May 11, 2006
Work Space
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Changed: 1c1,9
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A WorkSpace is a part of a wiki that is configured for the personal use by an individal user or for a user group. It's less detached than a SubWiki.

Typical elements used:
* CdmlList -- display a list of all pages, either similar to RecentChanges (most recently changed pages on top) or similar to the Index.
* CdmlCalendar -- display a calender containing dates
* RcSuppress -- suppress the RecentChanges display of changed WorkSpace pages

FolderWikiFeatures FolderStructures

A WorkSpace is a part of a wiki that is configured for the personal use by an individal user or for a user group. It's less detached than a SubWiki.

Typical elements used:

FolderWikiFeatures FolderStructures