May 16, 2006
Search Function
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Changed: 1,10c1
You can do a full text search through all wiki pages. Usually there is a page like Search that offers a convient input form.

* titles: search the titles of all pages
* texts: search the bodies of all pages
* words-only: search for a matching word (search for "page" won't find "pages")
* match-case: upper and lower case does count ("Wiki" won't find "wiki")
* regex: you may use Perl regular expressions in searching ("\d{5}" will find 5 digits like "12239")

Regular expression provide very powerful searching options, but it is too complicated to describe in a few words or in page. Please refer to books about the Perl programming language.
You can do a full text search through all wiki pages. Usually there is a page like Search that offers a convenient SearchForm.

You can do a full text search through all wiki pages. Usually there is a page like Search that offers a convenient SearchForm.

FolderWikiFeatures FolderSearching