May 18, 2006
Action Pagesall
Difference (previous author) (Change, Edit, normal page display)

Changed: 1c1,11
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ActionTextall displays a single WebPage containing the whole content of the wiki, as an alphabetical sequence of all WikiPages. This command needs Admin UserStatus.

* ThisWiki:action=pagesall
* ThisWiki:action=pagesall&template=p (printer friendly)

Depending on the size of a wiki this command may either take a while to execute or may even become unexecutable because of limitation of server memory or execution time for the single process.

For smaller wikis it is a convenient way to produce a complete printout.


ActionTextall displays a single WebPage containing the whole content of the wiki, as an alphabetical sequence of all WikiPages. This command needs Admin UserStatus.

Depending on the size of a wiki this command may either take a while to execute or may even become unexecutable because of limitation of server memory or execution time for the single process.

For smaller wikis it is a convenient way to produce a complete printout.
