python have currying.] . . . . . VoId
- (diff) D Tutorial 19:15 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:32 [Updated Zeus entry with latest version details] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
February 15, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 4:26 [added qtd] . . . . . MoritzWarning
February 12, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 17:12 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 15:42 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 11, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:51 [added TinyTankEngine and GALD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 9, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 9:44 [Added dplot] . . . . . DonClugston
February 6, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 14:38 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
February 5, 2009
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 23:05 [formatting and added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StewartGordon 17:16 [upd8] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 9:29 [added a lot more details] . . . . . DonClugston
February 4, 2009
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:35 . . . . . AryBorenszweig
- (diff) ScientificLibraries 15:54 [Copied from Lars Kyllingstad's list] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 15:45 . . . . . DonClugston
February 3, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 14:35 [Added Mac OS X as a supported platform for GtkD.] . . . . . JonasKivi
January 30, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:53 [added blip, MegaMan X Crossfire, and DStep] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 29, 2009
- (diff) ErrorMessages 18:53 [changed second Linker Errors header to Compiler Errors.] . . . . . DarlothAlAsudrah
January 22, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / LazyEvaluation 3:59 . . . . . KennethAlmquist
January 15, 2009
- (diff) GuiLibraries 22:49 [see] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) History 8:43 (2 changes) [fix link, show source instead of tagging] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 12, 2009
- (diff) History 18:25 [LDC 0.9 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 1:36 [now at v0.61] . . . . . StewartGordon
January 9, 2009
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 23:31 (2 changes) . . . . . MicroWizard
January 7, 2009
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:11 [added dstats] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / constFAQ 17:55 [DMD on another platform?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 16:00 [DMD 1.039/2.023 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 2, 2009
- (diff) DocComments / constFAQ 14:57 [OpenSolaris Support] . . . . . BjörnHerzig
December 29, 2008
- (diff) LexicalClosures 20:33 (2 changes) . . . . . GideNwawudu
December 26, 2008
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 22:05 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinPenka
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:24 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 23, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 15:51 [added D 1.x/2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 19, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:18 [added curld DecoratedD, apaged2, DComic] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 18, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Mixins 16:10 [added links for D 1.x/2.x] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 16, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Mixins 17:11 . . . . . GideNwawudu
December 15, 2008
- (diff) NewsDmD 20:14 [newsgroup interface is open source] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GdcHacking 16:26 [Call for contributors] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 15:07 [DMD 1.038/2.022 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 13, 2008
- (diff) JavaToD 4:41 [missing [ in bffer[1]<<8] . . . . . AmosWenger
December 6, 2008
- (diff) History 17:50 [DMD 1.037/2.021 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 5, 2008
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 6:41 (2 changes) . . . . . JlQuinn
December 4, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 10:49 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
December 2, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:50 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 26, 2008
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 7:05 (3 changes) . . . . . JlQuinn
November 25, 2008
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 8:33 [updated the link to bind] . . . . . TomaszStachowiak
November 21, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:14 [added iD3] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 19, 2008
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:07 [null checking not done; another post on this; br multiple posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 14, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 0:33 [*update to features, cleanup] . . . . . KinseyMoore
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:32 [* basic support added for xpath, slight cleanup] . . . . . KinseyMoore
November 12, 2008
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 23:09 (2 changes) [back now] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 10, 2008
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 11:48 (2 changes) [* The book] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
November 9, 2008
- (diff) SDWF 20:07 [now at v0.60] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 8, 2008
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 6:05 [* Moved reference of Installation page to the top] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 6:03 [* Referenced an updated script] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLib / SuggestedResolutions 5:41 [* Update for D2] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLib 5:41 [* Stated resolution used for D2] . . . . . JessePhillips
October 31, 2008
- (diff) GuiLibraries 20:42 [fixed link to dwt/wiki/DwtShawn] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 30, 2008
- (diff) GuiLibraries 23:05 [added Hybrid] . . . . . TomaszStachowiak
- (diff) GuiLibraries 22:59 (6 changes) [jface] . . . . . FrankBenoit
October 28, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:03 [added DXB] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 27, 2008
- (diff) GoogleCode 14:51 [added ycurses] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 23, 2008
- (diff) History 16:12 [DMD 1.036 / 2.020 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 18, 2008
- (diff) WorshopResults 22:05 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 22:04 [fixed typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 11:58 . . . . . LinkUpdater
October 13, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:05 [Updated the Zeus entry] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 1:03 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
October 11, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:58 (10 changes) . . . . . RayneSimpson
- (diff) EditorSupport / SkyIDE 23:55 . . . . . RayneSimpson
- (diff) EditorSupport / Sky 23:53 . . . . . RayneSimpson
October 10, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:20 [added FruitFactory] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 7:56 (6 changes) [dkinter gui changes] . . . . . SergeyLyubimov
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:01 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
October 3, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:25 [Updated last release version of Descent] . . . . . AryBorenszweig
October 2, 2008
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 4:14 . . . . . BradleyMeck
October 1, 2008
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 22:05 (2 changes) [rephrased some of the abi stuff, apparently it was unclear] . . . . . TomasLindquistOlsen
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 19:48 . . . . . AlexanderPanek
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 17:28 (2 changes) [future of tango -> common runtime] . . . . . ChristianK
- (diff) TangoWorkshopResults 17:10 . . . . . FawziMohamed
- (diff) FrontPage 17:10 (2 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
- (diff) WorshopResults 17:04 . . . . . FawziMohamed
September 29, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:09 . . . . . ChrisLee
September 26, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 13:31 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:35 [Nightly build uploaded for Descent, reflecting changes here] . . . . . AryBorenszweig
September 22, 2008
- (diff) MessageBoard 23:33 (2 changes) [Suggestions for Wiki4D administrator] . . . . . LynnAllan
- (diff) MessageBoard 23:18 (3 changes) [Minor. Put in username (was expecting this to be automatic)] . . . . . L_D_Allan
September 20, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGetopt 17:03 (2 changes) [strict single letter options] . . . . . JohnBelmonte
September 19, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 16:27 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
September 17, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:44 [added druntime] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 16, 2008
- (diff) GuiLibraries 20:42 [GtkD has achieved version 1.0 Whooho!] . . . . . TomJ
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 7:25 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
September 11, 2008
- (diff) MarkLaws 6:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 6:15 [revert link spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MarkLaws 3:14 [*World of Warcraft Gold Guide] . . . . . MarkLaws
- (diff) TestPage 3:12 [*World of Warcraft Gold Guide] . . . . . MarkLaws
September 10, 2008
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 20:43 (2 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
- (diff) Games 15:42 (2 changes) [added Healthy Wave] . . . . . MukuSte
- (diff) GuiLibraries 5:30 [Changed GtkD to Beta as it is in RC1 status] . . . . . TomJohnson
September 4, 2008
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:30 (3 changes) [* C++09 has Lambda-expression/functor] . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
September 3, 2008
- (diff) History 20:14 [DMD 1.035 / 2.019 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:12 [added SmallXML, Vango, dstress, p2p-gui, and] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 14:00 [Order of scope clauses in Mailer example] . . . . . DenisBredelet
September 1, 2008
- (diff) Harmonia 20:05 . . . . . QuarkFusion
August 27, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:56 [xcode] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 10:21 (2 changes) . . . . . AlanKnowles
August 26, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:20 [removed automatic link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:47 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:27 (5 changes) . . . . . JaeYoung-Kim
August 25, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 18:20 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) KernelWithD 15:22 [fixed typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 23, 2008
- (diff) KernelWithD 17:46 . . . . . TrevorParscal
August 20, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 8:43 . . . . . AlanKnowles
August 17, 2008
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:39 (4 changes) . . . . . AlexSkiminok
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:50 (3 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 3:48 [Updates Zeus entry to reflect latest release] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
August 15, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 3:45 [Confusing docu] . . . . . BerkusBekkers
August 12, 2008
- (diff) History 16:48 [DMD 1.034/2.018 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 14:52 (2 changes) . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
August 11, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:42 [added dcrypt] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 9, 2008
- (diff) StandardLib 19:15 [corrected minor typographic errors] . . . . . DanTallentire
August 4, 2008
August 1, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:59 [added Aki, myrrdin, DDevelop, meta, and DTk] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 30, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:21 . . . . . AllanM
July 29, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / DCode 15:31 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 25, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / UNAEditor 6:13 [* initial page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:06 (2 changes) [* added UNA] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / EDitor 4:35 . . . . . ThomasBrix
July 24, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:00 (2 changes) [* Descent needed to be added to good standing] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) JessePhillips 4:58 [* My initial thoughts] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / DCode 4:22 . . . . . JessePhillips
July 22, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / WC 15:38 [added D 1.x/2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 15:31 [date of those changes is irrelevant now] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 19, 2008
- (diff) Bindings 9:45 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . HenningHasemann
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 7:22 [*Fixed 2004 date into 2008] . . . . . CliffHegman
July 17, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / WC 1:44 [Suggestions for updating wc.d for newbies] . . . . . GlennLewis
July 15, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 22:47 [2008 conference canceled] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 14, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:40 [Added OpenMW and IntelliD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 14:45 [DMD 1.033/2.017 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 12, 2008
- (diff) Logo 10:15 (2 changes) . . . . . ManfredNowak
July 10, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:32 [Added link to the indiana library] . . . . . HenningHasemann
July 9, 2008
- (diff) SDWF 17:50 [update link] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) History 15:06 [DMD 1.032/2.016 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 7, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:35 [added libmpq link] . . . . . GeorgLukas
July 1, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:31 (4 changes) [*add a jabber client library] . . . . . KinseyMoore
June 29, 2008
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 17:11 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 27, 2008
- (diff) DMDScript 2:02 [Add a few more details] . . . . . AlanKnowles
June 25, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:05 [added The Silc Project and DWT-mac] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 23, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Constraints 20:57 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:26 [added DReactor, SeamzGood, and Microcosm (and reorganized)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 20:08 . . . . . MerlinMeyer-Mitchell
June 19, 2008
- (diff) History 14:45 [DMD 1.031/2.015 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 8:19 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
June 18, 2008
- (diff) Games 21:18 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:15 [added list of project hosts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 14, 2008
- (diff) Games 14:18 (4 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) Games 12:54 (2 changes) . . . . . NicolayKorslund
- (diff) AllLibraries 1:00 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 12, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 11:55 [comment on the, for curious first timers, complicated example ] . . . . . RenedeZwart
June 10, 2008
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 10:44 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 9, 2008
- (diff) History 14:36 [GDC svn] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
June 6, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 6:56 (2 changes) [*clarification for addition of kxml parser] . . . . . KinseyMoore
June 1, 2008
- (diff) TransitiveConst 18:02 (7 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
May 28, 2008
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 21:35 (3 changes) . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex2 21:34 (4 changes) . . . . . TorHu
May 27, 2008
- (diff) Games 18:26 [added postmortem on game programming] . . . . . LutgerB
- (diff) DocComments / Glossary 16:57 [added NaN] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex2 3:12 [test] . . . . . TorHu
May 26, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:21 (2 changes) [*added hybrid] . . . . . LutgerB
May 17, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 9:56 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) History 9:50 [DMD 1.030/2.014] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
May 13, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 11:24 [CodeBlocks has an official release now] . . . . . DonC
May 12, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:47 [added Dsharper] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:49 . . . . . AryManzana
May 11, 2008
- (diff) History 8:38 [gdc r222] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
May 8, 2008
- (diff) StandardLib / SuggestedResolutions 0:19 . . . . . WheelofFire
May 7, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / VisualStudio 18:22 (2 changes) . . . . . JasonMcGuiness
May 4, 2008
- (diff) History 14:56 [gdc r218] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 30, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:35 [added Life] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 29, 2008
- (diff) History 9:59 [gdc r217] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 27, 2008
- (diff) History 22:10 (3 changes) [fix links to gdc svn] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 25, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 12:38 . . . . . JbR
April 24, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Cpp0x 15:23 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 15:21 [DMD 1.029 and 2.013 releases] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 22, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:57 [Added dcollections] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 21, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 5:08 [moved a list item down a level and added a second subelement about CDATA support] . . . . . KinseyMoore
April 18, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 7:15 [Added Dang] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 14, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 7:07 [It used to be a comparison, but people complained.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 12, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 22:26 . . . . . YuKu
April 11, 2008
- (diff) FuatGeleri 18:18 . . . . . FuatGeleri
April 10, 2008
- (diff) TransitiveConst 10:32 (2 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
- (diff) PerfectD 0:13 [* about gc] . . . . . PeterSmithPeterSmith
April 9, 2008
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 23:58 [* utf-8 vs os-x] . . . . . PeterSmithPeterSmith
April 7, 2008
- (diff) TransitiveConst 9:53 (2 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
April 6, 2008
- (diff) TransitiveConst 16:29 (13 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
April 5, 2008
- (diff) TransitiveConst 20:07 (3 changes) . . . . . FawziMohamed
- (diff) FrontPage 10:49 . . . . . FawziMohamed
April 4, 2008
- (diff) GoogleCode 3:42 . . . . . SignedLongInt
April 3, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:25 [added Neptune] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 1, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:09 [status updates: Build, Freudo, etc.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:57 . . . . . JonSkinner
March 31, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / SafeD 23:01 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / constFAQ 15:52 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 28, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:36 (2 changes) . . . . . WernerSmekal
- (diff) EditorSupport / SublimeText 18:27 [added formatting and license info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:58 [removed duplicated line] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 15:28 [added flowerd subprojects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 14:07 [added std.hiddenfunc] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 14:06 [added std.xml] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdHiddenfunc 14:03 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdXml 14:02 [added link to XML Libraries] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / D2Features 13:58 [bug fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:49 . . . . . JonSkinner
- (diff) EditorSupport / SublimeText 7:49 . . . . . JonSkinner
March 26, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:52 [added Sync4Ogo, added note about Helix] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 24, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 14:16 [project website for MDE works now] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 22, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 18:46 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) FuatGeleri 11:03 . . . . . FuatGeleri
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 3:09 . . . . . UmodUmod
March 20, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:53 [added dil] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 18, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Downloads 1:46 (2 changes) . . . . . LanoxxthShaddow
March 17, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:37 [added Diamond and MDE] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarPosts 16:37 [added a post / fixed some links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFormat 15:05 [StringWriter (D 2.x)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 16, 2008
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 5:50 . . . . . TyTower
March 15, 2008
- (diff) StandardLib 20:24 (2 changes) [* fixed url] . . . . . JessePhillips
March 14, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:28 [Entice 0.8.5 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EnticeDesigner 14:24 [DWT supported now] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 13, 2008
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 15:04 (2 changes) [added "dot not" blog] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 12, 2008
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:10 . . . . . ChrisNilsson
March 10, 2008
- (diff) DSSS 22:28 (5 changes) . . . . . TyTower
- (diff) History 15:29 [GDC svn: Updated to 1.024 / 2.008] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 5:50 [*delphi; questions] . . . . . CyberShadow
March 7, 2008
- (diff) History 15:48 [Ubuntu 1-click install for DMD 2.012] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 15:48 [added 1-click install for DMD 2.012] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 15:36 [added D1.x/D2.x links and unimplemented feature comment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 9:29 . . . . . BradRoberts
March 4, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 0:18 [added AID; Dception renamed to Fingerpaint] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 3, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 19:25 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 19:21 [added D1.x/D2.x links and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CmpIntegerOverflowProblem 16:52 (11 changes) . . . . . KovSerg
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 16:02 (6 changes) . . . . . KovSerg
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 13:06 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
February 29, 2008
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 19:07 [Corrected all links] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 15:04 . . . . . BillBaxter
February 28, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 15:12 [renamed link and added historical link at the bottom and added some formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 10:35 [in/out/inout documentation request] . . . . . SergeyGromov
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 2:17 [Clarification and formatting] . . . . . DerekParnell
February 27, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 22:26 (3 changes) [Updated link] . . . . . BillBaxter
February 25, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:18 [added Gefuege and Odin's Eye] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 24, 2008
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 11:47 [These comments were no longer relevant to this page] . . . . . TorHu
February 22, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / CPPcomplex 21:37 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ConstInvariant 21:34 [changed DigitalMars: link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / InterfaceToCPP 21:34 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 21, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / ConstInvariant 17:40 [Is this page out-of-date?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:42 [added SciTE4D, made list alphabetical again] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / SciTE4D 16:41 [created SciTE4D page (based on 0.11 announcement)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 15:18 [one link to DsourceProject:pihlaja should be plenty] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 12:22 [Changed Pihlaja links (added website and to dsource... removed sourceforge)] . . . . . JonasKivi
February 20, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 18:01 (3 changes) [added problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdComplex 18:00 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 17:59 (3 changes) [added problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdXml 17:49 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdIterator 17:48 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSlist 17:46 [unfinished module?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 17:14 [DMD 1.027 / 2.011 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 8:58 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
February 19, 2008
- (diff) MoreLinks 23:21 . . . . . DanielYokomizo
- (diff) DocComments / ConstInvariant 21:52 . . . . . NikolayDantes
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:35 (2 changes) . . . . . ClaySmith
- (diff) DsourceOrg 15:59 [added Nanu, dwt-samples, dwt-addons, svgplot, Vector2D, and Blaze] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 0:25 [added topspots post] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 17, 2008
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 12:44 [restored removal from personal page] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 13, 2008
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:21 [added SQLite links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / D2Features 16:49 [broken link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WrappingCxx 10:00 [Added more about wrapping structs] . . . . . ThomasBrix
- (diff) DocComments / COM 8:55 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
February 11, 2008
- (diff) Phobos 16:48 [added tips for offering a patch for Phobos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 8, 2008
- (diff) StandardLib / SuggestedResolutions 4:16 (2 changes) [* Added 2 more options] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLib 2:36 [* addeds suggestions] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 6, 2008
- (diff) ErrorMessages / LinkerErrors 20:29 . . . . . FikuGhin
- (diff) WrappingCxx 20:27 (2 changes) . . . . . ThomasBrix
February 5, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Future 16:15 (2 changes) [fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 16:14 [added D1.x/D2.x links and note about missing aliases] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 4, 2008
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:36 [* changes reference of other wishlist] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:33 [* removed items marked as done] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FrontPage 17:23 [* added history section] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 17:22 (3 changes) . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 17:19 . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 15:47 [libxml2] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Bindings 15:47 [added link to XML page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:47 [Descent 0.5 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 14:43 [bit type no longer exists] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpDProgress 7:08 [* Removed BitsAndBools reference, added Beginners guide] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 6:52 [* Made code use writef/ref and add code block] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) JavaToD 6:44 (6 changes) [* missing ] added] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:52 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) BitsAndBools 5:19 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 0:40 [* Added Blog posts] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) MoreLinks 0:20 [* Added linuxjournal article] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:16 [* added intetion for dsss] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:09 [* added Reference to standard library page] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:07 [* expanded supported GCC versions] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 3, 2008
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:56 . . . . . JessePhillips
February 2, 2008
- (diff) Books and Papers 8:02 [* added the japanese book] . . . . . JessePhillips
February 1, 2008
- (diff) KernelWithD 22:18 [added "OKL4 IPC into D"] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WrappingCxx 15:39 [Added "Wrapping C++ classes"] . . . . . ThomasBrix
January 31, 2008
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 15:17 [added D1.x/D2.x links and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 15:11 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 15:02 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 12:46 . . . . . SaaSa
- (diff) GuestBook 8:30 (2 changes) . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:23 (3 changes) [* corrected spelling] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) GuiLibraries 8:00 [* Added latest SWT projects] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 7:48 . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 7:47 . . . . . JessePhillips
January 30, 2008
- (diff) DcalledFromC 22:15 . . . . . ThomasBrix
- (diff) NeighborHood 15:19 [fixed spelling and links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StandardLib 15:09 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 29, 2008
- (diff) NeighborHood 21:48 [* Explaned the dynamics of the community] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 21:10 [* Made referance to tango] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) StandardLib 21:05 [* First draft] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) DocComments / D2Features 20:39 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 19:15 [* added Two Standards] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 27, 2008
- (diff) Tango 22:10 [Better External Linking to information] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) WhatIsD 22:01 [Cleaned up information, added a comment about Phobos and Tango] . . . . . JessePhillips
January 25, 2008
- (diff) ICFP / TasksOverall 22:48 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 22:47 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JavaToD 22:45 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling andspec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) VenusLibrary / Documentation 22:36 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToCreateNewPages 22:32 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToCreateFolders 22:30 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 21:26 [changed DigitalMars: link and added <n> and spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 21:23 [changed DigitalMars: link and added <n>] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments / WinDbg 21:18 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / PdfNotes 21:15 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 21:14 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 21:11 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosToDo 21:08 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 24, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:40 . . . . . StephanSommer-Schulz
- (diff) DWiki 22:45 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterWebLinks 22:42 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextPad 22:35 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SuggestedProjects 22:32 [added <n>/</n> tags and fixed spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / JensFileEditor 22:09 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 22:06 [removed a "¦" character] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut / CanonicalFunction 22:02 [spelling and added <n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DescentUI 22:00 [added <n>/</n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 21:58 [spelling and added <n> tags] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GdcHacking 21:53 [rewrote Dsource link and spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PerfectD 21:46 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec links and spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:04 [added Happy Mars, DWT-linux, DWT-win, UniD, and Dception] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 17:57 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec1x link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToAddTables 17:51 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec1x link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GCW 17:49 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OpenSourceLicenses 16:57 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EasterEggs 16:54 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec1x link, etc.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 16:50 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 16:47 [changed DigitalMars: link to DSpec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DcalledFromC 16:42 [changed spec link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 23, 2008
- (diff) DCP DefaultPrivateImports 23:02 [changed link to DSpec1x:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGetopt 16:42 [return value] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 8:30 (2 changes) [Constants and other C++ corrections] . . . . . MichaelLam
January 22, 2008
- (diff) History / Year2001 22:11 [added some links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 22:07 [rewrote links as DSpec1x: and added some links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 22:00 [rewrote links as DSpec1x:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2004 21:58 [rewrote links as DSpec1x:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2006 21:51 [rewrote links as DSpec1x:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2005 21:49 [rewrote some links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 21:47 [DMD 1.026 / DMD 2.010 released (and rewrote some other links)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 21:39 [changed DSpec2x link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 19:17 [moved response by Walter to be right under the question] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 12:43 [added note about ref for first time of legal note] . . . . . JohnDoeLegal
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 11:47 [not an error] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 5:27 (3 changes) [Updated Zeus the details.] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
January 20, 2008
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 22:39 [* Added pure keyword] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
January 19, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:12 [removed link spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:10 . . . . . AndrewCooper
January 18, 2008
- (diff) History / Year2004 21:55 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 21:54 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 21:53 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2001 21:51 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 21:39 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / VariableArgumentLists 21:38 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / UnicodeOperators 21:37 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 21:35 [changed Post: -> NG: and changelog link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 21:33 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Coroutines 21:32 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 17, 2008
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 17:36 [changed Post: -> NG: and spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / RuntimeErrors 17:24 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / CompilerErrors 17:23 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LocalScopeOperator 12:26 . . . . . RicHardacre
January 16, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / PSPad 23:20 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 23:18 [changed Post: -> NG: and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlus 23:14 [changed Post: -> NG: and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 23:09 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeWrightLexer 23:08 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 23:06 (2 changes) [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit / PostsByWalter 23:04 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 22:26 [changed Post: -> NG: and spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 22:23 [changed Post: -> NG: and spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 22:17 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 22:13 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarPosts 22:10 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / printf 22:08 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 22:04 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterfaceDiscussion 22:03 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OtherLanguages 22:02 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 21:59 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SearchingTips 21:55 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 20:16 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 20:15 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 20:13 [changed Post: -> NG: and updated to reflect changes in D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateThreads 19:57 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 19:06 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UrlLib 19:03 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 19:01 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WxD 19:00 [changed Post: -> NG:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 18:58 [changed spec and post links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 18:50 [Old D Newsgroup - switched to webnews shortcut] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 15, 2008
- (diff) AllLibraries 9:27 . . . . . StephanSommer-Schulz
January 10, 2008
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:49 . . . . . IIAnkouII
January 9, 2008
- (diff) EditorSupport / JEdit 17:06 (3 changes) . . . . . JohnStoneham
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:53 . . . . . JohnStoneham
- (diff) GoogleCode 15:32 [added dil and gjkd projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Books and Papers 15:27 [added link to table of contents] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 7, 2008
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:40 [added dnews] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 6, 2008
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 13:42 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
January 3, 2008
- (diff) History / Year2002 15:01 [fixed typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 2, 2008
- (diff) History 16:01 [DMD 1.025/2.009] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 15:17 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 15:11 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 31, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:38 [added flowered, kong, Pineapple, and links for monster] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 22, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 13:28 [no new discussions] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 18, 2007
December 17, 2007
- (diff) DSSS 15:19 [added note for gtkD to dui] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:15 [renamed dui to gtkD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 15:09 [renamed dui to gtkD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / AnjutaIDE 15:06 [added link to gtkD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / LedsEditor 15:04 [added link to gtkD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AntonioMonteiro 15:00 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 14:58 [gtkD link changed and simplified other links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 14:54 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 16, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Class 21:32 [About copying objects] . . . . . BillBaxter
December 14, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:36 (5 changes) [[std::vector is lib in c++] /me messed up color. fixed] . . . . . EtoPowertwon
December 10, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 9:49 [*updated haskell stuff] . . . . . GeorgePollard
December 9, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:54 (2 changes) . . . . . JoeFredette
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:19 (11 changes) . . . . . JwG
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:33 (8 changes) . . . . . XavierMorel
December 8, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 11:19 (4 changes) . . . . . JwG
December 6, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:38 (2 changes) . . . . . JwG
December 4, 2007
- (diff) Books and Papers 19:35 [add link to apress D programming book] . . . . . JohnWyandson
- (diff) Games 16:34 [added guisterax] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:32 [added guisterax] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 3, 2007
- (diff) TestPage 22:52 [removed ads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 9:54 . . . . . IliasTemirov
December 2, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 20:19 [Added the flymake -part] . . . . . SampoVuori
December 1, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 11:12 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:11 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 30, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ConstInvariant 22:44 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdProcess 21:44 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMath 21:43 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSystem 21:40 [added D1.x/D2.x links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdTraits 21:33 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdVariant 21:30 (3 changes) [added link to std2 project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdString 21:28 [added link to std2 project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdContracts 21:23 [added link to std2 project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSlist 21:20 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 21:16 [created redirect page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGetopt 17:34 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBitarray 17:30 [added link to LinkProblems] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 17:27 [added problems] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdNumeric 17:12 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo 0:39 [formatting and spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / optilink 0:39 (2 changes) [renamed page to correct mispelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / OptLink 0:38 [spelling and formatting and renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 29, 2007
- (diff) HowTo / optilink 21:20 . . . . . TomD
- (diff) HowTo 21:08 . . . . . TomD
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:48 [added Phobos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 20:07 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFormat 20:03 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdWindowsCharset 19:11 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFunctional 19:07 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUri 19:05 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUni 19:02 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdTypeTuple 18:56 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBind 16:21 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBitarray 16:20 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdContracts 16:12 [simplied D 2.x link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCpuid 16:10 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 16:08 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCtype 16:06 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCover 16:02 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdAlgorithm 16:00 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDemangle 15:55 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 15:53 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCompiler 15:44 [added 1.x/2.x spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 28, 2007
- (diff) History 23:36 [DMD 1.024 and 2.008 releases] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / BlackbirdForEclipse 20:39 (2 changes) . . . . . GcS
- (diff) CarlosSantander 15:55 (3 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander / OldDiscussionAboutDig 15:55 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) OldDiscussionAboutDig 15:54 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . CarlosSantander
November 27, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 21:14 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:12 [link to faq comments page] . . . . . BillBaxter
November 26, 2007
- (diff) Phobos 18:32 [added link to Phobos at] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 20, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 21:49 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:49 (2 changes) . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
November 19, 2007
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 22:11 [* added 'synchronized' as storage class] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
November 18, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 9:33 [Changed some red "yes" things into green color.] . . . . . TimChas
November 16, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 18:58 . . . . . MartinKirillSchröder
November 15, 2007
- (diff) Bindings 18:24 [added link to the DSource bindings project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:01 [added DBus-D, DMocks, DRE] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 13, 2007
- (diff) LruCache 18:40 [new project location] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 12, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 18:10 (2 changes) . . . . . WitoldBaryluk
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:57 [added Tango] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Tango 10:29 (2 changes) . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
November 9, 2007
- (diff) LruCache 2:49 (2 changes) . . . . . CharlesHixson
November 8, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / FileAndArchiveManager 14:16 [updated to link to homepage; removed outdated install instructions] . . . . . CyberShadow
November 7, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 23:56 . . . . . WitoldBaryluk
November 5, 2007
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 15:03 [everything seems to be working] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LruCache 0:18 (2 changes) . . . . . CharlesHixson
- (diff) CharlesHixson 0:17 (7 changes) . . . . . CharlesHixson
November 4, 2007
- (diff) CharlesHixson 19:37 (6 changes) . . . . . CharlesHixson
- (diff) EditorSupport / CrimsonEditor 15:30 [Crimson is not Emerald] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:29 [Crimson is not Emerald] . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) GuestBook 1:30 . . . . . CharlesHixson
November 3, 2007
- (diff) Dimple 20:13 [Placed information and sourecode about a potential useful modification of dimple] . . . . . HenningHasemann
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 14:14 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:12 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 2, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 22:24 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 22:10 [DMD 1.023 and 2.007 releases] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 22:05 [I'm guessing the newsgroups are back up, too, but I can't check right now.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 16:51 [tried experimental spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 16:45 [added experimental spec shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 14:01 [down] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 1, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 16:22 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 29, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:44 [updated DFL] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 28, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:36 . . . . . ThomasBrix
October 25, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Future 20:01 [moved content to FeatureRequestList/CompileTimeCharTypeIdentification] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 19:30 [removed repetitious feature request] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / CompileTimeCharTypeIdentification 19:28 [moved from DocComments pages and helped with formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 19:22 [added feature request to help ForrestFeng] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 17:58 [added link to Text in D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 12:30 [Strongly recommend the D language to support new feature of “compile time char type identification”] . . . . . ForrestFeng
- (diff) DocComments / Future 12:28 [Strongly recommend the D language to support new feature of “compile time char type identification”] . . . . . ForrestFeng
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 1:33 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
October 24, 2007
- (diff) Games 22:03 (4 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 17:23 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 23, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:23 [added std2, gmp4d, and Monster] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 22, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Const 17:14 [* const binds to the left; and const correctness comment] . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
October 19, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditorWishlist 16:16 . . . . . PyramidHead
October 18, 2007
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / MultipleReturnValues 22:15 . . . . . MaelP
- (diff) PerfectD 20:48 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PerfectD 19:36 [A bit of copyediting in Item 6] . . . . . JohnShipley
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:57 [added DWin and Kobalt] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Hijack 15:14 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 10:34 [(hopefully) clarified the aa semantics] . . . . . OskarLinde
October 17, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 22:20 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 12:25 (4 changes) . . . . . BjoernBLS
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGetopt 0:30 . . . . . MaelP
