May 15, 2006
Protected Variables
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The ProWikiScript protects a number of variable from being changed from the UserInterface, by ActionSet or through ContextPages. Only the Supervisor is able to change them by editing the configuration files.


The names of variables that need special protection should be added to this hash.


The ProWikiScript protects a number of variable from being changed from the UserInterface, by ActionSet or through ContextPages. Only the Supervisor is able to change them by editing the configuration files.

Variable %VarLockedHash:
AllowEdit => n
ContextPageName => n
CookieName => n
DataDir => n
DateLimit => n
DefaultRights => n
ExecutablesDir => n
GlobalDir => n
PageLimit => n
ScriptFile => n
TemplateInsertPassList => n
UploadUserQuotaMax => n
UploadWikiQuota => n
UserName => n
WebDir => n
WikiBase => n
WikiCharset => n

The names of variables that need special protection should be added to this hash.
