May 7, 2006
Command /
Action Upload

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ActionUpload is used to access a personal upload directory. Users can store files there, link to them from wiki pages and elsewhere, rename them and delete them. This function is accessable after Login from a link "upload directory" on the bottom of the "Preferences" page.

The content of the UploadDirectory is invisible to the public but the files are accessable and usable for downloading, viewing and linking. To use this function you must have a valid login (be a registered user).

Syntax and example:

* ThisWiki:action=upload

There are subforms for:
* uploading (up to 3 files at a time)
* deleting (up to 3 files at a time)
* renaming (up to 3 files at a time), see UploadedFileRename

Files in the upload directory may be accesses:
* by using a complete URL:
* or by using the Upload abbreviation:
** Upload:HelmutLeitner/

The upload directory is user specific, not wiki specific. There is a quota (a maximum space limit for all files calculated in Bytes) that is a sum of all quotas that a user has from being a registered member of several wikis.


ActionUpload is used to access a personal upload directory. Users can store files there, link to them from wiki pages and elsewhere, rename them and delete them. This function is accessable after Login from a link "upload directory" on the bottom of the "Preferences" page.

The content of the UploadDirectory is invisible to the public but the files are accessable and usable for downloading, viewing and linking. To use this function you must have a valid login (be a registered user).

Syntax and example:

There are subforms for:
  • uploading (up to 3 files at a time)
  • deleting (up to 3 files at a time)
  • renaming (up to 3 files at a time), see UploadedFileRename
Files in the upload directory may be accesses: The upload directory is user specific, not wiki specific. There is a quota (a maximum space limit for all files calculated in Bytes) that is a sum of all quotas that a user has from being a registered member of several wikis.
