July 3, 2006
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iso-8859-1 is the most popular 8-Bit-encoding for WebPages, because it contains the most needed foreign characters for the European languages. It is the same encoding that is widely used by the MS Windows operation system.

See also:
* UTF-8 -- the most popular encoding for Unicode, to be able to encode all existing character glyphs.
* Option/WikiUnicode -- decides whether a ProWiki uses iso-8859-1 or UTF-8.

FolderGlossary FolderProgramming

iso-8859-1 is the most popular 8-Bit-encoding for WebPages, because it contains the most needed foreign characters for the European languages. It is the same encoding that is widely used by the MS Windows operation system.

See also:

FolderGlossary FolderProgramming