April 14, 2006
Txtr Files
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Changed: 1c1
TxtrFiles are files "{DataDir}/page/.../*.<n>txt r</n>" that contain the revisions of wiki pages. RCS is used to manage these files. This is low-level implementation information.
TxtrFiles are files "{DataDir}/page/.../*.<n>txt r</n>" that contain the revisions of wiki pages. The RCS system is used to manage these files. This is low-level implementation information.

TxtrFiles are files "{DataDir}/page/.../*.txt_r" that contain the revisions of wiki pages. The RCS system is used to manage these files. This is low-level implementation information.

See also:

  • DwFiles -- the files where the text (content) of the wiki pages are stored
  • DbFiles -- the files where the meta data of the wiki pages are stored

FolderGlossary FolderLowLevel