October 16, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFile 22:54 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdPath 22:53 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 22:49 [D 1.x/2.x spec links (and removed outdated comment)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdContracts 22:37 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 22:34 [std.getopt added] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 22:31 [added std.getopt] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGetopt 22:22 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdVariant 22:19 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 22:15 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 22:11 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 22:10 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdTraits 22:09 [D 1.x/2.x spec links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 22:06 [DMD 2.006 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 11:12 (17 changes) . . . . . BjoernBLS
- (diff) TestPage 10:53 (5 changes) . . . . . VerdyP
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 9:10 (15 changes) . . . . . VerdyP
- (diff) VerdyP 7:43 . . . . . VerdyP
October 15, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:23 [Missing Java capabilities] . . . . . VerdyP
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 10:46 (2 changes) . . . . . BenSaunders
October 14, 2007
- (diff) DanielKeep 9:11 . . . . . DanielKeep
October 8, 2007
- (diff) History 23:13 [DMD 1.022/2.005 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LanguageSection 16:23 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / InterfaceToC 16:17 [created stub page and moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 16:13 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / InterfaceToCPP 15:58 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 10:11 . . . . . JoshuaScholar
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 7:27 . . . . . JoshuaScholar
- (diff) AllLibraries 6:44 . . . . . DavidLeon
- (diff) DavidLeon 6:43 . . . . . DavidLeon
October 7, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 23:00 (3 changes) . . . . . JoshuaScholar
October 5, 2007
- (diff) DDotNet 18:36 [added link to nono] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Bindings 18:29 [added nono (for Mono)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:55 [added comments about some abandoned projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 17:54 [added link to ZeroBUGS] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 4, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:05 [docoa and dlisp status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 3, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:16 [added several projects; Helix update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 2, 2007
- (diff) GuiLibraries 23:00 [updated link to Harmonia] . . . . . VlaVla
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 22:05 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:37 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 3:56 (2 changes) . . . . . BrianHsu
- (diff) AllLibraries 3:51 . . . . . BrianHsu
October 1, 2007
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 23:32 [changed 'News' to 'Recent Changes'] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) GuiLibraries 12:03 [fix spelling] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GuiLibraries 10:43 (3 changes) . . . . . MickeH
- (diff) WrappingCxx 9:34 [bcd.gen] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 3:23 (13 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FrontPage 1:55 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) PortingOverview 1:35 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) WrappingCxx 1:32 . . . . . BillBaxter
September 30, 2007
- (diff) DMDScript 17:47 [Linked to a tutorial] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DMDScript / Tutorials 17:45 [Building objects and passing them to DMDscript functions] . . . . . DerekParnell
September 29, 2007
- (diff) FolderContributors 21:18 [having FolderFolders at the bottom adds it to the folder for folders] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Bindings 19:30 (5 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 19:14 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 19:02 (5 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) FrontPage 18:53 (4 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:47 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) FolderContributors 18:37 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / AnjutaIDE 18:13 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:13 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / VisualStudio 17:57 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
September 24, 2007
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 8:44 (6 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 2:56 (2 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:52 [Updated Zeus entry] . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 1:21 (9 changes) . . . . . BjoernBLS
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:57 (2 changes) . . . . . FrankHirsch
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 0:53 (4 changes) . . . . . JarrettBillingsley
September 23, 2007
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 23:51 (4 changes) . . . . . BjoernBLS
- (diff) PortingFromCxx 22:27 (10 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) TestPage 22:19 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) Books and Papers 20:17 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) WrappingCxx 7:20 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) PortingFromC 6:46 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) PortingFromJava 6:35 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FrontPage 6:20 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) PortingOverview 6:17 . . . . . BillBaxter
September 22, 2007
- (diff) LexicalClosures 18:58 (8 changes) . . . . . BrianHsu
September 21, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 22:47 [Is an IDE a tool or an editor?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 17:05 [added link to discussions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 16:01 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
September 19, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:00 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 14:00 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
September 18, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 19:50 [posted to newsgroup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 11:59 . . . . . TobiasWassermann
September 17, 2007
- (diff) IRC 17:55 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 16, 2007
- (diff) DIrcGuidelines 15:32 (3 changes) . . . . . ChrisMiller
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:42 [new syntax file] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
September 14, 2007
- (diff) Games 19:11 [added Forest Game] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 19:08 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 14:14 . . . . . JakeDay
September 12, 2007
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 17:43 . . . . . FeepingCreature
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 17:12 [added tips] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 12:56 [fix markup to eliminate trailing empty column; change Lisp/CLOS to Common Lisp; remark on debugging] . . . . . MarkLaws
September 10, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 20:19 [added a tip] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 13:46 [fix overwide layout] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 6, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:19 [added nono, fbd, tango.scrapple; changed GDB Patches (status)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 18:24 [DMD 1.021/2.004 and GDC 0.24] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindows 16:49 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 2, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 1:07 [official project pages now on Dsource] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 1, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:14 [moved progress table to dsource wiki] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 31, 2007
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 8:38 [you fail japanese 101] . . . . . MnbMnb
August 29, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:21 (2 changes) [Sather in use anymore?] . . . . . JamesCGraves
August 28, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 1:11 (3 changes) [d3d9* been hijacked; deassigning for the meantime] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 27, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode / ElseStaticIf 7:37 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 7:31 . . . . . BillBaxter
August 26, 2007
- (diff) GuiLibraries 17:36 . . . . . TomasLindquistOlsen
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:04 . . . . . AryManzana
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 6:33 [minor semantic fix (the ISO-8859 case is a specific example, not a special case)] . . . . . JavierCandeira
August 25, 2007
- (diff) GuiLibraries 8:42 . . . . . TheoJ
- (diff) BruceAdams 3:42 (3 changes) . . . . . BruceAdams
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 3:23 (4 changes) . . . . . BruceAdams
- (diff) DUnit 2:51 . . . . . BruceAdams
- (diff) ICFP / WhyWeFailed 2:43 (4 changes) . . . . . BruceAdams
August 24, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:35 [FAR] . . . . . CyberShadow
August 22, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 23:08 [added comment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:43 [FAR comment] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) SDWF 0:05 [now at 0.59] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 20, 2007
- (diff) GrammarParsers 17:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JaschaWetzel
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:00 [TioPort stalled.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 18, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:23 (9 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 16:28 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 16:24 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
August 17, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:55 [added Lyla and Tiolink] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PerfectD 12:25 [typo] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 16, 2007
- (diff) PerfectD 21:56 (3 changes) . . . . . BruceAdams
August 15, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 19:00 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 14, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / SEATDforScite 19:08 (4 changes) . . . . . JaschaWetzel
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:07 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:04 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
- (diff) GdcHacking 15:10 [64bit gdc is working] . . . . . RodolfoBorges
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 9:15 [Where to find dyn allocation syntax] . . . . . BillBaxter
August 10, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:01 [Indirection in COM interface definition] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 14:50 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 9, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:59 [added yaml and LLVMDC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 8, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 15:54 [renamed Descalzo to Sendero] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:15 [added link to possible problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:32 [Fixed Entice] . . . . . ChrisMiller
August 7, 2007
- (diff) Context 23:15 (2 changes) [changed "bugzilla" to "issues" (correction)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EricAnderton 22:43 (2 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 20:16 [Fix some spelling errors] . . . . . BenGardner
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 18:56 . . . . . DavidOrchard
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:59 (2 changes) [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 15:58 [renamed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 15:55 [renamed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 15:47 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpDProgress 15:46 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 15:46 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 15:46 [removed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 15:45 [renamed/reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 15:40 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:39 [renamed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:39 [renamed (redirected) page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuiLibraries 15:37 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DMDScript 13:48 [added Alan Knowles] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 27, 2007
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:33 . . . . . EnderKaShae
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 21:43 (2 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 15:02 [new newsgroup message] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 26, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:50 . . . . . SpottedTiger
- (diff) EditorSupport / CrimsonEditor 2:47 (2 changes) . . . . . SpottedTiger
July 25, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:37 [added Mmrnmhrm] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / MmrnmhrmIDE 17:35 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 17:34 [added Mmrnmhrm] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 15:20 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdString 4:55 (5 changes) . . . . . XuRux
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 4:42 . . . . . XuRux
July 24, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 21:33 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:33 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) History 14:50 [DMD 1.020] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 23, 2007
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 23:49 [* Added __traits] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:19 [added Dazel] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 16:39 [DMD 2.003/1.019 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Traits 16:18 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 22, 2007
- (diff) DavidMxGreen 18:57 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidMxGreen
- (diff) MessageBoard 0:23 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidMxGreen
July 21, 2007
- (diff) DavidMxGreen 23:48 . . . . . DavidMxGreen
- (diff) GuestBook 23:45 . . . . . DavidMxGreen
July 20, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:26 [added FileBase] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 15:56 . . . . . GrammarMonkey
July 19, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:33 [added scregexp (statically compiled regular expression library)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 18, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:34 (2 changes) . . . . . WeirdCat
July 17, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:39 . . . . . WeirdCat
- (diff) BestPractices 8:20 [*corrected a few spelling and grammar errors.] . . . . . IanMacKinnell
July 14, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial 11:58 (2 changes) . . . . . MatthiasThurau
July 12, 2007
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 12:25 . . . . . DavidSwe
July 9, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Const 15:09 [added formatting and link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Const 12:19 . . . . . TaradayYuri
July 8, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:59 . . . . . OliverHahn
July 7, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:25 . . . . . GilesBathgate
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 14:36 . . . . . FeepingCreature
July 6, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:47 . . . . . GilesBathgate
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:00 . . . . . WeirdCat
July 5, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 12:47 (2 changes) . . . . . VladimirVlasov
- (diff) WindowsAPI 12:24 (2 changes) . . . . . GilesBathgate
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:24 . . . . . WeirdCat
- (diff) EditorSupport / LedsEditor 0:44 . . . . . DhasenAn
July 3, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:16 [D Conference 2007 (just a forum)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 19:54 (2 changes) . . . . . MichaelArntzenius
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 12:32 . . . . . TorHu
July 2, 2007
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:54 [ALLPaGeD v0.2] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 20:38 [DMD 1.018 / DMD 2.002] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:49 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 17:46 [few more or less new features] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / CopyOperator 17:34 (2 changes) . . . . . EnderKaShae
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 17:29 (2 changes) [typo :)] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 16:12 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 1, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:33 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 30, 2007
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 10:12 [Synesis Software Standard Source License was fixed] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 10:07 [string alias] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WindowsAPI 7:51 (2 changes) . . . . . WeirdCat
June 29, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:35 [*updated status, Crimson Editor] . . . . . DaringStranger
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 19:31 (2 changes) . . . . . StephenMontgomerySmith
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 17:40 [added Planet D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:19 . . . . . EnderKaShae
- (diff) LibraryNamingConvention 16:59 [Random rambling] . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 16:33 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
June 28, 2007
- (diff) NeighborHood 19:35 [moved blog and wiki links to separate pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood / Wikis 19:33 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood / Blogs 19:29 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 27, 2007
- (diff) History 21:23 (2 changes) [DMD 2.001] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / MidnightCommander 14:55 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:50 [added Midnight Commander] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 14:46 [Lemonade project on Berlios] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 13:15 . . . . . GilesBathgate
June 25, 2007
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:10 (3 changes) . . . . . EnderKaShae
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 16:32 [added Berkeley BD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BerkeleyDB 16:31 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GoogleCode 16:22 [added twoapple, lolly, papayad, db4d, etc.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KaShae 2:33 . . . . . EnderKaShae
June 24, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:57 . . . . . WeirdCat
June 23, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:53 (9 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 14:52 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 22, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:51 (3 changes) . . . . . GilesBathgate
June 20, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 18:31 [Filling a String] . . . . . KennethCate
June 19, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 21:40 [added link to D 1.0 page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Pragma 21:38 [added link to D 1.0 page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FinalConstInvariant 21:34 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:31 [added TransferServer] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 18, 2007
- (diff) History 14:57 [DMD 1.016, DMD 2.000, and URLs changed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 17, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:12 . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 15:40 [* No support for "old" in postconditions ] . . . . . RussWilliams
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / Eiffel 13:11 [* D apparently missing the "old" concept in postconditions] . . . . . RussWilliams
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 12:58 [* add Eiffel] . . . . . RussWilliams
June 15, 2007
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 20:39 [Added instructions for debugging with msvc 6] . . . . . TorHu
June 14, 2007
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 20:49 [added thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 13, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 16:47 [* Add DSkel reference] . . . . . FunkyM
June 12, 2007
- (diff) GrammarParsers 22:47 [added ALLPaGeD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 16:01 [added wrong newsgroup bug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 10:03 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidOrchard
June 11, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:58 . . . . . WeirdCat
- (diff) GoogleCode 15:19 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 15:10 [added D-DBAPI project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 9, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Class 17:48 [spelling corrections: distroy, distroying, distroyed, mirco] . . . . . DougSzabo
- (diff) NeighborHood 17:09 (2 changes) [added Audacity to Code blog] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:08 . . . . . IkK
- (diff) PhobosToDo 7:44 [Missing functions in] . . . . . IkK
- (diff) ThomasKühne 0:40 [updated ddemangled link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
June 8, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / SharpDevelop 22:24 [added link and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DanielKeep / shfmt 15:03 (2 changes) . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 7:09 . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) EditorSupport / SharpDevelop 4:29 . . . . . DhasenAn
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:26 [*sharpdevelop] . . . . . DhasenAn
June 7, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:13 [added Descalzo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DanielKeep / Variant 9:56 [* Updated Variant.toStringImpl] . . . . . DanielKeep
June 6, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:38 [Rylix has no Trac] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 16:35 [DMD 1.015] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 11:46 . . . . . ThomasKühne
June 5, 2007
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:23 [added DParser projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:14 [added Ray] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 4, 2007
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 19:51 [added Flower (RIP)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 19:07 [links to new Lemonade discussions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 14:43 [Basic enum initialization example] . . . . . JoseSantos
- (diff) DanielKeep / snippets 13:47 (2 changes) [* Added buffer] . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 11:49 . . . . . DavidOrchard
- (diff) DanielKeep 11:17 . . . . . DanielKeep
June 3, 2007
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 15:13 . . . . . CaptainPants
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 10:58 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidOrchard
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 10:27 . . . . . DavidOrchard
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditorWishlist 1:05 [integrated debugging pls?] . . . . . DhasenAn
June 2, 2007
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 1:05 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
May 31, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Class 11:47 (4 changes) . . . . . DavidOrchard
May 30, 2007
- (diff) PhobosRising 21:56 (2 changes) . . . . . NeilBryant
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:38 [added HessianD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 29, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 11:21 . . . . . DavidOrchard
- (diff) DocComments / Class 11:21 . . . . . DavidOrchard
May 26, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 3:32 . . . . . JoeCoder
May 24, 2007
- (diff) CurlyBracePlacement 19:19 . . . . . JoeCoder
May 23, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / TemplatesRevisited 22:46 (2 changes) . . . . . DennisLuehring
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditorWishlist 12:00 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:47 [*Link to an editor wishlist page] . . . . . TravelerHauptman
May 21, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 1:44 . . . . . JohnBelmonte
May 20, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 3:54 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnBelmonte
May 18, 2007
- (diff) Books and Papers 17:51 [added book in German] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 13:06 . . . . . DavidOrchard
May 17, 2007
- (diff) DanielKeep / Variant 16:19 (2 changes) [* Changed toString to make h3t3tic happy.] . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DanielKeep 16:09 [* Added links to TextInD and Variant.] . . . . . DanielKeep
May 16, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:20 [added FastCGI4D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JoseSantos 5:59 . . . . . JoseSantos
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 5:38 . . . . . JoseSantos
May 11, 2007
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 9:44 . . . . . CodyLodrige
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:08 . . . . . WeirdCat
May 10, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:19 [Indigo was updated, and dnet was added] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 9, 2007
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 7:29 [Changed Terra to Element] . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:14 [Added Element] . . . . . TrevorParscal
May 6, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:17 [Every editor can supo] . . . . . DavidSwe
May 5, 2007
- (diff) FrontPage 10:57 [Add a pointer to the conference] . . . . . BradRoberts
May 4, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 9:17 [GDC is not GNU] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
May 3, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 7:14 [The mirrors were only useful for the 1.000 release, which is long gone.] . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 6:09 [* Added faster nthCharacter function] . . . . . DanielKeep
May 2, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:36 (2 changes) . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) DocComments / Class 3:11 [minor formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 2:45 (7 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
May 1, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:16 [added DAllegro] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 19:30 . . . . . DamianKaczmarek
- (diff) DocComments / Class 9:35 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 5:00 (3 changes) . . . . . StuartGathman
April 30, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:38 [added nonagon] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GoogleCode 20:35 [added d-dbapi, openquran, dxpcom, dotmars, etc.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 29, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 6:27 [Lowercased D.GNU: The NNTP server is case-sensitive.] . . . . . DalkDaerin
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:23 [echo resub | sed 's/resub/sed/g'] . . . . . DalkDaerin
April 27, 2007
- (diff) History 14:58 [DMD 1.014] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 14:53 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 3:15 (2 changes) . . . . . TheoJ
April 26, 2007
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 23:57 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 2:39 . . . . . BillBaxter
April 25, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 17:58 [added Arc/Yage Xml and reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 14:56 [added Wombat] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 24, 2007
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 18:34 [added variant] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:27 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 16:43 [tried to answer] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:34 [Added the SWT-TioPort entry] . . . . . FrankBenoit
- (diff) DocComments / Class 10:47 . . . . . BillBaxter
April 23, 2007
- (diff) KernelWithD 7:04 [added link and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WxD 0:08 [wxD 0.10] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 21, 2007
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 11:56 [gksudo for GUI, sudo for Terminal] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 11:54 [restructured/expanded] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 20, 2007
- (diff) HowTo 18:26 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 18:08 [removed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 18:06 (2 changes) [reformatted and added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EnticeDesigner 17:40 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 16:03 [GDC is not GNU] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GoogleCode 15:26 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / SciTE 14:56 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 14:47 [DMD 1.013] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 18, 2007
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 23:29 (2 changes) [end test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 23:25 (3 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 23:05 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 20:52 [added tangobos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CurlyBracePlacement 17:01 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 16:55 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 16:49 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 14:02 (2 changes) [clearing AA, take 2] . . . . . DerekParnell
April 17, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 7:34 [added TracForums] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 16, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 14:49 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 8:55 (6 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
April 14, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 20:42 [added Jake] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 19:50 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
April 13, 2007
- (diff) History 1:19 [DMD 1.012] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 12, 2007
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 18:42 [fixed "try" anchor] . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:51 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 11, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 20:42 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:11 [added SableDD, DDwm, Defend, Pihlaja] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CrimsonEditor 18:16 (2 changes) [minor edit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 18:09 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 17:57 . . . . . SeanKelly
- (diff) History 15:00 [DMD 1.011 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 14:29 [added 'ref' 'macro' 'inout' and 'cast'] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 11:08 [* DMD 1.011 update] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
April 10, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / DDTForEclipse 18:01 [Fixed the link to the find & install site -- looks like this has been fixed for a year but no one ever updated this reference.] . . . . . TimKeating
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 6:45 [Rectangular arrays] . . . . . DerekParnell
April 9, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:41 [some new questions, corrections about Ada] . . . . . IvanLevashew
- (diff) FrontPage 15:44 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) HowToGentoo 15:42 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) BestPractices 11:45 [Additional compiler switches are a bad thing!] . . . . . MichaelP
April 4, 2007
- (diff) PhobosNonUSDate 11:16 . . . . . KoenPP
April 2, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 17:47 [XEmacs "diff"] . . . . . VasileGaburici
March 30, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCLocale 22:06 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 29, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 21:52 [bug fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 15:05 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 4:35 . . . . . MartindAnjou
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 3:21 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 2:39 [thanks] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 28, 2007
- (diff) davepermen 16:05 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DavePermen 16:04 [renamed to mixed case] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) compile 15:53 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Compile 15:53 [moved from compile page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 15:49 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DwithSwig / Messages 15:49 [renamed WxD page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:48 [renamed WxD page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WxD 15:46 [moved from wxD page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 27, 2007
- (diff) History 22:25 [moved 2006 to a separate page and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2001 22:18 [added 2006 link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 22:17 [added 2006 link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 22:17 [added 2006 link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2004 22:16 [added 2006 link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2005 22:15 [added 2006 link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2006 22:14 [moved content into separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 26, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 17:34 [cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 16:03 [DMD 1.010] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 24, 2007
- (diff) DanielKeep 12:22 [* Added link to functools] . . . . . DanielKeep
March 23, 2007
- (diff) MoreLinks 15:31 [minor formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 5:54 . . . . . HowardBerkey
March 22, 2007
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:28 (9 changes) . . . . . ClausGittinger
March 21, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial 13:59 [added D-Riven] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 11:24 . . . . . SelmanULUG
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 2:35 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
March 20, 2007
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 22:00 [it was array literals that did it; update changelog links] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 21:41 [still ''early'' alpha stage?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCString 15:27 [link problem fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWchar 14:20 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCTime 14:20 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdlib 14:18 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdio 14:17 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStddef 14:17 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdarg 14:16 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCProcess 14:16 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCMath 14:15 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCFenv 14:14 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 9:01 . . . . . UweSalomon
March 19, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 22:23 [Interfaces ABI] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 13:56 [Stop threading by subject for Thunderbird] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 1:01 [added work-around] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 18, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 16:26 [Comment about bug being fixed in dmd 1.005.] . . . . . TorHu
March 17, 2007
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 14:59 (2 changes) . . . . . WitekBaryluk
March 16, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:30 [done some Rs] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 15, 2007
- (diff) FolderUtilities 21:18 [changed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 21:16 [added dsource project link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) libcurl for D 21:09 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) rsync 21:08 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Rsync 21:08 [renamed from "rsync"] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) rcc 21:07 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RCC 21:06 [renamed from "rcc"] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:00 [added CMakeD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 16:33 (2 changes) [moved example to dsource] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 14, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Version 22:48 [clarified which are not actual versions] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:41 (2 changes) [added comment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 1:56 [take remaining Rs] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 13, 2007
- (diff) Games 18:33 [Doujin Shmups] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 13:46 [minor formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 9:29 . . . . . SelmanUlug
- (diff) History 0:23 [Clarified DMDv1.008] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 12, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:19 [changed archive links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 21:18 [added archive link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IRC 14:49 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:39 [Allegro] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 11, 2007
- (diff) History 14:10 [DMD 1.009 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 10, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Class 2:33 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
March 9, 2007
- (diff) NeighborHood 0:21 [reformatted and added Ebbe's D-universe] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 7, 2007
- (diff) History 7:33 [GDC 0.23] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 6, 2007
March 5, 2007
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 20:29 [added link to dparser] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki 17:32 [status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 17:29 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JavaToD 15:22 [added link to TioPort] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 6:14 [* Fixed link to UTF-8 history] . . . . . DanielKeep
March 4, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 14:28 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) TestPage 14:25 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 13:59 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 11:21 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 11:16 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WhatIsD 11:12 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 11:08 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StalePages 11:05 [BitsAndBools removed] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 11:00 [cleanup] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) BitsAndBools 10:59 [removed] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 10:57 [cleanup] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 10:33 [duplicates] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 3, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 20:40 (3 changes) [Version 2.0.1] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 20:39 (7 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 13:50 . . . . . SelmanULUG
- (diff) GoogleCode 2:10 [created page ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 0:52 [added link to rubyd] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 0:29 [transferred to hosting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 2, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:42 [dsource on the move] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 3:30 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsDMode 3:22 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DanielKeep / functools 2:06 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 1:11 [two CodeBlocks pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 1, 2007
- (diff) CodeBlocks 15:46 (4 changes) [link to existing page] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 15:43 [GDC] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 12:59 [java] . . . . . StefanHintz
- (diff) DanielKeep / functools 1:47 [*Added] . . . . . DanielKeep
February 28, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 21:38 [Updated Mano entry] . . . . . TeqDruid
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 21:12 (5 changes) [minor adjustment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 21:05 (6 changes) [minor adjustments] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 19:06 (3 changes) [revert to revision 1.3] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DavidSwe 16:52 (3 changes) [spelling] . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:42 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 16:39 (20 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:14 (2 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:11 [fixed-width wiki style?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 13:36 . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) GuestBook 13:29 . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) TestPage 12:13 . . . . . DavidSwe
February 27, 2007
- (diff) MessageBoard 22:56 . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 15:10 [added newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments / WinDbg 15:09 (2 changes) [added CDB] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments / MSVisualStudio 15:07 [moved from DebugEnvironments] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 15:00 (2 changes) [clean-up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 14:56 [added DigDug links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 14:20 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
February 26, 2007
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 23:08 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
- (diff) NewsDmD 22:50 [added debugger newsgroup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 22:45 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 25, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:39 . . . . . JaschaWetzel
February 24, 2007
- (diff) History 20:17 [moved 2005 to another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2001 20:15 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 20:14 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 20:13 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2004 20:13 [added 2005] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2005 20:12 [created page ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 10:02 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
February 23, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:05 [mozplugged] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Tuples 19:54 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DMDScript 18:03 [updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 18:01 [Walnut revived] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PSPad 16:39 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextPad 16:31 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 16:23 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus / UserDefineLangXml 16:22 [moved from NotepadPlus page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextMate 16:18 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / Smultron 16:17 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 22, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 23:54 (2 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 22:11 [Added a list of features, screenshot and update instructions.] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / KDevelop 21:52 [added link to Kate] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / GEdit 15:55 [de-linkifying] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / GEdit 13:32 (2 changes) [Add D to the list ;)] . . . . . FunkyM
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:21 [Add gedit] . . . . . FunkyM
- (diff) History 7:35 [DMD 1.007] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 7:02 [Possible ITypeInfo bug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 3:08 [v0.58] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 21, 2007
- (diff) DMDScript 21:59 (2 changes) [put into Projects folder] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 21:45 [DMDScript] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 21:44 [added link to DMDScript] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 21:42 [created link to DMDScript for Walnut] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 20:08 (2 changes) [Anjuta IDE] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 19:50 [Ddbg 0.0.2 alpha release] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 20, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:17 [EasyCurl for libcurl] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) libcurl for D 19:12 (2 changes) [redirect] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LibcurL 19:11 [updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 17:17 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CodeBlocks 11:51 (4 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) HowToUbuntu 11:17 (3 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) FrontPage 11:11 . . . . . DavidSwe
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 10:35 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidSwe
February 19, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 8:35 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 3:53 . . . . . BillBaxter
February 18, 2007
- (diff) History 4:05 [moved 2004 to another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2004 4:05 [moved 2004 to subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 17, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 22:51 [renamed History] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 22:50 [renamed History] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EasterEggs 22:43 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2003 22:38 (2 changes) [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2002 22:36 (2 changes) [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History 22:33 (2 changes) [moved 2001-2003 to subpages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) History / Year2001 22:08 [moved to subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 21:59 [renamed to History] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 13:55 [Added ~this (deconstructor) keyword] . . . . . MnMn
February 16, 2007
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:21 [DMD 1.006] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 14:41 [removed fixed issue] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:13 . . . . . SimonHudon
February 15, 2007
- (diff) EasterEggs 17:17 . . . . . DonClugston
February 14, 2007
- (diff) LionelloLunesu 16:50 . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) GuestBook 16:49 [added me] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) EasterEggs 10:41 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 10:34 [add easter eggs] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindowsRegistry 7:29 [filed issue] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EDitor 5:28 [added page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:21 [eDitor] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 5:09 [filed bug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 1:42 [added dxmp] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 13, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Future 19:37 . . . . . RichA
February 12, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Mixins 20:02 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 20:00 [changed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 16:38 (5 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 3:53 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) AllLibraries 2:59 (3 changes) . . . . . MarianneGagnon
February 11, 2007
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:58 [* fixed broken link] . . . . . EsbenDamgaard
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 14:19 (2 changes) . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
February 9, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindowsRegistry 20:16 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 2:54 . . . . . MarianneGagnon
February 8, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 16:44 [*ctags-5.6-d.patch] . . . . . RubikitchRubyist
- (diff) GrammarParsers 8:37 [added Ragel State Machine Compiler] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:45 (2 changes) [Added OpenWatcom Site] . . . . . GuruKathiresan
February 7, 2007
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 21:54 [added ReBuild] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 19:50 [added updated PDF] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) TestPage 16:11 (2 changes) . . . . . JonSt
- (diff) GdcHacking 13:37 [updated GCC/GDB versions] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMetastrings 6:39 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 6:39 (2 changes) [fixed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 0:42 [DMD 1.005 / GDC 0.22] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 0:25 [safer Import Expressions example] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 6, 2007
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 20:30 (2 changes) [* Fixed link] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) DocComments / Template 1:11 [Useful D Templates] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 5, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / CrimsonEditor 17:42 [new key file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 4, 2007
- (diff) Harmonia 17:50 [clean up spaces/headings] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 17:37 [clean out old chatter] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 3, 2007
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 17:44 (18 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) SDWF 4:06 [version 0.57] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 2, 2007
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 15:19 (2 changes) [back up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 4:37 [update link to the tango project] . . . . . BradRoberts
February 1, 2007
- (diff) EricAnderton 21:30 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) RubiKitch 18:57 [redirect] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 18:53 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuestBook 15:12 [*RubikitchRubyist] . . . . . RubikitchRubyist
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 14:57 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RubikitchRubyist 14:55 . . . . . RubikitchRubyist
- (diff) RubiKitch 14:55 [*redirect] . . . . . RubikitchRubyist
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 14:54 . . . . . RubikitchRubyist
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 14:53 [added bug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 6:46 (2 changes) . . . . . LuYixiang
January 30, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:54 [MathExtras abandoned] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 14:46 [wxD 0.09] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 29, 2007
- (diff) WindowsAPI 13:46 (2 changes) [update zip link] . . . . . StewartGordon
January 27, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 20:01 [fixed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:44 [DMD 1.004] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 8:46 [luigi is now alpha -- out of pre-alpha] . . . . . BillBaxter
January 26, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindowsRegistry 20:54 (3 changes) [added example and improved formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:11 [DMD 1.003] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 17:22 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 11:49 (2 changes) [D/Tk] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ThomasKühne 7:20 [added flectioned link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 7:18 [changed Flectioned link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
