June 10, 2006
How To Program /
Check Wiki Output

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Sometimes it is desirable to look at the exact output that is delivered to the client browser as an answer to a specific request. ProWiki can be configured to store a duplicate of this answer as a file.

* Your name must be defined as ProgrammerName (usually you do this in the ServerConfigFile).
* The flag StoreAnswer (0/1) must be turned ON (1).
* You must be logged in as the ProgrammerName.

* The answer to the request (which you typically initiate yourself from a client browser) is written to the AnswerFile "answer.txt" located in the DataDir directory.
* Each of your requests overwrites this file.

FolderProgramming FolderFiles

Sometimes it is desirable to look at the exact output that is delivered to the client browser as an answer to a specific request. ProWiki can be configured to store a duplicate of this answer as a file.


  • The answer to the request (which you typically initiate yourself from a client browser) is written to the AnswerFile "answer.txt" located in the DataDir directory.
  • Each of your requests overwrites this file.

FolderProgramming FolderFiles