April 18, 2006
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Apache is the most often used WebServer software.

* WikiPedia:Apache

There are a number of situations with a wiki (or ProWiki) when you will need to deal with the Apache running on your WebServer. This is typically done by (1) changing the Apache configuration file(s) and (2) restarting Apache.

When do you need do know about Apache:
* when you want to have a domain pointing directly to your wiki. See /VirtualHost and HowToAdmin/Configure a Domain
* when you want to change the URL that is displayed to the user. See /mod rewrite
* when you want to deliver special file types. See /MimeTypes

FolderSoftware FolderApache

Apache is the most often used WebServer software.

There are a number of situations with a wiki (or ProWiki) when you will need to deal with the Apache running on your WebServer. This is typically done by (1) changing the Apache configuration file(s) and (2) restarting Apache.

When do you need do know about Apache:

FolderSoftware FolderApache