January 25, 2007
- (diff) NeighborHood 23:00 [added OdeFu] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 19:01 [added SUnits] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:06 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:47 [DMD 1.002] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 24, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 19:06 . . . . . SeanKelly
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 6:35 [DMD 1.001] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 23, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Module 23:10 [*Added example of grouping modules under a new identifier] . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) DocComments / Tuples 23:03 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / AsciiTable 23:01 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LazyEvaluation 23:00 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBitarray 22:50 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Windbg 22:49 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / htod 22:48 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PreToD 22:47 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ctod 22:44 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 22:43 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PromotingDProjects 22:37 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 20:58 [*EmacsWiki page link] . . . . . RubiKitch
January 22, 2007
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 23:27 [added DDBG] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 23:14 [reformatted and added link to discussion] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 22:53 [reformatted and updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 22:49 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Rationale 22:43 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 22:38 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 22:33 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / rdmd 22:22 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / code coverage 21:37 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Dcover 21:36 [added content from code_coverage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 21:30 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Type 21:26 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Glossary 21:19 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Entities 21:16 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Windows 21:15 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Pragma 21:12 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Portability 21:10 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Acknowledgements 21:09 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPcomplex 21:07 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 21:05 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 18:57 (2 changes) [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZlib 18:56 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZip 18:54 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 18:52 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 18:50 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSignals 18:48 [reformatted and updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 17:37 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFormat 17:31 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 17:28 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 17:25 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 17:24 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / TemplatesRevisited 17:19 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 17:18 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / RegularExpression 17:15 [reformatted and updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 17:14 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 16:59 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VisualStudio 16:07 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 16:01 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / SciTE 16:00 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 15:51 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ElephantIDE 15:46 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DSciTE 15:45 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / BlackbirdForEclipse 15:44 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:42 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 15:39 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 15:36 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 15:34 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 14:59 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 21, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 11:16 [RPM] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 20, 2007
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 19:04 (2 changes) [added link to memory managment page.] . . . . . NickTreleaven
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 9:34 . . . . . EricFredricksen
January 19, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 23:22 [added Futurism] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 23:09 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 23:05 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 23:02 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 23:00 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 22:57 [moved comment from Intro page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 22:39 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 22:35 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 22:34 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 22:30 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 22:29 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 22:27 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Dcover 22:25 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 22:21 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 22:16 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 22:12 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 22:06 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 22:04 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillBaxter 21:59 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 20:13 . . . . . BcS
- (diff) DocComments / TemplateComparison 15:34 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 15:17 [Broken link] . . . . . JeroenWeelink
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:36 (2 changes) [C++ can use C regular expressions library] . . . . . RalphEastwood
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 12:43 . . . . . Pierre-Matthieu_Anglade
- (diff) D Tutorial 5:21 [added link to D Transition Guide] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 18, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 23:17 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 23:15 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGc 23:12 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 23:11 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 23:08 [reformatted links (and removed bug filed as )] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BitsAndBools 23:04 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 22:53 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 22:28 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 22:22 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 22:19 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 22:18 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosToDo 22:16 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosNonUSDate 22:13 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosMath2toMath 22:12 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 22:12 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 15:46 [added link to Icequake] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 15:35 [added link to Icequake] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 8:41 [*Ctags 5.6 patch] . . . . . RubiKitch
January 17, 2007
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 23:05 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PromotingDProjects 23:01 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / PromoteDProjects 22:59 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion / Internationalization 22:58 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PrivateIssues 22:57 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood 22:54 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OpenSourceLicenses 22:52 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 22:50 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 22:48 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MixinsVsMacros 22:47 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 22:41 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportIssues 22:39 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 22:38 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 22:37 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / LinkerErrors 22:34 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 21:31 (3 changes) [added Pyd and adjusted introduction] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PythonD 21:25 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games 21:20 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 20:10 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:09 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GdcHacking 20:08 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 20:07 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 19:43 (3 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games / Empire 19:32 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 19:28 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DSSS 19:20 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 19:16 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DcalledFromC / Discussion 19:12 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DcalledFromC 19:11 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 18:37 (3 changes) . . . . . RubiKitch
- (diff) RubiKitch 18:07 . . . . . RubiKitch
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 17:42 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 17:37 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 17:34 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 16:33 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TLibD 16:32 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 16:31 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToAddTables 16:28 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / KDevelop 16:27 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 16:25 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 16:12 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DescentUI 16:06 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 16:03 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / PreAndPostConditions 16:02 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / ModuleTips 16:00 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 15:59 [converted to webnews for Posting:] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 15:46 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 15:44 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:40 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 15:20 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Coroutines 15:10 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / VariableArgumentLists 15:07 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / UnicodeOperators 15:06 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 15:05 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 5:55 [innappropriate comment on the first page.] . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) FrontPage 4:46 . . . . . ScottNudds
- (diff) PendingPeeves 3:15 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 1:40 [old bool/str stuff removed] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 16, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 23:25 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlus 23:25 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 23:23 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeWrightLexer 23:23 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:21 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarPosts 23:17 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 23:13 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit / PostsByWalter 23:10 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / RuntimeErrors 22:50 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / CompilerErrors 22:48 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 22:46 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateThreads 22:43 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 22:41 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 21:48 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 21:43 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:39 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterfaceDiscussion 21:22 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 20:11 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 20:06 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 20:04 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / printf 19:09 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OtherLanguages 19:08 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 18:58 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SearchingTips 18:34 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 18:24 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 18:22 (2 changes) [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UrlLib 18:15 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Wiki4D 18:14 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 18:12 [reformatted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 18:10 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 17:59 [reformatted links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 17:55 (2 changes) [fixed error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 17:16 [errors] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 15, 2007
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:46 [ArcGames project renamed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 14, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ctod 23:44 [filed as] . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 21:20 [updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 12, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 19:44 (2 changes) . . . . . VectorMan
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 17:03 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 14:46 [*Contract programming is empty] . . . . . ChristopherYeleighton
- (diff) LexicalClosures 7:59 . . . . . BradleySmith
January 11, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:30 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:57 [added Scrapple] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 15:30 [added DDev] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 9, 2007
- (diff) compile 20:03 [added todo marker] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 19:59 [added TextInD link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) Benchmarks 19:52 [removed out dated links] . . . . . ThomasKühne
January 8, 2007
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 23:12 . . . . . JjJo
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 15:12 (2 changes) [formatting and added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PreToD 13:12 [The comment about assertions using sizeof etc. being usable only within functions is wrong.] . . . . . KonradSchwarz
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 10:36 (2 changes) . . . . . DanielKeep
January 7, 2007
- (diff) DanielKeep / TextInD 16:21 [* Added page] . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DsourceOrg 8:08 [added serialization and Tango and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ElephantIDE 7:07 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 6, 2007
- (diff) MessageBoard 20:40 [Remove all non wiki4d comments and make the wording of the header even stronger] . . . . . BradRoberts
January 5, 2007
- (diff) NewsDmD 18:34 [added links to newest web interface] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 18:13 [added links and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / FAR 16:46 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:07 [small edit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 15:38 [Added warning about assert(object) checking invariant instead of null-ness] . . . . . FritsVanBommel
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMd5 14:52 [formatted and updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / FileAndArchiveManager 5:41 (2 changes) . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) EditorSupport / FAR 5:40 (2 changes) . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:31 . . . . . CyberShadow
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMd5 4:00 . . . . . KevinBealer
January 4, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 18:22 [Addsome desired rows in comparison chart] . . . . . AndrewShapira
- (diff) ICFP 17:10 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 17:08 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DSSS 15:30 [source management interface] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 14:01 [Where to send bug reports] . . . . . ArminWolfermann
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 10:01 [indent] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 3:39 . . . . . JoelAnderson
January 3, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 23:17 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . ThomasKrause
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 18:43 [Updated many missing features in the comparison chart] . . . . . MigueldeIcaza
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 18:07 [mirrors] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:53 [DMD 1.00 / GDC 0.21] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 12:34 . . . . . AlvaroTejero
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 10:44 [gdcgnu] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 8:45 . . . . . JouniHeikniemi
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 3:58 [* deb package] . . . . . WitoldBaryluk
January 2, 2007
- (diff) DocComments / ctod 21:47 . . . . . MikeGray
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:32 [regex for C => lib] . . . . . DevNull
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:29 . . . . . FrancoPetroselli
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:33 . . . . . ChadRobinson
- (diff) JamesRTwine 14:25 [James R. Twine - Software Developer] . . . . . JamesRTwine
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:22 . . . . . JamesRTwine
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 11:35 (14 changes) [* Java Array Slicing: Lib] . . . . . JavaMeister
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:38 (6 changes) . . . . . NilsonSantosFigueiredoJunior
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZip 6:16 . . . . . LatchKey
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 5:28 [Defined multiple dispatch] . . . . . BarAgent
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 5:24 . . . . . CynberuTaren
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:47 [* Added comments concerning Java accuracy] . . . . . SamKass
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:01 (2 changes) [Lightweight arrays should be yes for Ada.It supports unconstrained arrays (which have small overhead of including bounds) but also lightweight fixed ] . . . . . JeffCreem
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:34 (2 changes) [Consistency (Java 5.0 -> v1.5)] . . . . . KingGuppy
December 31, 2006
- (diff) GeorgeFiliotis 3:31 . . . . . GeorgeFiliotis
- (diff) MessageBoard 3:25 . . . . . GeorgeFiliotis
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 3:14 . . . . . GeorgeFiliotis
- (diff) GuestBook 3:01 . . . . . GeorgeFiliotis
December 30, 2006
- (diff) ThomasKühne 3:24 [updated ddemangled link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
December 29, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextMate 23:20 [grammar and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextMate 22:11 (4 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:57 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:56 [DMD 0.178] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 14:44 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Mango 14:41 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 7:03 [Another way to suppress the console window (using Bud)] . . . . . ChrisPelling
December 28, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:33 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 23:32 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EricAnderton 23:30 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / Mango 23:29 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 23:24 [formatting changed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:22 [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:28 [added Aika, EBNF, and MultiArray] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 16:00 [patch] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 27, 2006
- (diff) DStress 17:28 [updated test count] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 3:21 [fixed links, info about std.bind] . . . . . TomaszStachowiak
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:33 [*Fixed DUI link to be in DSource] . . . . . JoKivi
December 26, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 15:28 [servers are back up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 14:23 [alas, is down] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 25, 2006
- (diff) FolderContributors 8:27 [fixed problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillBaxter 8:27 [added to Contributors folder] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillBaxter 2:25 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FolderContributors 0:28 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
December 24, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / Geany 16:51 [nested comments support, license, requirements] . . . . . NickTreleaven
December 23, 2006
- (diff) MessageBoard 17:35 [about random questions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 17:35 [added questions from MessageBoard] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 20, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 14:53 [*added link to new multiple return value proposal] . . . . . RicHardacre
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / MultipleReturnValues 14:51 [*Proposal for allowing multiple return values by creating inline implied structs] . . . . . RicHardacre
- (diff) WindowsAPI 3:43 [update some more statuses] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 19, 2006
- (diff) MessageBoard 7:38 . . . . . BradRoberts
December 18, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:50 (4 changes) [deassigning Don as he has quit the project] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:21 (2 changes) [fixed GDC ChangeLog links] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MessageBoard 12:27 . . . . . DerekParnell
December 17, 2006
- (diff) Books and Papers 2:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) Walk-Throughs 2:15 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) FrontPage 2:14 (3 changes) [Added books and papers link] . . . . . JoelAnderson
December 15, 2006
- (diff) BillBaxter 21:34 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 14:24 . . . . . TomasLindquistOlsen
December 14, 2006
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 6:08 [added link to GDC for NestedVM] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 6:05 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 6:04 [cool table for subpages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 13, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 18:22 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 16:47 [cleanup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 11, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 17:54 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 17:20 [elephant and updating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 17:08 [formatting and reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 16:29 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 16:23 [updated and reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 16:13 [added issue link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 15:20 [rewording] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 15:17 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 15:11 [reformatted and added a note] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 14:58 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:50 [DMD 0.177] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 10, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 9:44 (2 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) DocComments / Warnings 7:52 [cleanup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 9, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 0:35 [status updates] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 8, 2006
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 23:29 (2 changes) [cleanup of implemented fixes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 23:28 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 23:22 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 23:15 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 22:39 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 22:36 [moved content from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DSection 22:33 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 22:21 [cleanup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ComparisonsSection 22:14 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 22:09 [cleanup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 22:02 [cleanup of implemented fixes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 21:53 [updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WC 21:45 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / TechTips 21:44 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 20:58 [cleanup] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 20:53 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LanguageSection 20:48 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 20:35 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 20:28 [postfix examples added to spec] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 16:22 [added example link and cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 7, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 22:51 . . . . . SeanKelly
- (diff) UrlLib 20:07 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:02 [moved UrlLib info to a separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:00 (2 changes) [DSciTE and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DSciTE 8:53 [created page ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 6, 2006
- (diff) DsourceOrg 22:20 (2 changes) [DGDI+] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Search 15:01 [set inputwidth=70 to line-up checkboxes] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 1:23 [Added Jarret's tip for checking base classes with TypeInfo] . . . . . BillBaxter
December 5, 2006
- (diff) FreeBSD 17:16 [placeholder] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 17:15 [Code::Blocks updated] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 11:20 [added DDemangled link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 7:13 [added Doost] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 7:12 [added Doost] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PythonD 0:56 . . . . . KirkMcDonald
December 4, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 23:27 [updates were made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 23:19 [updates were made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 23:18 [corrections were made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 21:35 [corrections were made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 18:06 [corrections were made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Ddoc 17:57 [correction made] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 17:47 [link fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 16:08 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games 16:05 [Titanion] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 15:54 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnnamedRAD 15:53 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:48 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FrontPage 15:46 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:45 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 8:49 (2 changes) [fixed link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OpenGL 8:40 [started page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 4:40 [EMRPOLYPOLYLINE - what the heck?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) GdcHacking 4:37 [(punctuation, wiki gnoming)] . . . . . JamesDennett
December 3, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:27 (5 changes) [alas, another one is needed by winldap] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 7:36 [std.bind] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBind 7:33 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 7:31 [DMD 0.176] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 1, 2006
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 8:57 (2 changes) [Zero Install feed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 4:14 (2 changes) [update] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 0:44 [changed minwin homepage to the new trac environment] . . . . . TomasLindquistOlsen
November 30, 2006
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:44 . . . . . EliGottlieb
November 29, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 16:32 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
November 28, 2006
- (diff) DcalledFromC 0:27 [*Fixed to work as advertised] . . . . . AlexeiSvitkine
November 27, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 18:16 (2 changes) [update statuses, add links] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 18:08 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) Logo 12:35 . . . . . NazoHumei
November 26, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 7:52 [DMD 0.175] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 5:53 (2 changes) [how to specify alignment] . . . . . BillBaxter
November 25, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 3:25 [update zip to rev. 160] . . . . . ChrisPelling
November 24, 2006
- (diff) IRC 2:01 [This is just silly. *remove*] . . . . . GregorRichards
November 22, 2006
- (diff) NewsDmD 22:24 [Opera's M2] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 21, 2006
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 16:48 [gdc install locations] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
November 20, 2006
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 20:36 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 14:50 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 19, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 20:44 [C::B Mac] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 20:42 (2 changes) [gdcwin blurb] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 17:59 . . . . . TorHu
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:17 [ back and finally updated] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 18, 2006
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 23:17 [Fixed typo (0x10000)] . . . . . GeorgWrede
November 17, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:21 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 17:57 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 3:18 . . . . . BillBaxter
November 16, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:56 (2 changes) [added historical items] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 20:15 [added DSSS and Uncrustify] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 15:42 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 6:54 (2 changes) . . . . . AlexanderPanek
- (diff) GuestBook 6:52 . . . . . AlexanderPanek
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 6:43 . . . . . AlexanderPanek
November 15, 2006
- (diff) DSSS 22:34 [version 0.2] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 22:05 [added Luigi] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IRC 17:52 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / DSection 17:07 [added links to new pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Tuples 17:03 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:40 [Central import modules have to explicitly "public import" now.] . . . . . ChrisPelling
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdOpenrj 1:30 [cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 1:27 [DMD 0.174] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdTraits 0:34 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdTypeTuple 0:33 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 14, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 22:07 [* change dll links] . . . . . JonathanHuot
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 21:25 [faq on no opAssign; .. is not an operator; performance reasons disputed] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 13, 2006
- (diff) DSSS 23:06 [download mirror] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games 19:23 [added Bosskoneun (and alphabetized list)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 18:27 [answer to opEquals question] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:17 [dewikified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 6:17 [Removed Wiki Spam] . . . . . TomJ
November 12, 2006
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:45 [added more Definitions] . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) BillBaxter 7:22 . . . . . BillBaxter
November 11, 2006
- (diff) EricPoggel 22:04 (4 changes) . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:01 . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:46 . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:44 . . . . . PeterJan
- (diff) DSSS 0:34 (2 changes) [credit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 9, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Future 22:39 [D 1.0 release date announced] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 22:24 . . . . . JoeCoder
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 20:13 [added link to newsgroup post] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 17:33 [protection docs and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 16:50 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / PromotingDProjects 16:41 [comments] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 14:41 [*Java DOES have interfaces] . . . . . MarianoCecowski
November 8, 2006
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Arrays 22:15 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 22:15 [added suggestion / removed fixed problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 7, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 19:03 [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:01 (2 changes) [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 18:59 (2 changes) [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FrontPage 18:57 [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 18:51 [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 18:20 [removed some older discussions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SearchingTips 18:15 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:09 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DSection 17:51 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 17:48 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateThreads 17:47 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:41 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Original 17:39 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 17:35 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / VariableArgumentLists 17:33 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / UnicodeOperators 17:31 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 17:31 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OtherLanguages 17:29 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 17:28 (3 changes) . . . . . AlexanderPanek
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion / Internationalization 17:27 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 17:25 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 17:24 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 17:05 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 17:03 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 17:02 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 17:01 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 17:00 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GdcHacking 16:53 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / printf 16:49 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Coroutines 16:48 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 16:37 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 16:36 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / PreAndPostConditions 16:33 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 16:31 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DcalledFromC / Discussion 16:28 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 16:27 [fixed newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 16:26 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZlib 16:25 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Arrays 16:24 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos 16:21 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeWrightLexer 16:19 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 16:18 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 16:16 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 16:15 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlus 16:12 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 16:10 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosMath2toMath 15:50 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosNonUSDate 15:50 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 15:48 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Wiki4D 15:46 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 15:45 [fixed newsgroup link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 6, 2006
- (diff) MarianoCecowski 17:18 [welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MarianoCecowski 15:46 (3 changes) . . . . . MarianoCecowski
- (diff) MarianoCecowski / CommandLineArguments 15:45 (2 changes) [code tag] . . . . . MarianoCecowski
- (diff) PublicCode 15:42 . . . . . MarianoCecowski
- (diff) GuestBook 14:33 [*added myself] . . . . . MarianoCecowski
November 3, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 21:28 [simplified explanation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IRC 16:51 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 16:25 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / Property 15:29 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 15:14 [basic AA usage] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 14:24 [link to TypeInfo doc] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 2:27 [debug vs release switches] . . . . . DerekParnell
November 2, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 23:28 ["indifferent "mode] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSignals 22:38 (5 changes) [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 18:30 (2 changes) [added link to std.signals] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LispVsJavaVsD 16:04 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DSection 15:48 [updated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCpuid 15:31 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / VariadicTemplates 15:29 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:14 [signals and slots] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:13 [DMD 0.173] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 1, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:12 [signals and slots] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 17:46 [Function Calling Convention] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillBaxter 17:43 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) DescentUI 16:58 (2 changes) . . . . . AryManzana
- (diff) Logo 16:11 . . . . . ManfredNowak
- (diff) DocComments / PromotingDProjects 15:13 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / PromoteDProjects 15:07 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DescentUI 15:03 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 31, 2006
- (diff) HowTo / PromoteDProjects 23:36 [promoting D projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo 23:27 [promoting D projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DescentUI 17:35 (5 changes) [adapted posts into a wiki page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 17:14 [DescentUI] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Logo 4:33 [added digitalmars favicon] . . . . . ThomasKühne
October 30, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 17:57 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillBaxter 4:09 (3 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) Logo 1:20 [added DStress logo] . . . . . ThomasKühne
October 28, 2006
- (diff) StewartGordon 13:09 [should be all there now] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) BillBaxter 5:34 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) GuestBook 4:46 [Added me, nowiki'ed some things.] . . . . . BillBaxter
October 27, 2006
- (diff) BillBaxter 18:51 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 0:50 [added foreach_reverse per compiler version 0.172] . . . . . TodorTotev
October 26, 2006
- (diff) BillBaxter 19:51 . . . . . BillBaxter
October 25, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 10:45 [java mode hint] . . . . . BillBaxter
October 24, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / CopyOperator 19:46 . . . . . MichaelA
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / CopyOperator 8:58 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 8:48 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) KeywordArgs 8:24 (2 changes) . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 7:30 [Cleanup clarification reorganization] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) ImportIssues 6:35 [Noted that the issues have been resolved] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) FrontPage 6:23 [minor edit] . . . . . BillBaxter
October 23, 2006
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 14:14 . . . . . AlexanderPanek
- (diff) PhobosToDo 9:53 (2 changes) [std.stdo] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FrontPage 9:47 [Various edits to hopefully make it more clear and logical ] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 9:37 (3 changes) [darn that wiki syntax] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) NeighborHood 9:22 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:29 [Updated complier version*] . . . . . JessePhillips
- (diff) BestPractices 8:04 (2 changes) [more editing regarding out of date comments on imports] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) HowTo / printf 7:32 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) SDWF 0:14 [0.56 now (how did this stay OOD for this long?)] . . . . . StewartGordon
October 22, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:10 [explicit interface implementation] . . . . . BorisKolar
- (diff) StewartGordon 21:13 [website under reconstruction] . . . . . StewartGordon
October 20, 2006
- (diff) HowTo 3:02 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnGeewax
- (diff) HowTo / CGI 2:59 . . . . . JohnGeewax
October 19, 2006
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 19:37 . . . . . JohnGeewax
October 18, 2006
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 20:30 [spirit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 19:09 [bud / dbuild] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:55 [DMD 0.171] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 15:36 [cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:32 [fix link / add link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 15:31 [try to get to show up in folder] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 15:22 [clarify account creation process] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KeywordArgs 10:25 (2 changes) [First cut at explanation ] . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 9:54 . . . . . BillBaxter
- (diff) GuestBook 1:47 [clarify how to contribute] . . . . . BillBaxter
October 17, 2006
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 18:55 (3 changes) [trying to make the page more clear] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:47 [added download link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 16:49 [added foreach_reverse in DMD 0.170] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:22 [DMD 0.170] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 16, 2006
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 22:41 [Build is now Bud] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PromotingD 22:38 [Build is now Bud] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:35 [Build is now Bud] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:39 [new link for MinWin] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games 18:35 [simplified link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 15:47 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
October 13, 2006
- (diff) Games 22:50 . . . . . RodolfoBorges
October 10, 2006
- (diff) NewsDmD 15:10 [all links now work] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 15:08 [problems fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 14:55 [added code link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 9, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 23:14 (2 changes) [D/Tk got some code] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:13 [DMD 0.169] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:52 [added D/Tk link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 6, 2006
- (diff) wxD 9:33 [wx.NET] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
October 5, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / Geany 21:55 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JoeFenton 21:34 (2 changes) . . . . . JoeFenton
- (diff) GuestBook 21:27 . . . . . JoeFenton
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:23 . . . . . JoeFenton
- (diff) EditorSupport / Geany 21:21 . . . . . JoeFenton
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 13:43 (2 changes) . . . . . AlexanderPanek
October 4, 2006
- (diff) WhatIsD 14:59 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 14:57 [re-organized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 14:49 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 11:43 (2 changes) [link to Walters proposal] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WhatIsD 11:13 (3 changes) [gdc packages] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Function 2:27 . . . . . MrLmz
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 0:05 . . . . . BinkySmith
October 3, 2006
- (diff) GrammarPosts 23:23 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 15:27 (2 changes) [updated link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 15:20 [DMC or GCC] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:16 [DMD 0.168] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 29, 2006
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:44 [outer] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 23:01 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 21:00 [htod] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GrammarParsers 16:44 (2 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:48 . . . . . DonClugston
September 27, 2006
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 20:45 [added/changed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 20:11 . . . . . AlexanderPanek
September 26, 2006
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 16:56 [spelling correction.] . . . . . MichaelA
September 25, 2006
- (diff) BoostInspiredProjects 20:17 (2 changes) [added bind] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:11 [added Boost-Inspred Projects links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 23, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Float 1:47 . . . . . BradleySmith
September 22, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 16:48 [identifiers and unialpha] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 15:59 (7 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 21, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 23:16 (4 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 23:12 [simplify formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 16:47 [removed old web interface links and reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 3:32 (3 changes) . . . . . MichaelA
- (diff) LibraryNamingConvention 2:04 (2 changes) . . . . . GregorRichards
September 20, 2006
- (diff) LibraryNamingConvention 22:17 . . . . . GregorRichards
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 18:52 [htod] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 19, 2006
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 18:21 (2 changes) [centering fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 18:18 (6 changes) [testing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LibraryNamingConvention 18:16 (9 changes) [Somehow the platform-specific section got included twice] . . . . . GregorRichards
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 18:02 [testing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / RegularExpression 16:20 [correction] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 14:54 [array literal expressions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 7:23 [Added a link to LibraryNamingConvention] . . . . . GregorRichards
- (diff) DocComments / Property 7:18 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 7:12 . . . . . DerekParnell
September 18, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:06 [DMD 0.167] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 21:21 [What is "epsilon"?] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 15:46 (2 changes) [testing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 14:53 [response] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 14:51 [reverted wiki template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 1:32 [updated] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 1:05 [Left alignment please] . . . . . DerekParnell
September 15, 2006
- (diff) DanielKeep / IsItAFunctionOrADelegate 11:03 (2 changes) [added some obvious cases] . . . . . SergKovrov
September 14, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:39 [added psapi module] . . . . . SergKovrov
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template 23:25 (2 changes) [edit style] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 23:23 (12 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 23:19 [changed the main template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Wiki4D / Template / Context 23:18 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DSection 23:01 (4 changes) [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 21:38 (2 changes) [added cosmetic links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / RegularExpression 21:27 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / TemplatesRevisited 21:26 [revised link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / AsciiTable 21:20 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LanguageSection 21:14 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ComparisonsSection 21:12 (2 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DLI 18:59 (3 changes) [created new page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FolderProjects 18:58 [separated project content into a page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 13, 2006
