May 3, 2006
Wiki Nesting
Difference (last change) (Author, normal page display)

Changed: 1c1
WikiNesting means that a Wiki may contains parts of its PageHierarchy that are configured to act like separate wikis, so-called SubWikis. They again may contain SubWikis, in a nested (or "Recursive") form.
WikiNesting means that a Wiki may contains parts of its PageHierarchy that are configured to act like separate wikis, so-called SubWikis. These SubWikis may again contain parts that are SubWikis, in a nested (the computer jargon is "Recursive") form.

WikiNesting means that a Wiki may contains parts of its PageHierarchy that are configured to act like separate wikis, so-called SubWikis. These SubWikis may again contain parts that are SubWikis, in a nested (the computer jargon is "Recursive") form.
