June 9, 2008
How To Admin /
Register AUser

Difference (last change) (Author, normal page display)

Changed: 3c3,4
* "Preferences" - AdditionalFunction "User Adminstration" at the bottom of the page.
* chose "Preferences"
** chose "User Adminstration" at the bottom of the page (you must be logged in to get this additional function)

Changed: 5c6,7
* using the command ActionAdmin
* use the command ActionAdmin from the command line
** (if you are not logged in, you are requested to do so, then you pass into the user adminstration form)

Users, having specific rights, are registers by the Admin. This is done using the user administration form that can be acccessed in one of two ways:

  • chose "Preferences"
    • chose "User Adminstration" at the bottom of the page (you must be logged in to get this additional function)
  • use the command ActionAdmin from the command line
    • (if you are not logged in, you are requested to do so, then you pass into the user adminstration form)