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 20:17 (29 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 17:22 (2 changes) [removed a link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 11, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 2:14 [update] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 8, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 22:31 [response] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:43 [take two] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 20:25 [just the article list] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 20:22 [update; clean out old chatter] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 18:03 (13 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 17:22 [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 16:49 (2 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpCenter 16:47 [moved some content to FrontPage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 16:43 (15 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template2 / Context 16:41 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 16:40 [added new template test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 7, 2006
- (diff) GrammarParsers 17:17 (5 changes) [alphabetized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarPosts 16:47 [created page from GrammarParsers page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 15:10 (4 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 6:14 [spelling] . . . . . DerekParnell
September 6, 2006
- (diff) Logo 17:39 [Added my "stamp" logo by request] . . . . . GregorRichards
- (diff) MessageBoard 8:55 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 5, 2006
- (diff) FrontPage 23:01 [rvv] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 21:11 (2 changes) . . . . . RicradToler
- (diff) EricAnderton 15:15 (2 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) Context 11:35 (2 changes) [reconfigured/reprogrammed Posting interweb=>url translation] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 0:40 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 4, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:06 (2 changes) [ubytes indeed] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:26 . . . . . SergKovrov
- (diff) FrontPage 0:43 [rv linkspam again] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 0:15 . . . . . RicradToler
September 3, 2006
- (diff) FrontPage 21:08 [Spam removed] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) FrontPage 13:36 . . . . . RicradToler
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 2:17 [rv linkspam] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 2, 2006
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 23:22 . . . . . RicradToler
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindows 20:27 [get my name right!] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 13:10 [de-spam] . . . . . ThomasKühne
September 1, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:45 [take more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 17:07 [* C# accessors] . . . . . AardvarkVanAnteater
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 16:48 . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) FrontPage 0:20 . . . . . SimsonToure
August 31, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 21:50 [updated status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 21:46 [DMD 0.166] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 21:25 [* Added lazy] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) FrontPage 7:34 [revert addition of spam] . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) FrontPage 1:41 . . . . . SimsonToure
August 29, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 18:48 [Added nightly build link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 28, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 11:01 (4 changes) . . . . . SkylarProg
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 8:47 . . . . . KirkMcDonald
August 26, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 2:42 . . . . . SteveHorne
August 23, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:44 (2 changes) [oops] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 22, 2006
- (diff) GdcHacking 9:40 [] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
August 21, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / LazyEvaluation 21:29 (2 changes) [example problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:42 [DMD 0.165] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 19, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 2:07 [C -- nested classes?] . . . . . SethArnold
August 18, 2006
- (diff) PythonD 19:26 . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 14:20 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
August 17, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 14:58 (2 changes) [changed separator to ;] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 13:11 [now at 0.55] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 15, 2006
- (diff) MessageBoard 12:16 [Please can .re and .im be lvalues?] . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 9:28 [URLs] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) wxD 9:21 [wxD 0.06 (alpha 6)] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
August 14, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 14:56 [std.bitarray] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdBitarray 14:54 (2 changes) [redirect to better link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBitarray 14:53 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 13, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 20:28 (9 changes) [minor] . . . . . SaiKumar
August 12, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 23:50 [index typo] . . . . . JohnBelmonte
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 23:42 [on_scope] . . . . . JohnBelmonte
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 17:16 [DMD 0.164] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 11, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 15:29 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 10, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 16:13 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 8, 2006
- (diff) DCP DefaultPrivateImports 17:42 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:32 [alphabetized and formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 11:12 [D-FLTK] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) wxD 11:07 [another wxD] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
August 7, 2006
- (diff) MessageBoard 20:53 [Internal Server Error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 1:56 [Remove SPAM] . . . . . DerekParnell
August 6, 2006
- (diff) FrontPage 13:44 . . . . . PterAlden
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:25 [* Text.Regex, Data.ArrayRef, Data.Typeable etc made many of Haskell "Lib"] . . . . . AudreyTang
August 5, 2006
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 9:34 [updated old bool answer] . . . . . HasanAljudy
- (diff) MessageBoard 9:34 (2 changes) . . . . . ValeriuPalos
August 2, 2006
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 14:40 [learn about Unicode] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 1:39 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
August 1, 2006
- (diff) PythonD 21:03 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AMD64 19:32 (2 changes) [Removed redundant title] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) EM64T 19:32 [Referenced AMD64] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 14:50 [more posts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / NotepadPlus 13:49 . . . . . ChrisPelling
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:41 [added Notepad++] . . . . . ChrisPelling
- (diff) HowTo / printf 0:02 [misspelled] . . . . . ChristofSchardt
July 31, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 20:33 [web interface still down] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MKoD 19:01 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidLDavis
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:56 . . . . . DavidLDavis
July 28, 2006
- (diff) NewsDmD 14:56 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 27, 2006
- (diff) DigitalMars / ServerStatus 21:07 [website and news UP, web interface DOWN] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars 21:00 [added subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 20:09 [wxD 0.05] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DCP DefaultPrivateImports 0:43 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
July 26, 2006
- (diff) NewsDmD 20:51 [more quirks] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:11 (2 changes) [minor change to prev edit] . . . . . SueDNymme
July 25, 2006
- (diff) NewsDmD 14:51 [added alternate web interface links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 6:19 (2 changes) . . . . . IceeLyne
July 24, 2006
July 22, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 14:34 [update to recently resolved issues; removed oldest done issues] . . . . . StewartGordon
July 21, 2006
- (diff) Games / Empire 22:15 (3 changes) [what gobbles up the whitespace] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) compile 15:30 (2 changes) [D 1.0 is not out yet] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 15:23 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games / Empire 15:21 [abbreviated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 20, 2006
- (diff) compile 23:36 [broken for current version of compiler & libs] . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) Games 23:28 (3 changes) [reformatted Posting: link] . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) Games / Empire 23:21 [Empire subpage created] . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) PrivateIssues 21:24 [added link and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Private Issues 21:19 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DCP DefaultPrivateImports 19:45 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 19:41 [mostly implemented] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 18:31 [import is now private by default] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 10:38 [@ Maximilian] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:28 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Module 0:13 . . . . . DerekParnell
July 19, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Module 18:33 (2 changes) [invalid module names] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 17:01 [DMD 0.163] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 11:27 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WindowsAPI 10:41 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 10:26 . . . . . RioshinAnHarthen
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 3:41 [Added 'static import'] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 0:31 . . . . . MaximilianHasler
July 18, 2006
- (diff) Dcp DefaultPrivateImports 23:29 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 18:51 . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) GuestBook 18:26 . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) TestPage 18:23 [how to indent?] . . . . . MaximilianHasler
- (diff) MessageBoard 18:17 (2 changes) [(added title with date, corrected date of previous post)] . . . . . MaximilianHasler
July 16, 2006
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 16:27 (2 changes) . . . . . DaveJF
July 15, 2006
- (diff) DCP DefaultPrivateImports 20:50 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DCP Template 20:22 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) Dcp DefaultPrivateImports 19:33 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 18:10 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) TestPage 15:20 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 14:41 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 5:26 (2 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 2:51 . . . . . RémyJAMouëza
July 14, 2006
- (diff) PrivateIssues 20:10 [FolderDiscussions] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:08 [added link to a post] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 18:25 . . . . . JamesPelcis
- (diff) PublicCode / DirWalker 17:08 [mentioned required module] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PrivateIssues 16:17 (7 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 15:58 (4 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) Private Issues 15:57 (3 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) GuestBook 15:26 . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 14:46 [added syntax vote] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 11:33 (2 changes) . . . . . RioshinAnHarthen
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 11:18 . . . . . AndrewEdwards
- (diff) BestPractices / PreAndPostConditions 8:31 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 7:35 . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) Dmake 6:30 [abbreviated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PublicCode 4:03 (4 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) PublicCode / LinuxErrno 4:02 (2 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) PublicCode / DirWalker 4:02 (3 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 3:50 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) PublicCode / DirWalker 3:47 [typo fix] . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) Dmake 3:21 [* fixed link to Build homepage] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 2:16 . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 0:45 (2 changes) . . . . . ReganHeath
July 13, 2006
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 22:36 . . . . . AndKhropov
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 22:08 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 21:11 (22 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 20:54 . . . . . JeremyVight
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 20:43 (2 changes) . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) ImportIssues 18:59 (7 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 18:10 . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 18:04 (3 changes) [added syntax vote] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportConflictResolution 17:38 (6 changes) . . . . . DaveJF
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 17:22 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 16:58 [* updates] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 16:58 [reworked] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 16:56 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterfaceDiscussion 16:55 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateThreads 16:48 [todo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LucasGoss 16:42 (3 changes) . . . . . LucasGoss
- (diff) PythonD 14:53 [added newsgroup post] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ImportIssues 0:17 (2 changes) . . . . . KrisBell
- (diff) ImportIssues 0:08 [Initial stuff cut'n'pasted from the NG] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
- (diff) GuestBook 0:00 [Signed in] . . . . . JariMattiMäkelä
July 12, 2006
- (diff) HelpCenter 23:09 [Wiki help vs D help] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpCenter 22:49 . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:44 [added download link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 10:29 [gdc-0.19] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
July 11, 2006
- (diff) TLibD 20:39 [broken link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 16:21 [adjusted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 16:19 [adjusted link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 10, 2006
- (diff) ErrorMessages 18:30 [separated into subpages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / CompilerErrors 18:28 [split into separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / LinkerErrors 18:26 [split into separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages / RuntimeErrors 18:22 [split into separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:07 [done a few more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AllLibraries 14:59 [Set and Ranges template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 7, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 21:30 [summarise latest addition] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 17:15 [added thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 15:05 [renamed a link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 15:03 (3 changes) [added back Bugzilla since it is used so many places already] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 15:01 [issue tracking system] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 6, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 22:30 [Qualifiers in D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 10:29 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
July 5, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Future 16:37 (3 changes) [inner classes have been added] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 3, 2006
- (diff) D Tutorial 20:39 [added Tips & Tricks] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 16:37 [contradiction was removed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:07 [DMD 0.162] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PythonD 15:47 (2 changes) [CeleriD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 14:26 . . . . . JaredMoore
- (diff) GuestBook 14:05 . . . . . JaredMoore
- (diff) GuestBook 13:46 . . . . . CornflakePirate
- (diff) CornflakePirate 13:35 . . . . . CornflakePirate
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 13:34 . . . . . CornflakePirate
July 1, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 11:42 (10 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) TestPage 11:37 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
June 26, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:59 [this project seems to have gone quiet - let's kick it off again by taking a few] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 13:44 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 8:54 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) AllLibraries 8:53 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) GuestBook 8:52 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) DataCabinet 8:51 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) MitjaUrsic 8:51 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . MitjaUrsic
June 23, 2006
- (diff) HowTo / CompilePhobos 9:02 [updated to v0.161] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
June 22, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Function 19:47 [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 21, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Function 19:05 (2 changes) . . . . . VincentThorn
- (diff) ErrorMessages 16:49 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:32 (2 changes) [minor edit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 16:27 (2 changes) [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 16:23 (2 changes) [Dimple] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Dimple 16:19 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PythonD 14:55 (2 changes) [new version] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 2:42 . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) EditorSupport / Smultron 1:57 [Created page.] . . . . . GreyWhind
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:52 [Added Smultron to list.] . . . . . GreyWhind
June 20, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 22:38 [documentation fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 15:02 [removed fixed problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 19, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:06 (2 changes) [simplified links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 14:58 [copied description from GrammarParsers] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 14:56 [added GraphViz link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 18, 2006
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 8:12 [Dimple] . . . . . ThomasKühne
June 16, 2006
- (diff) HowTo / CompilePhobos 16:47 (2 changes) [Added a batch file for compiling on Windows] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 14:44 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 14:42 [comments] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 4:24 [sqlited] . . . . . TgiFri
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:50 [ libraries] . . . . . ChrisMiller
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:36 [Comments] . . . . . ChrisMiller
June 15, 2006
- (diff) CurlyBracePlacement 20:48 (8 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 20:39 [added link to GDC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 20:37 [DBI is already on DatabaseBindings - it's not a Tool, it's a library] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 20:35 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:17 . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) BestPractices 14:53 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 14:15 [remove spam] . . . . . StefanLang
- (diff) FrontPage 13:10 . . . . . AaaBbb
- (diff) PhobosToDo 9:41 [recls is not in Phobos anymore] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 9:40 [gdcwin plug] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StalePages 9:39 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HelpDProgress 9:38 [gdcwin plug] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 9:36 [recls not in Phobos anymore] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Phobos 9:09 [added link to building phobos] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) HowTo / CompilePhobos 8:59 [building phobos] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:35 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 4:55 [Add D DBI reference] . . . . . DanTld
June 14, 2006
- (diff) PythonD 21:00 [wrapping python] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 20:53 [removed BestPractices] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 20:53 [added link to BestPractices] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:43 [Enki version 1.1] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 9:39 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:40 . . . . . DonClugston
June 13, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:56 (2 changes) [idea about the variable length structs] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) Logo 7:19 [dsource logo] . . . . . ThomasKühne
June 12, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:46 [well, it is there now, so that's OK] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 11, 2006
- (diff) StalePages 22:51 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) HelpDProgress 22:49 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:31 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 21:13 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:11 (3 changes) [take snmp (required for mgmtapi)] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 10, 2006
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:46 . . . . . PeterSchwier
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:26 [reply to comment on statuses] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 11:02 [Status?] . . . . . ChrisMiller
June 9, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:24 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) GrammarParsers 15:08 [Enki] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 8, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 21:58 [std.c.time] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCString 21:57 (2 changes) [disambiguation needed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStddef 21:52 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdarg 21:51 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCProcess 21:51 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdio 21:50 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCStdlib 21:50 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCFenv 21:48 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCMath 21:47 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWchar 21:45 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 19:33 . . . . . BarnabyDalton
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 9:21 . . . . . TrevorParscal
June 7, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:30 (2 changes) [ideas for a status scheme] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PendingPeeves 14:10 [another covariance post] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:56 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:40 (2 changes) . . . . . BerndDemian
June 6, 2006
- (diff) PromotingD 18:16 (5 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:14 [Moved all 'DONE' items to the bottom of each list.] . . . . . SequohMarden
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:36 (2 changes) [ documentation is still far from done] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:56 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 9:34 [gdcwin] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 1:46 [Incorporated] . . . . . WalterBright
June 5, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Function 19:24 [local variables and reformatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 10:24 . . . . . ChristofSchardt
June 4, 2006
- (diff) DStress 10:58 [updated test count] . . . . . ThomasKühne
June 3, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / LedsEditor 19:47 . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
- (diff) WindowsAPI 19:06 [make ] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 9:31 [Python implements float with a C double] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 3:12 (2 changes) [* Yes, python has thread syncronization primitives] . . . . . JamieTurner
June 2, 2006
- (diff) Context 23:32 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:27 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:42 (2 changes) [merged r134 into update] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 1, 2006
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 18:46 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:02 [timercmp - compatibility with what?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) GrammarParsers 17:23 [BCD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 6:22 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewLink 3:34 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TomJohnson
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 3:33 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . TomJohnson
May 31, 2006
- (diff) NewLink 23:17 . . . . . SarahCoN
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 23:17 . . . . . SarahCoN
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 20:46 [Typo fix] . . . . . KirkMcDonald
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 17:52 [fixed a typo] . . . . . FlorianSonnenberger
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / KeywordIndex 16:59 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 16:35 [added subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 30, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 19:18 (3 changes) [finish off marking some as needing the versions cleaning up] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) NeighborHood 18:33 [Updated 'The One With D' blog link] . . . . . TomJohnson
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:17 (2 changes) . . . . . VincentThorn
May 29, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:37 [reply to Daniel's latest comments] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) NeighborHood 17:28 [layout] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DanielKeep 14:43 (2 changes) . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:34 (2 changes) . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) FrontPage 4:47 [remove spam crap from the home page] . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) FrontPage 2:11 . . . . . JohnFither
May 28, 2006
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 20:15 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:12 [GDC 0.18] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GdcHacking 20:08 [GDC - new long name, new home page] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
May 26, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:56 . . . . . DonClugston
May 25, 2006
- (diff) PerfectD 17:52 [many fixes, but still could use much work] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 17:27 [polished appearance] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TLibD 17:14 [part of Juno] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 17:06 [simplified dsource links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 16:35 (2 changes) [dead links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DwithSwig 16:29 [added ToDo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 16:04 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 16:03 [moved info to another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PythonD 16:02 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:48 [DMD 0.158] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 11:46 . . . . . BradRoberts
May 24, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 17:45 [XML library] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:18 [take more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:42 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 5:16 [htod] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 3:44 [removed link spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 23, 2006
- (diff) FrontPage 22:53 (2 changes) . . . . . GarrySprings
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:27 [statuses are ill-defined] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 4:34 [removed link spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 22, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / htod 18:06 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Windbg 18:05 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:55 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) FrontPage 7:15 [removed link spam] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) FrontPage 1:59 . . . . . GarrySprings
May 19, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:06 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:00 [update] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) NeighborHood 20:10 [updated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:32 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures 16:00 (5 changes) . . . . . ChristopheBourez
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures / Constness 16:00 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . ChristopheBourez
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 6:08 [Added ToDo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 18, 2006
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 17:56 . . . . . JosephHuang
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:35 . . . . . DonClugston
May 17, 2006
- (diff) GdcHacking 22:12 (5 changes) [cleaned up] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:12 (3 changes) [add more to whitespace conventions] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:20 . . . . . DonClugston
May 16, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:28 (3 changes) [fixed sdbo links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 22:09 [C++ interface] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:39 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ErrorMessages 16:56 [better links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 16:41 (2 changes) [removed link to unfinished bindings] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 15, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:23 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 15:03 (2 changes) [added DBF info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CarlosSantander 5:15 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 1:50 . . . . . BarryKelly
May 13, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 13:57 . . . . . ManfredHansen
- (diff) WindowsAPI 12:08 . . . . . DonClugston
May 12, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Ddoc 21:39 [fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 18:54 [D Programming Language links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 18:52 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 10:26 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
May 11, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 19:06 (2 changes) [ utd once again] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:28 . . . . . DonClugston
May 10, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 21:59 [DMD 0.157] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:39 [take d3d9 stuff] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:35 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
May 9, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:12 . . . . . VladimirVlasov
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:11 (2 changes) [updated] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:23 . . . . . DonClugston
May 8, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 21:27 [removed from Phobos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BitsAndBools 21:25 [ToDo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 21:09 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Ddoc 21:05 [DDOC_PARAMS typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 20:56 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUtf 20:55 [moved comment from wrong page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / AppleXcode 17:12 [GDC/Xcode] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:09 [C::B] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 16:54 [C::B for Mac] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:29 [update] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 10:03 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) Logo 3:22 [dsource logo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 7, 2006
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 22:29 . . . . . KaiB
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:44 [how to solve the winsock versioning problem] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) Logo 19:41 . . . . . FunkyM
- (diff) Logo 18:44 [* Claimage.] . . . . . ChrisSauls
- (diff) Logo 15:37 [added logo info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Logo 15:31 (5 changes) . . . . . SpottedTiger
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 14:49 [Carbon] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 14:34 [UTF-8 console] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Phobos 14:31 (2 changes) [std.stdio] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos 14:25 [more recls] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 14:22 [changes] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Logo 10:50 [D-man credits] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Logo 10:39 (2 changes) [added DSource logo] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 1:09 (2 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
May 6, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 23:40 [bit to bool and reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 20:21 [removed outdated script link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
May 5, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 17:03 (4 changes) [take a few more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StalePages 7:59 (2 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 7:55 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) NewsDmD 7:52 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) EditorSupport / AppleXcode 0:08 (2 changes) . . . . . JoKivi
May 4, 2006
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:26 [URL for ANTLR-D changed] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 16:45 (11 changes) [testing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToMarkText 15:45 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DerekParnell / Template 9:45 (4 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DerekParnell / Context 9:37 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) TestPage 7:34 [Example of how to hide CamelCase links] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) WindowsAPI 6:37 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:15 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 4:14 (2 changes) . . . . . JussiJumppanen
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:23 [Changed D's inner classes to true] . . . . . JarrettBillingsley
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 2:20 [Added the "no more printf, for the love of God" entry] . . . . . JarrettBillingsley
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 2:16 . . . . . JarrettBillingsley
May 3, 2006
- (diff) FrontPage 23:28 [CamelCase can be hidden] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 18:58 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) StalePages 16:26 . . . . . ClaySmith
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:24 . . . . . ClaySmith
- (diff) BitsAndBools 16:09 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 14:06 [added Tiobe Index] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) StalePages 14:01 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) FrontPage 14:00 [Added NotesForProgrammersUsedTo] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) SourceGuide 13:44 [GDC] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WhatIsD 13:41 [clarified] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StalePages 11:09 (18 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) HelpDProgress 11:08 (2 changes) . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) StalePages 10:38 (2 changes) [installing DMD...] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) WindowsAPI 8:42 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) HelpDProgress 8:22 [Wikibooks D Language] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:29 . . . . . ClaySmith
- (diff) BitsAndBools 7:24 . . . . . HasanAljudy
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / VariableArgumentLists 7:24 . . . . . BradRoberts
- (diff) Context 5:37 [trying the new template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 4:33 [DMedia] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 2, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:21 . . . . . MichaelParker
May 1, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 13:57 (2 changes) [* More on mswsock (discussion at bottom)] . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DanielKeep 11:47 . . . . . DanielKeep
April 30, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 12:09 [mac] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 29, 2006
- (diff) MoreLinks 23:11 [Bitwise Magazine] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:48 [DMD 0.155] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 28, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:40 [Why use tinyurl here ?] . . . . . SeeSchloss
April 27, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:39 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 15:34 [shuffled material and removed fix that was fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 26, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:59 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 18:05 [added example to show error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EnticeDesigner 0:48 [Entice Designer GUI Builder] . . . . . ChrisMiller
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:38 [Entice Designer] . . . . . ChrisMiller
April 25, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:32 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ReallyFreeCompiler 4:32 . . . . . WalterBright
April 24, 2006
- (diff) SDWF 22:43 (2 changes) [tpyo] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:42 (4 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
April 23, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:09 (3 changes) [test-compile for all versions] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ThomasKühne 1:01 [updated GDB link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
April 20, 2006
- (diff) FuatGeleri 18:09 (2 changes) . . . . . FuatGeleri
April 19, 2006
- (diff) ThomasKühne 21:04 [demangler patch for GDB] . . . . . ThomasKühne
April 18, 2006
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:15 [alphabetized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 14:04 [not a port] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) NeighborHood 13:57 . . . . . MarkusDangl
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 13:27 (2 changes) . . . . . RobertoAlsina
April 17, 2006
- (diff) ThomasKühne 21:03 [Valgrind link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) wxD 0:37 [in testing] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 16, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:54 [updated] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:46 [sp] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ThomasKühne 15:45 [pluggable D de-mangler in C] . . . . . ThomasKühne
April 15, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:09 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 0:09 . . . . . VladimirVlasov
April 14, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 22:28 (3 changes) [release mode bug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / PosixGetOpt 19:38 (2 changes) [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 19:34 [link to Phobos Rising page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / DTemplateLibrary 19:31 [moved from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / Date2Str 19:30 [moved from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / MemoryMappedFileClass 19:28 [moved from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / StdLoader 19:27 [moved from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos / UnixCLibraryPort 19:24 [moved from Phobos page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosRising 19:15 [added link to Ares] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:36 (2 changes) . . . . . VladimirVlasov
- (diff) WindowsAPI 9:24 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 4:58 . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
April 13, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 22:11 (4 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:58 [Oracle] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 10:44 . . . . . DonClugston
April 12, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 21:15 [DMD 0.154] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:12 [added TLibD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TLibD 18:10 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 18:07 (3 changes) [TLibD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMarsTools 16:54 [moved from ReferenceForTools] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:26 . . . . . VladimirVlasov
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 5:23 . . . . . TgiFri
April 11, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 14:49 [DMD 0.153] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:47 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
April 10, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:46 [dbt] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:13 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) SDWF 15:34 [0.52 is here] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 15:07 (2 changes) [done some more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 7:57 . . . . . VladimirVlasov
April 9, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:42 . . . . . VladimirVlasov
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 21:35 (7 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) WindowsAPI 13:58 [taking winsock] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 8, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:31 (2 changes) [It is now complete enough that new modules can be test-compiled without the use of another win32 translation.] . . . . . DonClugston
April 7, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 22:48 [Object.print] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:39 (2 changes) [taking nb30 and shellapi; what happened there?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 19:08 (5 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 18:34 [Updated link to Build home page] . . . . . DerekParnell
April 6, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 11:20 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
April 5, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:07 (2 changes) [winbase.d regression] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:09 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 5:54 [moved examples text from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 5:53 [removed dig examples] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 4, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:17 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:29 [taking ddeml and winsvc; proposal for Windows versions] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:22 [DMD 0.152] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 3, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:11 [DMD 0.151] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 16:53 (2 changes) [reformat links to the work] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 15:48 [bug fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WindowsAPI 12:29 [Added link to dsource bindings.] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:55 (2 changes) . . . . . OskarLinde
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 2:13 [added related posting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 2:09 [reformatted and updated links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 2:04 [added Titan] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 31, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 22:25 (5 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 21:50 (2 changes) [taking winnls and winnetwk] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 30, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 20:48 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) WindowsAPI 14:23 (2 changes) [tpyo] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 29, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 23:43 . . . . . JamesPelcis
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:18 (3 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 9:58 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Context 9:57 [people like this] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 9:51 (4 changes) [link to special subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCWindows 9:45 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 8:59 [added link to linux patch and reformatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 28, 2006
- (diff) WindowsAPI 18:41 (2 changes) [linkify external sites] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 18:38 [set the WindowsAPI ball rolling again] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PendingPeeves 18:19 [typso] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 7:42 [fixed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / Mango 6:53 (2 changes) . . . . . DesignateVoid
- (diff) Mango 6:49 (2 changes) . . . . . DesignateVoid
- (diff) AllLibraries 6:48 (2 changes) . . . . . DesignateVoid
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:08 [Ruby has both C-style and Pascal style syntax. They can be mixed at will] . . . . . ZorbidPlutonium
March 27, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 23:28 [more info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMd5 20:44 [example error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DDTForEclipse 19:46 (3 changes) . . . . . DesignateVoid
- (diff) EditorSupport / DDTForEclipse 18:45 [added link to project page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 2:31 . . . . . DesignateVoid
March 26, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 23:29 (3 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 23:25 (2 changes) [note about "function style macros" example] . . . . . JohnBelmonte
- (diff) EditorSupport / DDTForEclipse 19:21 (2 changes) . . . . . DesignateVoid
March 24, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 18:38 (3 changes) . . . . . OskarLinde
March 23, 2006
- (diff) GdcHacking 16:58 [GCC 4.1 doesn't work yet] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 22, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 16:19 [*some fixed bugs set to done] . . . . . MattiNiemenmaa
- (diff) PendingPeeves 14:45 [formatting typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 13:41 (2 changes) [array ops are finally on the way out] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) wxD 0:37 (2 changes) [wxD news] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 20, 2006
- (diff) wxD 19:50 [relationship with wx.NET] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFormat 19:20 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:05 [DMD 0.150] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 8:22 (2 changes) [Listed Peeves fixed in 0.150] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 7:32 [Docs were fixed.] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / Context 5:56 (2 changes) [use new template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate / Context 5:55 [treat template as code] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WikiTemplate 5:54 [added template] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 5:50 [reordered to match website changes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / TestPage 5:04 [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 5:00 [moved messages to subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 5:00 [moved messages from main page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 4:53 [simplified fonts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 4:40 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 4:38 [added Bugzilla shortcut] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 19, 2006
- (diff) JavaToD 10:03 [COW] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 18, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 22:01 (2 changes) [Added Gernan book titled "Programmiersprache D"] . . . . . TomJohnson
- (diff) DocComments / TemplatesRevisited 20:57 [added page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 19:35 [incorporated] . . . . . WalterBright
March 17, 2006
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 22:21 [new heading border] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 10:20 [Thank you] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 10:17 (2 changes) [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 7:00 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
March 16, 2006
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 22:31 (4 changes) [CSS issue] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 21:46 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 18:11 (29 changes) [Heading formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 17:08 (7 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template / Context 16:27 (3 changes) [to improve Template layout and revision keeping] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 8:09 [self-directed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 7:57 [std.regexp] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdRegexp 7:54 [redirect] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 15, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 22:03 [tech tips] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Context 21:44 (3 changes) [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Template 21:44 [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 21:40 [test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 20:27 [+TechTips] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / TechTips 20:27 [needs updating] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / SBTest 20:17 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 20:17 [IFTI now here, array ops aren't] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 19:46 [now that bits are gone] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 17:48 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 16:51 [now the bit type has been got rid of] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) NeighborHood 14:55 [bugzilla] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 14, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 21:33 [Added a couple of blogs about D] . . . . . TomJohnson
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 20:05 [link problems fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 20:03 (4 changes) [link problems fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdZlib 20:01 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZlib 20:01 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdZip 20:00 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZip 20:00 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdWindowsCharset 19:59 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdWindowsCharset 19:59 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdUtf 19:58 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUtf 19:58 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdUri 19:57 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUri 19:57 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdString 19:56 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdString 19:56 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdStream 19:55 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 19:55 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdRandom 19:54 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 19:54 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdPath 19:53 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdPath 19:53 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdOutbuffer 19:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdOutbuffer 19:52 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdMd5 19:51 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMd5 19:51 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ExceptionSafe 19:50 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / rdmd 19:48 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 19:35 (2 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
- (diff) DocComments / StdMath 18:54 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMath 18:53 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdFormat 18:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFormat 18:52 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdFile 18:51 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdFile 18:50 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdDemangle 18:49 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDemangle 18:48 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdDate 18:48 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 18:47 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdCover 18:46 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCover 18:46 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdCompiler 18:00 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCompiler 18:00 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdBase64 17:58 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBase64 17:58 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Object 17:57 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / Object 17:56 [renamed stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 17:55 [false link fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ctod 17:52 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 17:47 [false link fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBoxer 17:46 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 8, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 17:37 [DMD 0.149] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 0:44 . . . . . SeanKelly
March 7, 2006
- (diff) GdcHacking 11:03 [xcode 2 warning] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DwithSwig / Messages 10:54 [wxD] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 5, 2006
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:22 [void main] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:15 (2 changes) [bit --> bool] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 11:21 . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
March 4, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 11:59 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
March 3, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 22:16 [some links improved] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdUri 22:13 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdUtf 22:12 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 14:53 (11 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
March 2, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 23:30 (6 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
March 1, 2006
- (diff) ThomasKühne 10:21 [Folder hinzugefügt] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ThomasKühne 10:06 (2 changes) [std.uni based on Unicode 5.0] . . . . . ThomasKühne
February 28, 2006
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 21:51 [Folder added] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) BrunoMedeiros 19:36 (9 changes) . . . . . BrunoMedeiros
February 26, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 23:50 . . . . . SeanKelly
- (diff) DStress 13:09 [updated test count] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 13:07 [listed more typos] . . . . . ThomasKühne
February 25, 2006
- (diff) IRC 4:46 [added irc:// link] . . . . . HasanAljudy
February 24, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / GeSHi 6:42 . . . . . ThomasKühne
February 23, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:10 [xcode] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EditorSupport / ElephantIDE 14:07 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 14:04 [codeblocks] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 21, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlusSyntaxFile 17:32 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlus 17:31 [new syntax file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 13:56 . . . . . DonClugston
February 19, 2006
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 12:37 [RegExp = Lib for Java] . . . . . CarloTeubner
February 16, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:08 [DMD 0.147] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 1:23 (2 changes) . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) TitanKernel 1:20 (2 changes) . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) KernelWithD 1:18 . . . . . TrevorParscal
February 15, 2006
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 15:48 (2 changes) . . . . . ObiJohn
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 9:37 [change is coming] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 1:14 [Windbg tips from John Stoneham] . . . . . DerekParnell
February 14, 2006
- (diff) SDWF 11:51 [now at 0.51] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 13, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 12:39 [Incorporated fixes into next doc update] . . . . . WalterBright
February 11, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 12:38 [linux too] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 12:36 [main] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DerekParnell 12:09 [added project Freudo] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 6:11 . . . . . JessePhillips
February 10, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 20:28 [added error reported in newsgroup ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 20:01 [gdcmac] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 19:58 (2 changes) [llama] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GdcHacking 19:33 [spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 19:13 (2 changes) [standard D gui] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:43 [DMD 0.146] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 16:40 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 10:40 [updated broken link, as per d.D/32506] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Context 0:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
February 9, 2006
- (diff) TitanKernel 23:28 (2 changes) . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) KernelWithD 23:22 . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 20:16 (2 changes) [Updated instructions. Support has been patched in] . . . . . VeNix
- (diff) JavaToD 10:16 (2 changes) [ddoc] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) IRC 9:18 [D => D programming] . . . . . WalterBright
February 5, 2006
- (diff) EditorSupport / PSPad 15:28 . . . . . ObiJohn
February 2, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 15:37 [*Template metaprogramming?] . . . . . GlennSchrader
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:00 [* updated Build link] . . . . . DerekParnell
January 31, 2006
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:49 (2 changes) [* Forgot the DDL url] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 20:38 [* Updated my bio] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) GrammarParsers 3:16 [updated links for Build] . . . . . DerekParnell
January 30, 2006
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:21 [DMD 0.145] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 28, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 20:14 (2 changes) . . . . . Manfred_Hansen
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 18:48 [DMD 0.144] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 19, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 18:17 [D programming blog] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 18, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 21:22 [example] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 16, 2006
- (diff) TinyTest 5:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 5:16 [added tiny test] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 5:14 [new thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 14, 2006
- (diff) TinyTest 16:53 (2 changes) . . . . . HansMüller
January 13, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 6:04 [SourceForge] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VisualStudio 5:59 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:51 [Visual Studio] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 12, 2006
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 19:12 [coffimplib help] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 19:11 [added download link for coffimplib] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 19:05 [added rationale] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood 19:01 [added wiki links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CarlosSantander 18:21 [updated] . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) DocComments / Rationale 18:17 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 18:12 [coffimplib tool] . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:10 [struct arrays sorting] . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) NeighborHood 11:54 [SourceForge] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 11, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 21:31 (2 changes) [added object] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 21:30 (2 changes) [added some related page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Object 21:28 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 21:04 [some ambiguous links fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdCover 20:59 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdDemangle 20:58 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdWindowsCharset 20:57 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 19:54 [reorganized table] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToAddTables 19:45 [added another table] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:00 [DMD 0.143] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosToDo 15:56 [Details about functions needed for std.math] . . . . . DonClugston
January 10, 2006
- (diff) NeighborHood 11:43 [moved community links from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 11:39 [googling for D and moved community to NeighborHood] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 11:38 [added neighborhood link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 10:46 [ANTLR] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 9, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 22:13 [link issue] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 13:24 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) PhobosToDo 12:46 [added std.conv] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 12:42 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 6:05 [correction] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 4:21 [German forum] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 6, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGC 10:36 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGc 10:35 [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 10:32 [added more related pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / LinkProblems 10:23 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZip 9:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdZip 9:52 (2 changes) [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUtf 9:50 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 9:49 (3 changes) [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 9:45 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdStream 9:45 (2 changes) [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 9:43 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdRandom 9:43 [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZlib 9:42 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdZlib 9:41 (3 changes) [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdDate 9:38 [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 9:29 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdProcess 9:10 [simplified] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 9:00 [added stub features] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSystem 8:58 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCstream 8:55 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdio 8:54 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStdint 8:53 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSocketstream 8:52 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdSocket 8:52 [created stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 5, 2006
January 4, 2006
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 19:55 [example corrections] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 3, 2006
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 21:22 (2 changes) [MySQL for Windows] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 17:32 [added contribution link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 17:30 [added contribution link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:47 [coffimplib] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages 0:43 [coffimplib] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 1, 2006
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 19:12 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 16:57 (2 changes) [wxD 0.03] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
December 31, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:36 [Changed ANTLR-D link] . . . . . MichaelButscher
December 30, 2005
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 8:46 [header generator] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 29, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:12 [DMD 0.142] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 22:04 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdRandom 22:02 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdProcess 22:01 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdPath 22:00 [created stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdOutbuffer 19:59 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdOpenrj 19:58 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMmfile 19:57 [added stub features] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdMd5 19:56 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdMath 19:55 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdIntrinsic 19:54 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGc 19:53 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdFormat 19:52 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdFile 19:52 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdDate 19:50 (2 changes) [tested new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 19:48 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdCtype 19:42 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 19:41 (2 changes) [typos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdCompiler 19:38 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdBase64 19:37 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / StdString 18:42 [added content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 18:40 (2 changes) [moved content to another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 16:24 . . . . . StephanWienczny
- (diff) ErrorMessages 1:31 [re-ordered sections] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 26, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 23:11 [timestamp stuff] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 25, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 8:21 [added dlex note] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 24, 2005
- (diff) FolderProjects 19:11 [moved content to another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 19:10 [moved content from another page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 19:07 (2 changes) [formating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 23, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 19:55 [added new dsource links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 19:53 [added new dsource links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 22, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:33 [reword headings a little] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 20, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 19:59 [added comment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:52 (2 changes) [changed alignment] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PoseidonEditor 19:49 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DLangSyn 4:37 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextPad 4:36 [moved syntax file into main file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 19, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:29 (2 changes) [more boring timelines] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EditorSupport / DLangSyn 20:01 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEditWordFile 19:58 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 19:58 (2 changes) [moved syntax file into main file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ProgrammersNotepadScheme 19:43 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ProgrammersNotepad 19:43 [moved syntax file into main file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / SyntaxFile 19:41 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PSPad 19:41 [moved syntax file into main file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 18, 2005
- (diff) GuestBook 19:37 . . . . . FredLomax
- (diff) NewsDmD 3:48 [shortened links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 3:44 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 3:39 [removed old link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 3:37 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DsourceOrg 3:35 [changed tutorial link and added shortcut] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 3:33 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 3:32 (2 changes) [shortened link and added link back to docs] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 3:29 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 3:26 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 3:24 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 3:22 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 3:19 [shortened link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 3:18 [added shortcut for dsource tutorials] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:09 [moved content to subpages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / XyzzyEditor 3:06 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / VimEditor 3:04 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / PSPad 3:02 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ProgrammersNotepad 3:01 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / LedsEditor 2:59 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / JEdit 2:56 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / GeSHi 2:55 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EmacsEditor 2:52 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DIDEeditor 2:45 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DEdit 2:41 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DCode 2:39 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CrimsonEditor 2:37 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ContextEditor 2:34 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 17, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 22:51 [ANTLR-D URL] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) EditorSupport / SciTE 22:37 [code-completion] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 15, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:50 (4 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ElephantIDE 19:49 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ElelphantIDE 19:49 (4 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / TextPad 19:48 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEdit 19:46 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlus 19:40 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeBlocks 19:39 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseD 19:36 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / DDTForEclipse 19:36 (3 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EclipseEditor 19:24 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / SciTE 19:20 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / MicrosoftVisualC6 19:16 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / KateEditor 19:14 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / BlackbirdForEclipse 19:10 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / ZeusForWindows 19:08 [created page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:55 [fwss] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:35 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:19 [Added showstoppers] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:13 . . . . . VeNix
December 14, 2005
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 19:59 [moved info to searching tips] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SearchingTips 19:59 (2 changes) [added tip] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 19:51 [moved info to searching tips] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 15:39 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 11:00 (2 changes) [more GDC history] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 9:18 . . . . . DonClugston
December 13, 2005
- (diff) NewsDmD 23:12 [more tricks] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 12, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:46 [SciTE for D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:35 . . . . . VeNix
- (diff) HelpDProgress 0:34 [GDC 0.17] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Dcover 0:29 [gcov] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
December 11, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 3:42 [another idea for searching] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / code coverage 0:15 . . . . . GeorgWrede
December 10, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / code coverage 23:51 [Generated the page, added some motivation for it.] . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 17:28 [cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBase64 17:25 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / 17:22 (2 changes) [new info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Dcover 16:59 [added stub page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 16:41 [suggestion] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 16:13 [new info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 16:07 [more info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:57 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 8, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 6:47 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 6:42 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GCW 6:41 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 6, 2005
December 5, 2005
- (diff) DDotNet 21:18 [news from author] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 19:26 [BarraPunto] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 19:17 [Sanos] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:55 [DMD 0.141] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:20 [note a few things have improved a bit] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 4, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 19:39 [ANTLR-D link changed] . . . . . MichaelButscher
December 3, 2005
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 13:11 [short gdcmac description] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 13:06 [shorthorn] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 11:06 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 10:51 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 2, 2005
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 12:44 (2 changes) [gdcmac] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 12:43 [GDC/gdcmac 0.17] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 12:37 [added PerfectD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PrefectD 12:36 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PerfectD 12:36 [renamed from PrefectD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 1, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:02 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / JensFileEditor 15:13 [updated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HuangLiang 4:21 . . . . . HuangLiang
November 30, 2005
- (diff) HowTo 9:04 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HowTo / LocaleWriteConsole 8:53 (3 changes) . . . . . HuangLiang
- (diff) HowTo 8:30 . . . . . HuangLiang
- (diff) PrefectD 8:10 . . . . . HuangLiang
- (diff) ProctectAttributes 8:05 (2 changes) . . . . . HuangLiang
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 7:51 . . . . . HuangLiang
November 29, 2005
November 28, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 11:18 [Updated for DMD 0.140] . . . . . DonClugston
November 25, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:40 [DMD 0.140] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 22, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 21:55 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 21:55 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 21:52 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 21:46 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:45 [new tutorial links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 21:42 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 21, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 22:45 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 22:44 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 22:43 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 22:41 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 22:39 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 22:37 [new tutorial link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 7:03 [new dsource tutorial wiki] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 19, 2005
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 20:29 [GDB patch works now, updated to relect that] . . . . . TeqDruid
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 3:47 [added a link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 3:26 [complexity of associative array operations] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 18, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 20:00 [blackbird and DDT] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:03 (2 changes) [Notes on using GDC w/ codeblocks] . . . . . VeNix
November 15, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 9:45 (3 changes) [more typos] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
November 9, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Module 22:43 [source filename] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 8, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 14:19 [add a few more] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:22 [DMD 0.139] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 7, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 19:41 [warnings option] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Warnings 19:27 [navigation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Warnings 11:40 [needs formatting] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 11:35 [no warnings?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:46 [DMD 0.138] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 6, 2005
- (diff) EricAnderton 23:38 . . . . . EricAnderton
November 5, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:01 [GDC 0.16] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 4, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:53 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 3, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 15:57 (7 changes) . . . . . VeNix
November 1, 2005
- (diff) MessageBoard 22:04 . . . . . LeonardoPalozzi
October 27, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 16:51 [moved some material from MoreLinks] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 16:49 [moved some material that probably belongs on other pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 26, 2005
- (diff) MoreLinks 9:42 (2 changes) [moved urllib to AllLibraries] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 9:35 (2 changes) [combined with text from MoreLinks] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 9:30 [updated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 8:38 [LALR(n) grammar] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 25, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 6:54 [DMD 0.137] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 24, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Ddoc 19:29 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 19:27 [formating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 5:40 [linkdef] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages 5:37 [linkdef] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 5:30 [Python integration project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 20, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:32 [implicit conversions to complex.] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) PhobosToDo 15:26 [DDoc is here!] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 9:48 [Python integration] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 19, 2005
- (diff) KernelWithD 10:18 [Titan] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 18, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 7:43 (2 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:42 (2 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
October 17, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:36 [DMD 0.136] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 3:44 [dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 16, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 21:27 [dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 2:50 [*BaseClassList grammar production error] . . . . . LarryEvans
- (diff) DataCabinet 1:44 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
October 15, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 22:17 [*confusing stack class docs] . . . . . LarryEvans
October 14, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 19:44 [*is stack conservatively scanned for roots?] . . . . . LarryEvans
October 13, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Property 14:16 [*typo: by -> be] . . . . . LarryEvans
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 11:09 [bad link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 11, 2005
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 22:53 [DataCabinet] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:38 [Dflect] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:59 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 10, 2005
- (diff) DataCabinet 21:42 (4 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 16:57 [bug: the D docs dont link to this page] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Template 12:27 [*How are non-deduced contexts handled?] . . . . . LarryEvans
October 9, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:15 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
October 7, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 18:17 [DMD 0.135] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:14 [updated link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:01 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DataCabinet 13:54 (2 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
October 6, 2005
- (diff) DataCabinet 23:57 (4 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) HelpDProgress 12:38 . . . . . DonClugston
October 5, 2005
- (diff) DataCabinet 22:11 (2 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) MitjaUrsic 22:06 (5 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
October 4, 2005
- (diff) DanielKeep 17:49 . . . . . AngryGoblin
October 3, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 22:56 (2 changes) . . . . . FlorianSonnenberger
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 20:08 [CMPXCHG8B / CMPXCH8B] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:31 [Stewart's Utility Library] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 5:36 [dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 2, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 8:05 . . . . . TrevorParscal
October 1, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 13:13 (2 changes) . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) DocComments / Function 5:25 . . . . . PeterDGilbert
September 29, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Float 21:00 . . . . . AndrewFernandes
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 9:51 [DMD 0.134 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 28, 2005
- (diff) PhobosToDo 18:21 (2 changes) . . . . . DonClugston
September 26, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:37 . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:33 [spelling error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:01 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
September 25, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:43 [DMD 0.133] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 23, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 17:58 [D Framework] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:55 [D Framework] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 17:54 [D Framework] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 17:50 [added D framework] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 20, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 6:28 [DMD 0.132] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 6:25 [doc.c] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 19, 2005
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 20:15 [update - D has inner classes now] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PhobosToDo 12:03 [ warts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 12:01 [tweak links] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 18, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:07 (4 changes) [blackbird] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo 5:50 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages 5:44 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) H to D with sed 3:07 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 3:03 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
September 17, 2005
- (diff) ErrorMessages 23:17 [more linker error suggestions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 2:42 [digc] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 16, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 22:46 [Changed link to old digc binary into link to homepage.] . . . . . BurtonRadons
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 22:24 [Expanded digc.] . . . . . BurtonRadons
- (diff) DcalledFromC 21:56 . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocComments / Float 17:43 [added properties for real + im.] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdMmfile 9:13 . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 0:07 [abbreviated links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 15, 2005
- (diff) TravelerHauptman 20:50 (2 changes) . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) TravelerHauptman 19:25 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DcalledFromC 19:24 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) GuestBook 18:57 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 18:54 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
September 13, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Property 15:19 . . . . . HuangLiang
- (diff) PhobosToDo 11:00 [more std.math] . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 5:50 [moved some text to StdRegexp subpage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 5:46 [moved text from Phobos entry and added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 12, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRegexp 6:10 . . . . . DerekParnell
September 10, 2005
- (diff) PhobosToDo 5:19 . . . . . BenHinkle
September 9, 2005
- (diff) PhobosToDo 22:46 (3 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) Phobos 22:38 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) PhobosMath2toMath 17:13 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) PhobosNonUSDate 17:09 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:37 [DMD 0.131] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DonClugston 10:24 . . . . . DonClugston
- (diff) PhobosToDo 10:19 [add std.math section] . . . . . DonClugston
September 8, 2005
- (diff) PhobosBugsTasks 19:09 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosToDo 17:36 (3 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) FrontPage 17:26 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 17:22 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) Phobos 17:20 (4 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) PhobosBugsTasks 17:20 (11 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
September 7, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:21 [DMD 0.130] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 3, 2005
- (diff) KernelWithD 23:44 [fixed picos link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 20:04 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
September 1, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:54 [TextPad] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 31, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:28 [SDWF new home] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:27 [SDWF new home] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 18:25 [new home for PR] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 28, 2005
- (diff) ReallyFreeCompiler 9:48 (2 changes) [license text] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
August 26, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 18:13 [updated links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 12:45 [new home] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 25, 2005
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:21 (2 changes) . . . . . AmeerArmaly
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:11 [typedef arithmetic] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 24, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:20 [bit arrays done?] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 23, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 19:07 [update with recent posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Function 0:50 [wording] . . . . . ChrisMiller
August 21, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBase64 22:11 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EljayLoveJensen 16:46 (7 changes) . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
- (diff) GuestBook 15:34 . . . . . EljayLoveJensen
August 20, 2005
- (diff) FuatGeleri 16:08 . . . . . FuatGeleri
- (diff) GuestBook 16:02 . . . . . FuatGeleri
August 19, 2005
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 5:56 [* added CDB] . . . . . HasanAljudy
August 17, 2005
- (diff) ReallyFreeCompiler 20:05 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) ReallyFreeCompiler 18:14 . . . . . EduardBloch
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 18:09 . . . . . EduardBloch
- (diff) SDWF 16:21 [temporary download location] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 15, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 8:11 [Added TOC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 14, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 10:39 . . . . . ShawnLiu
August 13, 2005
- (diff) StewartGordon 12:40 [resources website is down] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 11, 2005
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 20:56 . . . . . AmeerArmaly
- (diff) GdcHacking 8:14 (2 changes) . . . . . AlanWest
August 10, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 17:14 (2 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 16:50 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
August 9, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:31 [DMD 0.129] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 4:04 . . . . . FooBar2
August 8, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 23:27 [Notation for complex literals in an expression -- Precidence] . . . . . DanielGlasser
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 16:13 (2 changes) . . . . . JarrettBillingsley
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:12 [Information on Perl. ('PERL' is incorrect; the language is 'Perl', the interpreter 'perl'.)] . . . . . LionsPhil
August 7, 2005
- (diff) wxD 9:52 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 9:48 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:39 [added blackbird plug in Eclipse section] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / DLL 9:35 [added link to dflect] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 6, 2005
- (diff) BestPractices / DLL 13:29 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 6:43 (4 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) BestPractices 6:43 (3 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) BestPractices / DLL 6:38 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) EricAnderton 6:07 . . . . . EricAnderton
August 3, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 23:34 . . . . . TravelerHauptman
August 2, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 13:01 [Xcode integration] . . . . . AlanWest
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 8:32 [added real ptr.] . . . . . DonClugston
August 1, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 0:38 [reformating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 31, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:02 (2 changes) [blackbird 1.1.0 beta] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 6:00 [foo who?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 30, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 10:49 . . . . . EluuSive
July 29, 2005
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 21:58 (3 changes) . . . . . DennisLuehring
July 28, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 15:38 [expand on fallthrough comment] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AllLibraries 13:45 (2 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
July 27, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 17:44 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 14:07 . . . . . DwayneRobinson
July 26, 2005
- (diff) MitjaUrsic 21:19 (3 changes) . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) DataCabinet 21:17 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) AllLibraries 21:17 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) GuestBook 20:55 . . . . . MitjaUrsic
- (diff) GuestBook 18:43 . . . . . ManfredNowak
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 18:08 (2 changes) [link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 25, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 20:09 . . . . . PeriHankey
July 24, 2005
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 19:22 . . . . . TimSmith
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / ExuberantCtags 19:08 (3 changes) [* Change to using base64 instead of plain text for the patch :-(] . . . . . TimSmith
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 18:33 [* Add link to new ExuberantCtags page] . . . . . TimSmith
July 20, 2005
- (diff) BestPractices / PreAndPostConditions 2:27 [Corrected typo.] . . . . . JohnRedford
July 18, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 12:33 [error in a == null semantics] . . . . . StewartGordon
July 16, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 16:59 (5 changes) . . . . . PeriHankey
- (diff) GdcHacking 14:36 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 12:10 [xcode] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GrammarParsers 10:25 (3 changes) . . . . . PeriHankey
- (diff) AllLibraries 9:43 (2 changes) . . . . . PeriHankey
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 9:38 . . . . . PeriHankey
July 13, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 19:33 [Dubious rationale for switch fallthrough.] . . . . . MikeCapp
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 11:15 [more multi opCast posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
July 12, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:11 [GDC 0.15] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 22:09 [identifer recognition] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 11, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Module 23:46 [Note about possible typing error in an example snippet] . . . . . PeterEriksen
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 22:43 [more built-ins] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:03 [DMD 0.128] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 18:40 . . . . . VictoToni
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 14:28 [tweak wording] . . . . . StewartGordon
July 10, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:09 [blackbird] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 9, 2005
- (diff) ICFP 2:36 [links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 6, 2005
- (diff) PhobosLicenseIssues 14:51 (4 changes) [PD] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) Phobos 14:31 [link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 13:54 (3 changes) . . . . . PatrickZanon
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 10:03 [license update] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FrontPage 9:38 (2 changes) [FDL (edit)] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
July 4, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 15:06 [Mismatch with Phobos/Object docs] . . . . . MikeCapp
July 3, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 23:57 (5 changes) . . . . . PatrickZanon
July 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 19:47 . . . . . EricHatherley
July 1, 2005
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 21:13 [Added some short descriptions of projects] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 16:00 [gdcmac] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:24 (2 changes) [Terra] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 9:47 [size_t] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 9:30 (2 changes) [GDC timeline] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 9:24 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
June 30, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 22:56 [removed old stuff] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HelpDProgress 22:52 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
June 29, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:23 [not a duplicate - please see Posting:digitalmars.D/25477] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:54 [dupe] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
June 22, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 1:11 (2 changes) . . . . . Nod_Nod
June 20, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 16:18 . . . . . ClaySmith
June 19, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 3:33 [GDC 0.14] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 18, 2005
- (diff) FrontPage 19:41 (2 changes) [un-redirected] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) News 2:13 . . . . . EhYu
- (diff) FrontPage 2:12 (4 changes) . . . . . EhYu
June 17, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Class 20:28 (2 changes) [sample typo] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:16 [DMD 0.127] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 16, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 14:22 [tpyo] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 15, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:21 [ANTLR-D added] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:38 (2 changes) [fix links to bypass wiki bug] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 12:31 [refer to FeatureRequestList] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 14, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 14:25 [foreach syntax request] . . . . . RodolfoBorges
June 13, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 12:20 [GUI redundancy] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 12, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 21:16 [printf part disappeared] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 10, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 16:45 [printf] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 16:41 [printf] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 12:03 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HelpDProgress 11:59 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DDotNet 9:08 [status update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:53 [GDC 0.13] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DirFindFile 3:54 [remove vandalism] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) BrandonSanders 3:53 [remove vandalism] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 3:52 [Remove vandalism] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdDate 3:41 [toString clarification] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DirFindFile 2:04 . . . . . BrandonSanders
- (diff) BrandonSanders 1:52 (2 changes) . . . . . BrandonSanders
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 1:49 . . . . . BrandonSanders
June 9, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 17:44 [ANTLR] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 3:36 [Add info about Build] . . . . . DerekParnell
June 8, 2005
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:47 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 20:27 . . . . . ClaySmith
- (diff) DocComments / Function 16:13 [clarification of in/out/inout on arrays] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:24 [DMD 0.126] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 8:23 [isnot status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 5:53 [changed to working link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 7, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:02 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments / Class 3:31 [Feedback incorporated] . . . . . WalterBright
June 6, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 9:35 [final keyword] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 1:11 [I think non-static template-methods are intentional] . . . . . DerickEddington
June 5, 2005
- (diff) ErrorMessages 3:53 [template linking] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 3:47 [linker problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 4, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 21:50 [Arbitrary template value parameters] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 21:43 [Safe casts] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 21:39 (2 changes) . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 11:17 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Class 10:44 [OutOfMemory is fixed now] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GdcHacking 10:36 (3 changes) [gdcmac] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
June 3, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 22:47 . . . . . BradBeveridge
June 2, 2005
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 3:12 [compiler support for interfaces] . . . . . DerekParnell
June 1, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 22:35 . . . . . BradBeveridge
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 18:21 [bug?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 7:21 [Usage with Interfaces] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) AllLibraries 1:43 (2 changes) . . . . . KrisBell
May 30, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 22:44 [version(Unix)] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Function 15:35 [stdarg and portability] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 0:09 ["gdmd" now] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
May 29, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Future 5:41 [inner classes] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 4:57 [DMD 0.125] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 27, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 16:35 [missing grammar] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 11:06 (2 changes) [Implicit static module ctors] . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) DDotNet 8:21 [requirement] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:44 . . . . . JussiJumppanen
May 26, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:19 [re-alphabetized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Harmonia 6:57 (2 changes) . . . . . KyleFurlong
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 6:54 . . . . . KyleFurlong
- (diff) HarmoniaPortability 6:53 . . . . . KyleFurlong
May 25, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Template 17:28 [Kludgy Solution to Linker Problem] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 15:48 [Added windbg link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 6:11 [more archive links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 24, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 19:01 [no returns] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 1:37 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FolderProjects 1:37 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 1:35 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 1:32 [links are active again] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 23, 2005
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 5:35 . . . . . FlorianRivoal
May 21, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 19:44 [Value-based function overloading] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 19, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Version 4:13 [Clarify setting debug/version from within source code] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) AllLibraries 0:48 [Matrix/Vector class] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / JensFileEditor 0:36 (2 changes) [revised] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 18, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 18:06 [dead links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FolderProjects 17:56 [dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 17, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 13:02 [contradiction] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 7:48 . . . . . FlorianRivoal
May 16, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Class 17:01 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 13:44 (3 changes) . . . . . DaveKok
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 10:35 . . . . . DaveKok
- (diff) MoreLinks 6:32 [Added BUILD] . . . . . DerekParnell
May 15, 2005
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 22:02 [better link for PostgreSQL] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 14, 2005
- (diff) MoreLinks 16:00 [Added indigo. Is that ok?] . . . . . UweSalomon
May 12, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 20:51 [Difference C and D array declaration] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / KDevelop 16:58 . . . . . DawidCiezarkiewicz
- (diff) SDWF 5:07 (2 changes) [answer] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 1:47 [DMD 0.123 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 1:46 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 0:12 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 11, 2005
- (diff) DWiki 23:13 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) FunctionParameterAttributes 23:11 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) SDWF 18:26 [probing the problem] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 10, 2005
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 8:50 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) SDWF 4:54 (2 changes) [more details] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 9, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 19:59 (5 changes) . . . . . TrevorParscal
- (diff) SDWF 13:57 [huh?] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 8, 2005
- (diff) SDWF 4:36 [omitted file] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 7, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 20:56 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) KernelWithD 19:02 [added picos2004a backup link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) ThomasKühne 14:21 . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) GuestBook 14:11 . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) MessageBoard 0:46 . . . . . CarlosSantander
May 6, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:13 [DMD 0.122 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 13:20 [updated dkernel link] . . . . . ThomasKuehne
- (diff) MessageBoard 13:19 . . . . . ThomasKuehne
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 13:06 [need to remove array operations piece] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 5, 2005
- (diff) JavaToD 23:13 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 22:46 (2 changes) [params] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 22:29 (3 changes) [lib/phobos] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MessageBoard 21:14 . . . . . JonasZaddach
May 4, 2005
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 19:39 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 19:36 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 12:30 [pet peeves] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 12:15 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 10:18 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 2:28 [Questioning 32-bit pointer assumptions] . . . . . MikeCapp
- (diff) DocComments 0:40 [added Rationale for Builtins] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 0:36 [added link/formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 3, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / builtins 19:23 ["one array type that covers it all" is overstated] . . . . . MikeCapp
- (diff) MessageBoard 13:54 [DUI on Linux] . . . . . RodolfoBorges
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 8:34 [added some comments] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 3:33 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DerekParnell 2:41 [Updates] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 2:29 [formatting, spelling and grammar] . . . . . DerekParnell
May 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 21:55 [*code in html is bad] . . . . . TsahiAsher
April 29, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 22:44 (3 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 22:30 [possible dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 22:28 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 21:44 [changed a web link to a wiki page link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JohnFletcher 21:39 [changed a web link to a wiki page link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 21:31 (3 changes) [reorganized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 21:18 [link for Andy's web page changed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 21:12 (2 changes) [reorganized some] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AndyFriesen 20:48 (2 changes) [link for Andy's web page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 28, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 15:16 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 14:38 . . . . . AndreasSchmid
- (diff) GrammarParsers 5:44 [Dee Wrapper Generator for C++] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 5:37 [Indigo template containers] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 26, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 19:55 [try-catch example] . . . . . MichaelButscher
April 25, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 14:33 [HLT] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) SDWF 12:18 [0.5 is here] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 24, 2005
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 22:05 (2 changes) [D DBI (database independent interface)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:43 (2 changes) [lemonade] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:41 [formatting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 21:38 [Typo in grammar] . . . . . MichaelButscher
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:13 . . . . . AndreasSchmid
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEditWordFile 16:52 [Updated for code folding (Apr 24 2005)] . . . . . AndreasSchmid
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 4:39 (2 changes) . . . . . AlexeiSvitkine
April 23, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 9:39 . . . . . HasanAljudy
April 21, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Type 15:39 (3 changes) [get real] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 20, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 12:55 (2 changes) [GeSHi] . . . . . ThomasKühne
April 19, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 21:17 [Changed ordering of Tips and Amendments] . . . . . EricAnderton
April 18, 2005
- (diff) IDL 23:11 . . . . . EricAnderton
April 17, 2005
- (diff) DStress 16:22 (7 changes) . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) GdcHacking 16:11 (4 changes) . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 0:32 [binaries available] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 16, 2005
- (diff) GdcHacking 22:27 (2 changes) . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) GdcHacking 10:49 (3 changes) [GDB] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 2:50 [DMD 0.121 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 15, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Glossary 13:17 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GdcHacking 13:03 (7 changes) [GDB patches] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FrontPage 12:25 [FDL] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GdcHacking 1:36 (2 changes) . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) FrontPage 1:34 . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) TestPage 0:26 . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 0:17 [doc comments] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 14, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 22:37 (2 changes) [Argh. Noted that it was already added...] . . . . . Nod_Nod
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 16:29 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HelpDProgress 15:42 [new GDC] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 13, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 11:21 [new dfilter version] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) Typedef-Block 9:25 . . . . . VladimirK
April 12, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Template 18:13 [Limitations] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 17:14 [missing features] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 11, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Future 18:06 [mentioned Scala as a source of ideas] . . . . . WilliamTanksley
April 8, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 12:46 [more bugzilla reports] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:06 (2 changes) [added some more issues from my list] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DDotNet 5:01 [updated status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 7, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 10:30 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
April 6, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:18 [DMD 0.120] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 22:15 [-gt changed to -profile] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 22:13 [-profile (was -gt)] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 13:47 (3 changes) [*.d not included by default?] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 5, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 5:59 [added heading] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 1:12 . . . . . BenHinkle
April 4, 2005
- (diff) DDotNet 6:56 [updated web page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 3, 2005
- (diff) Phobos 21:26 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:36 [multiple multiple opCast requests] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 20:35 [formating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 20:15 (3 changes) . . . . . PierreRouleau
- (diff) PierreRouleau 20:08 (2 changes) . . . . . PierreRouleau
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 15:59 . . . . . ReganHeath
April 1, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:32 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) Phobos 2:51 [std.recls comments were obsolete] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 2:47 [added notes from other page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 2:43 [moved notes to separate page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 2:42 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) HelpDProgress 1:25 [(minor)Reword the title because 'Progess' is another programming language.] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 31, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 23:05 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:04 (5 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 22:37 (2 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) DocComments / Float 18:01 [SSE2 optimization] . . . . . MattBro
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 16:45 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:23 [Removed Portability as a Phobos Peeve - I previously added it, but my current understanding is that this is an implementation detail, and gdc will fix] . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) HelpDProgress 14:00 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FrontPage 1:08 [our spammer buddy is back] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 0:07 . . . . . UserUser
March 30, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 15:49 [block statement] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
- (diff) JavaDoc 14:19 [link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 14:17 (2 changes) [static this] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 12:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 10:37 [Doxygen 1.4.2] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 5:17 (3 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) EditorSupport / ProgrammersNotepadScheme 3:19 (3 changes) [improved keyword list] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 2:50 [How about adding a logical exclusive or operator?] . . . . . DavidHayward
- (diff) MessageBoard 1:37 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:05 [PN2 scheme] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 1:03 [archiving/PN2] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 29, 2005
- (diff) MessageBoard 21:53 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) JavaToD 17:25 (3 changes) . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:12 [archive] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 14:24 (17 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) J2SE 14:15 [what are they smoking, can we have some] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 10:22 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 9:53 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 8:49 [readf/unformat] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BitsAndBools 8:30 [links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 8:09 [Compiling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 7:45 [Garbage Collector Projects] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 7:38 [GDB Hacking] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 7:24 [Cygwin] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NullObject 4:43 . . . . . EricAnderton
March 28, 2005
- (diff) StandardLibrary / Layout 23:48 [added link, missing text] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 18:22 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) JavaToD 11:38 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 7:18 (3 changes) . . . . . MatthewWilson
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 6:05 [compiling recls] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 27, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 23:05 (4 changes) [link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:50 [Elephant IDE] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 21:17 [AMD-64] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 11:43 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 9:15 [Compilers] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 9:05 [-gt switch] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NullObject 0:43 [link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 26, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 19:14 [Lua] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 17:13 . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 12:03 . . . . . XsZero
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 8:19 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 5:07 (2 changes) [locale_v0.1?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 4:31 [Manfred's D links database] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRecls 1:47 [std.recls issues] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 1:32 [added more links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 25, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 19:10 [answer DP's comments] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 11:10 . . . . . XsZero
- (diff) NewsDmD 1:26 [bug reports] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 24, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 8:05 [wxD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 4:19 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 3:22 [added 40Tude to Threaded view instructions] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 23, 2005
- (diff) JavaToD 9:54 (5 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 7:57 . . . . . JoshuaCearley
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:27 [Elephant] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 22, 2005
- (diff) NewsDmD 10:05 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages 9:33 [added more errors] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 21, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 20:46 [a few more things fixed; another covariance post] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WhatIsD 0:21 [Added Wikipedia and Shootout, cleaned up display] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 20, 2005
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:14 (2 changes) [DIDE status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 22:12 [status] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 22:09 [ is gone] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 22:08 [DIDE group disbanded] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:16 [added new Q-and-A] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 19, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 20:47 [wxD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 18:17 [wxD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 18:17 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 9:28 [incorporated] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 3:43 [DMD 0.119] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 18, 2005
- (diff) NewsDmD 0:46 [Added 40Tude and Opera URLs, spelling] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 17, 2005
- (diff) Benchmarks 17:01 [minor link fix] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) NewsDmD 5:57 [new newsgroups] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 5:46 [TArrayStream] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 16, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 17:23 [spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 16:52 (4 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Warnings 14:41 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 14:37 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 15, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 19:59 [editor] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 19:57 [editor] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 17:28 [new link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 13:49 [clarified 32-bit] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 4:55 [Added link to ] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 4:22 [Added Link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 14, 2005
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 19:07 [added table of contents] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 19:06 [debuggers link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 19:03 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpDProgress 18:24 [linux debugging] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 18:23 [GDB] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 17:55 [added typedef-block to proposals] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) BenHinkle 16:38 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) Typedef-Block 16:37 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) StringsInD 15:05 [correct terminology] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ErrorMessages 1:05 (2 changes) [linker error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 13, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 21:55 [fixed in CVS] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 5:58 [tech tip] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 5:52 [unittest] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 5:33 [tech tip] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 5:31 [tech tip] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 4:23 [DMD 0.118] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 3:53 [digdug] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpDProgress 3:39 [debugging] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 12, 2005
- (diff) HelpDProgress 23:15 (8 changes) [doxygen] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 7:46 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:13 [DMD 0.117] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 5:12 [pragma lib implemented] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:47 [doxygen] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 11, 2005
- (diff) HelpDProgress 23:59 (8 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 23:53 [GDC] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 23:50 [Mac OS X] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HelpDProgress 21:42 [Some projects that could be picked up to help D along.] . . . . . PaulBonser
- (diff) JavaToD 19:31 (3 changes) [properties] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 17:48 [more elegant cast examples; destructor == Java finalize] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 6:20 [Splitting up MinTL] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 10, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 20:58 . . . . . BradBeveridge
- (diff) DocComments 19:49 [new pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Entities 19:46 (2 changes) [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Warnings 19:43 [added stub] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 9, 2005
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 21:07 (7 changes) [headings] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 20:46 [Documented C++ linkage] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 20:33 [more newsgroup posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DoxygenIssues 19:02 (2 changes) [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:00 [sort by custom comparator] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) JavaToD 11:56 [molt] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
March 8, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 20:20 [incorporated] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) DDotNet 19:35 [Status?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 6:04 [Added 0.116] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:27 . . . . . AnnOn
March 7, 2005
- (diff) ErrorMessages 15:33 (3 changes) [consistentify format] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) ErrorMessages 12:53 [Further examples of array and struct initializations] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) JavaToD 12:08 [format tweaks] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / Class 0:42 [minor formatting] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 6, 2005
- (diff) JavaToD 11:06 (5 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Class 10:46 (2 changes) [OutOfMemory] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 10:42 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StringsInD 10:00 (2 changes) [added link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 9:31 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StringsInD 2:12 (2 changes) [Added UTF-8 historical note] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) JavaToD 0:44 [Linked to "Strings In D" page] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 5, 2005
- (diff) GeorgWrede 21:43 [Put an absolute time instead of a relative one.] . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) JavaToD 19:07 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JavaToD 9:18 (2 changes) [code example] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 0:30 [Removed 'only works on ASCII' because that's not so.] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 4, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 23:52 [Incorporated fix.] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 23:50 [Incorporated suggested fixes.] . . . . . WalterBright
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 23:47 (3 changes) [Responses to 'I disagee' comments] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) NewsDmD 19:16 [newly found base64 tool] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JavaToD 15:23 (5 changes) [actually no, let's rewrite the equivalent Java-like D code] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / ImplicitConversionBetweenUTF 15:01 (5 changes) [my thoughts] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) JavaToD 14:49 (9 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / AutoNewingOfClasses 13:15 [disagree] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / ImplicitConversionBetweenUTF 12:57 (2 changes) [Comment on conversion speed ] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 2:29 (2 changes) [Implicit conversion between UTF strings] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 3, 2005
- (diff) JavaToD 19:35 (6 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 19:17 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JavaToD 19:00 [sample string manipulation code] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 13:49 [linked all (?) pages with content] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Float 13:39 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Float 13:39 (2 changes) [moved] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / StyleGuide 13:38 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Overview 13:37 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 13:36 (2 changes) [moved] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 13:34 (2 changes) [moved] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 12:20 [let's ignore stdfloat] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 9:23 [xargs] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 2:51 (2 changes) [spelling] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 2:45 . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 2:40 [-I switch path delimiters] . . . . . DerekParnell
March 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Version 6:55 [more info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 1, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:53 [DMD 0.115] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IRC 7:42 . . . . . ChrisMiller
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 2:11 [Spelling correction] . . . . . DerekParnell
February 28, 2005
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:47 [DMD 0.114] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 18:59 [man pages] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 14:34 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 25, 2005
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 13:19 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 12:32 (6 changes) [SPARC64] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) EM64T 12:15 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MacOSX 12:13 (2 changes) [wikipedia] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PowerPC 12:12 [wikipedia] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 24, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:47 [std.file.copy still needs work] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) MessageBoard 7:18 (2 changes) . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 0:00 [typo] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 23, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 9:44 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 22, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 21:06 (11 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 19:59 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 19:45 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 19:44 [new thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 19:42 [debuggers] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 13:59 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MessageBoard 7:22 [Debugger How-to] . . . . . ComputerRivet
February 21, 2005
- (diff) BitsAndBools 16:17 (5 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 16:11 (11 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 15:54 [linux] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 15:43 [Linux] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:20 [archive?] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) PendingPeeves 13:34 [std.file.copy] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdUtf 11:36 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 2:28 [Emphasis on variable length code-points. Code point processing using foreach] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 1:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdGC 1:39 (2 changes) [added page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 20, 2005
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 22:46 (3 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:08 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 13:39 [new URL] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 10:25 [Enhanced the description of mixin scope] . . . . . DerekParnell
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 10:23 [Clarifying duplicate identifiers defined by multiple mixins in the same scope] . . . . . DerekParnell
February 16, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdThread 21:37 (2 changes) [example] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 19:58 [symbol files] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 19:53 [added Glossary] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Glossary 19:46 [added page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:43 [DMD 0.113] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / ModuleTips 19:42 [module tips] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 14, 2005
- (diff) D Tutorial 16:22 [Skys Docwiki] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 12, 2005
- (diff) TestPage 13:57 (2 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
February 11, 2005
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 23:07 (5 changes) [wide] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) StdTypeAliases 21:30 (8 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 19:53 (2 changes) [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 19:50 [Added links ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 19:42 (2 changes) [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CharsAndStrs 17:36 (4 changes) . . . . . AndrewEdwards
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 13:37 (2 changes) [std type aliases] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 10, 2005
- (diff) BitsAndBools 19:30 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 9, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 20:16 [data defs] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) ReflectionInD 20:06 [some ideas] . . . . . XsZero
February 7, 2005
- (diff) D-Round-Robin 21:01 [big bug] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 15:57 [link] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Version 15:56 [more versions] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Type 15:49 [char->int promotions] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) D-Round-Robin 12:08 [what I think "biggest - yet smallest possible - bug test" means] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 6, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 19:51 (2 changes) [extern(C++)] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 5, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 16:46 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 13:17 [deprecated] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 4, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:42 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
February 3, 2005
- (diff) Benchmarks 17:17 [fixed ackermann link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) D-Round-Robin 15:04 . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) D-Round-Robin 12:36 [biggest - yet smallest - bug] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) D-Round-Robin 10:26 (2 changes) . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) GeorgWrede 10:22 . . . . . GeorgWrede
February 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Future 20:23 [mixins note] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 1, 2005
- (diff) KernelWithD 16:05 [added more info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 31, 2005
- (diff) BrandonSanders 20:20 (2 changes) [Vocab fix] . . . . . BrandonSanders
- (diff) GuestBook 20:08 . . . . . BrandonSanders
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 6:09 [uploaded expat archive] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 29, 2005
- (diff) EricAnderton 6:34 [[ Updated Projects and Bio]] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) PendingPeeves 6:13 [Added link to FeatureRequestList] . . . . . EricAnderton
January 28, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 18:47 (2 changes) [expat bindings] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:16 (2 changes) [another struct AA post] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:44 . . . . . BenHinkle
- (diff) EditorSupport 12:00 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) GrammarParsers 11:47 [Added ddepcheck as a parser (semi-parser at least)] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:02 . . . . . AndrewFedoniouk
January 27, 2005
- (diff) AllLibraries 23:24 (3 changes) [Eliminated link to DLanguageParsers -- ParserProjects already exists] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:39 [question about XML parsers] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 21:34 [Mango XML Library] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 21:07 [Added Mango XML] . . . . . TeqDruid
- (diff) GrammarParsers 20:40 (4 changes) [Moved H2D into correct section] . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 20:38 [ForeachType (in)] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 15:48 [DMD 0.112] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 15:21 [added dll page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLLs 15:18 [new page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 1:00 . . . . . ManfredNowak
January 26, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 22:31 [.offsetof] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 25, 2005
- (diff) Benchmarks 18:34 [updated benchmark URLs] . . . . . ThomasKühne
January 22, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Template 5:14 . . . . . PaulBonser
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 4:36 (3 changes) . . . . . PaulBonser
- (diff) DocComments / Class 4:35 (11 changes) . . . . . PaulBonser
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 4:25 . . . . . PaulBonser
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 4:20 (2 changes) . . . . . PaulBonser
January 21, 2005
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 13:01 [isnot] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 11:31 [dmd v0.111] . . . . . ThomasKühne
January 17, 2005
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 0:36 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
January 15, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 20:34 (3 changes) . . . . . JuanjoAlvarezMartinez
January 13, 2005
- (diff) MoreLinks 4:07 [updated DStress link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
January 12, 2005
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 10:03 [How to let VC break on exceptions] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
January 11, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 16:04 . . . . . NathanDavis
- (diff) MessageBoard 5:21 (2 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) MessageBoard 2:42 [* D wants overriding of resizing an array? ] . . . . . JapA
January 10, 2005
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 21:26 (3 changes) . . . . . BenjiSmith
January 9, 2005
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 20:12 [added D list] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 17:25 . . . . . SebastianBeschke
January 6, 2005
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:28 [update status a bit] . . . . . StewartGordon
January 4, 2005
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 14:52 [Added another link to wxD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 5:16 (2 changes) [info on "maybe" mostly complete wxD ] . . . . . TomJohnson
January 2, 2005
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 23:42 (2 changes) [Added Links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Games 23:38 (2 changes) [added project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZip 22:51 [Added page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:48 [DMD 0.110] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / UnicodeOperators 20:47 [sp] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 30, 2004
- (diff) I18N 22:43 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . SomeIdiot
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:41 (2 changes) . . . . . SomeIdiot
December 27, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 10:24 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 10:23 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 6:47 . . . . . UserUser
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:45 . . . . . UserUser
December 26, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 21:27 (2 changes) . . . . . SebastianBiallas
December 25, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 12:15 [structs as props] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
December 22, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 21:37 . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) BulatZiganshin 21:37 . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 0:54 [recentish posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) BenjiSmith 0:05 [welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
December 21, 2004
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 23:55 . . . . . BenjiSmith
- (diff) ReflectionInD 21:48 (3 changes) . . . . . BenjiSmith
- (diff) BenjiSmith 21:41 . . . . . BenjiSmith
- (diff) GuestBook 21:40 . . . . . BenjiSmith
- (diff) BulatZiganshin 13:53 [welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) BulatZiganshin 13:21 . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:19 (4 changes) . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 11:27 . . . . . EinarKarttunen
December 20, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Type 14:30 [real on ppc] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 14:23 (2 changes) [writef] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
December 19, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:08 [haskell notes] . . . . . EinarKarttunen
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 2:51 [Sofud link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 2:20 [New PDF snapshot] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 0:17 . . . . . BenjaminHerr
December 18, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:14 [voting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 17, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:28 (3 changes) . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) GuestBook 17:44 . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) BenjaminHerr 17:42 . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:38 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 16:17 [Added links ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 16, 2004
- (diff) CGI 13:00 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MoreLinks 12:49 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
December 15, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Function 17:00 [more info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 0:23 [updated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 13, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 12:44 [Haskell tweaks] . . . . . AlistairBayley
December 12, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:29 . . . . . BenjaminHerr
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 14:02 (2 changes) . . . . . BulatZiganshin
December 11, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 10:04 (2 changes) . . . . . KobayashiAhiru
December 10, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 12:26 [0.4a maintenance release] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SignedSourceCode 8:12 (18 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) SignedSourceCode / SignedDetached 8:05 (2 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) SignedSourceCode / SignedEmbeddedPlain 7:59 (2 changes) . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) SignedSourceCode / SignedEmbeddedHTML 7:56 (2 changes) [fixed W3C link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 6:13 [makefile example] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 6:07 [added Opera link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MixinsVsMacros 6:04 [added to FolderDiscussion] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SignedSourceCode 0:20 [spelling error] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 9, 2004
- (diff) SignedSourceCode 23:58 . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 16:07 [renamed InterfaceThreads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterfaceThreads 16:06 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) InterfaceDiscussion 16:05 [renamed page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 13:02 [Added suggestion to rename InterfaceThreads page.] . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 8:50 (3 changes) [InlineAsm -> D_InlineAsm] . . . . . ThomasKühne
December 8, 2004
- (diff) Benchmarks 13:32 [added OOPack and SciMark links] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 12:28 [Undocumented debug switches] . . . . . ThomasKühne
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 6:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 7, 2004
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 21:08 (2 changes) . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 13:09 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 9:30 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
December 5, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:03 [DMD 0.109] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:42 [Upload] . . . . .
December 4, 2004
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 10:32 [updated newsgroup link] . . . . . ThomasK
December 3, 2004
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 16:26 [welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
December 2, 2004
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 16:53 [D subpage] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 16:52 [void main] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:12 [Added Link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 0:54 [DMD 0.108] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:24 (4 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
December 1, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:42 . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 13:43 (2 changes) [union.sizeof] . . . . . ThomasK
- (diff) ThomasKuehne 13:34 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . ThomasK
- (diff) EditorSupport 13:10 [link to DebugEnvironments] . . . . . LionelloLunesu
November 30, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:42 [Linux GC Freezing bug fixes] . . . . . TeqDruid
- (diff) BulatZiganshin 13:02 [*Thankyou] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 4:21 [DMD 0.107] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:00 (3 changes) [Added Links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 29, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 21:04 (5 changes) . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 13:35 . . . . . BulatZiganshin
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:37 [fixed mysterious messup] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 28, 2004
- (diff) AntonioMonteiro 21:55 [welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 21:50 (4 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
- (diff) GrammarParsers 19:16 [DGrammar] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:45 (2 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
- (diff) AntonioMonteiro 16:33 (2 changes) . . . . . AntonioMonteiro
November 27, 2004
- (diff) GrammarParsers 4:11 [lr-lalr project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 26, 2004
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 8:22 [ICU bindings] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 24, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 13:04 (12 changes) [Lisp doesn't have operators.] . . . . . SveinOve
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 9:58 [foreach: in] . . . . . ThomasK
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 6:59 [undocumented extern(C++)] . . . . . ThomasK
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 0:26 [added compile info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 21, 2004
- (diff) OpenSourceLicenses 20:57 [GNU] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
November 20, 2004
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 22:36 (2 changes) [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OpenSourceLicenses 22:36 [started page] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 13:08 [typo] . . . . . ThierryBanel
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 5:50 [added make instructions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) KernelWithD 5:23 [added info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 5:16 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DGrammar 4:27 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GrammarParsers 4:26 [renamed from DGrammar] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 19, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:46 [a more recent CFG thread] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 4:26 [DMD 0.106] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 18, 2004
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 20:39 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToAddTables 7:51 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelpCenter 7:50 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelpCenter 1:38 [added Cdml links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:34 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 0:44 [added example link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 0:42 (2 changes) [added Miguel Ferreira Simoes's pages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 17, 2004
- (diff) KernelWithD 1:39 (2 changes) [corralling info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 1:08 [reformatted] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 16, 2004
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 19:53 [added to Trove] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DanielKeep 17:07 (2 changes) . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) DanielKeep / IsItAFunctionOrADelegate 16:50 . . . . . DanielKeep
- (diff) GuestBook 16:35 [*Added myself :P] . . . . . DanielKeep
November 15, 2004
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 20:58 [bool in D 0.69] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) SDWF 11:44 [it's DMD 0.106 that's broken] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:41 [bits within structs] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) D Design by Contract vs C plus plus 5:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 5:08 [adding Trove entry] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 13, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 21:00 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 20:57 [added info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdConv 20:52 [extending] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 20:48 [added info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 20:43 [examples] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 20:39 [added info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 20:29 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 20:22 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DGrammar 20:18 [YAML parser] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 12, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 12:19 [bug/fix on DMD 0.106] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 9, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 13:18 [0.4 is here] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 13:13 [SDWF can be called usable, it's about time] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 8, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 12:09 [update status, 0.4 on its way] . . . . . StewartGordon
November 7, 2004
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:50 . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) MoreLinks 14:29 [updated DStress link] . . . . . ThomasKühne
November 6, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Property 23:09 [answered question] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 19:13 . . . . . AlvaroSegura
November 5, 2004
- (diff) MessageBoard 23:07 [To Do list -- do it now, or else! :)] . . . . . BogdanStancescu
October 31, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Property 7:52 [struct / class member properties vs. member functions] . . . . . RyanDaniels
October 30, 2004
- (diff) NewsDmD 3:01 [Main D newsgroup archive] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 2:55 [DMD 0.105] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 29, 2004
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:28 [spam issue] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RecentChanges / Context 16:18 [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:14 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 16:12 (2 changes) [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Context 16:08 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WelcomeVisitor 16:07 (3 changes) [to reduce spam ] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 15:51 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:28 [tchar] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 4:49 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 3:43 . . . . .
October 28, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 9:33 [split] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
October 26, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:48 [my recent requests] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 3:41 [DMD 0.104] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 1:34 . . . . .
October 25, 2004
- (diff) TestPage 21:49 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 18:09 . . . . .
October 24, 2004
- (diff) wxD 15:09 [Added wxNET reference] . . . . . IlyaMinkov
October 23, 2004
- (diff) DDotNet 22:30 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) languagesversusd 18:13 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) languagesversusd 12:41 [despamed] . . . . . ThomasKuehne
- (diff) languagesversusd 12:23 . . . . .
October 21, 2004
- (diff) rcc 12:22 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Pragma 12:16 (2 changes) [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DWiki / DynamicClosures 12:15 (2 changes) [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DwithSwig 12:14 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Pragma 9:29 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DWiki / DynamicClosures 9:28 . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig 9:19 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 7:54 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 7:53 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 7:48 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 4:42 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 4:31 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 4:18 . . . . .
October 20, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 15:21 [typeof true&false] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 9:04 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 9:02 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 8:13 . . . . .
October 19, 2004
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 18:31 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 18:06 . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:40 [long-running static overload bug; various recent issues; use Posting: links] . . . . . StewartGordon
October 17, 2004
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 13:10 [latin-1 warning] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 13:03 [bit/bool/true/false keywords] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) AndersFBjörklund 12:44 [afb] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:42 [string/utf#_t] . . . . . AndersFBjörklund
October 16, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 20:26 [Added Miguel Ferreira Simões's XML Parser] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ThomasKuehne 16:00 [page init] . . . . . ThomasKuehne
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 15:41 [added CXX / CC comment] . . . . . ThomasKuehne
- (diff) HelpCenter 12:01 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Dmake / PreparingVs022 10:45 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 1:22 (2 changes) [added new threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit / PostsByWalter 1:04 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 15, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 14:04 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WhatIsaWiki 14:03 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WhatIsaWiki 12:23 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 3:39 . . . . .
October 14, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:45 [delete rubbish] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:20 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 16:53 (2 changes) [Compiler allows unused local variables] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 13:33 [despamed (tk)] . . . . .
- (diff) FolderProjects 13:32 [despamed (tk)] . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 13:31 [despamed (tk)] . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 13:31 [despamed (tk)] . . . . .
- (diff) HelpCenter 13:30 [despamed (tk)] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 11:10 . . . . .
- (diff) FolderProjects 11:09 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 11:07 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 11:05 . . . . .
- (diff) HelpCenter 11:04 . . . . .
October 13, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 12:39 [code that works] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) rsync 8:31 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderUtilities 8:25 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderFolders 8:23 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 12, 2004
- (diff) HelpCenter 18:38 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SDWF 18:00 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) TestPage 17:12 [remove spam] . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 17:12 [remove spam] . . . . .
- (diff) SDWF 13:17 [rfh section, windowClass reply] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 8:27 . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 8:23 . . . . .
October 11, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 20:31 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) PendingPeeves 17:30 [add Object.opCmp post] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 17:25 [reply to Carlos] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 15:05 [DBC has obsolete code example (won't compile)] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 13:50 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 13:50 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 7:59 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 7:52 . . . . .
October 9, 2004
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 11:24 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 8, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:30 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / DynamicClosures 23:28 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JohnFletcher 23:27 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 16:15 [de-spammed] . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 14:04 [*Python has unit testing] . . . . .
- (diff) DWiki / DynamicClosures 12:20 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 11:36 . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Pragma 11:32 [d] . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig 11:32 . . . . .
- (diff) JohnFletcher 11:31 . . . . .
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 7:42 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 7:37 (5 changes) [Carlos Santander about WinDbg] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 7:03 [minor formatting] . . . . .
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 2:00 (2 changes) [Using booleans as numbers] . . . . . DerekParnell
October 7, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:42 . . . . .
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 7:57 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SDWF 2:50 (3 changes) . . . . .
October 6, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 7:58 [layout] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 5, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 22:54 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 21:56 [Unicode vs UTF] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Type 21:49 [Added link ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PendingPeeves 1:06 . . . . .
October 4, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 16:03 [TreeView written] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:32 (2 changes) . . . . .
October 1, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Float 17:57 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 17:37 . . . . .
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 0:45 [more threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / KDevelop 0:41 (2 changes) [new server] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) editorsupport 0:26 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / UltraEditWordFile 0:10 . . . . . SeanKelly
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:08 . . . . . SeanKelly
September 30, 2004
- (diff) editorsupport 20:10 . . . . .
- (diff) Dmake 8:52 [Clarify the term 'mainfile'] . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 1:52 [added thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 1:44 [Dmake and digc] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:26 [Added Introduction] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 29, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 11:40 [add my GC post] . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 7:20 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 28, 2004
- (diff) Dmake 14:05 (31 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Dmake / PreparingVs022 12:30 (12 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Dmake / NextRelease 11:14 (2 changes) [just a redirection] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) RecentChanges / Context 9:16 [protect it from spamming] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 27, 2004
- (diff) Dmake 23:59 (25 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DigitalMars Versioning 15:37 [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) RecentChanges 15:36 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 15:35 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 14:14 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) DigitalMars Versioning 14:13 . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) RecentChanges 14:12 (2 changes) . . . . . PeterSmith
- (diff) TimStarling 11:25 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TimStarling 9:41 (2 changes) [hi] . . . . . TimStarling
- (diff) FolderContributors 7:59 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Float 7:09 [flawed rationale] . . . . . TimStarling
September 26, 2004
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 22:09 [more threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 22:04 [D.NET 0.101.91] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HelpCenter 21:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 19:33 . . . . .
- (diff) RecentChanges 17:59 [[de-spammed]] . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) RecentChanges 15:26 . . . . .
September 25, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 23:55 [GC Compaction Thoughts] . . . . .
September 24, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 14:02 [abstract problems] . . . . .
- (diff) MoreLinks 5:29 [regression tests] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 4:50 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 23, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 18:36 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 5:10 . . . . .
September 22, 2004
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 22:02 (2 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 16:51 . . . . . BastiaanVeelo
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Ideas 6:35 [getcwd fixed in DMD 0.102] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:42 [DMD 0.102] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 21, 2004
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 23:28 (2 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 23:27 [Linux version related question added.] . . . . .
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 23:26 . . . . .
- (diff) SuggestedProjects 23:20 . . . . .
- (diff) ErrorMessages 14:26 [Added/Edited links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 20, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 16:18 [added LynnAllan's request] . . . . . StewartGordon
September 19, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries 20:04 . . . . .
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 20:02 (2 changes) [changed entry for sdbo, again] . . . . .
September 18, 2004
- (diff) DDotNet 23:41 [Re-arranged] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 2:06 . . . . .
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 2:04 [added new odbc library item] . . . . .
September 17, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 14:03 . . . . . BastiaanVeelo
September 16, 2004
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:31 [removed spam] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MessageBoard 12:21 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 1:38 [more threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 15, 2004
- (diff) TestPage 16:25 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Context 16:22 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 15:49 [tag problems with Netscape] . . . . .
- (diff) DDotNet 6:20 [VC++ 2005 Express Beta] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 1:29 [another way to prevent wiki formating] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 14, 2004
- (diff) TestPage 23:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 23:56 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 18:53 (2 changes) [Advocate clue for <nowiki> while in edit mode] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 18:46 [Illustrate how formatting looks] . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 18:33 [Request button for "Search Just Specs"] . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 14:46 (2 changes) [spam issues] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:44 [Restored from 1.40] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 12:11 [re spam] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 12:07 [*restored] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 11:57 (2 changes) [general1] . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 11:50 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 11:50 [general1] . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:48 [*despam but needs restoring] . . . . .
- (diff) FolderFolders 11:47 [*despam] . . . . .
- (diff) FolderFolders 11:34 [general1] . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 11:34 [general1] . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 9:27 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HotSpots 9:22 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RecentChanges 7:15 [Yikes! More spam!] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RecentChanges 6:56 [general1] . . . . .
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 6:35 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 6:34 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 6:00 [general1] . . . . .
September 11, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 3:57 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 2:29 [ng threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 2:26 [ng threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 2:21 [D.NET Pre-Alpha] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 2:15 [Legal notice at the bottom] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 10, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 15:41 [Conversion to void[] is (&f)[0..1] not (&f)[0..f.sizeof]] . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:45 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 9, 2004
- (diff) EricAnderton 20:56 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 20:55 . . . . .
September 8, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries 14:45 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 10:49 [despam] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 9:26 . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Ideas 6:13 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 4:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese / Messages 4:28 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 7, 2004
September 6, 2004
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 9:17 (2 changes) [New PDF snapshot] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) PhobosRising 9:12 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EricAnderton 8:59 (2 changes) [welcome] . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 8:55 (3 changes) [response file is undocumented] . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 7:14 [I hate shouting] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 5, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 16:29 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 12:30 . . . . .
September 3, 2004
- (diff) MoreLinks 17:47 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:39 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Windows 14:39 (3 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) Typedef-Block 14:25 (5 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) EricAnderton 14:24 (5 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:41 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) DocComments 12:31 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 3:25 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 2:41 [Standalone OpenWatcom Tools] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ToolsAndEditors 2:36 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 2:36 [reformatted table] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DGrammar 2:12 (2 changes) [Spirit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 2, 2004
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 15:26 [username answer?] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 8:27 (2 changes) [* Oddity when Summary specified] . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 7:50 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 7:10 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToWriteBoldAndItalic 6:40 [Note that wiki4d accepts html tags in additon to 'classical' markup] . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 4:26 [wxD link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) wxD 4:25 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Digital Mars Comment 4:15 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Expressions 4:13 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Modules 4:13 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Lexical 4:13 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars FAQ 4:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:35 (2 changes) [jEdit] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 0:23 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 0:00 [Include suggested source code revision] . . . . .
September 1, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Class 23:35 [Sample code for Sum unittest won't compile (at least for me)] . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 23:19 (2 changes) [Actual example for italic, and *bold* does not seem to work] . . . . .
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Arrays 17:48 . . . . . LynnAllan
- (diff) LynnAllan 17:33 . . . . . LynnAllan
- (diff) GuestBook 17:30 . . . . . LynnAllan
- (diff) SDWF 12:16 [version 0.3 is here] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DGrammar 9:57 [ANTLR] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 0:29 [XLock] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 31, 2004
- (diff) PhobosRising 12:57 (3 changes) [Added more links and info] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdZlib 12:47 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 9:25 [DMD 0.101] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 30, 2004
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 1:27 [] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 29, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 4:40 [pinning ] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 4:23 [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DGrammar 4:17 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 3:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 3:01 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 2:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 2:58 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars The C Preprocessor vs D 2:56 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 2:54 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars C h 2:54 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 2:53 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 2:53 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Windows 2:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D for Win32 2:42 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 2:40 [Phobos Rising] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 2:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Phobos Runtime Library 2:31 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 2:27 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Application Binary Interface 2:27 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 2:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Embedding D in HTML 2:25 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Portability 2:23 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Portability Guide 2:23 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 2:21 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Interfacing To C 2:21 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PreToD 2:21 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 2:18 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Inline Assembler 2:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Float 2:16 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Floating Point 2:16 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 2:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Memory Management 2:14 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 2:12 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Garbage Collection 2:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 2:09 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Handling errors 2:09 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 2:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Versioning 2:07 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 2:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Contracts 2:05 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 2:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Mixins 2:03 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 2:01 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Templates 2:01 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 1:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Operator Overloading 1:59 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 1:58 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Functions 1:58 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 1:55 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Enums 1:54 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Interfaces 1:53 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 1:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Classes 1:52 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 1:50 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Arrays 1:48 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 1:47 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Statements 1:45 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 1:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 1:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Pragma 1:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Pragmas 1:42 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 1:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Attributes 1:40 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 1:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Properties 1:37 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Declarations 1:36 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Type 1:33 [moved info from DigitalMars_Types] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Types 1:33 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 28, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:50 . . . . .
August 27, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 3:44 (2 changes) . . . . .
August 25, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 5:30 [wxD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 3:24 [DTL 0.2.1 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 24, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:55 [Added Ruby Column - only a few answers yet] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DigitalMars Types 6:35 . . . . .
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 6:33 [DMD 0.100] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:53 [links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 1:16 [Intermediate Representation] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 23, 2004
- (diff) BestPractices 23:29 . . . . . IlyaMinkov
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 16:53 [fixed links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 22, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:16 . . . . .
- (diff) LexicalClosures 2:01 . . . . .
August 21, 2004
- (diff) TestPage 5:40 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 4:37 . . . . .
August 20, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 8:39 . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 4:29 . . . . .
August 19, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 8:02 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 6:36 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 6:03 (3 changes) [update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 1:34 [website change] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 18, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 9:33 [dll question from newsgroup] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdStream 1:35 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 1:17 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 17, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 16:59 [Integer Data Types] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:05 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 8:23 [*List primitive types.] . . . . .
August 16, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 8:20 [de-spammed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 15, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:42 [pragma for lib linkage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 23:15 (2 changes) [newsgroup links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Search 19:34 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:33 . . . . . AndyFriesen
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 16:44 . . . . .
- (diff) Search 16:44 . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 16:00 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 15:50 . . . . .
- (diff) DmozLanguageStatistics / Aug04 15:50 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DmozLanguageStatistics 15:44 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DsourceOrg 14:55 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Context 14:54 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 14:40 . . . . .
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:06 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 6:17 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:12 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) BestPractices 5:44 [added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Acknowledgements 5:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 5:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 5:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WC 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 5:24 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 5:24 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars News 5:23 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D Change Log 5:22 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Future 5:22 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D Compiler 5:21 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Example wc 5:21 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Style Guide 5:20 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars C h to D Modules 5:19 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Forum 5:19 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Converting C to D 5:16 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 5:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PreToD 5:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 5:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 5:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPcomplex 5:13 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D strings vs C plus plus std string 5:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Converting C plus plus to D 5:11 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D complex vs C plus plus std complex 5:09 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CppDbc 5:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 5:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars D vs Other 5:05 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 4:58 [added links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 4:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 1:02 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 14, 2004
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 23:24 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocComments 22:20 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) NewsDmD 21:41 [shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 21:35 [shortcuts] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Context 21:27 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 21:02 (2 changes) [* fix typos] . . . . .
- (diff) NeighborHood 20:46 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) AndyFriesen 20:26 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) AndyFriesen 20:23 . . . . .
- (diff) Context 20:20 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 7:36 [ODBC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 13, 2004
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 19:36 . . . . .
August 12, 2004
- (diff) BestPractices 13:28 . . . . .
- (diff) EricAnderton 2:48 (3 changes) . . . . .
August 11, 2004
- (diff) BestPractices 18:03 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) BestPractices 11:51 (6 changes) . . . . .
August 10, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:32 . . . . .
- (diff) BestPractices 4:46 [Subpages] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices / PreAndPostConditions 4:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 4:21 [MinTL 1.0] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 9, 2004
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures 17:50 [duplicate page?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 2:32 [removed dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:28 (2 changes) [cleaned up] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 8, 2004
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 23:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FolderProjects 23:42 [Python/D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DDotNet 22:21 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 21:12 [DTL 0.1.1 and MinTL] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DwithSwig 21:00 [dsource project] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 19:39 [KDevelop suport hack] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools / KDevelop 19:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 7, 2004
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 4:11 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 2:24 [Added link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:46 . . . . .
- (diff) LexicalClosures 1:30 [Fixed grammar error, clarified sentence.] . . . . .
August 6, 2004
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 5:46 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 5:24 (3 changes) [Updated to current syntax] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 4:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 5, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 19:34 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) SDWF 15:04 [small update to wish list reply] . . . . . StewartGordon
August 4, 2004
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 2:58 [Added dool] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 2:55 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 2, 2004
- (diff) AndyFriesen 12:33 [Message] . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 9:36 (2 changes) . . . . . AndyFriesen
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 9:31 (2 changes) . . . . . AndyFriesen
- (diff) DwithSwig 5:48 . . . . . AndyFriesen
July 31, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:45 [Andy Friesen's new version] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / JensFileEditor 21:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 19:19 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 19:01 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 19:00 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 18:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FolderProjects 8:07 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 8:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 8:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 8:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 7:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 7:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 7:56 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 7:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NeighborHood 7:51 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 30, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 22:41 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WhatIsD 21:59 [removed dead link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LexicalClosures 20:29 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:21 . . . . .
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 19:43 . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 12:50 [updtaeed with statuses and recent posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 8:50 [SQLite update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 29, 2004
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 16:36 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) AllLibraries 13:42 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) AllLibraries 12:49 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:44 [DMD 0.97] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 8:13 [*Update/revision/rewrite] . . . . .
July 28, 2004
- (diff) IRC 21:16 . . . . .
- (diff) DcalledFromC / Discussion 10:49 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 10:47 (3 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) WikiHekp / HowToDownloadFiles 10:47 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToDownloadFiles 10:45 [How to download files] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) HelpCenter 10:43 (2 changes) [How to download files] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig 10:28 (3 changes) [Added download instructions] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DllMain 1:53 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 1:53 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 1:32 [*Updated the link to the compiler download page] . . . . .
July 27, 2004
- (diff) DcalledFromC / Discussion 22:50 (4 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 22:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DllMain 22:46 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DcalledFromC 22:38 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 15:02 . . . . .
- (diff) MoreLinks 14:17 . . . . .
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 10:07 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:02 (2 changes) . . . . .
July 26, 2004
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 10:22 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 9:50 . . . . . CharlieGordon
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 7:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 7:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 1:11 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 1:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeWrightLexer 0:17 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 25, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:25 (2 changes) [CodeWright] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / CodeWrightLexer 23:24 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport / EditPlusSyntaxFile 23:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 22:49 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 22:04 [Importing All Modules] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 20:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Structs and Unions 20:00 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 5:32 [DMD 0.96] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 24, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:02 [Fixed spelling, grammar.] . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 20:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / RubyLanguage 20:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PythonLanguage 20:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 20:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 20, 2004
- (diff) D Tutorial / BugReports 5:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 4:49 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion / Internationalization 3:24 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 2:10 [comments] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 1:28 (3 changes) [autotype] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / UnicodeOperators 0:41 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 19, 2004
- (diff) MessageBoard 23:54 . . . . .
July 18, 2004
- (diff) MoreLinks 18:43 [Moved some links to WhatIsD] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 18:42 (2 changes) [Added D Community] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:33 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:31 [Libraries] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 13:38 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 4:31 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RoadMaps 4:30 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 4:28 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ToolsAndEditors 4:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 4:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 4:23 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 4:20 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / XmlLibraries 3:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 17, 2004
- (diff) NewsDmD 23:01 [archive] . . . . .
- (diff) InterfaceThreads 0:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 16, 2004
- (diff) MichaelButler 21:34 (3 changes) [welcome] . . . . .
- (diff) MichaelButler 19:04 . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 19:04 . . . . .
- (diff) InterfaceThreads 13:33 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 8:04 [alphabetical order] . . . . .
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 6:52 (2 changes) [fixes] . . . . .
- (diff) AllLibraries 4:48 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 3:51 [DFL] . . . . .
- (diff) DigitalMars D links 1:12 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 0:48 [MKoD Link] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 15, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 19:07 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Arrays 7:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 7:39 (2 changes) . . . . . OlegScherbakov
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdRandom 7:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos 7:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Overview 7:19 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 7:19 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars Introduction 7:17 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 7:17 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 7:13 [DMD 0.95] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 5:05 [tests] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 4:59 [MKoD Link] . . . . .
July 14, 2004
July 13, 2004
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / StyleGuide 20:50 . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / GiNaC 1:04 (3 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Qdmath 0:44 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 0:33 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) GiNaC 0:16 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig 0:12 [Added interface to GiNaC] . . . . . JohnFletcher
July 12, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:39 [varargs implemented] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Overview 18:34 [tweaks] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Float 18:22 [blah, blah, blah] . . . . .
- (diff) BestPractices 16:54 . . . . .
July 11, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:11 (5 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Qdmath 22:55 (4 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 19:20 [Fixed typo in classinfo example.] . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 18:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Pragma 10:47 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / MoreAboutSwig 10:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
July 10, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig / Problem 17:25 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 1:11 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Pragma 1:07 (3 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Modifications 0:10 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Windows 0:06 [Example run without Linux] . . . . . JohnFletcher
July 7, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:58 [recent posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 0:25 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Windows 0:22 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Linux 0:21 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Class 0:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
July 6, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Class 23:19 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 22:57 (5 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples / Function 22:03 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Function 21:56 (5 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToCreateLists 18:07 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:41 [revert] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToRevertVandalism 17:40 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HelpCenter 17:30 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:29 . . . . .
- (diff) FolderFolders 17:27 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:56 (2 changes) [Normal content missing] . . . . .
- (diff) FolderFolders 16:54 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 16:30 [] . . . . .
- (diff) FolderFolders 16:30 [] . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 14:25 [typo fixed] . . . . .
- (diff) DwithSwig / Windows 0:04 . . . . . JohnFletcher
July 5, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig / Linux 23:58 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Problem 23:53 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:51 (5 changes) [Reconstructed with leaf pages for the details.] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Modifications 23:46 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Windows 23:44 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Messages 23:36 [Messages from DwithSwig] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig / Examples 23:25 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) Phobos 8:25 . . . . .
July 3, 2004
- (diff) DennisLuehring 12:27 . . . . .
July 2, 2004
- (diff) TestPage 19:42 . . . . .
- (diff) DennisLuehring 18:56 [Suggestion for custom attributes] . . . . .
July 1, 2004
- (diff) DennisLuehring 14:56 (8 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 12:23 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 7:52 . . . . . ChrisSauls
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 0:32 . . . . . JohnFletcher
June 30, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 19:03 . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 4:35 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 29, 2004
- (diff) RecentChanges 16:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) RecentChanges 14:53 [] . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 14:50 . . . . .
June 28, 2004
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 19:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 19:35 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 27, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 23:21 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 22:25 (2 changes) . . . . .
June 26, 2004
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 23:18 [Spam and SWIG] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 25, 2004
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 23:16 [message from John Fletcher] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:35 [note on] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 12:17 [sorry about the spam problem] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderContributors 12:04 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderContributors 11:27 . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 2:04 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 2:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TestPage 1:54 [] . . . . .
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 1:54 [] . . . . .
June 24, 2004
- (diff) Wiki4D 17:09 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 23, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 19:51 . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 19:05 [more bit slicing posts] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 18:38 [0.93] . . . . . StewartGordon
June 22, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 1:46 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 0:06 . . . . .
June 21, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 21:00 [Added more information] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DwithSwig 18:17 . . . . .
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 17:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 20, 2004
- (diff) Wiki4D 3:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 19, 2004
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 19:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DwithSwig 1:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 18, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 10:04 [Reply to message] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) Digital Mars Comment 6:58 (5 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CppDbc 6:54 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPcomplex 6:54 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPstrings 6:53 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / PreToD 6:53 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CPPtoD 6:52 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / CtoD 6:52 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Comparison 6:51 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:51 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Acknowledgements 6:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DNews 6:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLinks 6:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ChangeLog 6:45 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Future 6:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DCompiler 6:41 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / WC 6:40 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DStyle 6:07 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 6:06 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 6:04 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HToModule 6:01 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Windows 5:57 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / ABI 5:49 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / HTML 5:49 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Portability 5:48 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Interface 5:48 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / IAsm 5:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Float 5:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Memory 5:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Garbage 5:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Errors 5:46 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Version 5:45 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DBC 5:44 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Mixin 5:44 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Template 5:44 (4 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / OperatorOverloading 5:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Function 5:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Enum 5:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Class 5:42 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Struct 5:42 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 5:41 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 5:41 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 5:41 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 5:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 5:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Type 5:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 5:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Pragma 5:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 5:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 5:37 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 5:37 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 5:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 5:01 [Added Array Literals] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DwithSwig 1:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 1:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / DLink 0:53 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 17, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:47 [Added implementation] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos 22:10 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos / stdStream 22:09 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Statement 21:58 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Arrays 21:57 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Expression 21:54 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Pragma 21:54 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Attribute 21:53 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Property 21:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments 21:51 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Type 21:49 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Declaration 21:49 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Module 21:46 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / FAQ 21:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Overview 21:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Intro 21:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Lex 21:41 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos 21:37 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocComments / Phobos / StdBase64 20:01 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Digital Mars Comment 4:03 (3 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Phobos Runtime Library 3:53 . . . . .
- (diff) DigitalMars D links 3:30 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 3:27 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D complex vs C plus plus std complex 3:26 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars FAQ 3:25 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D for Win32 3:25 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Phobos Runtime Library 3:24 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) D Design by Contract vs C plus plus 3:24 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Application Binary Interface 3:24 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Embedding D in HTML 3:24 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars The C Preprocessor vs D 3:24 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D strings vs C plus plus std string 3:24 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Converting C plus plus to D 3:24 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Converting C to D 3:24 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D vs Other 3:23 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Forum 3:23 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars News 3:23 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D Change Log 3:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars D Compiler 3:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Future 3:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Portability Guide 3:22 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DSiteComment 3:22 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Example wc 3:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Style Guide 3:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars C h to D Modules 3:21 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Functions 3:19 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Inline Assembler 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Interfacing To C 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Floating Point 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Memory Management 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Versioning 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Garbage Collection 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Handling errors 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Contracts 3:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Mixins 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Templates 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Operator Overloading 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Interfaces 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Enums 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Classes 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Arrays 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Structs and Unions 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Statements 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Expressions 3:17 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Pragmas 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Properties 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Attributes 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Types 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Declarations 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Modules 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Lexical 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Overview 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars Introduction 3:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DigitalMars C h 3:10 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Test 1:01 [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 1:00 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Arrays 1:00 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 16, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 23:37 [Solution to problem, plus better formatting.] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Phobos 17:02 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 4:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 15, 2004
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments 12:27 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DocumentationAmendments / Test 12:26 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DwithSwig 0:54 [Describe a problem] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) BestPractices 0:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 14, 2004
- (diff) HowTo / printf 17:41 [Added to ToDo] . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 13:25 [Added to references] . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo / printf 4:39 . . . . .
June 13, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 22:23 [Note of modifications in progress] . . . . . JohnFletcher
June 11, 2004
- (diff) DwithSwig 0:26 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) JohnFletcher 0:09 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) DforLinux 0:00 . . . . . JohnFletcher
June 10, 2004
- (diff) DforLinux 23:59 (2 changes) . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) JohnFletcher 23:53 . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) EricAnderton 22:10 (14 changes) . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) GuestBook 20:28 . . . . . EricAnderton
- (diff) PendingPeeves 16:04 [link to bugs 105] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 1:14 [*added references] . . . . . JohnFletcher
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / LinuxLinkOption 1:10 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 1:05 [*Added Linux Link Option request] . . . . .
June 8, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 1:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 1:38 [Default arguments in DMD 0.92] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 1:07 [DMD 0.92] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 7, 2004
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 22:24 [more NG threads] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 6, 2004
- (diff) JohnFletcher 7:18 (4 changes) [Welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 7:12 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 5, 2004
- (diff) JohnFletcher 23:48 (2 changes) [*Give reference for Andy Friesen's D page.] . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 23:27 . . . . .
June 4, 2004
- (diff) ICFP2004 / ContestTasks 19:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ICFP2004 19:22 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 5:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 3, 2004
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 18:48 . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:48 . . . . .
June 2, 2004
- (diff) IRC 20:55 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 19:08 . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 6:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
June 1, 2004
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 18:31 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 16:53 [fup on post links] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 31, 2004
- (diff) ICFP2004 / WorkHours 20:25 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ICFP2004 20:18 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:57 (2 changes) . . . . .
May 29, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 3:52 [DMD 0.91] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 3:48 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 28, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 18:40 . . . . .
May 27, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 12:43 [Filled the platform column.] . . . . .
May 26, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 17:37 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 17:01 . . . . .
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:53 . . . . .
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 8:00 [should we define a shorthand to reference newsgroup postings] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) InterfaceThreads 7:54 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) PendingPeeves 7:54 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TemplateThreads 7:53 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 7:48 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderDiscussions 7:45 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 7:44 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 5:46 . . . . .
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 1:05 [new thread] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 25, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 15:12 [asserterror is fixed] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 24, 2004
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 13:18 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 8:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderEnvironments 8:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DebugEnvironments 8:33 (4 changes) . . . . .
May 22, 2004
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 20:58 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:30 [Sather iterators] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 20, 2004
- (diff) DerekParnell 7:18 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DerekParnell 6:35 . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 6:29 . . . . .
- (diff) SDWF 0:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 19, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 15:18 (2 changes) [rearranged answers] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 11:48 [+= FolderProjects] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MixinsVsMacros 10:47 (2 changes) . . . . .
May 18, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 16:33 (3 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) SourceForgeProjects 11:04 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP2004 5:25 [dsource topic] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 2:52 [link changed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 0:59 [Implemented] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 0:58 [DMD 0.89] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 17, 2004
- (diff) MoreLinks 6:23 [urllib update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 16, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 20:18 [New DMD versions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 20:10 [Proposed spec] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 20:05 [alphabetized] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:01 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 8:18 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 4:21 [sqlite update] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 15, 2004
- (diff) HowTo 23:52 [reformated] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 19:46 [linked to Spec] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 16:25 (3 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
May 13, 2004
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 1:43 [Updated syntax] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 0:57 (3 changes) . . . . .
May 12, 2004
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 14:08 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 12:39 (11 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) ShortFrequentAnswers 7:34 . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:50 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 6:18 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) FrontPage 6:16 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) Phobos 5:26 [std.utf bug is fixed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 11, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 13:43 [clean out PP chatter] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 13:42 . . . . . StewartGordon
May 10, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 22:35 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) MoreLinks 7:55 [Dig links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 7:48 [unDig at dsource] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
May 9, 2004
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 16:10 [Fixing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 15:57 . . . . .
May 7, 2004
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 0:24 . . . . .
May 6, 2004
- (diff) HowTo / printf 21:35 [Converted some C-style casts to D-style] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 0:48 . . . . . JoelAnderson
May 5, 2004
- (diff) PendingPeeves 11:27 (2 changes) [oops, missed off the et seq] . . . . . StewartGordon
May 4, 2004
May 1, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 19:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DigitalMars 19:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 18:04 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 18:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:27 . . . . .
April 30, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 13:07 [response to JC; v0.2 coming] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 6:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 3:29 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) MoreLinks 0:53 [DigitalMars newsgroup changed] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 29, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 20:19 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BillyZelsnack 17:52 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 17:52 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 13:15 [cleaned up irrelevant chatter] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 13:14 [removed pending peeves, now on separate page] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 28, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 4:51 . . . . . JoelAnderson
April 27, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 15:50 [response to creation of PendingPeeves page] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / DelphiLanguage 4:22 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 4:20 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 2:12 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
April 26, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:12 [Changed Smalltalk list. non-class funcion: yes] . . . . .
April 25, 2004
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / BASICVariants 22:11 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 16:19 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 13:24 . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 10:22 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) WhatIsD 8:30 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 7:52 (13 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 7:01 . . . . .
April 24, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 11:49 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) ToolsAndEditors 9:32 (2 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 9:30 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:25 . . . . . MitchChapman
April 23, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 13:42 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) PendingPeeves 13:37 (5 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 13:28 . . . . .
- (diff) StewartGordon 13:27 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Coroutines 0:46 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 22, 2004
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 22:35 . . . . .
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 17:35 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WhatIsD 15:51 [spelling correction (not that I'm sure that line belongs...)] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 6:37 (16 changes) . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 5:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Mixins 5:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 21, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 20:22 (25 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ToolsAndEditors 20:00 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DocumentationHelp 19:58 . . . . .
- (diff) IdeaDiscussion 19:55 . . . . .
- (diff) RoadMaps 19:53 . . . . .
- (diff) HotSpots 19:47 . . . . .
- (diff) WhatIsD 19:40 . . . . .
- (diff) ErrorMessages 19:34 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP2004 10:03 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP 10:02 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:05 (3 changes) [reordered] . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 2:28 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / StartingWithD 2:28 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial / InstallingDCompiler 1:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 20, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 14:21 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 14:17 [array aggregate properties] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 13:29 [finally, all peeves have newsgroup post links put in] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 11:32 . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 11:28 [+SDWF] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 10:37 [reorderd, general info first] . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:55 (3 changes) [Searching for info about D] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 19, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 22:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AvailableGuiLibraries 17:58 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToAddTables 17:51 . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 17:50 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 17:30 . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 17:26 . . . . .
April 18, 2004
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 10:26 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) SDWF 5:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 17, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 19:48 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / Coroutines 18:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StewartGordon 14:44 [updated PP a little] . . . . . StewartGordon
April 16, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 19:32 [pending peeves] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:52 [Rephrased answer for rephrased question] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 15, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:08 (2 changes) . . . . .
April 14, 2004
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 21:20 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 17:31 . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:59 [Answering questions] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 13, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:14 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 7:21 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 12, 2004
April 11, 2004
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToDeletePages 17:11 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToInsertCodeSnippets 17:10 (3 changes) [new line numbering feature] . . . . .
April 10, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:55 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StewartGordon 18:56 . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 0:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 8, 2004
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 23:31 . . . . . JoelAnderson
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:54 [I/O, null ref checking, array initialisation] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 18:14 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo / printf 17:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 5, 2004
- (diff) D Tutorial 3:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 3:04 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
April 2, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 19:20 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 16:19 [retry] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 30, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:59 [*Die doesn't run on win98] . . . . .
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 22:29 [DMD 0.82 released] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 16:39 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 14:06 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
March 28, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 21:33 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 27, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 19:53 (23 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) MoreLinks 18:09 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 18:09 (4 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) WhatIsD 17:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ErrorMessages 1:28 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 26, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 16:26 . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CSharpLanguage 15:45 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 15:38 (9 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 15:26 . . . . .
March 25, 2004
March 24, 2004
- (diff) libcurl for D 7:12 . . . . .
- (diff) FolderProjects 0:38 . . . . .
- (diff) Phobos 0:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 23, 2004
- (diff) DTemplateLibrary 20:46 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 20:45 . . . . .
- (diff) Phobos 18:41 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HelpCenter 14:09 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToCreateNewPages 14:07 (8 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 3:22 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 22, 2004
- (diff) GccFrontEnd 14:26 (2 changes) . . . . .
March 21, 2004
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 23:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 18:37 . . . . .
- (diff) LarryCowan 8:58 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LarryCowan 8:57 . . . . .
March 20, 2004
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 21:27 (2 changes) . . . . . LarryCowan
- (diff) WildCard 21:07 (2 changes) . . . . . LarryCowan
- (diff) Phobos 20:58 . . . . . LarryCowan
March 19, 2004
- (diff) WildCard 21:23 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) Phobos 18:14 (6 changes) . . . . . LarryCowan
- (diff) HelpCenter 8:08 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToInsertSeparators 8:04 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToWriteBoldAndItalic 8:02 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToEdit 7:54 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToCreateFolders 7:51 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToUploadFiles 7:45 . . . . .
- (diff) FolderProjects 7:41 . . . . .
- (diff) WildCard 7:23 (3 changes) . . . . . LarryCowan
- (diff) WildCard 7:09 (2 changes) . . . . .
March 18, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 20:20 . . . . .
- (diff) WildCard 19:13 (10 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) Phobos 19:08 (6 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LarryCowan 18:17 (2 changes) . . . . .
March 15, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 20:13 . . . . .
- (diff) SDWF 18:32 [version 0.1a released] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 14, 2004
- (diff) FolderContributors 19:47 . . . . .
- (diff) PoulStaugaard 19:46 . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 19:45 . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 19:25 . . . . .
- (diff) PoulStaugaard 19:07 . . . . .
- (diff) GuestBook 18:56 . . . . .
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 18:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 13, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:22 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries / DigLibrary 18:18 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 8, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 18:31 . . . . . MarcusPerlick
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 17:23 . . . . .
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 16:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 5, 2004
- (diff) SDWF 18:33 [quirk list] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 4, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 14:43 [contributions section] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 14:28 [omission in Dialog] . . . . . StewartGordon
March 2, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport / DLangSyn 14:52 [unscrewed up backslash] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) AllLibraries 13:21 [SDWF site is now online] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 13:18 [updated now the site is online] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:25 . . . . . ChuckD
March 1, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries 15:54 [added SDWF] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) SDWF 15:51 [new page] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) StewartGordon 15:29 [updated with resources site/SDWF links] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 25, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 15:12 . . . . .
- (diff) InterfaceThreads 3:50 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 3:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 24, 2004
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 5:12 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 23, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 18:30 . . . . .
- (diff) DatabaseBindings 1:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 0:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 22, 2004
- (diff) MoreLinks 22:17 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 21, 2004
- (diff) libcurl for D 21:05 (3 changes) . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) FrontPage 18:31 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 18:28 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:28 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 18:26 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 12:44 [Added short note about A-A-P (I don't know where else to put it)] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 12:40 [Added a paragraph about A-A-P] . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 2:05 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 20, 2004
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 20:04 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 6:16 [Removed ObjectiveC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 19, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 18:00 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) Phobos 16:58 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 14:13 [some? criteria for inclusion?] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) Phobos 7:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 5:16 (10 changes) . . . . . MatthewWilson
- (diff) Phobos 1:26 . . . . .
- (diff) Phobos 1:15 . . . . .
February 18, 2004
- (diff) Phobos 21:42 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) Phobos 20:34 . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) libcurl for D 20:31 (2 changes) . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) FolderProjects 20:31 (4 changes) . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) LibcurL 20:18 (4 changes) . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) FolderContributors 20:05 (2 changes) . . . . . ChuckD
- (diff) FolderContributors 20:03 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ChuckD 20:00 (2 changes) . . . . .
February 16, 2004
- (diff) AllLibraries 22:53 . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo 21:32 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 21:32 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 13:15 [alternative case syntax] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 15, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:54 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 14, 2004
- (diff) HowTo / RealtimeTypeInformation 20:40 (6 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo 20:13 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) JoelAnderson 20:08 . . . . .
- (diff) MoreLinks 20:02 . . . . .
February 13, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 0:35 . . . . .
February 11, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:33 . . . . .
February 9, 2004
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 6:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / JavaLanguage 1:31 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 1:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
February 7, 2004
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / DelphiLanguage 6:22 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 6:00 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 2:56 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) MoreLinks 2:54 [Too much stuff was on the FrontPage] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 1:16 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / VariableArgumentLists 1:15 . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList / DefaultArguments 0:28 . . . . .
February 4, 2004
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 18:36 [fixed layout a little (is the Modules row right?)] . . . . . StewartGordon
February 2, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 8:06 . . . . .
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / BASICVariants 4:47 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 3:40 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 24, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 23:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 23, 2004
- (diff) StewartGordon 15:25 [update of D programmer status] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FrontPage 11:37 . . . . .
January 22, 2004
January 20, 2004
- (diff) HistoryRoadmap 17:05 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 4:58 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 19, 2004
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 7:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 0:59 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 18, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 23:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 13, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:48 . . . . .
January 10, 2004
- (diff) FrontPage 7:56 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 4, 2004
- (diff) DMDSourceGuide 9:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo / RegularExpressions 2:01 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo 1:55 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Original 1:51 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 1:32 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 3, 2004
- (diff) EditorSupport / DLangSyn 1:44 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 1:43 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
January 1, 2004
- (diff) CarlosSantander 1:05 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
December 30, 2003
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 2:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 24, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:21 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 7:19 . . . . .
December 22, 2003
December 21, 2003
- (diff) StringClasses 16:28 (2 changes) [stringclasses.d as posted to the newsgroup] . . . . .
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 16:19 . . . . .
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 7:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 5:57 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 20, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 4:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 1:02 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 19, 2003
December 18, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 16:30 [spelling] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 17, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 0:46 . . . . . CarlosSantander
December 15, 2003
- (diff) StewartGordon 15:53 (2 changes) [fixed unwanted link] . . . . . StewartGordon
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 15:11 (2 changes) [spelling corrections] . . . . . StewartGordon
December 10, 2003
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 21:34 (2 changes) . . . . .
December 9, 2003
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:38 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 5:14 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 4:18 . . . . .
December 8, 2003
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 9:28 . . . . .
December 7, 2003
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 23:47 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 22:18 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:42 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) AllLibraries 18:06 . . . . .
December 4, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 7:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) TemplateThreads 7:02 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 6:59 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 6:07 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DWiki / LanguageReferences 2:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) OtherLanguages 2:50 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 2:34 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 2:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) UnicodeIssues 1:31 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
December 3, 2003
- (diff) TemplateInstantiation 20:47 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 20:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 20:07 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FeatureRequestList 18:50 (5 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 18:31 . . . . .
December 2, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 6:22 (2 changes) [Removed dead links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 6:17 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / EditorSupport 6:06 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 28, 2003
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 10:52 (2 changes) . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
November 26, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport 0:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 15, 2003
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 23:25 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 21:57 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 21:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 21:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki 6:11 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / EditorSupport 6:09 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FrontPage 5:53 (4 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / NestedFunctions 5:50 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / CovariantReturnTypes 5:46 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FunctionLiterals 5:44 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / HigherOrderFunction 5:41 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) printf 5:39 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / printf 5:38 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / filter 5:36 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / fold 5:35 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / map 5:31 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / DynamicClosures 5:30 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / compose 5:27 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / ForEach 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / DeimosTemplateLibrary 5:21 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / DanielYokomiso 5:20 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / BurtonRadons 5:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / DigitalMars 5:12 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / GarbageCollection 5:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FeatureProposals 5:08 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / Refactor 5:02 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / StyleGuide 5:01 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / FirstClassFunctions 4:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki / LanguageReferences 4:40 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 12, 2003
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 10:24 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
November 7, 2003
- (diff) BestPractices 21:42 (5 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BestPractices 8:07 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 1:37 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 6, 2003
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 9:55 (3 changes) . . . . .
November 5, 2003
- (diff) MatthewWilson 22:28 (12 changes) . . . . . MatthewWilson
- (diff) SynSoft 22:25 . . . . . MatthewWilson
- (diff) FrontPage 4:49 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 4:45 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / BASICVariants 4:14 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) HowTo 1:16 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 1:03 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 0:37 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 4, 2003
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 23:49 (18 changes) . . . . . LunaKid
- (diff) BooleanNotEquBit 10:46 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 10:45 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 7:21 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
November 2, 2003
- (diff) NeighborHood 22:02 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) NeighborHood 18:53 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) DWiki 18:52 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 18:46 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) EditorSupport 18:41 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 8:31 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 8:28 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / PlainC 8:21 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 8:18 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 8:02 [Added Links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 31, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 9:40 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 9:38 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
October 29, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 21:28 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 19:27 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) XyzTest 16:35 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 16:33 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StdOsLinuxComments 10:14 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) StandardLibrary / Layout 10:13 . . . . .
- (diff) StandardLibrary / Layout 7:32 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary 7:28 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 7:27 [Welcome] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 26, 2003
- (diff) LarsIvarIgesund 23:17 (2 changes) . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) GuestBook 23:03 . . . . . LarsIvarIgesund
- (diff) FrontPage 11:28 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 24, 2003
October 16, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:24 . . . . .
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 0:02 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 15, 2003
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 23:58 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 9:23 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 12, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:56 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 11, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 0:44 . . . . .
October 8, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 23:18 (2 changes) [added group link for DIDE] . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 1:00 (2 changes) . . . . .
October 7, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport / SyntaxFile 13:43 (2 changes) . . . . .
October 6, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport / SyntaxFile 17:40 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 17:38 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 5, 2003
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 23:14 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) D Tutorial 5:10 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
October 4, 2003
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 9:49 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 3, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:44 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 19:35 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut 18:56 (75 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary / DraftHelmut / CanonicalFunction 16:57 (10 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary / CanonicalFunction 16:27 (6 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary / ModuleHierarchy 12:38 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary 9:26 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary / WaltersInitialStatement 9:16 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WaltersInitialStatement 9:16 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
October 2, 2003
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:43 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 30, 2003
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 0:55 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 28, 2003
- (diff) ReferenceForTools 17:47 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 26, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 0:23 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) IRC 0:20 [IRC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 25, 2003
- (diff) GCW 13:51 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 19, 2003
- (diff) ImplementationDetail 16:32 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 9:41 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 18, 2003
- (diff) wxD 20:55 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 15, 2003
- (diff) UnnamedRAD 0:01 . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander 0:01 . . . . . CarlosSantander
September 14, 2003
- (diff) UnnamedRAD 21:14 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander 12:54 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 5:01 (3 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
September 13, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 23:15 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 22:34 (3 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) WiKi 15:20 . . . . .
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 15:20 . . . . .
September 12, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 1:00 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) CarlosSantander 0:27 . . . . . CarlosSantander
September 11, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 9:42 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 9, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 19:34 (3 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander 17:37 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 16:53 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SuggestedProjects 14:47 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 7, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 19:59 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
September 4, 2003
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 8:21 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 6:32 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) D Tutorial 6:31 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / BASICVariants 6:29 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 5:34 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 3, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 2:47 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
September 2, 2003
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo / CplusPlus 9:13 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) NotesForProgrammersUsedTo 8:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 30, 2003
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / SortHash 23:06 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / Snippets 23:06 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 16:16 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 29, 2003
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 17:32 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 28, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport 5:57 . . . . .
August 27, 2003
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures / ArrayReserve 14:31 (8 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SuggestedFeatures 12:16 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 26, 2003
- (diff) VenusLibrary 23:03 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditorSupport 9:40 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 5:37 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) NewsDmD 5:34 [web interface links] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
August 25, 2003
- (diff) D Tutorial 21:47 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 21:37 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) StandardLibrary 20:49 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 12:17 (8 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 24, 2003
- (diff) FolderMembers 12:41 (5 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Search 12:40 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MatthewWilson 12:39 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 12:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DavidGrizzle 12:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DanLiebgold 12:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderContributors 12:35 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 12:34 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SuggestedProjects 8:23 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 8:14 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 23, 2003
- (diff) VenusLibrary / random 10:20 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 22, 2003
- (diff) EditorSupport 21:05 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditingEnvironments 14:46 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 21, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:41 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 21:29 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
August 20, 2003
- (diff) AllLibraries 13:21 . . . . .
- (diff) MessageBoard 12:52 (2 changes) . . . . .
August 15, 2003
August 8, 2003
July 31, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 8:36 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 1:40 . . . . .
July 24, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 13:43 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FAQ 13:36 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 23, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 6:30 [IRC] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 19, 2003
- (diff) TommyCarlier 8:40 [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 18, 2003
- (diff) TommyCarlier 20:14 . . . . .
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 7:53 . . . . .
July 16, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 17:42 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 12, 2003
- (diff) GuestBook 7:32 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 1:35 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 1:34 (2 changes) [Reorganizing] . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 11, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:16 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 3:12 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 3:10 (3 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 10, 2003
- (diff) GCW 13:13 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 9, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 6:32 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
July 5, 2003
- (diff) DavidGrizzle 9:31 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 3, 2003
- (diff) DavidGrizzle 15:31 (2 changes) . . . . . DavidGrizzle
- (diff) GuestBook 15:24 . . . . . DavidGrizzle
July 2, 2003
- (diff) GCW 9:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
July 1, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 16:08 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 13:46 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP 7:43 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP 4:23 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WhyWeFailed 4:22 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 3:55 (2 changes) . . . . .
June 30, 2003
- (diff) GCW 16:34 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / MessageBoard 16:00 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / MessageBoard 14:41 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / MessageBoard 14:03 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 13:49 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 13:38 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 29, 2003
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 22:52 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP 20:03 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 19:50 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksNic 18:44 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / gnuplot 18:13 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / track2img 13:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 12:12 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / DesignOverview 9:38 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / DesignOverview 7:30 . . . . .
June 28, 2003
- (diff) ICFP 21:49 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / DesignOverview 20:40 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 17:13 (6 changes) . . . . . IlyaMinkov
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 17:08 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 16:59 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 16:09 (10 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 15:27 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksDaniel 14:29 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 14:26 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 13:32 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / MessageBoard 12:50 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksNic 12:49 (2 changes) [Hi Nic] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 12:21 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / TasksNic 11:47 . . . . .
- (diff) BurtonRadons 11:13 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / track2img 9:43 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksHelmut 9:30 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksOverall 9:20 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksBurton 8:51 . . . . . BurtonRadons
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 6:42 . . . . . BurtonRadons
- (diff) ICFP / TasksDaniel 6:23 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 6:22 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / Een 6:17 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / EenWithTrace 6:17 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track9 6:12 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TrackImages 6:12 (10 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track8 6:11 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track7 6:10 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track6 6:09 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track5 6:08 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track4 6:06 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track3 5:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track1 5:56 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Track2 5:56 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksBurton 2:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 1:10 . . . . . BurtonRadons
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 1:08 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 0:35 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 0:31 (2 changes) . . . . . IlyaMinkov
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 0:30 . . . . . BurtonRadons
June 27, 2003
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 23:52 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 23:43 . . . . .
- (diff) ICFP / WikiBasics 21:49 (12 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP 21:33 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GCW 8:10 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 6:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 3:02 . . . . .
June 26, 2003
- (diff) GCW 11:33 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Implementation 11:28 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Documentation 11:27 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksOverall 11:26 (10 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TestData 11:24 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Testing 11:23 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TasksHelmut 11:20 (12 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP 10:57 (8 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalysis 10:56 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / ProblemAnalyses 10:56 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / Templates 10:20 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GC-Workgroup 9:57 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / TaskTemplates 9:51 (7 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / DesignOverview 9:51 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / CVS 9:50 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / IRC 9:49 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ICFP / WorkHours 9:43 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 16, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 11:04 . . . . . BurtonRadons
June 15, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 19:41 . . . . .
June 13, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:23 (5 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:53 . . . . .
June 12, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 2:11 (2 changes) . . . . .
June 11, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:21 . . . . .
- (diff) MessageBoard 1:58 [Corrections for Eiffel] . . . . .
June 10, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:41 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:19 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:35 . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:55 (2 changes) . . . . .
June 9, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:59 . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:49 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 22:42 (5 changes) . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:44 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 20:08 (7 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:33 (4 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / CurrentDiff 16:02 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 15:51 . . . . .
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 15:47 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) JustinCalvarese 5:25 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:44 (4 changes) . . . . .
June 8, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 12:11 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
June 7, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 16:23 (6 changes) . . . . . MarkT
June 6, 2003
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 22:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 1:32 . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:57 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 0:31 (2 changes) . . . . .
June 5, 2003
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 23:34 (27 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 23:24 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 22:11 (5 changes) . . . . . GeorgWrede
- (diff) LanguagesVersusD 21:57 . . . . .
June 1, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 7:56 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) FrontPage 7:27 . . . . .
May 26, 2003
- (diff) TestPage 6:15 . . . . .
- (diff) HowTo / printf 6:14 . . . . .
May 19, 2003
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 22:29 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 18:42 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 18:13 . . . . .
May 18, 2003
- (diff) MessageBoard 21:07 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
May 17, 2003
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:43 (2 changes) . . . . . MarkT
May 9, 2003
- (diff) VenusLibrary / Documentation 16:23 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
May 5, 2003
- (diff) VenusLibrary / Documentation 14:28 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
May 4, 2003
- (diff) VenusLibrary / Documentation 22:50 (9 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SourceGuide 22:10 . . . . . IlyaMinkov
- (diff) FrontPage 21:59 . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / Snippets 21:50 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) VenusLibrary / Philosophy 21:30 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) VenusLibrary 20:48 (15 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderVenus 19:31 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) VenusLibary 19:17 (10 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 30, 2003
- (diff) TommyCarlier 7:35 (2 changes) [Welcome!] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 26, 2003
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 17:04 [Spelling] . . . . .
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Original 16:56 [Spelling] . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DirFindFile 16:52 [Correct spelling.] . . . . .
April 25, 2003
- (diff) TommyCarlier 23:10 (3 changes) . . . . . TommyCarlier
- (diff) GuestBook 23:08 . . . . . TommyCarlier
April 23, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 17:24 (16 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 22, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 18:38 (21 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 19, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 9:25 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 18, 2003
- (diff) HowTo / printf 23:58 (10 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / PdfNotes 15:56 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 15:48 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 10:11 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 17, 2003
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / DiffLog 22:16 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 22:09 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 20:10 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 16:57 . . . . .
April 16, 2003
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 16:35 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 15, 2003
- (diff) davepermen 14:00 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) davepermen 13:00 . . . . .
April 14, 2003
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Ver3 14:26 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 13, 2003
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Original 22:04 (33 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Ver3 21:02 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Ver2 21:00 (2 changes) . . . . . JustinCalvarese
- (diff) GuestBook 20:04 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Ver3 18:41 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Ver2 18:40 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification 18:00 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / Original 13:52 (27 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) LanguageSpecification / MatthewWilson 11:46 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 12, 2003
- (diff) TestPage 20:18 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 20:16 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) MatthewWilson 5:35 (3 changes) . . . . .
April 11, 2003
- (diff) NewsDmD 16:01 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 15:23 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiFaq 10:15 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelpCenter 9:26 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 10, 2003
- (diff) MatthewWilson 17:41 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderMembers 16:33 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / Snippets 16:27 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DelegateHack 16:17 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DirFindFile 16:16 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) compile 16:15 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Search 16:03 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderAuthors 16:00 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MatthewWilson 15:39 . . . . .
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 7:57 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 9, 2003
- (diff) MatthewWilson 23:37 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) UnifiedSourceTree 23:34 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 12:19 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 8, 2003
- (diff) CarlosSantander 22:39 (3 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander 14:56 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 7, 2003
- (diff) Benchmarks 14:45 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 7:44 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WalterBright 7:35 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 6, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:03 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditingEnvironments 22:14 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 13:42 (5 changes) [Great!] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelpCenter 9:02 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / StructSort 8:36 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) compile 6:06 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) TestPage 5:55 (2 changes) . . . . . CarlosSantander
- (diff) CarlosSantander 5:43 . . . . . CarlosSantander
April 5, 2003
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / StructSort 22:49 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ToDo 22:46 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TypeInfo 22:45 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / Snippets 22:34 (11 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) NewsDmD 22:32 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 22:29 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 15:13 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 14:51 . . . . .
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 14:49 . . . . .
- (diff) MessageBoard 14:42 . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner / DirFindFile 13:34 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) D Tutorial 8:46 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / WhatIsaFolder 8:44 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToPutPagesIntoFolders 8:39 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 7:52 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 3:25 . . . . .
April 4, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:34 (8 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 16:56 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HowToWiki 16:56 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 3, 2003
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 18:16 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 17:11 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) QuickWeb 14:50 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelpCenter 14:49 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 14:45 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) NeighborHood 14:40 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp / HowToPutPagesIntoFolders 14:30 (13 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiHelp 14:09 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Search 14:05 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) D Tutorial 14:00 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderFreePage 12:56 (5 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderFreePages 12:55 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FreePage 12:55 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) MessageBoard 11:12 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 11:05 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FreeDocumentationLicense 10:53 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FDL 10:46 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 7:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 7:27 . . . . .
April 2, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 23:49 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderProjects 12:25 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) compile 12:18 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 9:38 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) CarlosSantander 8:27 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 8:16 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
April 1, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 15:16 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 15:14 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WalterBright 14:40 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) InterWebLinks 14:39 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DWiki 14:39 (12 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EvaluationGuide / Preparations 14:33 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EditingEnvironments 11:26 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HowToWiki 11:18 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) QuickWeb 10:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WhatIsaWiki 10:36 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 10:31 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) GuestBook 10:25 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) OneMinuteWiki 10:23 (18 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
March 31, 2003
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 23:30 (41 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 22:06 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 20:32 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 18:29 (8 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EvaluationGuide / Preparations 16:05 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 8:26 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 7:43 . . . . . JustinCalvarese
March 30, 2003
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 21:05 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 21:02 (14 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ExamplesRoadmap 14:26 (2 changes) . . . . .
March 29, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 18:32 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:17 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 10:28 (17 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) EvaluationGuide 9:41 (22 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 8:53 (6 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 8:22 . . . . .
March 28, 2003
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 20:23 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) InterWebLinks 16:51 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 16:37 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Search 16:21 . . . . .
- (diff) TestPage 16:20 (7 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) Wiki4D 11:56 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ProWikiSoftware 11:55 (3 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 7:09 . . . . .
March 27, 2003
- (diff) WikiWeb 22:46 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 22:16 . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 21:55 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 18:51 (27 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) WhatIsaWiki 18:42 (5 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 18:25 . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 17:08 (24 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FaqRoadmap 17:00 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WalterBright 16:45 . . . . .
- (diff) WikiWeb 12:40 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WhatIsaWiki 12:39 (7 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) Wiki4D 12:32 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
March 26, 2003
- (diff) Search 20:07 (6 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) ProWikiSoftware 18:45 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WikiWeb 18:44 (4 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 18:28 (28 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) WalterBright 18:17 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) DigitalMars 18:16 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TestPage 17:55 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SandBox 17:54 (3 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TextSearch 17:51 [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) TextSearch 17:51 (7 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 17:44 (5 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) DanLiebgold 17:39 (3 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FrontPage 17:35 (2 changes) . . . . .
- (diff) FolderWiki 14:17 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderMembers 14:11 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) HelmutLeitner 14:10 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderRoadmaps 14:07 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
March 24, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 20:52 (5 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
March 20, 2003
March 14, 2003
- (diff) FrontPage 18:06 . . . . .
- (diff) SandBox 9:22 . . . . .
- (diff) SandBox 7:29 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) SandBox 1:32 (2 changes) . . . . .
March 13, 2003
- (diff) SandBox 23:49 (12 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderExamples 23:41 (2 changes) . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderFolders 23:41 . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FolderFolder 23:41 (2 changes) [Page deleted.] . . . . . HelmutLeitner
- (diff) FrontPage 23:27 . . . . . HelmutLeitner